Am I Losing Too Much Hair?

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Submitted by: Eadie Dynah

It could be that hair loss runs in your family. Or maybe you’ve recognized what resembles too much hairs on your comb or hai

ush most recently. For whatever reason, you’re bothered that you are failing to keep too much hair, and have recognized what seems thinning.

Let’s start with a few certainties. It is quite normal to fail to keep as many as 50 to 100 hairs per day. Not all will be on your hai

ush, nonetheless. You may lose a few hairs while having your shower; you may lose some while pushing your bangs out of your eyes. So, don’t presume to count the hairs on your brush and know for sure how many hairs you normally lose.

The reason that everybody loses a certain number of hair is that each follicle enters the anagen– or resting– phase many times over the course of a life time. A follicle may stay in this stage for three or four months. Nevertheless, this is a comparatively short phase in comparison to the catagen– or developping– phase. Pending on your genetics, yourhair may be growing for three to ten years at a time!


This implies that the true benchmark of whether you are losing too much hair is whether the follicles spring from the resting phase and re-enter the growing phase. If you observe your hair is thinning, your hair follicles may not be returning to growing hair, for a number of reasons.

One of the most common reasons is too much DHT. DHT is Dihydrotestosterone, a hormonal factor that can prevent receptors in the hair follicle and slowly deprive the follicle by stopping nutrients from entering.

The fantastic news is that there is a harmless herbal product that can help to reduce your levels of DHT as you would expect. It’s called saw palmetto. New research shows that this supplement is sufficient against DHT, helping to break it down into other things that are not ravaging to your hair.

So, just how do you get Saw Palmetto to the follicle? While you can imbibe saw palmetto as an oral pill, this method does not guarantee delivery of sufficient concentration of the herbal treatment to the follicle itself. One of the best ways to get saw palmetto directly to the site of your hair loss is to implement it to the scalp. You can get this combination with a number of topical products. One such combination is SureThik Shampoo and Serum. The advantage of SureThik (unlike some competitors) is that the company posts research on its site that documents the effectiveness of its compounds, so that the customer understands how the formula works against hair loss.

Why apply the key component twice to the scalp? It’s all about results. The benefit of using both a shampoo and serum combination is that it delivers saw palmetto in two steps– with a scalp cleansing shampoo and a leave-on treatment. This is a one-two punch against hair loss from DHT. It could be that hair loss runs in your family. Or maybe you’ve recognized what resembles too much hairs on your comb or hai

ush most recently. For whatever reason, you’re bothered that you are failing to keep too much hair, and have recognized what seems thinning.

Let’s start with a few certainties. It is quite normal to fail to keep as many as 50 to 100 hairs per day. Not all will be on your hai

ush, nonetheless. You may lose a few hairs while having your shower; you may lose some while pushing your bangs out of your eyes. So, don’t presume to count the hairs on your brush and know for sure how many hairs you normally lose.

The reason that everybody loses a certain number of hair is that each follicle enters the anagen– or resting– phase many times over the course of a life time. A follicle may stay in this stage for three or four months. Nevertheless, this is a comparatively short phase in comparison to the catagen– or developping– phase. Pending on your genetics, your hair may be growing for three to ten years at a time!

This implies that the true benchmark of whether you are losing too much hair is whether the follicles spring fromthe resting phase and re-enter the growing phase. If you observe your hair is thinning, your hair follicles may not be returning to growing hair, for a number of reasons.

One of the most common reasons is too much DHT. DHT is Dihydrotestosterone, a hormonal factor that can prevent receptors in the hair follicle and slowly deprive the follicle by stopping nutrients from entering.

The fantastic news is that there is a harmless herbal product that can help to reduce your levels of DHT as you would expect. It’s called saw palmetto. New research shows that this supplement is sufficient against DHT, helping to break it down into other things that are not ravaging to your hair.

So, just how do you get Saw Palmetto to the follicle? While you can imbibe saw palmetto as an oral pill, this method does not guarantee delivery of sufficient concentration of the herbal treatment to the follicle itself. One of the best ways to get saw palmetto directly to the site of your hair loss is to implement it to the scalp. You can get this combination with a number of topical products. One such combination is SureThik Shampoo and Serum. The advantage of SureThik (unlike some competitors) is that the company posts research on its site that documents the effectiveness of its compounds, so that the customer understands how the formula works against hair loss.

Why apply the key component twice to the scalp? It’s all about results. The benefit of using both a shampoo and serum combination is that it delivers saw palmetto in two steps– with a scalp cleansing shampoo and a leave-on treatment. This is a one-two punch against hair loss from DHT.

About the Author: thickening hair


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