Archives 2020

Australia to lose $2 billion due to Japanese disasters

Friday, April 1, 2011

The fallout from earthquake and tsunami catastrophes in Japan will cost Australia about A$2 billion in lost export earnings in the near term due to lower Australian exports to Japan, according to estimates in a Treasury brief released Thursday. After China, Japan is Australia’s largest export market, making up 15 percent of its total exports.

The tragic events in Japan—together with the impact of floods and Cyclone Yasi at home—will clearly mean revenues take a substantial hit in the near term.

“The tragic events in Japan—together with the impact of floods and Cyclone Yasi at home—will clearly mean revenues take a substantial hit in the near term”, Treasurer Wayne Swan said in the brief.

Short term exports of “non-rural bulk commodities” are predicted to be lower as Japanese port facilities, coal-fired power stations and steel-making plants were damaged. Businesses whose export products are designated for Japan must find other customers to replace Japanese clients, the brief said. The loss of Japanese markets has been a contributor to a 6 percent drop in the price of iron ore and an 8 percent drop in the price of coal. Japan imports account for 27 percent of Australia’s iron ore and coal exports.

Also on Thursday, Japan’s manufacturing production index experienced its sharpest fall in the decade since data has been collected, indicating a steep fall in output for most businesses in Japan in March. Recently, Japanese industry seemed to be rebounding from the global financial crisis.

In Asia, concern is mounting that the electricity shortages and other disruptions to Japan’s manufacturing sector will affect manufacturing in various areas of Asia, since the manufacturing of many goods are dependent on the integrated network of supply chains.

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Glasgow cannabis enthusiasts celebrate ‘green’ on city green

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Coinciding with Easter Sunday, Glasgow Cannabis Social Club’s annual 420 event was held on Glasgow Green, under sunny blue skies, and overlooking the river Clyde. Despite the city’s council attempting to revoke permission for the gathering at the last minute, police were happy for it to go-ahead with approximately a dozen officers attending in high-visibility vests.

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The Daily Record reported five arrests were made for minor offences, likely smoking and possession of small quantities of cannabis. Taking a less-sensational — and more accurate — line of reporting, the Monday edition of Glasgow’s Evening News stated five were referred to the Procurator Fiscal who is responsible for deciding if charges should be brought.

Official figures provided by the police were that 150 attended. With people coming and going, Wikinews reporters estimated upwards of 200 attended, compared to nearly 700 who had signed up for the event on Facebook. Hemp goods were advertised and on sale at the event, and some attendees were seen drinking cannabis-themed energy drinks.

“I was searched and charged under the Misuse of Drugs Act (which is a lot of bollocks)” one attendee noted online, adding “not fair to happen on a brilliant day like it was, other than that I had a great day!” A second said they were openly smoking and ignored by police, who “were only really focusing on people who looked particularly young”.

Cannabis seeds were openly and legally sold at the event and a hydroponics supplier brought a motortrike towing an advertising trailer. Actually growing cannabis is, however, illegal in the UK.

With the event openly advocating the legalisation of cannabis, speakers put their arguments for this to a receptive crowd. Retired police officer James Duffy, of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition, spoke of the failed United States alcohol prohibition policy; stressing such policies needlessly bring people into contact with criminal elements. Highlighting other countries where legalisation has been implemented, he pointed out such led to lower crime, and lower drug use overall.

One speaker, who produced a bottle of cannabis oil he had received through the post, asserted this cured his prostate cancer. Others highlighted the current use of Sativex by the National Health Service, with a cost in-excess of £150 for a single bottle of GW Pharmaceuticals patented spray — as-compared to the oil shown to the crowd, with a manufacturing cost of approximately £10.

Similar ‘420’ pro-cannabis events were held globally.

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Kansas library discusses Wikipedia

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

A diverse group of approximately 25 people gathered at the Johnson County Library on Monday to participate in reference librarian Scott Vieira’s class, Wikiwhatia? Wikipedia.

