How Can Patent Registration Help You To Protect Your Product?}

Submitted by: Legal Raasta

Protect Your Product

Every day entrepreneurs are born. Startups are trending nowadays. Almost everyone wants to set up his own business, of course, with an aim of becoming successful. The most important thing you need in order to become an entrepreneur is an idea. An idea is the beginning of your journey as an entrepreneur. An idea is important because it defines your working path. Your vision, objective and idea are all interrelated. They cant exist without each other. But, with so many entrepreneurs already in the market, it is quite obvious that your idea is shared by many. It is very much possible that it has been already executed. Under such circumstances, what you need is creativity. This creativity makes your idea unique, which in turn makes your product unique. Now, unique products attract attention. To avoid any kind of mishappening, say theft, your product needs protection. This protection is provided by the patent registration. Described below is how patent protects your product in detail.

A phone is a common product, but company matters, right? Be it Apple or Samsung, be it Nokia or Micromax. The primary idea was same behind all these companies, what made a difference was the way of implementation. Creativity made all these companies different from each other. And surely these are not the only mobile phone companies present in the market. There are hundreds of similar companies. Still some are more famous than others. All this difference was caused by the way of execution. All these companies primarily wanted to sell mobile phones. The change occurred as soon as they brought creativity in the scenario. Similarly, when you have an idea it is very much probable that you find similar ideas already present in the market. To make your idea unique you will need something extra. Be it creativity or extra features. It solely depends on you. The end result should be a unique product, so that, people are attracted towards it. But, now the problem is that you have a unique product which attracts the attention of many unwanted people also. Here unwanted people, refers to those who have the tendency of stealing others ideas. With your product being unique, there is a high probability of your idea being stolen. To protect your product you need to take some precautionary steps.


These steps include the utmost care of the product, Non-disclosure agreements and the most effective of all, patent. Patent makes sure that even after your product is in the market, it is safe from prying eyes. Patent is a legal protection. Therefore, as soon as a person knows that you have a patent for your product, he wont dare to misuse your product or your idea.

Patent protects your product in following ways;

Legal protection. Patent being a government initiative, is completely legal. It gives your product a legal This legal identity not only saves your product from potential thieves but also from any kind of legal suit regarding the ownership of your product.

Originality. Patent is given after a thorough verification. This verification proves to everybody else that your product is cent percent original. This way you gain the trust of your customers and even gain all the rights of your product.

Your invention, your decision. Patent along with protection gives you the right of using your product as per your wish. Also, no one is liable to use your product without your permission. If anyone does that, you have the complete right to report him and file a lawsuit against him.

All this protection comes with a long validity. A patent is valid for twenty years. So, you have the exclusive rights to your product for twenty continuous years. You are given the whole credit of your idea, your product. It is your own invention and patent acknowledges the same. We, at LegalRaasta, can help you with patent registration for your invention.

About the Author:

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