Dental Implants:A General Overview

Submitted by: Harley John

A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that a Periodontist places into the jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge. Dental implants are an ideal option for people in good general oral health and lost a tooth or teeth due to periodontal disease, an injury or some other reason.

A dental implant is a “root” device, usually made up of titanium and is used in the dentistry to support restorations that resemble a tooth or teeth to replace the missing tooth or teeth. It is a small screw or cylinder, which looks like a thin metal rod. This acts as a replacement root of a tooth and supports single or several false teeth known as restorations. These implants fuse with the bone of the patient s jaw via a healing process called Osseo integration. Dental implants replace one or more tooth without affecting the bordering teeth and support the bridge. They eliminate the need for a removable partial denture and provide support for a denture, making it more secure and comfortable.

Each tooth in the mouth has a specific duty and losing just one tooth can impair the biting and chewing ability. Replacing a missing tooth immediately after its removal, will keep the dental arch in place and also assists in chewing food and also for speaking properly. These implants function much like a real tooth.


The reason of the tooth loss could be cavities, grossly decayed teeth, and gum diseases like Periodontitis. The patient has to go for the removal of the teeth. It is important for the underlying gums and bone to be disease-free, before the placement of a dental implant. Dental implants play an important role in patients, who are injured in accidents. Complete restructuring of the jaw line along with dental implants and artificial teeth is possible, giving the patients a second chance to lead a normal life.

When teeth are lost, the bone supporting them also gets damaged. This causes a shortening of the height of the jaw line over time. Some of these symptoms occur naturally as a person grows older. However, it can be dramatic and rapid with tooth loss. Dental implants provide the stimulation required for the bones to remain intact. These implants can help in looking young or in the restoration of face. Implants can slow down this process and perhaps, replace the missing structures.

Many older patients have removable partial and full dentures. These dental appliances are bulky and often difficult to wear. They become loose and can cause embarrassment or difficulty during speech. But, this is not the case with implants, which looks like a real teeth. They also maintain the tone and size of the muscles in your face.

They are not teeth, but they do place pressure on the jaw bone and provide additional sensation to a patient, who felt nothing. Dental implants push on the bone in a manner similar to natural teeth. Thus, implants look and feel like that of a natural tooth than any other dental restorations.

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