Archives 2020

US Senate Majority leader Harry Reid criticized over “Negro” comments

Monday, January 11, 2010

Harry Reid, the Nevada Democrat who is US Senate Majority leader, is under a lot of criticism over comments he made during the 2008 United States presidential election, toward US President Barack Obama. The highlighted comment made by Reid was calling Obama a “light-skinned” black man “with no Negro dialect unless he wanted to have one.” The remarks were released in a book co-written by Time magazine reporter Mark Halperin, and New York magazine reporter John Heileman.

Reid has since apologized for “using such a poor choice of words.” President Obama quickly accepted the apology. Reid has been a partner with the Obama Administration on issues such as health care reform. Democratic Party chairman Tim Kaine told Meet the Press “the comments were unfortunate and they were insensitive”, but “I think the case is closed because President Obama has spoken directly with the leader [Reid] and accepted his apology. […] We’re moving on.”

Members of the Republican Party have called on Reid to resign over his comments. Party chairperson Michael Steele told Fox News Sunday “There is this standard where the Democrats feel that they can say these things and they can apologize when it … comes from the mouths of their own. But if it comes from anyone else, it’s racism,”. Having appeared alongside Kaine, where the Democrat Party chairman stated the case was closed, Steele argued that there was a double standard, on the basis of then-Senator Obama calling in 2002 calling for Trent Lott, at that time the majority leader, to be ousted for supporting the views of Strom Thurmond, who stood as a segregationist Presidential candidate in 1948.

The book Game Change published today, also says that New York Senator Chuck Schumer encouraged Barack Obama to run in early 2006, even though he later endorsed his former colleague Hillary Clinton. Other revelations included that John McCain’s aides were concerned about Sarah Palin’s failure to understand basic facts prior to her ABC News interviews with Charles Gibson, including why North Korea and South Korea are separate countries.

Co-authors Halpern and Heileman have a history of vocal criticism of media coverage of the 2008 Presidential election. In late 2008, Daily Kos reporter Jed Lewison drew attention to comments by Halpern, on-stage with Heilmen, asserting the reportage was, “extreme bias, extreme pro-Obama coverage”; he characterised election coverage as, “the most disgusting failure of people in our business since the Iraq war”. Halpern’s centrepiece example was an analysis of New York Times profiles on the prospective First Ladies; overlooking earlier NYT coverage that reported on Obama’s Caucasian ancestors being slave owners.

Three men arrested under suspicion of organising dog fights in southern Finland

Wednesday, August 15, 2007File:240-dogFighting.jpg

Three Finnish men have been arrested as part of an investigation by the Finnish National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) into apparent illegal dogfights in various locations in the south of the country.

Dog fights, in which two dogs are pitted head-to-head for the entertainment of spectators and for gambling, is illegal in Finland, and is covered by Finland’s animal protection laws, as dogs often sustain severe or even fatal injuries. It is believed this case also involved gambling, thus rendering the suspects, if convicted, in breach of gambling laws also.

The investigation was started in July after the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) forwarded information to the NBI, claiming that during an investigation of its own for a programme it was making into dog fighting in the United Kingdom, they had uncovered connections to comparable activity in Finland.

“We are trying to find out when the activity has started and how widespread it has been. Apparently, just a small gang of people has been involved.” said Detective Chief Inspector Göran Wennqvist, adding that “We are now trying to find out whether or not this is part of a larger international organisation or just local criminal activity.”

It is believed the dogs went through training fights to test if they were suitable for fighting prior to actual events. A number of animals thought to have been used for fighting have been examined by a veterinarian to determine the types of injuries sustained by the dogs.

