Samsung I9300 Galaxy S Iii The Mobile That Rocks The Users!

Samsung I9300 Galaxy S III – The Mobile that rocks the users!



In today s era, we found that GSMArena test track has become an ordinary feature in mobile phones. Samsung has done their best to protect the Galaxy SIII against many odds. Samsung I9300 Galaxy S III model has been introduced to experience the amazing performance that it has to offer its users. As a result of the hardware made by the Samsung, the Galaxy SIII has an endless list of mind blowing numbers. The features of the mobile make it more exclusive with the 720p AMOLED screen. It comes with a colossal battery and yet it keeps its slim waistline.

Indeed, Samsung is on their way seeking for a challenging competition, and they have already proven that the Galaxy SIII is a Smartphone that thrives on a challenge. The retail package of the Samsung I9300 galaxy S III provides all the basic accessories, mandatory for the everyday use of the Smartphone. The micro USB data cable couples with the wall mount charger, which can be used for charging from a computer. It also allows transferring files from the PC, and it comes with a single- piece headset. The external memory card micro SD card is not supplied as they provide 16 GB of internal memory, which will allow huge storage.


Initially, when the model was introduced in the market, it did not have any impressive response as the design was not new; it was borrowed from the last two Nexus Smartphone. Though the design did not look that impressive when they released the official photos initially, the user will surely realize that the Samsung I9300 designs are actually not too bad as its material looks better in person than on photos. The slim waistline will definitely impress a person that really adds to the general appeal of the device. Coming to the resolution part, the mobile possess 408 inches super AMOLED of HD resolution where the Samsung I9300 galaxy SIII magic happen. The quality of the image is very impressive.

The colours are drenched perfectly, but the display setting option provides us four types of choices of different modes where we can opt for more natural colours as well. Of course, the view during sunlight splendid, and its reflectivity is low that enables to view the screen quite clearly outside in the brightest day. After looking at many of the Samsung I9300 Galaxy S III Reviews, the design is the impressive part of it. Samsung I9300 Galaxy S III price is around Rs.34, 444 and UD 646. Generally, Samsung mobile Price in India ranges from Rs.1, 625 of Music to Rs.32, 625 of Galaxy Note.

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Samsung I9300 galaxy S III

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Reox Holdings (Dairygold): Small Step To Radio Means A Giant Leap In Bandwidth For Reox}

REOX HOLDINGS (DAIRYGOLD): Small step to radio means a giant leap in bandwidth for REOX


