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Edmund White on writing, incest, life and Larry Kramer

Thursday, November 8, 2007

What you are about to read is an American life as lived by renowned author Edmund White. His life has been a crossroads, the fulcrum of high-brow Classicism and low-brow Brett Easton Ellisism. It is not for the faint. He has been the toast of the literary elite in New York, London and Paris, befriending artistic luminaries such as Salman Rushdie and Sir Ian McKellen while writing about a family where he was jealous his sister was having sex with his father as he fought off his mother’s amorous pursuit.

The fact is, Edmund White exists. His life exists. To the casual reader, they may find it disquieting that someone like his father existed in 1950’s America and that White’s work is the progeny of his intimate effort to understand his own experience.

Wikinews reporter David Shankbone understood that an interview with Edmund White, who is professor of creative writing at Princeton University, who wrote the seminal biography of Jean Genet, and who no longer can keep track of how many sex partners he has encountered, meant nothing would be off limits. Nothing was. Late in the interview they were joined by his partner Michael Caroll, who discussed White’s enduring feud with influential writer and activist Larry Kramer.


  • 1 On literature
  • 2 On work as a gay writer
  • 3 On sex
  • 4 On incest in his family
  • 5 On American politics
  • 6 On his intimate relationships
  • 7 On Edmund White
  • 8 On Larry Kramer
  • 9 Source

National Guard mobilized in Kentucky ice storm aftermath

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Kentucky’s National Guard have been mobilized in the aftermath of what the governor called “the biggest natural disaster that this state has ever experienced”.

An ice storm hit the U.S. state on Tuesday 27 January, bringing down power lines, freezing mains water supplies, bringing down trees and killing at least seven. More than 500,000 homes and business in the state remain without power, with utilities warning that it may take two weeks to restore supplies. State officials and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have been issuing generators to the most vulnerable.

The National Guard are visiting homes in Kentucky to check that residents are well. At Murray State University the campus lost power and the water was turned off to stop pipes bursting. Students were moved to shelters. The state of Tennessee was also affected, with 265 people staying in shelters.

States of emergency have been declared in 92 of Kentucky’s 120 counties, leading Governor Steve Beshear to call FEMA for assistance. FEMA aid is available to states that have suffered for damages and extraordinary costs above $7.4 million.

Ice storms are caused when a layer of warm air is caught between two layers of cold air. Water in the frozen layer is melted by the warmer layer but is then reduced to below freezing by the second cold layer. It falls as water, but freezes on contact with the ground, power lines and trees, leading to a build up of ice.

Fear and loathing on the campaign trail, May 2008

Friday, May 30, 2008

In May 2008, the candidates of the United States presidential election campaigned and faced questions on as wide ranging issues as assassination, Hitler and the death of one’s political career. The month more clearly showed who the Democratic Party candidate would be, and potentially narrowed the field for the Vice-Presidential race in the Republican Party. A third-party candidate also emerged who could potentially change the outcome of the election.