Scott opened the session by sharing a disparaging quote from Robert McHenry (former editor-in-chief of Encyclopedia Britannica) comparing Wikipedia to a public restroom. He then shared a quote from Andrew Keen, author of The Cult of the Amateur, in which he stated Wikipedia is the blind leading the blind. Scott shared Wikipedia usage data from a 2007 Pew Internet study showing 36% of adults have consulted Wikipedia and that that Wikipedia receives 10,000-30,000 searches per second. Scott also pointed out that Wikipedia now has over two million articles in English alone (over nine million articles in 250 languages). So there is a discrepancy here, lots of critics and lots of use.

Scott then shared some historical information in order to provide a context for understanding Wikipedia. This included some important names and dates in the history of encyclopedias… including Pliny the Elder (23-79 C.E.) who published 37 Volumes of Natural History, and Joachim Sterck van Ringelbergh (c. 1499-1556) who first used the term encyclopedia, and then d’Alembert and Diderot who published 17 volumes of their French Encyclopedia from 1751-1765. Encyclopedia Britannica was first published in Scotland in serial format 1768-1771.

Scott also discussed more recent history, sharing a photo of Ward Cunningham –who is credited with being the inventor of wiki software. Wikipedia was founded on Jan 15, 2001 by Larry Sanger and Jimmy Wales. Sanger left Wikipedia in 2002 and founded Citizendium in 2007 a complementary project which now has 4500 articles.

After the historical perspective, the class moved into using Wikipedia. Everyone in the audience had used Wikipedia. The class explored the content of Wikipedia, realising there is a whole lot going on. Scott demonstrated that the article about “frogs” for example, is semi-protected. The “history of science” article was examined, including the history of changes. Discussion covered how people contribute, who contributes and edits. The group also talked about Wikipedia bots, which aid in routine tasks in a semi-automated or automated fashion.

A discussion about teachers, school media specialists and students regarding their use of Wikipedia ensued. Some teachers and school media specialists are negative about Wikipedia, but Scott’s hope is that they will use it to start a discussion about the need to evaluate and critically think about information (even when it’s from more traditionally reviewed and edited sources).

An unanswered question from an audience member was, “What was the first Wikipedia article?”

Discussion topics from Scott to audience were as follows:

  • Do you think Wikipedia is less accurate than published resources and how important is that accuracy to you?
  • How do we determine authority on a subject? How important is it that an article be written by an expert? How is Wikipedia changing our idea of what an authority is?
  • Currency – the ability to publish immediately – what are the advantages and what are the disadvantages?
  • What do we think about the content selection in Wikipedia?
  • Should Wikipedia be used by librarians?
  • What do you think about the future of Wikipedia?
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News briefs:April 16, 2010

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News briefs:May 05, 2010

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Blood Red Sandman, Turtlestack, Tempodivalse
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Celicne Opruge Od Zicestainless Steel Spring Ice Temperatura Thermocouple Podataka Recenzije I Sav}

Celicne Opruge Od Zicestainless Steel Spring ice Temperatura thermocouple podataka Recenzije i Sav


Mable Abernathy

dobru perspektivu o Wire vrsta, elik opruge, Stell Making

Osnove Umetanje oblika, Metalik Springs, Stell Proizvodnja

Za razliku od puno japanskih proizvo’aa koji ugovorene njihova proizvodnja klarinet u raznim tvornicama iznad najvanije reeto, Kasuga su svaki na svoje proizvode u kui. Vi ste u mogunosti da izaberete ili pitati proizvodnju sa dosta jedinstven industrijski gibnjevima, svaki od kojih jedan moe biti spiralni dolazi stvoren za posebne aplikacije. Ako se izgubi boju i dalje, cijeli proces treba ponoviti. Svaki od naih inovativnih procesa obrade nam omoguiti da zadovolji vae specifine specifikacije iako pruaju brzo isporuuje kao i najbolje kvalitete suspenzija izvora. Na Napred Metal Write, custom made oblici linije su postavljene u raznim veliinama i elemenata. Oni mogu zavriti se pronalaze u raznim elektroinstalacijama. Zbog toga, vrlo je vano odabrati ice oblika vri putem kompanija sa godina iskustva ali pored konaan strunost.

S ianog to je ranije spomenuto puna teko, to znai da je to prilino teko informacija. Keramike informacije je napravljen za spiralni opruge kroz prilino visoke temperature okruenja. Svaki predmet livada je razliita u samo koliko je sve-prirodne hranjive tvari i vitamini to containes. To vam omoguava liniju da izdri poboljanih pritiskom, pri emu se fleksibilnost materijala. ianim se koristi za proizvodnju opruga.

