7 Ways The Internet Has Changed Marketing Forever

7 Ways the Internet Has Changed Marketing Forever


Paul Son

The marketing landscape has shifted radically since the arrival of the internet and at amazing pace. After all, just ten years ago people would have asked what’s Google?


Here are seven crucial ways that the internet has changed marketing forever: 1) Cost There was a time when even the most basic marketing campaigns cost money – and lots of it. Direct mail, for example, meant paying to have materials written, designed, proofed and printed – then delivered to thousands of addresses. It was expensive, with a relatively poor return on investment. Now, at the touch of a button, you can send an email to everyone on your mailing list for free. And, it’s measurable…which brings us onto the second point: 2) Measurability With extra pressure to justify media spend, marketing departments need ways to track defined metrics. Through analytics programmes and other software you can measure your traffic, conversions and ROI and make immediate strategic decisions about your website. It’s not that traditional marketing can’t be measured, it’s just that you have so many more options and metrics to control and analyse online. 3) Reach The internet isn’t bound by geography. A small business in Devon could easily market to customers in San Diego. While businesses can still use the internet to target local traffic, marketers can now cast their nets into areas and demographics that they wouldn’t have dreamed of a decade ago. Plus, people can engage with a company any time they like. It can be midday or midnight a website should always be accessible, unlike high street shops constrained by their opening times. 4) Search and keywords Search is one of the most powerful forms of online marketing. Getting high rankings in the search engines for terms relevant to your business can have a huge effect on sales. The beauty of search engine optimisation is that it helps you discover what your customers want through keyword research and helps you deliver the appropriate results. Analysing keywords is also free market research. By mapping what users enter into search engines you’re getting a window into your customers’ minds. Instead of paying for focus groups and surveys, or relying on sheer guesswork, you can find out what they want and give it to them. 5) Direction With most traditional marketing the message is brought to the consumer – sometimes known as push marketing. Online, things are much more complex. Users decide what they want to reach via search engines. They block ads and shy away from hype. Internet marketing is more about engagement or pull marketing. This is why the following is so important… 6) Content Content reigns supreme on the web. You could look at Google as the ultimate content provider and Google’s ability to deliver relevant content enables it to generate billions in online advertising. Consumers now use the internet to research, find entertainment, share opinions, read, watch videos, socialise and educate themselves. Customers demand information. An abundance of info can be skimmed, but a lack of information cannot be remedied. Be useful, meaningful, genuine and open and you’ll avoid getting lumped in with the avalanche of spam and pointless content. You can use SEO and PPC (Pay Per Click) campaigns to help ensure that you deliver relevant content that users love. 7) Interaction When marketers throw around the words social and web 2.0 they aren’t just using buzzwords (well, maybe just a little.) The internet is build on interactivity whether that be through social networking sites or simply clicking on a hyperlink. Internet users now demand the ability to connect with each other online through blogs, comments, personal profiles, reviews, favourite lists anything that allows individual expression. The significance of this for the canny marketer is that you can’t push products on people online. Customers are now encouraged to engage with a company and its brand, offering feedback, connecting with like-minded people and even joining social networks. Ultimately, your customers are your best marketers online, and treating them well can be extremely productive.

Paul Son is a consultant in

Vertical Leap

who has immense knowledge on

ppc search engine promotion

, ppc, pay per click advertising.

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7 Ways the Internet Has Changed Marketing Forever

Ybglob It Solutions India Explains Important Flash Features.

YBGLOB IT Solutions India explains important flash features.



Throughout our website you’ll find notes that tell you about important flash features, as well as issues to avoid. You’ll also find a liberal helping of tips that are designed to streamline your flash work flow. You’ll find insights and interesting tidbits about flash related subjects in the Did You Know sidebars. We have also included a generous helping of how to sidebars, in which you’ll find information on how to create elements for your flash movies. To help users who want to become familiar with the more advanced features of flash 8 professional, our website includes flash professional sidebars, which explain the expanded features and provide information on how to use them.


Our goal was to produce a website that provides you with a desktop reference for the most popular flash features, as well as to give you some real world examples of flash that you can use in your daily work. We sincerely hope that you’ll find the information in these pages helpful and entertaining. If we’ve done our job right, this copy will find a place near your computer and quickly become dog-eared from repeated readings. It’s a safe bet that you’re familiar with flash and its tremendous potential as a multimedia design tool. Most likely you want to learn how to animate in flash, save the animation, and put it up on the web or output to video or DVD. Perhaps you want to learn how to add interactivity to your flash movie so your viewers can press buttons and drag objects to trigger events. Or maybe you don’t quite know what you want to do with it yet and you want to take it for a test run to see what its capabilities are. Whoever you are and whatever your reasons are for visiting our website, one thing has to be true: You are probably anxious to get started and make a flash movie. Flash 8 is an application with multiple layers of complexity, so it’s not something you can easily master overnight. In addition to the drawing and animation capabilities of flash 8, the flash scripting language, Action Script, exists as an entirely different entity within the application. The flash 8 professional version of the application contains many advanced programming features, and for developers interested in programming, this would be their version of choice Action Script is a complex scripting language and it can take years for nonprogrammers to master. But don’t be discouraged; the good news is that even a beginner can jump right into flash and start making movies right away without any prior knowledge of Action Script. A beginner can even incorporate a simple script into his or her movies while still knowing very little about Action Script. So things are looking up already. By doing so, you can take a look under the flash 8 hood, kick the tries, and get a feel for how it drives before getting seriously engrossed in the application. You will experience the excitement of creating a flash movie that has motion and a script attached.

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