  • Hillary Clinton won the Kentucky and West Virginia Primaries by a wide margin and narrowly won in Indiana despite calls from prominent Democrats for her to drop out of the race after heavy losses in the North Carolina and Oregon primaries.
  • Barack Obama’s victories in North Carolina and Oregon propelled him to large leads in the delegate count, and he picked up new superdelegates at a higher rate than Hillary Clinton, including the endorsement of former candidate John Edwards. Members of the press including George Stephanopoulos and Tim Russert declared Obama as the Democratic candidate with Russert asserting “We now know who the Democratic nominee’s going to be, and no one’s going to dispute it.”
  • Hillary Clinton continued her push to count the delegates from Florida and Michigan where she won, but whose votes were not being counted because of the state’s breach of DNC rules by holding the primaries too early. Barack Obama was not on the ballots when these states held their primaries.
  • A series of gaffes by the candidates included Barack Obama stating that he had visited 57 states, and Hillary Clinton declaring that anything could happen in the election in June stating “We all remember Bobby Kennedy was assassinated in June in California”. The former, persuaded columnist Michelle Malkin to publish an article “Gaffe machine” that chronicled campaign gaffes made by Obama as a candidate. The latter, was perceived by some as alluding to the possibility that Obama could be assassinated as Robert Kennedy in 1968.
  • Presumptive nominee John McCain attacked Barack Obama over his comments that compared the Soviet Union to the threat of Iran, describing the latter as a “tiny” threat. McCain stated that Obama had exhibited “inexperience and reckless judgment” in his assessment. Obama responded by stating “that the Soviet Union had the ability to destroy the world several times over, had satellites spanning the globe, had huge masses of conventional military power, all directed at destroying us.” The back and forth followed a debate between President Bush and Obama over Bush’s assessment that Obama’s position to talk to Iran was representative of appeasement.
  • Media reports surfaced of McCain supporter and preacher John Hagee‘s comments from 2007 that “the force and fear of Hitler’s Nazis drove the Jewish people back to the only home God ever intended for the Jews to have: Israel.” McCain immediately rejected the endorsement of Hagee after hearing reports of the comments.
  • John McCain’s search for a running mate continued as the senator invited three candidates to his ranch in Arizona. McCain invited former Massachusetts governor and presidential candidate Mitt Romney, Florida governor Charlie Crist, and the youngest governor in the nation, Indian-American Bobby Jindal of Louisiana. The invitations led to speculation that the McCain campaign had narrowed the vice-presidential nomination search to the three.
Third Parties
  • At the Libertarian Party convention, former GOP Congressman Bob Barr was nominated as the party’s presidential nominee on its sixth ballot. Wayne Allyn Root was named his running mate. Barr had entered the race two weeks prior to the nomination and was considered to be a possible spoiler for the Republicans in November because of Barr’s conservative positions.
  • Also at the Libertarian Party convention, former Democratic Senator Mike Gravel ended his political career after losing on the fourth ballot. He stated, “From 15 years old to now, my political career is over, and it’s no big deal. I’m a writer, I’m a lecturer, I’m going to push the issues of freedom and liberty. I’m going to push those issues until the day I die.”

Where To Get Your Computer Screen Repaired In Alsip Il

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byAlma Abell

Computers are one of the most important pieces of technology that a person can own these days. They give you access to the internet which has unlimited information on anything you could possibly want to learn about. When your computer takes some damage it can prevent your access from the internet, which some people need to complete their jobs. Your computer screen is going to be the display that shows you all of the information you are trying to see. When this part is damaged you may not be able to see anything at all. The good news is that some screen damage does not mean you need to replace your entire computer. Even if it is a laptop there are professional computer screen repair services which can fix the problem for you.

A professional computer screen repair service is going to take apart your computer to find the problem and try to fix it. Be ready to see your computer taken apart when you bring it to a professional computer repair store. They are going to pinpoint the problem and replace the damaged parts. This will mean that you will only pay for the labor they are doing and the exact part that you need. Having your screen repaired is usually not that big of an issue- unless the LCD display is cracked. This can still be replaced but a new screen could cost you anywhere around $100, depending on what type of computer you have. You have some good services if you are looking for computer screen repair in Alsip IL. BLH Computers is one example of a local company that provides computer screen repair in Alsip IL. When you are searching for any type of repair service you want to make sure they are going to provide you with professional work and quality results. One way you can ensure they are going to provide you with this without having to spend your money first is by reading some reviews. Other people are going to comment and tell you about the services they got from a particular computer repair company. This will give you an idea of what to expect from a repair service you have in mind. Be sure to find a company that has beaming reviews and uses high quality parts to repair their clients computers.

Circumcision: How to Prepare and Help Your Baby Recover

If you have decided on circumcision for your baby boy, you should learn a little about what to expect first. Any medical procedure involving your child is bound to worry you a little bit, but having some idea of how it works is helpful so you have some control over the situation. Consider what to expect when it comes to timing, payment, and the healing process.

