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Hollywood sign modified to read ‘Hollyweed’

 Correction — January 22, 2016 The vote on November 9 was of California voters, not the California legislature. 

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

The Hollywood sign in Los Angeles, California was modified to read “Hollyweed” on Sunday. Security camera footage shows the perpetrator was dressed all in black, said Sergeant Robert Payan.

Christopher Garcia, a spokesperson of the Los Angeles Police Department, said the suspected male offender is being investigated for trespassing rather than vandalism. The sign was not physically damaged; the modification was done using black tarpaulins decorated with signs of peace and heart to alter the “O” to read lowercase “e”.

Betsy Isroelit, a Hollywood Sign Trust spokesperson said, “There was obviously recent legislation in California that may have inspired people. But to me, it looks more like a New Year’s Eve prank.” On November 9, legislators voted in favor of a ballot for legalising recreational use of marijuana in California for the age group of 21 and above.

Previously, on January 1, 1976, Daniel Finegood had vandalised the sign using curtains in a similar manner to read “Hollyweed”. As a college student, Finegood had modified the sign for an assignment in art class. Finegood, in 1990, had modified the sign again, signifying a political issue, modifying the sign to read “Oil War” to protest the Persian Gulf War.

The sign was vandalised in 1992 before the US presidential election. Supporters of presidential election candidate Ross Perot altered the sign to read “Perotwood”.

The law legalising recreational marijuana is due to come into effect in 2018.

 This story has updates See Artist who changed Hollywood sign to ‘Hollyweed’ surrenders to authorities, January 12, 2017 
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Every Day Feels Like Valentines Day!

Every Day Feels Like Valentines Day! by tomsjohnFebruary 14 is a bitter-sweet date for many, as the ones who have a date on the day seem superior to the ones who dont have a date. So where do the ones that are hitched for life come in? Do they get to celebrate Valentines Day, all dressed up, to share an overpriced special meal? Well the married souls, unlike the unlucky undecided unwed couples, have found the love of their life, so everyday should technically be Valentines Day!If you were expecting a rant on a discontented married life, tainted with jealousy upon seeing the happy young couples celebrating love, sorry to disappoint you. This isnt one. In fact, most days feel like Valentines days for us. Alright, there are days when both of us want to go for the others throat, but that, in a way, deepens the bond between us. We dont need a special day in a year to celebrate Valentines Day by going on dinner cruises or romantic dates. The same thing thats available 364 days of the year, will be overpriced, just for a couple of red hearts, balloons and an ambience thats supposed to send those sparks flying. But once in a couple of years, why not give in to the stereotype? So what if we join the bandwagon and indulge in something as exclusive as the currently trending Valentines Day special Sydney Harbour dinner cruise?No harm done; we get to celebrate whats touted to be a special day of love, with the rest of the world. But to all you couples out there, try to make every day feel like Valentines Day. Go out to fancy places that wine and dine you to heaven (and back to earth when the bill comes). Feel the same enthusiasm when you sit on the park bench, with your heads resting against each other, sharing a corn dog. Stargazing could be something you both love, lying on a comfy mattress on the roof, admiring the twinkling stars, enjoying the silence and each others company. Every day feels like Valentines Day, with little gestures that add up and matter in the end. Any day can be a special day to receive a bunch of red roses. A post-it with a little message or funny love poem can be a great saviour, when dealing with the stress at work or at home. Something as small as setting your phone caller-tune to a favourite song, can go a long way and make that day a Valentines Day. It doesnt take much effort to make any day special. One neednt go out of their way or spend a pile of money to make memories (a pair of diamond earrings doesnt hurt though). Create occasions where both of you get some you & me time. Never leave anything unspoken, talk things through before they mushroom and escalate. The both of you know whats best for each other, you dont need an outside opinion from people who barely know the both of you. So all it takes is a little something to make any day feel like Valentines Day! Popular Valentine’s Day Dinner CruisesArticle Source:

Colleges offering admission to displaced New Orleans students/OH-WY

See the discussion page for instructions on adding schools to this list and for an alphabetically arranged listing of schools.

Due to the damage by Hurricane Katrina and subsequent flooding, a number of colleges and universities in the New Orleans metropolitan area will not be able to hold classes for the fall 2005 semester. It is estimated that 75,000 to 100,000 students have been displaced. [1]. In response, institutions across the United States and Canada are offering late registration for displaced students so that their academic progress is not unduly delayed. Some are offering free or reduced admission to displaced students. At some universities, especially state universities, this offer is limited to residents of the area.

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Judges rule patrons may sue nude bars for lap-dance overcharges

Saturday, April 23, 2005

A three-judge Texas Court of Appeals ruling will allow men who were overcharged at nudie clubs to sue for refunds and damages.

