Archives April 2021

At least 53 killed, over 90 injured in Shanghai apartment fire

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

China’s Xinhua News Agency said Tuesday that at least 53 people were killed in Shanghai during a deadly fire. The blaze, which occurred on Monday at 2:15 p.m. CST (0615 UTC), consumed a 28-story high-rise apartment building in the city’s Jing’an District.

The building was being renovated at the time of the fire, and was home to over 150 families. At least 100 victims have been admitted to area hospitals, although some later died. Most survivors were not seriously injured, but needed treatment for smoke inhalation. Firefighters were still looking for survivors and over 70 were still hospitalized on the morning after the fire.

The fire was the worst in recent Shanghai history and took over 100 fire engines more than four hours to contain. Strong winds blew heavy smoke into the air, hampering rescue efforts by helicopters. The smoke was seen by witnesses around 15 kilometres (9.3 miles) away from the high-rise. The fire was largely extinguished by 6:30 p.m. local time (1000 UTC), allowing fire and rescue officials to enter the building.

The apartment building, built in the late 1990s, was home to mainly retired teachers. Some residents climbed down the scaffolding to escape, while others called for help but were unable to flee the blaze. “I saw at least four or five people hanging onto the scaffolding which covers the building, screaming for help,” said Li Qubo, who was working near the high-rise.

The cause of the fire has not yet been determined, but local residents said fire safety regulations were not strict, and workers often tossed used cigarettes into the building’s hallways. Qiu Jingshu, a 38-year-old worker who was outside the 18th floor when the fire struck, said he saw sparks from welding being done on an adjacent building fly over onto the high-rise. The sparks lit up foam on the scaffolding around the apartment, according to Qiu. “We had tried to put out the blaze, but the fire was so big and spread so quickly that we could barely escape ourselves,” he said. Crews were said to have been installing insulation at the time of the fire, and witnesses saw construction materials on fire before the building was overtaken by flames.

Two nearby buildings were evacuated, and their residents were temporarily sent to local hotels, and a school. Meng Jianzhu, China’s Minister of Public Security, said that an investigation would determine who was responsible for the fire, so they could be punished accordingly. Meng said that a team had been formed under China’s State Council to look into the disaster.

A similar incident occurred in Beijing early last year. In February 2009, the illegal use of fireworks caused a fire that gutted a 34-story building under construction at the time.

Shanghai has a population of about 20 million, housed mainly in high-rise apartments. Many buildings in the city are under construction or being renovated.

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The Benefits Of Financial Social Media

The benefits of financial social media


Kevin Waddel

Social media has moved beyond a method for people to stay in touch with old friends and family members that don\’t live close by. Now we use it as an addition to search engines and we take recommendations on finding new products and services very seriously. Social media has served to personalize the internet quite effectively. It allows us to share information that we feel is important and read what our close knit circle thinks is important. Companies have begun using it to interact better with customers and this has proven to be true in the very competitive financial world. Financial social media has moved beyond just a method for friends to share stock tips. In a bad economy it has become a necessary resource for people to make the most of their lessened income.

Financial social media also allows people to improve the quality of their bankrolls by sharing what they know about money matters and work together to beat the market and find good financial opportunities. Financial social media also allows a significantly easier interaction with expert traders and stock market analysts and the companies that employ them. It also allows people to see where biases exist among these analysts. A lot of experts believe social media could\’ve helped a lot of people be better informed before the last recession. If some people could prevent themselves from massive losses during the next economic downturn, then financial social media will be totally worth it.


The problems begin to arise for both individuals and financial institutions alike when the information being shared is not being presented with good intent, whether that is done intentionally or not. The power of the internet and

Financial Social Media

is on display with how quickly information can spread and that isn\’t only limited to fully accurate and vetted information. When everyone is trying to make money and a lot of that money is made at the expense of others, then the integrity of everything be shared can be called into question. The problem is especially pernicious because people have to react to news quickly and that doesn\’t allow them time to do appropriate research if they want to make the best of that news. People always remember the time they missed out on making a lot of money and the next time they may not do the appropriate due diligence.

The importance of receiving accurate financial information in is getting larger as the economy stays weak and people find themselves in desperate situations. In such a situation it can be hard for individuals to think rationally and act with good intentions. It also requires a lot from financial services providers who have to do their part to make sure that their writers and analysts are sharing reputable information. Social media is becoming a bigger and bigger part of our lives and in a bad economy it is incredibly important in the world of finance. With a little bit of prudence from both consumers and corporations, financial social media can be used by both sides to make more money and generate more business.