More on circumcision clinic here

In many cases, you will be advised to circumcise your baby shortly after he is born. Many hospitals perform the procedure on the day the baby goes home, which tends to be a few days after birth. If you decide to get it done by your pediatrician instead, you should do it within ten days of the birth. You may be able to combine the procedure with one of the many well baby check-ups you will have to go to during the first few weeks of your son’s life. Whether you choose to use the hospital or pediatrician, you should get some instructions on what to expect from the medical professional performing the circumcision.

Most insurance companies do not pay for this treatment since they do not consider it medically necessary. Despite its popularity, it is now often considered an elective procedure, so be prepared to pay for it on your own entirely. Many hospitals will perform the treatment during your stay for a low price if you pay cash. If you decide to wait until you get home and go to a doctor appointment, you may have to pay more. This is another detail to find out from the professional offering the circumcision so that you can get the best price.

The healing process is likely of interest to you since no one wants their child to be in pain. Many babies sleep through the procedure, which may be comforting to know. However, it may start to cause a little discomfort hours later, and your son may fuss or cry to show that it bothers him. The best thing you can do is allow him to sleep as much as he wants, and then cover the area with Vaseline or other soothing creams when you change his diaper. Try not to touch the area, which will look red and raw, so just squeeze copious amounts of the cream on it by holding the tube slightly above it. This process will soothe the area, and can also keep it from getting stuck to the diaper and becoming even more irritated.

If your son seems to be quite bothered by the circumcision, and cries relentlessly for several hours, you can call your doctor. In most cases, your child will be fine and should heal within days as long as you properly care for the area. However, you may be asked to bring him back in to get it checked out if it sounds worrisome to the doctor. Either way, the physician will check it out at the next well baby appointment, so rest assured that it will turn out fine.

Source: Free Articles from

Are You Ready To Travel For The Holidays?

Going to a different country for the holidays is a great way to learn about a new culture. In some instances the travel is to visit family that is positioned there instead of just for a vacation. Regardless of the purpose why you might be traveling to another country throughout the holidays, that you must ensure you are ready for the trip.

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For many international locations you’ll need a passport with a photograph ID. It will can help you remain in the nation for a specified quantity of time. Usually, this time-frame is from 30 days to ninety days. You can take your passport picture at any publish workplace, however it’s going to take several weeks to get it back. There is an expedited choice and it is extremely expensive. Should you wait until the vacation time to acquire your passport it is going to take for much longer, even for the expedited option.

Be sure to preserve your passport and other pertinent journey documents in a secure place. You don’t need them to get misplaced or stolen as this could delay your journey plans. Be sure you arrive early to your flight so that you could get by the entire essential inspections and verifications in loads of time.

There may be vaccinations that you’re required to get and others that you’re encouraged to get earlier than you may travel to certain international locations for the holidays. Plan ahead and discover out what these vaccinations are after which schedule appointments along with your doctor. Among the required vaccinations need to be given in a collection with a selected period of time between each shot in the sequence to be administered. Therefore you don’t need to wait till near your time of travel to care for this matter.

Depending on the place you might be touring, you’ll have to take care of a special sort of currency. You will get your cash exchanged at your local financial institution before you leave. This will prevent time making an attempt to deal with it whenever you arrive in the other nation for the holidays. There may be language variations as effectively that it’s worthwhile to take into consideration.

Be careful what you pack whenever you travel for the holidays. Most modes of transportation have strict guidelines on the dimensions of your luggage, how many bags each particular person can have, and the weight guidelines. They are going to be implementing these restrictions throughout the holidays due to the quantity of individuals traveling. You don’t wish to need to get rid of a few of your items or purchase more bags at the reward shop.

Be sure to are aware of how a lot baggage you’ve got on your return journey as well. While it can be enjoyable to buy objects if you are there, think about how you’re going to get them back. It may be a good idea to pack an extra bag in your baggage when you go so you possibly can fill it up for the journey back. One other thought is to have items shipped but that can be fairly expensive.

Whereas traveling to a different nation for the vacations will be thrilling, you’ll want to keep in mind that their customs may be considerably totally different than your own. Be respectful of such variations to keep away from any conflicts while you are in that country. It is a good idea to learn about the numerous customs that shall be in place so you won’t reach them by accident.