The two plaintiffs, Paul Brian Meekey and Michael Fulmer, had their cases heard because they were charged more than a regular lap dance fee when they used a credit card, typically $25 for a $20 dance.

“Texas law is pretty clear that you cannot charge someone extra for using a credit card,” said Sandra Krider, an attorney for the patrons. “The fact that they are strip clubs shouldn’t mean they get away with it.”

A lawyer for the businesses, Rick’s Cabaret and the Men’s Club, argued a case based on the type of employment the ladies agreed to perform.

“Since the dancers are independent contractors and not employees of the club, the clubs are not the ones selling the dances,” said attorney Albert Van Huff.

But the men’s attorneys said the win could potentially become a class-action suit with many hundreds of men claiming their day in court. That could present a problem for other patrons who may not want their name and their use of a credit card at a nudie bar released in court transcripts.

“They are going to want the (strip) clubs’ credit card companies to give them the names of all the different people who have charged dances there,” said Van Huff.

The 14th Court of Appeals, a Texas court with headquarters in Houston, had reversed a ruling of a lower trial judge that this case should be heard before the state Finance Commission instead of in a judicial proceeding. The case was sent back to be tried again.

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American cyclist Floyd Landis tested positive for excessive levels of testosterone in second test

Sunday, August 6, 2006

The second urine sample provided by the winner of this year’s Tour de France, American cyclist Floyd Landis, has tested positive for excessive levels of testosterone. This confirms the results of the earlier test done after his victory in the Tour de France on 20 July.

The International Cycling Union said: “The UCI communicates that the analysis of the sample B of Floyd Landis’s urine has confirmed the result of an adverse analytical finding notified by the anti-doping laboratory of Paris on July 26, following the analysis of the sample A.”. Landis now faces the prospect of being stripped of his title, along with the possibility of a two year ban.

He also stands to lose $575,700 in prize money. This would be the first time a winner has been disqualified for doping in the Tour’s history.

The American has refuted the charges saying his body naturally produces high levels of testosterone.

In its comment about Landis sample analyses, the USA Cycling announced that it will “refer this case to the United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) as the organization solely responsible for the adjudication of anti-doping cases involving American athletes in the Olympic movement

The Phonak team fired Landis on Saturday for “violating the teams internal Code of Ethics”, a statement released by the team said.

Oscar Pereiro Sio who finished second, 57 seconds adrift, now claims himself the true Tour de France champion after hearing about Landis’ result. [1]

Since 1984 testosterone use is forbidden, but difficult to test for because the body produces it naturally. A test involves measuring the testosterone/epitestosterone (T/E) ratio. An average caucasian has a 1:1 ratio but it is tolerated up to 4:1 (ratio was 6:1 or even 10:1 in the past). A new test using a spectrometer and carbon 13 ratio (CIR) exists. This new test gives a more accurate result for the presence of synthetic testosterone. This test was used on Floyd’s samples in order to confirm synthetic testosterone in his blood.

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Bird Control Is Art

Bird control is art


teal smith

Bird control is specialty and art. The fact is no one wants bother birds creating their bird loop or pigeon poop messes. There are number of reasons why we want to control birds. Many of us like the thought of having a garden a little area where we can move back after a hard day at work or somewhere we can while away the hours at the weekend. But the reality is very few of us have the time to give our gardens the attention that they truly deserve. One way to bird control is to use dogs that have been through precision training. The canines influence geese to vacate the premises through natural behaviors that are controlled through verbal cues and specific whistles. For bird control we can also offer poop cleaning, bird shit remove, bird crap clean up. Birds also reclaim the balcony from all those birds and pigeons. If you want to enjoy your balcony than bird control is very important. There are many devices which are designed for bird control. These devices irritate bird senses with high and low frequency sounds by that birds get irritated. The main advantages of these birds control devices are that they can be used everywhere. There are also some tubes which can be used for get rid birds. What the operatives do is to check these tubes regularly to see if the tempt is being taken. Where the bait is taken they will know to keep baiting until there is no more activity.


Perhaps the most common form of bird control available to allotment owners and gardeners is the greenhouse. The greenhouse prevents birds from attacking growing plants and therefore, restricts damage allowing promising gardeners everywhere to crop a decent produce. Also if purchasing a technologically advanced bird control product for a vegetable patch at home it is worth considering the impact this could have on neighboring houses that may have pets such as dogs and cats.

Author is an executive with bird control. For more information on

get rid of birds

on our websites.

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Living with HIV during COVID-19: Wikinews talks to HIV-positive sex workers about how pandemic has affected their lives

Sunday, October 18, 2020

The spread of coronavirus led to a global pandemic, affecting various daily activities. Originated in Wuhan, China, the virus spread globally, and by March, drastic measures were taken by the Indian government. Some branches of the South Western Railway of India had started taking precautions by distributing masks to ticket collectors and guards from as early as March 8. Some colleges were suspended by March 13, their exams post-poned as the government introduced lockdown and enforced social distancing.