Despite the fact that dog fighting is known to have occurred in various countries – including countries close to Finland, such as Sweden, Norway, and Russia – neither the police or the Finnish Kennel Club were aware of any previous incidents occurring in Finland, although chairman of the board of the Finnish Kennel Club Martti Mannersuo told reporters that he recalled a rumour “many years ago” of domestic dog fights occurring in Finland, although this went unconfirmed. Wennqvist, however, independently told YLE “In other Nordic countries, they have seen incidents of dog fighting since the 90’s, but I haven’t come across any cases in Finland in 32 years,” although it is unclear if this was a confirmed case or if it were linked to the rumour Mannersuo had reported.

Questions To Ask A Car Dealership When Purchasing Used Cars

Questions to Ask a Car Dealership When Purchasing Used Cars


Priestley White

Buying used cars in Ontario? Be prepared to have your list of questions ready for Hamilton car dealerships. There is a list of things you need to know about a vehicle before your name appears on the title. Making sure all these ducks are in a row can mean the difference between a lemon that sucks you dry and a dependable vehicle you can rely on to give years of productive, maintenance friendly satisfaction.


Who Owned the Vehicle Before Purchase? Especially for used cars in Ontario that have been traded into Hamilton car dealerships, always ask to view the maintenance records. They can always black in the owner’s name and address for confidentiality. For vehicles purchased at an auction, you may want to have a professional mechanic you trust give a thorough inspection of the vehicle. You don’t want to find any surprises under the hood, especially broken down on the side of the road. How Long Can I Test Drive It? The used car market these days is cold enough that Hamilton car dealerships are often lenient about how long you can test drive a car. Ask if you can test drive the vehicle for 24 hours, providing you can show proof of insurance and you promise to bring the gas tank back full. This way you can really get a comprehensive feel for how the car performs. Its a better way to get acquainted with any used cars in Ontario you might consider purchasing. What is the dealerships return policy? Don’t find out the answer to this one the hard way. Hamilton car dealerships have a wide variety of policies when it comes to returning vehicles, and it’s important to establish what those are before you hand over any cash. While no dealership will offer cash back, you can at least find a customer friendly dealer that will let you rethink the purchase and at least give equal or lesser value. Car buying is a serious commitment, and no sale should be completely set in stone without alternative options. What is Your Cash Price for the Vehicle? There is the financing price, and there is the cash price. Cold and hard, cash definitely rules over financing options. While Hamilton car dealerships will usually try to make money off the financing, they’ll generally give you a better price if you opt to pay in cash. Paying cash for used cars in Ontario can save you hundreds of dollars, not to mention a monthly car payment. If they don’t take cash, ask if they’ll take a trade in. You can usually get a couple thousand dollars off used cars in Ontario for a trade in, even if you to have the older vehicle towed to the Hamilton car dealerships.

Pavel Hatsuk is the author of this guide to purchasing

used cars in Ontario


Hamilton car dealerships


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Aside from Semicon Taiwan 2007 – An attraction of “exiderdome” by Siemens

Friday, September 14, 2007

Semicon Taiwan goes to the final day on September 14, one of exhibitors Siemens AG imported containers named “exiderdome” to Taiwan and held an exhibition at A13 Parking Lot in Xinyi District, Taipei City for professionals from some industries such as automation, semiconductor, and electronics experiencing the advantages on automation solutions by Siemens.

For this special exhibition, Wikinews Reporter Brock interviewed Stephen Huang (International Account Manager of Automation and Drives Department, Siemens Limited) and Ken Cheng (Director of Automation and Drives Department, Siemens Limited) for information on this exhibition.

USPTO partially confirms validity of Amazon “1-click patent”

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Today, the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) issued an office action, which confirmed the patentability of claims 6 to 10 of the Amazon 1-Click patent, US 5,960,411. The patent examiner, however, rejected claims 1 to 5 and 11 to 15. Amazon now has up to six months to amend the rejected claims to overcome the examiner’s rejection, provide arguments to demonstrate that the examiner is in error and/or provide evidence to demonstrate the patentability of their claims. During this period, the entire patent is still considered valid under US patent law.