Asbestos controversy aboard Scientology ship Freewinds

Friday, May 16, 2008

Controversy has arisen over the reported presence of blue asbestos on the MV Freewinds, a cruise ship owned by the Church of Scientology. According to the Saint Martin newspaper The Daily Herald and the shipping news journal Lloyd’s List, the Freewinds was sealed in April and local public health officials on the Caribbean island of Curaçao where the ship is docked began an investigation into the presence of asbestos dust on the ship. Former Scientologist Lawrence Woodcraft supervised work on the ship in 1987, and attested to the presence of blue asbestos on the Freewinds in an affidavit posted to the Internet in 2001. Woodcraft, a licensed architect by profession, gave a statement to Wikinews and commented on the recent events.

According to The Daily Herald, the Freewinds was in the process of being renovated by the Curaçao Drydock Company. The article states that samples taken from paneling in the ship were sent to the Netherlands, where an analysis revealed that they “contained significant levels of blue asbestos”. An employee of the Curaçao Drydock Company told Radar Online in an April 30 article that the Freewinds has been docked and sealed, and confirmed that an article about asbestos ran in the local paper.

Lloyd’s List reported that work on the interior of the Freewinds was suspended on April 27 after health inspectors found traces of blue asbestos on the ship. According to Lloyd’s List, Frank Esser, Curaçao Drydock Company’s interim director, joined Curaçao’s head of the department of labor affairs Christiene van der Biezen along with the head of the local health department Tico Ras and two inspectors in an April 25 inspection of the ship. “We are sending someone so that they can tell us what happened, where it came from, since when it has been there,” said Panama Maritime Authority’s director of merchant marine Alfonso Castillero in a statement to Lloyd’s List.

The Church of Scientology purchased the ship, then known as the Bohème, in 1987, through an organization called Flag Ship Trust. After being renovated and refitted, it was put into service in June 1988. The ship is used by the Church of Scientology for advanced Scientology training in “Operating Thetan” levels, as well as for spiritual retreats for its members. Curaçao has been the ship’s homeport since it was purchased by the Church of Scientology.

According to his 2001 statement, Lawrence Woodcraft had been an architect in London, England since 1975, and joined Scientology’s elite “Sea Organization” (Sea Org) in 1986. He wrote that he was asked by the Sea Org to work on the Freewinds in 1987, and during his work on the ship “noticed a powdery blue fibrous substance approximately 1 ½” thick between the paint and the steel wall,” which he believed to be asbestos. He also discovered what he thought was blue asbestos in other parts of the ship, and reported his findings to Church of Scientology executives. Woodcraft discussed his experiences in a 2001 interview published online by the Lisa McPherson Trust, a now-defunct organization which was critical of the Church of Scientology.

The Freewinds regularly inspects the air quality on board and always meets or exceeds US standards.

Church of Scientology spokeswoman Karin Pouw responded to Radar Online about the asbestos reports, in an email published in an article in Radar on May 1. “The Freewinds regularly inspects the air quality on board and always meets or exceeds US standards,” said Pouw. She stated that two inspections performed in April “confirmed that the air quality is safe,” and asserted that the inspections revealed the Freewinds satisfies standards set by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the U.S. Clean Air Act.

Pouw told Radar that “The Freewinds will be completing its refit on schedule.” The Church of Scientology-affiliated organization Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) had been planning a cruise aboard the Freewinds scheduled for May 8, but according to Radar an individual who called the booking number for the cruise received a message that the cruise had been delayed due to ongoing work on the ship. Citing an article in the Netherlands Antilles newspaper Amigoe, Radar reported on May 6 that a team from the United States and supervised by an independent bureau from the Netherlands traveled to Curaçao in order to remove asbestos from the Freewinds.

…if the Church of Scientology claims to have removed the blue asbestos, I just don’t see how, it’s everywhere. You would first have to remove all the pipes, plumbing, a/c ducts, electrical wiring etc. etc. just a maze of stuff.