Kevin Waddel is a free lance writer. To get more information about Public relations, Public Relations New York,

Financial Social Media

and Health Public Relations visit

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News briefs:May 03, 2010

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Food with cancer-causing dye recalled in Britain

Saturday, April 30, 2005

The British Food Standards Agency (FSA) has announced a recall of foods containing banned dyes which increase the risk of cancer. The food products were sold at the Tesco, Waitrose, and Somerfield supermarkets.

A Bristol company called “Barts Spices” found the illegal Para Red substance in their Barts Ground Paprika, which was sold in 48g and 46g jars with a “Co-op” label. The batch codes on the affected products are 5032 and 5089 (expiration Dec 2007), and 5075 (expiration February 2007).

Tesco also found that their 130g package of BBQ rice cakes (expiration November and December 2005) contained both Para Red and Sudan I.

“It would be very prudent to assume that it could be a genotoxic carcinogen,” FSA scientific advisers told reporters.

“As a company committed to supplying only the very finest quality food ingredients, we took the immediate decision to withdraw our ground paprika spice from all outlets selling the product and advertised a product recall in the national press,” a Barts Spices spokesman said in a statement.

Sudan I is only authorized for industrial use to colorize petroleum products, such as shoe polish. Para Red and Sudan I are banned under the British Colours in Food Regulations of 1995.

Britain last went through a major food recall in February, when Worcester Sauce was found to contain chili powder dyed with Sudan 1.

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Fifteen flu sufferers die in Wales in one week

Friday, January 14, 2011

Over the course of the last week, fifteen people who have suffered from influenza have died in Wales, as reported to the Welsh Assembly Government. The total amount of flu-related deaths in Wales since October 2010 has now increased to 27.

Despite the slight increase in the clinical consultation rate for influenza this week compared to the previous week, the rate of consultations for flu-like illness in Wales still remains within the levels of normal seasonal flu activity.

On Tuesday, 49 people were being treated in critical care beds in hospitals around Wales, according to health officials. With twelve reported admissions, Aneurin Bevan Local Health Board had the highest amount of critical care patients in Wales. Betsi Cadwaladr University Local Health Board has the second highest total number of patients experiencing this critical care in the country, with eleven being cared for. Cardiff and Vale University Health Board and Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board have nine important care admissions each. Cwm Taf NHS Trust contains five of such patients, while Hywel Dda NHS Trust has three.

The age group of 25–34 years old had the largest amount of meetings with general practitioners; the rate of consultation was 147 people for every 100,000. For all age groups, 93 people out of every one hundred thousand have been consulting with a GP; on January 5, the total figure stood at 85 meetings per 100,000.

“Despite the slight increase in the clinical consultation rate for influenza this week compared to the previous week, the rate of consultations for flu-like illness in Wales still remains within the levels of normal seasonal flu activity,” said Dr. Tony Jowell, the Chief Medical Officer of Wales. “Most healthy people will recover from flu-like illnesses within five to seven days with plenty of rest and drinking non-alcoholic fluids. On the issue of vaccination against seasonal flu, whilst we have been working to make stocks of the vaccine that was developed against swine flu available to be used where supplies of seasonal flu vaccine have run low, we are now well into the flu season.”

According to Media Wales, 13 patients experiencing flu-related symptoms were getting treatment at Withybush General Hospital in Haverfordwest on Tuesday. Meanwhile, five were receiving hospital treatment at Bronglais General Hospital in Aberystwyth. Also, Carmarthenshire NHS Trust in Llanelli and West Wales General Hospital in Carmarthen both had a solitary patient.

Jowell also commented: “People in at-risk groups are at a higher risk of complications from seasonal flu, and the best protection is early vaccination. A press and publicity campaign has been running since October and has included television, radio and bus adverts to let people know if they are in an at-risk group, and that the vaccine is available free of charge to those groups from GPs. We have also encouraged health boards and GPs to ensure that their patients and front line NHS staff are vaccinated against seasonal flu.”

Throughout the United Kingdom, 62 individuals reportedly died in the last week, as the result of suffering from influenza. The majority of these victims were suffering from swine flu. In most of these cases, the sufferers were aged between 15 and 64. However, nine of the fatalities were of children aged below fourteen.