The USPTO is reconsidering the patentability of the claims due to a request for reexamination filed by New Zealander Peter Calveley. Mr. Calveley used internet archives to show that defunct company Digi Cash used a similar technique prior to Amazon. Despite costing a substantial sum of cash and requiring donations to prepare and file the request for reexamination, Calveley said he did it as a game and hopes that his success inspires others to play the same game.

“One Click” shopping is an ecommerce technique, which allows a customer to purchase products via the Internet without repeatedly entering personal information such as name and address. At the time it was introduced it eased the frustration of on-line shopping.

Amazon filed the patent application for 1-click shopping in early 1997 and was granted the patent in September 1999. 23 days later Amazon sued rival Barnes & Noble for alleged infringement by its “Express Lane” ordering which was introduced in 1998. In December 1999 Amazon won an interim injunction against Barnes & Noble but the USA Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit lifted this injunction in February 2001. The parties then settled their dispute for undisclosed terms. Amazon has since successfully licensed the technique to other e-sellers such as Apple.

‘Freedom Tower’ renamed ‘1 World Trade Center’

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The 108-floor central component of the new World Trade Center in New York City has been officially renamed 1 World Trade Center, ending the Freedom Tower moniker it had sported since 2003.

Freedom Tower was envisioned as a symbol of America’s victory over terrorism. It is currently on track for completion in 2013, with 10 floors partially finished so far.

Port Authority Chairman Anthony Coscia commented on the change, “It’s the one that is easiest for people to identify with — and frankly, we’ve gotten a very interested and warm reception to it.”

Former Governor George Pataki, who revealed the Freedom Tower name nearly six years ago, was critical of the switch, saying “The Freedom Tower is not simply another piece of real estate and not just a name for marketing purposes.”

1 World Trade Center has been the building’s legal name and address for the past two years, with the public change precipitated by the ramp up of construction and the commencement of lease marketing.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg seemed ambivalent to the change, saying “I would like to see it stay the Freedom Tower, but it’s their building, and they don’t need me dumping on it. If they could rent the whole thing by changing the name, I guess they’re going to do that, and they probably, from a responsible point of view, should. From a patriotic point of view, is it going to make any difference?”

The change was approved following the signing of a two-decades-long lease by a Chinese real estate company, which plans to occupy floors 64 through 69. Other future tenants include the U.S. General Services Administration and the New York State Office of General Services.

Easy Tips And Tricks To Maintaining Your Eyelash Extensions In Honolulu

byAlma Abell

Do you currently have Eyelash Extensions in Honolulu, and are wanting to know how to maintain them to make them last as long as possible? If so, that is understandable. Eyelash extensions are a great way to enhance your look and to cut down on the amount of time it takes to do your makeup each day. However, these extensions not exactly cheap, so wanting them to last as long as possible and have them still look great is completely normal. This article will discuss a few ways that you can maintain your extensions in between treatments.

First off, this may sound funny, but one way to help them last is to sleep on your back. Yes, that’s right. It is probably the most obvious way to do it as well. The adhesive glue that is used to apply the treatments needs to dry, so sleeping on your back for the first couple of nights can ensure that they adhere to your eyelids properly. After the first couple of nights, you can go back to sleeping in any position that you see fit. Also, exercise great care when you are doing things like washing your face or removing your make up. Even though the adhesive glue has dried, it can still come off.

Next, you should always keep them moist. This may sound weird, but if an eyelash extension is consistently dry, it can break off easier. If you notice yours starting to become dry, a quick and easy fix would be to put a dab of baby oil on your finger and apply them to the extensions. This will also keep them looking healthy and rejuvenated, rather than old and dry. Prior to adding anything to moisturize them, you should separate or comb them out as well. Also, don’t mess with them when you don’t have to.

In conclusion, as you can see, maintaining your Eyelash Extensions in Honolulu can be quite easy. All it takes are a few easy tips and tricks to follow. If you would like to purchase eyelash extensions, or would like to find out more about how to maintain the ones you have, look at more info here.