“I stand by everything I wrote in my 2001 affidavit,” said Lawrence Woodcraft in an exclusive statement given to Wikinews. Woodcraft went on to state: “I would also comment that if the Church of Scientology claims to have removed the blue asbestos, I just don’t see how, it’s everywhere. You would first have to remove all the pipes, plumbing, a/c ducts, electrical wiring etc. etc. just a maze of stuff. Also panelling as well, basically strip the ship back to a steel hull. Also blue asbestos is sprayed onto the outer walls and then covered in paint. It’s in every nook and cranny.”

Many Scientologist celebrities have spent time aboard the Freewinds, including Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, John Travolta, Kelly Preston, Chick Corea, Lisa Marie Presley, Catherine Bell, Kate Ceberano, and Juliette Lewis. Now magazine reported that Tom Cruise has been urged to seek medical attention regarding potential asbestos exposure, however a representative for Cruise stated he has “absolutely no knowledge” of the recent asbestos controversy. Cruise, Holmes, Travolta and Preston have celebrated birthdays and other events on the Freewinds.

There is not now and never has been a situation of asbestos exposure on the Freewinds.

In a May 15 statement to the United Kingdom daily newspaper Metro, a representative for the Church of Scientology said that “There is not now and never has been a situation of asbestos exposure on the Freewinds.” The Asbestos and Mesothelioma Center notes that agencies have recommended anyone who has spent time on the Freewinds consult with their physician to determine if possible asbestos exposure may have affected their health.

Raw blue asbestos is the most hazardous form of asbestos, and has been banned in the United Kingdom since 1970. Blue asbestos fibers are very narrow and thus easily inhaled, and are a major cause of mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer which can develop in the lining of the lungs and chest cavity, the lining of the abdominal cavity, or the pericardium sac surrounding the heart. The cancer is incurable, and can manifest over 40 years after the initial exposure to asbestos.

“This is the most dangerous type of asbestos because the fibres are smaller than the white asbestos and can penetrate the lung more easily,” said toxicologist Dr. Chris Coggins in a statement published in OK! Magazine. Dr. Coggins went on to note that “Once diagnosed with mesothelioma, the victim has six months to a year to live. It gradually reduces lung function until the victim is no longer able to breathe and dies.”

Free Deck Plans – Invest in Good Plans to Save on Your Deck

Building your deck yourself will allow you to save a lot of money but don’t count on free deck plans to make this happend. You need to invest a little bit of money to buy good reliable plans that will be useful.

Free deck plans can be found quite easily if you do some research on the internet or at your local hardware store. But beware that free plans will give you a limited amount of deck styles and information such as what kind of wood to use, the preparation you need to do to the ground first and so forth.

Our new neighbor asked me to give him a little help to get started building his new deck. So on a Saturday morning, I went by his house to take a look at his project. First we noticed that the old deck had sunk on the ground on one side and was so crooked that we could clearly notice it even without measuring.

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The surface under neat the deck was only made of dirt and he had his septic tank sitting there. The first thing I advised him was to put a load of crushed stoned there before building the new one.

The reason is to avoid water puddles to form under the new deck and to help the water out. To prevent the same problem to happen again, the ground has to be leveled and the pillars has to be installed on concrete legs.

He looked at me with a surprised look on his face and said that it was a good thing that I told him that because he did not know about it. I asked him to show me the plans of his new deck. I came out with a set of plans he had found online for free.

The plan was OK but it did not specified how to prepare the ground first and did not even give a list of the needed material and tools to get started, among other things. It would had been real hard for him to go get the needed supplies, not knowing how much to get and what to buy.

Besides it did not mention what kind of wood is best to use, what to protect it with and the deck style was pretty basic. I went to my computer and printed out all the models of decks I have into my woodwork program.

My neighbor appreciated it very much and showed them to his wife. They immediately felt in love with an other deck style and never minded the one they had. The information on my plans vas very comprehensive and complete.

