Shih Tzu The Hotly Contested Shih Tzu Size Part Ii}

Shih Tzu The Hotly Contested Shih Tzu Size Part Ii


Connie Limon –

In addition to the writings of Colonel Burkhardt regarding the practice of cross-breeding the Shih Tzu with Pekingese to reduce size, there is also published information of a booklet by Madam Lu expressing a similar opinion. These writings were done by someone connected with the newly formed Peking Kennel Club. The translator of the booklet was Mr. C.S.K. Chou, but there is no identification of the actual writer was. In reference to the Lhassa Lion Dogs the passage says: There is also every evidence to show that these dogs have been bred down from a larger-sized breed and this theory is supported by the great variety of size and weight which is found in this class of dogs.

We have been told that the empress Dowager did not approve of the use of cruel practices to stunt the growth of the dogs, the passages written by Colonel Burkhardt and this unknown writer seem to imply the imperial eunuchs tried to keep the Shih Tzu small by strictly selective breeding. This selective breeding was approved of by the Empress, according to a Mrs. Dixey. The breedings were not always successful so far as producing the uniform smaller size Shih Tzu, which most likely accounts for the smaller size Shih Tzu appearing in many different bloodlines of breedings between larger Shih Tzu, and not that the appearance of a smaller Shih Tzu in the litter is merely the runt of that litter. We all know that whatever is in the past of any dogs bloodline can appear in the present. This goes for size the same as for health or any other genetic positive or negative influence on that litter.


The years immediately following the 1912 revolution, Colonel Burkhardt also tells us the mating was very haphazard. Some 20 years later there is still complaints in Madame Lus booklet regarding the great variety of size and weight. The same could have been said of the Empress Dowagers Imperial Palace Goldfish which probably increased in size with the breakdown of controlled breeding. The Empress Dowager had many other pets besides the Shih Tzu.

There is strong support for the above viewpoint in the China Weekly Chronicle of June 10, 1934. The report was on Peipings First International Dog Show held on June 7, 1934. The paper states that the Lhassa Lion Dogs were, on the whole, disappointing in spite of their numbers, showing too much deviation from the standard, especially in size, suggesting the necessity of careful breeding to the standard in the future. Well, what exactly was that standard? The official Peking Kennel Clubs official standard did come until four years later. It is uncertain what standard is referred to at this earlier date, but is strong evidence that the question of size in the Shih Tzu has always, absolutely always been a very hot and controversial issue. I am not totally surprised about the myths and lies being spread in the years of 2004 onward about the production of smaller size Shih Tzu being a direct cause of someone being an irresponsible breeder and in-breeding or line-breeding close relatives just to achieve a smaller size Shih Tzu and obtain more money for that Shih Tzu along with the lies that these smaller type Shih Tzu are very sickly, full of health problems, and only the runts of the litter. This is not the reason we have smaller Shih Tzu among us.

All Shih Tzu breeders should have a strong grasp of Shih Tzu history to be able to communicate the facts surrounding the development of our present day Shih Tzu . (Please see Shih Tzu The Hotley Contested Shih Tzu Size Part III).

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Connie Limon is a Shih Tzu breeder. She publishes a FREE weekly newsletter. A professional newsletter with a focus upon health and wellness for you and your pets. Discounts are offered to subscribers. Sign up at:

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Shih Tzu The Hotly Contested Shih Tzu Size Part Ii}