Archives August 2014

2008 Young Designers’ Exhibition to interact with the world

Friday, May 16, 2008 

2008 The 27th Young Designers’ Exhibition, opened on May 15 at the Taipei World Trade Center and closes Sunday May 18. It features participation by 87 academic groups in Taiwan and 20 groups from United States, United Kingdom, Italy, Netherlands, New Zealand, and Australia to showcase various achievements in industrial design. It is recognized by the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (ICSID) as the largest show of student creations.

Besides the several design competitions, sponsors like International Forum Design (iF), EPSON, MUJI (in Japanese: ????, Mujirushi Ry?hin), Tsann Kuen Trans-nation Group will showcase different solutions for the design, creative, and cultural industries. The show’s organizer, Taiwan Design Center, also designed several on-site events like “On-line Graduate Season Show”, “Career Match-up”, “Creative and Cultural Showcase and Performance”, “Seminars of YODEX 2008” to link the actual exhibition with the on-line exhibition.

Besides of the previously announced “Wow! Taiwan Design Award”, winners from “2008 Young Designers’ Competition” and “2008 YODEX Interior Design Competition” were announced on Saturday, May 17.

Russia stages military exercises as Ukrainian forces advance

Wednesday, August 6, 2014 

On Monday, as Ukrainian forces continue to advance into rebel held territory, Russia announced it is to hold military exercises near its border with Ukraine.

Russia said the exercises would involve over 100 aircraft. Western leaders have accused Russia of a military build-up adjacent to Ukraine. Russia held military exercises in the area in March; last week NATO General Philip Breedlove said Russia still has 12,000 troops adjacent to Ukraine, although Russia has claimed its forces have withdrawn from the area. Russia has also been accused of arming rebels in the continuing fighting in Eastern Ukraine.

Russia also said the exercises were to include an array of fighters, bombers and helicopters, and told Interfax the purpose of the exercises is to improve air force cohesion. This week’s exercises are to be followed by others with the same goal.

Meanwhile, fighting continued in Eastern Ukraine as government forces advance on the cities of Donetsk and Luhansk, the principal cities left in rebel hands. These cities have both been reported to be surrounded, with civilians stockpiling resources in preparation for a siege amid worsening conditions. The Telegraph reported groups of rebels arming themselves with a mixture of new and old weapons, while telling accounts of setbacks inflicted upon the Ukrainian army.

The fighting, ongoing since April, is reported to have increased in intensity since Malaysian Airlines Flight 17 was shot down last month. The cause of the crash is still being investigated with experts from the Netherlands and Australia continuing to search the crash site.

Comments:U.S. Supreme Court upholds health care mandate

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I’m not quite understanding why liberals think that this is such a good thing, except the liberals that own stock in insurance companies. One thing I know is that car insurance, which anyone who drives is required to have, is too expensive, especially if you’re young because they automatically assume that young people are going to be reckless. Now, with the individual mandate, I expect that health insurance companies will jack prices up knowing that people have to have it, and they’ll probably do the same thing the car insurance companies do; they’ll charge more for young people because they’re supposedly reckless, they’ll charge more for people with preexisting conditions, they’ll jack your premiums up if you ever go to the hospital, etc. How is this supposed to help the poor? Also consider the fact that there are a lot of people that will not take government aide, look at all the homeless people that are homeless because they refuse to go on welfare. How will taxing them for not having insurance help them?

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I find it sad and funny that Obama spoke of how this is a lovely plan to help people and make sure noone is uninsured in times of need and yet the part that was cut was the one that would’ve extended Medicaid benefits to the people at the bottom of the income scale.

And my bet is that was Robert’s attempt to throw a bone to the right-wing to make them somewhat.

Illinois high schools now required to buy insurance for athletes

Tuesday, August 6, 2013 

This past Sunday, Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed into law a bill known as “Rocky’s Law” that requires Illinois high schools, through the local school district, to buy catastrophic injury insurance up to US$3 million or medical costs for up to five years, whichever one comes first, that covers student athletes. The insurance must cover student athletes while they are competing.

The legislation was named after Rasul “Rocky” Clark. In 2000, the Eisenhower High School football player became paralyzed from the waist down as a result of a tackle during a game. His school based health insurance covered the costs of his medical treatment. A legislator sponsoring the bill noted that the need for this type of insurance is rare. Clark’s mother attended the legislation signing. Her son died last year.

Before parents can claim money from school insurance, they first must pay out US$50,000. Schools have until January 1, 2014 to comply with the law. Schools cannot charge students more than US$5 to defray the cost of insurance. If a school district already requires student to be covered through private health insurance, they are exempted from this law.