Lower Back Pain Treatments To Consider

Keeping in mind, today’s working style and culture, maximum people have long hours sitting job or suffer such pains due to bad posture, strained muscles, injuries, muscle sprains, sudden different body movements while lifting weights or aging.

The spine or the back is the most important part of the body as it binds the whole body together and maintains the balance within as well. Difficulty or irritation in the back causes one to unwell or unstable all the time and also causes difficulty in performing day-to-day activities. Since the lower back can be caused by various symptoms, so it becomes difficult to access the root cause of one’s pain without performing a proper physical diagnosis of the body. A few major causes of Lower Back Pain are:

  • Spondylitis
  • Aging
  • Sciatica
  • Slipped Discs.
  • Strains / Muscle Spasms.
  • Pregnancy
  • Muscle / Nerve Injury.
  • Kidney Diseases/ Appendicitis.
  • Being overweight
  • Physically Inactive.
  • Stress

Lower Back Pain Treatment

There are certainlower back treatments by which the pain is treated if the cause of it is diagnosed properly. We have home remedies, rest, medications, and physical movements such as massages, therapies, or surgical treatments.

  • Self-Care/ Home Care Treatments – when you are suffering from lower back pain, the immediate action one should take is to stop doing strenuous physical activities and have some rest which provides immediate pain relief. Putting a pillow under the knees while sleeping provides pain relief to the lower back. Improving sleeping or lying body posture also, reduces back pain. Stretching and strenuous physical exercises should generally be avoided as they may cause irritation in the specific region.
  • Medication- There are a few non-prescribed medications available on the market that are recommended by doctors for instant pain relief. One of the reputed clinics for treating back pain is the ‘Back Solutions Clinic’. A medicine named Ibuprofen is considered the best short-term treatment and pain reliever for lower back pain.
  • Heat and Ice Packs – Heat and cold therapy help in reducing inflammation, thus resulting in lower back pain relief. Ice packs and heat packs both can be used alternately.
  • Chiropractic Treatment – This is mainly used to improve spinal function caused by increasing motion or inflammation, also known as Chiropractic Manipulation.
  • Aerobics/ Exercises – Some specific lower back exercises are prescribed to promote healing, like slow walking or swimming, etc.
  • Physiotherapy/ Massages – Physiotherapy exercise therapy decreases pain. Some electronic shocks or certain ultrasounds and other techniques are used to provide pain relief. Also, certain massages are specially designed to provide effective lower back pain relief. You can get yourself the best massage chair consumer reports as well.
  • Acupuncture – The acupuncture technique is most recommended forlower back pain, as the process includes putting needles on the specific pain region, to loosen up the nerves so that pain goes off.
  • Routine Check – Some little changes in daily routine like maintain a good body posture, eat healthily, have a balanced diet, exercises, and also be careful while sitting and standing, have a firm mattress for back support and keeping a pillow under knees while sleeping, all these helps to avoid severe damage to back pain.

How To Use Coconut Oil To Cure Hemorrhoids Naturally}

Submitted by: Bello Gbenga

Although there may not be scientific proof that says it’s true, many hemorrhoid victims that have used coconut oil actually testify to the efficacy of this remedy. First, what is coconut oil? It’s the fat we get from the flesh of coconuts. It’s about 85% saturated fat and it is also considered to be one of the more stable cooking oils.

So, why might coconut oil be a good natural hemorrhoid cure?

One major reason is that it contains a lot of nutrients that are good for the body:

1 – It contains healthy fat with a high and good HDL/ADL ratio when consumed.

2 – It’s a whole food with strong antiviral, antimicrobial, and antibacterial qualities.

3 – Coconut oil is a naturally occurring vegan food source. The reason is its saturated fat contains one of the highest concentrations (62%) of saturated medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), a special class of fatty acids. These MCTs behave like carbohydrates in the body, which means they’re more easily digested and absorbed. The body uses these fats as energy rather than storing them as body fat.

4 – Most importantly, the high concentration of saturated medium chained triglycerides in virgin coconut oil is made up of nearly 50% lauric acid, the critical essential fatty acid needed to build and maintain our body’s immune system. Mother’s milk is the only other source of such high concentrations of lauric acid. This natural immune boosting property helps it to combat diseases like piles.

What are the other benefits of virgin coconut oil?


People that consume coconut oil stand to gain these other benefits:

– It prevents constipation.

– It helps to reduce excessive body weight as it increases the rate of metabolism in the body.

– It has natural anti-inflammatory properties.

– It attacks yeast infections.

– It gives readily available energy.

– It helps to fight urinary tract infections.

– It aids digestion.

– It helps to maintain normal glucose levels in diabetics.

– It aids healing by repairing damaged tissue more quickly.

– It aids the thyroid gland in regulating metabolism.

You must note however that these benefits derive from consuming virgin coconut oils, not hydrogenated. It’s critical to remember this difference. Hydrogenated forms are no different from other highly saturated fats that produce trans fat. They are harmful to the body.

How do you apply coconut oil as a natural hemorrhoid cure

Coconut oil (virgin is still preferred) is effective as a natural hemorrhoid cure when applied topically.

– First, clean the affected area, you can also apply witch hazel applied to a cotton ball to dry the area better.

– Then, apply generous amounts of the coconut oil to completely cover your inflamed hemorrhoid swellings and the affected area at least twice daily for at least 3 days.

– Also, every time after you move your bowels (or at least twice daily), reapply the coconut oil to make sure the area is covered. You should see substantial shrinking (if not the disappearance) of your hemorrhoids within the 3 days.

So, are there some other natural simple hemorrhoid treatments that you can use to treat your symptoms?

About the Author: Yes, and you are invited to


to discover other good natural hemorrhoid treatments. Finally

click here

to download a free book on hemorrhoid diet.



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