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Lifetime Fitness

lifetime fitness


Cary Fleming

If which were the case, America would be one of the healthiest nations on Earth instead of one of the most obese. A person has to partake in physical activity to establish a healthy living and, more importantly, a nutritious body. With that getting said, heading to the gym regularly and exercising alone can be difficult to do and gets boring easily. Fortunately for you, there are new together with fun alternative fitness workouts that are readily available and do the job just as well.

Dancing is a good way to burn up to 380 calories an hour. Many different forms with dancing has made its way to fitness clubs everywhere. It\’s an enjoyable way in which to stay shape and blow off of some steam. Ballroom dancing like Salsa and Tango are more popular. Belly dancing, strip tease, post dancing, and hip hop dancing are wildly successful and classes are filling up left and right. You\’ll dance to the popular music you would hear to the radio and in clubs so that it easier to enjoy. Many celebrities have their own personal video work out habit with these styles so that it more popular. Not only are you going to feel better about you, but you can impress onlookers and your significant other with that moves you learn and also the great body you develop as a result.

Mixed Martial arts (MMA) workouts can melt away to 680 calories an hour and is one the most recognizable workouts and fighting sports the united states thanks to the UFC. MMA is a full combat contact sport that incorporates the utilization of all of your limbs since you will perform grappling, boxing, and other forms of striking.


The time that you schedule your exercises for also can affect how successful you\’ll end up. People seem to have an overabundance of success realizing their wellness and fitness objectives when they workout at the beginning of the day rather than at the end of the day.

When you work out in the morning you will also be better prepared for the day ahead. And you won\’t have any excuses like you might at dusk if you feel tired or only don\’t want to go to the gym.

Even nevertheless staying in shape looks like it\’s a lot of just work at times, it is well worth the effort. If you take advantage of what you\’ve learned in this article you\’ll find that you\’re walking more out of plenty of time that you spend hitting the gym.

Just continue your quest to find yourself in better shape. At some point you certainly will break through and you\’ll see the results that you\’ve been desiring.

If you don\’t have a water trampoline and would like to get one you can find some terrific deals online.


Getting into great shape isn\’t necessarily hard, it just requires a few fitness tips. A little discipline, a little motivation, and a little will to do something. Once you have people, all you have to do is adjust your eating plan and change up your exercises and you\’re on your way to get into wonderful shape.

Of course, it always helps to experience a little advantage, which is why I want to offer you 3 tips to help you get into amazing shape:

1. Furthermore, you should always have accountability in doing an issue. Try to be always invested in staying with your plan for job search. Be always responsible and persistent to reach your goals in the future.lifetime fitness, Article Source:

Commonwealth Bank of Australia CEO apologies for financial planning scandal

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Ian Narev, the CEO of the Commonwealth Bank of Australia, this morning “unreservedly” apologised to clients who lost money in a scandal involving the bank’s financial planning services arm.

Last week, a Senate enquiry found financial advisers from the Commonwealth Bank had made high-risk investments of clients’ money without the clients’ permission, resulting in hundreds of millions of dollars lost. The Senate enquiry called for a Royal Commission into the bank, and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC).

Mr Narev stated the bank’s performance in providing financial advice was “unacceptable”, and the bank was launching a scheme to compensate clients who lost money due to the planners’ actions.

In a statement Mr Narev said, “Poor advice provided by some of our advisers between 2003 and 2012 caused financial loss and distress and I am truly sorry for that. […] There have been changes in management, structure and culture. We have also invested in new systems, implemented new processes, enhanced adviser supervision and improved training.”

An investigation by Fairfax Media instigated the Senate inquiry into the Commonwealth Bank’s financial planning division and ASIC.

Whistleblower Jeff Morris, who reported the misconduct of the bank to ASIC six years ago, said in an article for The Sydney Morning Herald that neither the bank nor ASIC should be in control of the compensation program.

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Cleveland, Ohio clinic performs US’s first face transplant

Thursday, December 18, 2008

A team of eight transplant surgeons in Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, USA, led by reconstructive surgeon Dr. Maria Siemionow, age 58, have successfully performed the first almost total face transplant in the US, and the fourth globally, on a woman so horribly disfigured due to trauma, that cost her an eye. Two weeks ago Dr. Siemionow, in a 23-hour marathon surgery, replaced 80 percent of her face, by transplanting or grafting bone, nerve, blood vessels, muscles and skin harvested from a female donor’s cadaver.