Air Speed

When Reox Holdings went looking for a secondary network to back up its


wide area network. It found more than it bargained for in AirSpeed.Now the bandwidth, resilience and reach of the AirSpeed solution has convinced Reox to make radio its primary network to its core sites.The diverse nature of the Reox Holdings business puts a greater demand on its IT systems than other, non-diversified enterprises face. The IT department in Reox works with four distinct business divisions: the 4Homes DIY retail business; the Dairygold dairy business; a cold foods division; and a substantial property business. The Group IT division is responsible not only for the Reox data centre at Cork AirportBusiness Park, but also for anticipating and meeting the changing needs of the four divisions, each of which has its own IT manager.”We decided that AirSpeed would become our primary WAN circuit to our sites. The wired network will become our backup.”Michael Costello, Group IT Service Delivery Manager, Reox HoldingsIn 2007 Reox undertook an initiative to strengthen its wide area network, as the momentum within the business was toward the centralisation of more IT infrastructure in the company’s data centre. The WAN serves a number of sites in Cork and Dublin, and the first priority in strengthening it was to provide resilience. The company already had an IP MPLS network from another provider as its primary WAN circuit, and it began investigating its options for a secondary network.”It became clear, as we looked at the AirSpeed solution, that we were being offered a very high performance network that offered excellent bandwidth capabilities,” explains Michael Costello, Group IT Service Delivery Manager for Reox Holdings. “So we decided that AirSpeed would become our primary WAN circuit to our sites. The wired network will become our backup.” Radio from AirSpeed — the right technology and the right skill set.The decision to go with AirSpeed was an easy one, Michael notes, because of the total package on offer. Not only did AirSpeed offer coverage and excellent bandwidth to all six sites, but it also offered a fully managed solution using its own Juniper-certified personnel.”Other companies were either providing only the equipment and leaving us to manage it, or were providing a managed solution using outsourced personnel, which would mean more complexity and more people involved whenever support issues arose,” he said. “Only AirSpeed offered just what we needed, including the in-house management.”Michael says the dramatic increase in bandwidth AirSpeed offers over its current provider will provide real business benefits. With the current environment, the company has a 10Mbps connection to the MPLS cloud. But with the implementation of AirSpeed, the company will have a 150Mbps WAN link.”We will be able to start looking at remote-site disaster recovery — our current network just doesn’t have the bandwidth for that,” he says. “We will be open to other business opportunities by allowingmore centralised applications, so from a strategic point of view there are good opportunities.”High bandwidth, limitless possibilitiesThe significant increase in bandwidth will be a major boost to Reox, Michael says, and to its plans to create a stronger, future-proofed WAN for all types of potential projects. With the MPLS networkproviding resiliency and AirSpeed providing a primary network with a large bandwidth increase, Reox is well positioned to get the maximum benefits from its WAN, with AirSpeed radio leading the way.”We have found AirSpeed very approachable and obviously very knowledgeable in their field, and we feel they can help us with our business needs going forward,” Michael says. “They are technologicallyvery good but they also understand from a business perspective what the solution needs to provide us with.”Michael also notes that he’s pleased and encouraged to see the huge strides radio technology has made in just a few years.”I’ve had quite a bit of input into wireless technology over the last few years, and I’ve seen it improve vastly,” he says. “We’re comfortable not just in using wireless technology, but in making it our primary WAN infrastructure. Areas like functionality, security and cost were all taken on board during the assessment process, and we are confident the solution is going to be a huge benefit to the organisation moving forward.”

AirSpeed Telecom provides fast, reliable voice and data telecommunications services to businesses and public sector bodies in Ireland.

Wireless broadband network15 Magna Drive CitywestDublin 24Network redundancy

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REOX HOLDINGS (DAIRYGOLD): Small step to radio means a giant leap in bandwidth for REOX}

The Three Basic Opening Chess Strategy And Principles}

Submitted by: PDiA16hR Pedia

I’m going to discuss with you today regarding the three principles to opening strategy. When we receive for the game we’re always like, what can we do? There are a lot of pieces. Im not sure how to begin.” Well let me offer you the three steps that will help you to create a strong and confident opening.

The very first thing we will need to understand is these four center squares. They are considered an excellent square because this is the location where the core of the board is, the control center. For example, if I have my knight in the center of the board, my knight can control up to eight different squares, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. We are able to observe that this is the very strong place for my knight. If I have my knight on the side of the board it can only control up to four squares, 1, 2, 3, and 4.


Therefore, my knight is stronger in the center whereas most pieces are stronger in the center of the board. So at the start of the game you need to think about the center control. First thing we can try to do is get our pawns in the center. Very important to try and get our pawns to control the center. The next important step that we need to give attention to is piece development.

Now I like to think about my pieces since they are working for me. I need to give my pieces a job. If they are sitting back here they are not happy and they are not doing anything. So my next step is to bring my pieces out and have them working for me. Usually we bring out the knights before the bishops. So I can bring my knight to F-3 and my other knight to C-3 and then I’m bringing them towards the center. Notice how I didn’t bring my knight to H-3, which could not be a good choice towards the center.

Next, I would like to bring my bishops out, again on the center controlling the center squares. The next thing that we always be considering is king safety, very important. I like to consider the king like a baby. The main reason I consider the king a baby is that we always want to protect our babies just like we always want to protect our king. Therefore, the simplest way to protect your king at the start of the game is to castle. We have now two places, two strategies we can easily castle. You can either castle on the king’s side or on the queen’s side.

Right away I noticed that I can castle on the king’s side. To castle I move my king two spaces and then bring my rook to the other side and now my king is stuck behind a little fortress or, to keep with the theme of a baby, a crib and it is protected and safe. Just to review, the three important principles are controlling the center, piece development, and king safety. Those are the three things that we can do at the beginning of the game to go into the middle game confidently.

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