He is planning on building his deck by himself with the help of a few friends who never build a deck before so I knew he needed at least a good blueprint to get started on the right foot.

Once you got the base done right it is a lot easier but if you start it wrong it could be aggravating to have to do it over againHealth Fitness Articles, not to mention the time and the money you can loose.

Qualities of Best hair transplant surgeons

Are you looking for a Surgeon of Hair Transplant? You will need to find a mix of the following skills and qualities in the Surgeon for getting natural results: Specialist knowledge, Good communication skills:

The “art” of surgery is not as often discussed as scientific discoveries and technological advances in the modern era of surgery. Hair Transplant, a minor invasive superficial Surgery is an art more than Science. To gain natural restoration of hairline you need to consult a Surgeon possessing these extraordinary skills of art or aesthetic sense. It’s very important to understand that Hair Transplant Surgery is not only the implantation of hairs rather it is implantation of hairs considering the face, age, density like factors for obtaining a natural handsome look to gain self-confidence or self-esteem. For actors and stage performers, it’s very essential for their personality as they are public figures and they always have to be in the public domain. The “aesthetic sense” of surgeon is the key factors in successful outcomes of hair transplant.

Are you looking for a Surgeon of Hair Transplant? You will need to find a mix of the following skills and qualities in the Surgeon for getting natural results:

  • Specialist knowledge: Immense knowledge is the primary requirement of a best hair transplant surgeon for accurate diagnosis of a patient’s condition.
  • Good communication skills: The good communication skill is essential for speaking to your medical team, your patients and their families, for listening to and understanding the concerns of a wide range of people and earning their trust.
  • A bright, eager mind, manual dexterity and physical skills: These skills are important for performing an operation.
  • Extensive experience: Vast experience of preoperative and postoperative care is required for best outcomes.
  • Ability to adapt to a changing environment: Adaptability quality is very important as healthcare evolves and there are medical developments, you will need to have commitment and enthusiasm for learning new skills and techniques.
  • Leadership skills: This skill is essential inorder to manage your team and help to train the surgeons of the future.
  • Inspiring: The ability to inspire confidence in others.
  • Emotional resilience and supportive attitude: Emotional and the ability to support your team in sometimes difficult circumstances.

Recently India has become a global hub-center for cosmetic surgeries. Hair transplant procedures are at apex among other surgeries. The reason behind being its vast budget range available in our country.  Hair transplant in India is the first choice because of quality and cost-effective results. World-class best Doctors and Surgeons are available in India for hair transplant. The cost of the procedure generally ranges from 70,000 INR to 3,00,000 INR. Each graft implantation costs around 40-120 INR.

Dr. Suneet Soni, M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery), M.S. (General Surgery), is an International member of the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ISAPS), International Society of Hair Restoration Surgery (ISHRS),  International Alliance of Hair Restoration Surgeons (IAHRS), Indian Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (IAAPS) and the member of Association of Plastic Surgeons of India (APSI) and has gained the necessary training, ethical standards, and has undertaken medical education as per requirement for membership in the National & International society.

Dr. Suneet Soni is truly revered for having the extraordinary aesthetic sense and vast surgical experience. Dr. Suneet soni is among the pioneer doctors who initiated to work on using combination method (FUT+FUE) in Hair transplantation. During Hair transplant, Extraction of more than 2500 grafts through FUE may result unsafe for future sessions for patients. He has mastery in Temple designing and Vertex hair transplant which are the most complex region to reconstruct. He is the most accepted surgeon among people looking for Hair transplant surgery globally and can easily get in touch directly for hair transplant information for achieving your aesthetic surgery results in JAIPUR (INDIA), DELHI (INDIA), and DUBAI. His scientific approach in treatment is the key factor for excellence in patient outcomes in Hair transplant which have attracted a lot many celebrities and foreigners to be transformed at centers. Dr. Suneet Soni has specialization in FUT/ Strip, FUE, eyebrow/eyelash transplantation, BHT (body hair transplantation), scar revisions, beard and moustache reconstructionFind Article, and repair surgery.

Source: Free Articles from