Circumcision: How to Prepare and Help Your Baby Recover

If you have decided on circumcision for your baby boy, you should learn a little about what to expect first. Any medical procedure involving your child is bound to worry you a little bit, but having some idea of how it works is helpful so you have some control over the situation. Consider what to expect when it comes to timing, payment, and the healing process.

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In many cases, you will be advised to circumcise your baby shortly after he is born. Many hospitals perform the procedure on the day the baby goes home, which tends to be a few days after birth. If you decide to get it done by your pediatrician instead, you should do it within ten days of the birth. You may be able to combine the procedure with one of the many well baby check-ups you will have to go to during the first few weeks of your son’s life. Whether you choose to use the hospital or pediatrician, you should get some instructions on what to expect from the medical professional performing the circumcision.

Most insurance companies do not pay for this treatment since they do not consider it medically necessary. Despite its popularity, it is now often considered an elective procedure, so be prepared to pay for it on your own entirely. Many hospitals will perform the treatment during your stay for a low price if you pay cash. If you decide to wait until you get home and go to a doctor appointment, you may have to pay more. This is another detail to find out from the professional offering the circumcision so that you can get the best price.

The healing process is likely of interest to you since no one wants their child to be in pain. Many babies sleep through the procedure, which may be comforting to know. However, it may start to cause a little discomfort hours later, and your son may fuss or cry to show that it bothers him. The best thing you can do is allow him to sleep as much as he wants, and then cover the area with Vaseline or other soothing creams when you change his diaper. Try not to touch the area, which will look red and raw, so just squeeze copious amounts of the cream on it by holding the tube slightly above it. This process will soothe the area, and can also keep it from getting stuck to the diaper and becoming even more irritated.

If your son seems to be quite bothered by the circumcision, and cries relentlessly for several hours, you can call your doctor. In most cases, your child will be fine and should heal within days as long as you properly care for the area. However, you may be asked to bring him back in to get it checked out if it sounds worrisome to the doctor. Either way, the physician will check it out at the next well baby appointment, so rest assured that it will turn out fine.

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