Announced in the evening, Indian Prime Minister asked the countrymen to get the essential products and avoid going out as much as possible. Long queues outside the grocery shops, people in masks, some in N-95 masks, and hand sanitisers at the gates of megamarts were a common sight. There were reduced items in the shops, and some stores had a limit of number of customers allowed in the store at any given time. Food delivery services, and taxi services were on haitus — workers who dependent on the profession for their daily income, while software engineers were working from home. Physical classes in schools and colleges were replaced by online lectures to prevent social gatherings.

While many relied on technology for continuing their work and earn their livelihood, Wikinews reached out to sex workers in Mysore in June who unlike others can’t maintain social distancing for their work. Two sex-workers, Akram Pasha, and Jaya (a pseudonym), who were a part of sex-worker’s group called “Ashodaya Samithi” discussed how their lives had been affected by the coronavirus, the lockdown and the restrictions they had faced.

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Canadian charter airline Skyservice suspends operations

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Skyservice, a Canadian charter airline, has cancelled several flights from Toronto’s Pearson International Airport, with reports that the airline has ceased operations.

The company cites debt levels and changes in the vacation travel market with its decision to shut down operations and file for receivership. At the time of the filing in Ontario Superior Court, Skyservice is said to owe almost $9 million CAD to long-term partner and Thomas Cook subsidiary Sunquest Vacations. This situation exacerbated the debt load already put on the airline by a leveraged buyout in 2007 by Vancouver-based private equity firm Gibralt Capital Corporation. That placed more debt than was workable on the troubled airline, along with Roynat Capital calling in their loans to Skyservice earlier in the year.

Skyservice has stated that it will work with its partner companies and other providers to ensure customers stranded by the airline’s sudden shutdown are dealt with effectively, according to a company representative. In addition to customers impacted by the cancellation of flights for the month of April, approximately 860 jobs are expected to be lost as a result of this shutdown.

Tour operator Signature Vacations, under a contract with Skyservice until 2013, has stated that they were prepared for the airline’s receivership, having joined forces with rival service Sunwing Airlines.

Last year, operator Conquest Vacations declared bankruptcy, allegedly due to the economic downturn and reduced revenues throughout the industry.

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Bird Flu found in Africa

Wednesday, February 8, 2006

The H5N1 Avian Flu virus, also known as Bird Flu, has been found in Nigeria by Italian scientists. Tests done on samples in a laboratory confirm that the strain is the one that can kill people, although no human cases have been reported said the Paris-based United Nations body. This is the first time is has appeared on the continent.

Reports say tests of the virus closely resemble the virus in Asia. The virus has been discovered in poultry flocks in a large Nigerian farm. “It is the first report of the disease in Africa,” the Paris-based World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) said on Wednesday.

“It’s going to be very difficult to mount an eradication campaign,” said Dr. Alex Thiermann, president of the OIE’s international animal health code, from Paris, France. “With what we have today, it is a highly pathogenic H5N1 – the same, or very closely related to the previous ones,” said Thiermann. He also added, “a full genetic analysis of sample viruses is expected to be completed by late Thursday.”

Maria Zampaglione of the Paris-based OIE said “An outbreak has been detected. A local poultry farm keeping 46,000 birds was affected, of which 42,000 were infected and 40,000 of those, died.” The farm is located in Jaji, which is a village in the northern state of Kaduna.

“The farm is located near the Niger Delta, one of the largest over-wintering areas for wild birds in Africa.” said Thiermann.

Quarantine measures on the control and movement of poultry have been taken, and the farm has been disinfected said Nigerian authorities.

“However, it is too early to say how serious the outbreak is and how big its spread could be,” said Ilaria Capua of the Italian bird flu centre in Padua. “We have to be cautious in evaluating the possible implications of these findings.”

In Rome, Samuel Jutzi, a director of the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization said, “if the situation in Nigeria gets out of control, it will have a devastating impact on the poultry population in the region. It will seriously damage the livelihoods of millions of people and it will increase the exposure of humans to the virus.”

“When you have 46,000 chickens in a house, usually you have some degree of biocontainment…So these (chickens) are not likely to be the ones to first encounter migratory waterfowl,” Thiermann said.

Wildlife circles have been debating on whether or not wild birds are spreading the virus around the globe. Experts believe they are playing a role but most believe poultry movement, poultry products and poultry manure is the main cause of the spreading of the virus.

“But probably not in this case,” said Thiermann. “While it’s too early to blame the wildlife, it’s very likely to be in an area that’s remote enough that it’s not likely to be associated with international trade.”

OIE spokeswoman Zampiglione also said, “Experts had been fearing an African outbreak for months. The conditions there are more likely to lead to contagion from birds to man.”

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