Borba protiv Wire oblika, elik Comes, Stell razvoj

Za razliku od brojnih japanskih dobavljaa koji preko ugovorene svoje akustine proizvodnju gitara u brojnim tvornicama i iznad najvanije za kavu, Kasuga stvorio svakog od svoje proizvode pod jednu zgradu. Vi ste u mogunosti da se odlue za ili dobiti proizvodnju oko dosta nekoliko industrijskih gibnjevima, svaki od kojih je jedan moe biti spiralni suspenzija sistema stvoren za posebne aplikacije. U sluaju da i dalje maraka, cijeli proces mora da se ponovi. Na inovativni procesi obrade nam omoguavaju da ispunimo vae izriite specifikacije iako pruanje brze dostave, kao i najbolje sisteme kvaliteta suspenzija. Na Forward Metal Write, custom made oblici linija se proizvode u raznim veliinama i elemenata. Oni mogu na kraju biti prona’ena u rasponu od elektroinstalacijama. To je razlog zato, to je vrlo vano odabrati oblike linije proizveden putem kompanija sa godina iskustva ali pored kompleksa strunosti.

S proljea umetak je iznad puna vrlo teko znaenje 2 tjedna. prilino teko informacije. Keramiki materijal je razvijen za namotana opruga za prilino visoke temperature okruenja. Svaki objekt od livade odstupa u koliko sve-prirodne hranjive tvari i vitamini to containes. To e omoguiti umetak da izdri poboljanih pritiskom, pri emu se u flexibleness materijala. Spring kabl se stavlja da koriste da bi izvora.

Ukratko, elite nominalne mogue koliine proces oksidacije. Ako oksidacije pokazuje se na tijelu na automobilu, moda elite da uestvuju u izuzetno jednostavno skidanje korodirati i mijeanje boja tako da rukovanje izgled vozila. On moe sigurno zaustaviti svoj restauracije intervencije i omoguiti da postane skuplji svakom koraku.

Najzastupljeniji Wire vrsta, Steel Spring suspenzije, Stell Formiranje

Puko neki magarci moe podravati sljedee dok. Ideja u osnovi omoguava jagnje da biste dobili fantastian polazna taka na zime. U sluaju jagnje nije velika, ja u ga koristiti pravo dole.

Line Forms, metal Springs, Stell Proizvodnja Karakteristike

sistemi Proirenje suspenzija su napravljeni da malo struje, a zatim se odupre odlian povlaenjem napetost. Kompresija kanjenja, pauze izvora su bila oko decenijama i stoga posmatrati u nekoliko industrijama. Jednostavan, ne-zavojnica dolazi koriteni su u cijeloj pozadini. It’s possible that you just find equally springs in many industries.

Whether you are attempting to find a primary or total manufacturing function, we can will give you Opruge od eline ice a custom made metal steel spring and coil and coils that will match your specific needs. Medical devices too utilize small springs. Zatitite vozilo ako se sjedi ispred od elemenata. Ako se uzme u obzir pretraivanje kontejner za ni manje ni vie nego korporacije II. Onda definitivno samo da gomila akvarijum nekoliko puta na dnevnoj bazi i da su u stanju da piju kad god elite.

Temeljna injenice u Wire vrsta, Steel Suspension sistema, Stell Making

sadnju sezone i spirale tehniar obavlja ono to se navodno u poslu kao set-up ” unutra maina organizirati rano proljee stroj namijenjen za proizvodnju Traim broj tipa sadnog sezone. Treba da bude tvoj mehaniar, birate radnju prirunike jer Corvair nije normalan standardni motori auto! U trenutku kada glavni auto, ne zaboravite da vodi nije motornih boja vozila i voda nije odbila. Chevy sam napravljena je od vitalnog znaaja korekcije underchassis zbog njegove knjige. Najvidljiviji stavka moe biti u blizini veine ispravljanje posuti, vie snage je potrebno da upravlja svoj automobil, deblji cijelo tijelo metalik, dodao je Chome.