New law to help asbestos sufferers in Victoria, Australia

Saturday, May 24, 2008

New legislation in Victoria, Australia will provide for greater compensation for victims suffering from effects of exposure to asbestos. The legislation is called “Bernie Banton law”, after the late campaigner for asbestos-related issues. The law will remove a restriction which prevented asbestos victims from making another claim after being diagnosed with a terminal illness. Banton contracted mesothelioma after working for the Netherlands-based company James Hardie, and died in 2007.

Prior to the Banton law victims of asbestos exposure could seek compensation for asbestosis, a disease resulting from exposure which causes lung scarring, but were unable to seek compensation if they were later diagnosed with mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma is a cancer which develops in the sac surrounding the lungs and chest cavity, abdominal cavity, or the sac surrounding the heart. Patients with malignant mesothelioma generally do not have positive outcomes, and once diagnosed have six months to a year to live. Asbestos usage has been banned in Victoria, Australia since 2003.

Allowing an exception to the normal rule that court-awarded compensation is final will allow compensation for the true effects of asbestos exposure.

Victorian Premier John Brumby welcomed the legislation, saying: “Victorian workers deserve fair compensation for illnesses and injuries they have received just by doing their job.” Brumby acknowledged that Victoria had lagged behind other states in its asbestos compensation practices. “Allowing an exception to the normal rule that court-awarded compensation is final will allow compensation for the true effects of asbestos exposure,” explained Brumby.

Bernie Banton’s widow, Karen Banton, stood alongside John Brumby as the legislation was announced, and spoke out in favor of the law. “The uncertainty that these Victorian families have suffered up until this point, the dilemma of whether I claim and whether I wait … it would be a terrible choice to have to make,” she said. She said her late husband would have been honored by the legislation’s passage, and was appreciative that his name was associated with the cause of justice in the country. “I’m sure Bernie’s looking down from heaven, feeling very honoured and humbled that his name continues to be associated with the fight to correct injustice,” she said.

There’s a lot of asbestos around, this is a live issue for the community and we strongly welcome this initiative.

The Australian Manufacturing Workers Union and the Victorian Trades Hall Council supported the legislation’s passage, as did Martin Kingham of the Asbestos Diseases Society of Victoria. Kingham said that in the past asbestos sufferers were wary about whether or not to make a claim: “They’ve had to gamble on whether to make a claim now and to cut off any compensation for more serious fatal illness or to, basically, sit it out and wait and see what happens to them and potentially not getting compensated for their original asbestosis.”

“There’s a lot of asbestos around, this is a live issue for the community and we strongly welcome this initiative,” said Australian Manufacturing Workers Union Victorian secretary Steve Dargavel. Victorian Trades Hall Council secretary Brian Boyd called the legislation “a good and decent thing” but said more action was needed to better protect asbestos victims’ families. The additional claims are expected to help approximately 50 people each year. The legislation will be introduced in the State Parliament next year.

Fur fans flock to Toronto’s Furnal Equinox 2019

Monday, March 25, 2019

From March 15 to 17, the Canadian city of Toronto played host to the tenth Furnal Equinox, an annual event dedicated to the “furry fandom.” Wikinews attended. Programming ranged from music to gender, science to art, covering dozens of aspects of the varied subculture. The event’s featured guests were visual artists Moth Monarch and Cat-Monk Shiro, as well as the co-owners of US fursuit costume builders Don’t Hug Cacti.

The event raised nearly CDN$11,000 for Pet Patrol, a non-profit rescue organization in Kitchener-Waterloo, Ontario, run by volunteers. This exceeded their goal of $10,000, the funds needed to finish a rural sanctuary. The furry community is well-known for their charitable efforts. Along with direct donations, the funds were raised through a charity auction offering original artwork, and a fursuit design by guests of honour “Don’t Hug Cacti.” Last year, Furnal Equinox raised funds for a farm animal sanctuary.

