Wooden Toys And Plastic Toys Know The Difference}

Wooden Toys And Plastic Toys – Know The Difference


Gen Wright

What makes a wooden toy a desirable artifact to collect? Consider the items below:

1. Wood can be made into toys suitable for outdoors or indoors. Plastic toys break easily, and is no where near wooden toys when it comes to durability.

2. Miniature wooden toys make the ideal gifts for both adults and children.

3. Wooden toys are often pass the test of time with flying colors, as they never seem to fade away.

4. Wooden toys are excellent toys for pretend play. They can be reused again and again to play out different scenarios, thus providing hours of fun and entertainment.

5. Simple wooden toys engages children and motivates them to think.

6. The color, size and shape of wooden toys may vary. Young children can benefit from wooden toys greatly because toys like wooden puzzles help a child’s mind to grow.

7. Wooden toys are suitable for both boys and girls. There are toys like toy cars and toy furniture that are suitable for both genders.

There are many different types of wooden toys. They include flyers, soft toys, puzzles, pedal cars, toy furniture and more. A mint condition wooden toy means that it comes with its original toy box. And these toys are often worth more. In the popular fairy tale Pinocchio, the puppet is made from wood.

For education purposes, many wooden toys such as beads, mazes and puzzles are used. This is because they don’t break easily and can be used over and over again.

Plastic eventually starts to replace wood when it comes to making toys and its cheaper for mass production. Hence, many toy makers switched to plastic. But given the many advantages wooden toys have over plastic toys, wooden toys will never truly be replaced.

Toy collectors like collecting wooden toys more because they are more durable. And although plastic toys cost less than wooden toys, they often break more easily, making them less desirable to keep in a collection. Also, isn’t it funny why wooden toys have managed to retain its popularity over the years? That’s because there are many different types of wooden toys, and surely, some must have captured the hearts of the collectors.

So where do you start looking for wooden toys? The Internet of course! The Internet is a good place to source for wooden toys as most modern toy stores don’t have them on their shelves any more. Once you manage to find the toy that you want, learn how to preserve it.

It’s rather simple to preserve a wooden toy. Protect it from dirt and grind by cleaning the surface with some clean water regularly. A rust inhibitor is optional.

It is not uncommon to find wooden toys that cost much more than plastic toys. That’s because crafting a sophisticated wooden toy takes years of practice and experience.

Finally, assume nothing when it comes to safety. Always read the labels to make sure that paints are child friendly before giving the wooden toy to a child.

For more information on

wooden toys


quality wooden toys

, please visit our toy resource site.

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