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Ukraine: media riddles around the phosphorous cloud

Saturday, July 21, 2007

The available information about the phosphorous cloud following the railway accident in the Ukraine last Monday is becoming more and more cryptic.

The political involvement of most media and other factors are causing contradictions among official sources that are making press work extremely hard. Moreover, no one is permitted to enter the accident location. The site of the accident was closed to visitors following the injury of three TV journalists who got too close.

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News briefs:August 6, 2010

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2008 Taipei Cycle: Interview with Fma International about the design of “Champion Cheongsam”

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

The leader of the 2008 Tour de Taiwan gets a yellow jersey. But every tour winner gets assistance from a “Miss Etiquette,” a tour assistant and a brand new part of the Tour de Taiwan. Miss Ettiquette has become a key feature at the awards ceremonies for every stage. Fma International Co., Ltd., the jersey sponsor of 2008 Tour de Taiwan, and a participant of the 2008 Taipei Cycle, has designed 4 different cheongsams (dresses) for “Miss Etiquette,” each matching the colors of the four leader jerseys. These cheongsam made a big hit with the Taiwanese and international media in Taiwan.

But what led to these champion jerseys and cheongsams? Wikinews Journalist Rico Shen visited the booth of Fma International and interviewed Martin Hsueh-po Cheng, General Manager of Fma International, to uncover the background of their design at the 3rd Day of Taipei Cycle, just after the finish of the 7th Stage of the Tour de Taiwan (March 15).

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Home Security: Choosing A Security Alarm System

Submitted by: Kim Leron

Locksmith services will vary, depending on the specific type of locksmith you wish to hire. In any case, however, you should expect to receive expert advice and excellent results when you hire any type of qualified locksmith, whether they happen to be a car locksmith, commonly known as an auto locksmith, or a residential locksmith. Below is a brief outline of the services typically offered by a common type of locksmith.

Car locksmith

An auto locksmith is often called upon to provide emergency locksmith services. Examples of situations in which this type of emergency service may be required include locking keys in a vehicle, losing keys, or breaking a key off in the ignition. A locksmith responding to this type of situation will be able to use an auto locksmith tool to provide locksmith car opening services. Other locksmith services this type of locksmith can provide include key making and key replacing for the vehicle s ignition or doors.


Emergency locksmith

Aside from providing services to car owners, this type of locksmith can also assist home and business owners. If a homeowner is locked out of their house, for example, emergency lockout/opening services can usually be provided. Using a specialized locksmith tool or a technique known as lock bumping, the locksmith will be able to quickly gain access to the home. Commercial customers can enlist the help of this type of locksmith if they have been the victim of a burglary. Related services could include repairing any door lock that may have been broken. Many locksmith services that respond to emergencies offer toll free 24hr fast response, so the residential customer or business owner can expect an immediate response and fast service.

Residential or commercial locksmith

Installing residential locks and commercial locks are among the standard locksmith services offered by this type of locksmith. You can expect the locksmith to be knowledgeable about the best types of locks on the market, and he can probably tell you which ones are suitable to meet your individual home and business security needs. Installation/repair/change/upgrade any type of lock services are also offered to most homeowners and commercial customers.

What many people don t realize, however, is that many locksmiths can offer customized and advanced locksmith services to enhance the security of your home or business. Not all do, however, and the availability of these services will depend on the locksmith supply in your area. Some examples of devices that may be able to be installed by a local locksmith include alarm systems, remote security sensors, and CCTV/wireless CCTV systems to detect intruders and monitor your home and business, along with the surrounding property. There are also many access control systems, including intercom systems and phone systems. These would be especially useful for business owners who find it necessary to restrict access to specific buildings and/or other secure areas.

These are the major types of locksmiths and the typical services they provide. Depending on your location, however, you may not have access to all services mentioned. You should contact your local companies to find out about the specific services they offer, and how they may benefit you as a home owner, business operator, car owner, or somebody who may one day urgently require the services of a locksmith.

About the Author: Manhattan Locksmith offers 24 hour emergency locksmith upon request. Our professional locksmiths will help you to resolve an emergency situation in no time. Please call now at 866-585-0618 for 24 hour locksmith service in Manhattan, NY.


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