While only 10–15% of people within the fandom own a fursuit according to a 2011 study, event organizers reported this year 908 of the 2240 attendees at Furnal Equinox brought at least one elaborate outfit to the event. The outfits are usually based on original characters, known as “fursonas”.

Guests of Honour Cherie and Sean O’Donnell, known within the community as “Lucky and Skuff Coyote”, held a session on fursuit construction on Saturday afternoon. The married couple are among the most prominent builders in the fandom, under the name Don’t Hug Cacti. The scale of their business was evident, as Sean had made over a thousand pairs of “handpaws”, costume gloves.

The couple encouraged attendees to continue developing their technique, sharing that all professional fursuit makers had developed different techniques. They felt that they learned more from failed projects than successful ones, citing the Chuck Jones quote that “every artist has thousands of bad drawings,” and that you have to work through them to achieve. Cherie, known as Lucky, recalled receiving a Sylvester the Cat plush toy from a Six Flags theme park at age 10. She promptly hollowed the toy out, turning it into a costume. Creating a costume isn’t without its hazards: the company uses 450°F (232°C) glue guns. They’re “like sticking your hand in an oven.”

Other programming included improv comedy, dances, life drawing of fursuiters, a review of scientific research by a research group at four universities called FurScience, a pin collector’s social, and workshops in writing.

The “Dealer’s Den” hall was expanded this year, with even more retailers and artists. While many offered “furry” versions of traditional products, at least one business focused on “pushing the boundaries of fursuit technology.” Along with 3D printing a bone-shaped name tag when Wikinews visited, Grivik was demonstrating miniature computer screens that could be used as “eyes” for a fursuit. The electronic displays projected an animation of eyes looking around, blinking occasionally. The maker has also developed “a way to install a camera inside suit heads, to improve fursuiter visibility.” He hopes the tech would reduce suiting risks and accidents. Without the need for eyeholes, fursuit makers would have “more options for building different eyestyles.”

Dental Care In Wichita And The Options Available

byAlma Abell

Many people don’t understand how important dental care really is. The health of your teeth can affect your overall health and the way you feel about yourself. Having crooked or missing teeth can affect a person’s self-esteem and their confidence. People are often afraid to smile or laugh because of the way their teeth look. However, Dental care in Wichita can help to improve your confidence and your smile.

You should see your dentist at least twice a year. Seeing your dentists on a regular basis can help to catch small problems early. For instance, regular dental visits could catch an emerging cavity before it begins to spread. A cavity has the potential to cause bad breath and ruin your teeth. If it gets too bad, you may even have to have the infected tooth extracted and replaced.

Dentists are also great when it comes to helping to correct smiles. For instance, both children and adults suffer from crooked teeth. Those who have crooked and misaligned teeth are often afraid to smile. However, crooked teeth can be fixed with either metal or plastic braces. Metal braces are typically used to help gradually straighten crooked teeth. The cost for such braces is relatively affordable. Browse the Website to find more information about available payment plans and other options.

When it comes to dental care, dental implants have become hugely popular. Aside from crooked teeth, missing teeth are something many people are ashamed of. Most dental experts advise that missing teeth be replaced because shifting can occur. Dental implants look and act exactly like real teeth. Your implants will be drilled into your jawbone and are meant to be permanent. Dental implants are one of the most expensive dental cosmetic procedures you can receive.

These are just a few of the things you should think about when it comes to Dental care in Wichita. Again, a great smile is an important thing to have. Focus on practicing proper dental hygiene, and make sure you visit a dentist regularly. If you have crooked or misaligned teeth, wearing metal braces can help to correct them. Lastly, you don’t have to settle for missing teeth. Your dentist can use dental implants to correct and improve your smile. For more information you can visit Facebook or Google+ page of Omido Exquisite Cosmetic & General Dentistry