The Clinic surgeons, in Wednesday’s news conference, described the details of the transplant but upon request, the team did not publish her name, age and cause of injury nor the donor’s identity. The patient’s family desired the reason for her transplant to remain confidential. The Los Angeles Times reported that the patient “had no upper jaw, nose, cheeks or lower eyelids and was unable to eat, talk, smile, smell or breathe on her own.” The clinic’s dermatology and plastic surgery chair, Francis Papay, described the nine hours phase of the procedure: “We transferred the skin, all the facial muscles in the upper face and mid-face, the upper lip, all of the nose, most of the sinuses around the nose, the upper jaw including the teeth, the facial nerve.” Thereafter, another team spent three hours sewing the woman’s blood vessels to that of the donor’s face to restore blood circulation, making the graft a success.

The New York Times reported that “three partial face transplants have been performed since 2005, two in France and one in China, all using facial tissue from a dead donor with permission from their families.” “Only the forehead, upper eyelids, lower lip, lower teeth and jaw are hers, the rest of her face comes from a cadaver; she could not eat on her own or breathe without a hole in her windpipe. About 77 square inches of tissue were transplanted from the donor,” it further described the details of the medical marvel. The patient, however, must take lifetime immunosuppressive drugs, also called antirejection drugs, which do not guarantee success. The transplant team said that in case of failure, it would replace the part with a skin graft taken from her own body.

Dr. Bohdan Pomahac, a Brigham and Women’s Hospital surgeon praised the recent medical development. “There are patients who can benefit tremendously from this. It’s great that it happened,” he said.

Leading bioethicist Arthur Caplan of the University of Pennsylvania withheld judgment on the Cleveland transplant amid grave concerns on the post-operation results. “The biggest ethical problem is dealing with failure — if your face rejects. It would be a living hell. If your face is falling off and you can’t eat and you can’t breathe and you’re suffering in a terrible manner that can’t be reversed, you need to put on the table assistance in dying. There are patients who can benefit tremendously from this. It’s great that it happened,” he said.

Dr Alex Clarke, of the Royal Free Hospital had praised the Clinic for its contribution to medicine. “It is a real step forward for people who have severe disfigurement and this operation has been done by a team who have really prepared and worked towards this for a number of years. These transplants have proven that the technical difficulties can be overcome and psychologically the patients are doing well. They have all have reacted positively and have begun to do things they were not able to before. All the things people thought were barriers to this kind of operations have been overcome,” she said.

The first partial face transplant surgery on a living human was performed on Isabelle Dinoire on November 27 2005, when she was 38, by Professor Bernard Devauchelle, assisted by Professor Jean-Michel Dubernard in Amiens, France. Her Labrador dog mauled her in May 2005. A triangle of face tissue including the nose and mouth was taken from a brain-dead female donor and grafted onto the patient. Scientists elsewhere have performed scalp and ear transplants. However, the claim is the first for a mouth and nose transplant. Experts say the mouth and nose are the most difficult parts of the face to transplant.

In 2004, the same Cleveland Clinic, became the first institution to approve this surgery and test it on cadavers. In October 2006, surgeon Peter Butler at London‘s Royal Free Hospital in the UK was given permission by the NHS ethics board to carry out a full face transplant. His team will select four adult patients (children cannot be selected due to concerns over consent), with operations being carried out at six month intervals. In March 2008, the treatment of 30-year-old neurofibromatosis victim Pascal Coler of France ended after having received what his doctors call the worlds first successful full face transplant.

Ethical concerns, psychological impact, problems relating to immunosuppression and consequences of technical failure have prevented teams from performing face transplant operations in the past, even though it has been technically possible to carry out such procedures for years.

Mr Iain Hutchison, of Barts and the London Hospital, warned of several problems with face transplants, such as blood vessels in the donated tissue clotting and immunosuppressants failing or increasing the patient’s risk of cancer. He also pointed out ethical issues with the fact that the procedure requires a “beating heart donor”. The transplant is carried out while the donor is brain dead, but still alive by use of a ventilator.

According to Stephen Wigmore, chair of British Transplantation Society’s ethics committee, it is unknown to what extent facial expressions will function in the long term. He said that it is not certain whether a patient could be left worse off in the case of a face transplant failing.

Mr Michael Earley, a member of the Royal College of Surgeon‘s facial transplantation working party, commented that if successful, the transplant would be “a major breakthrough in facial reconstruction” and “a major step forward for the facially disfigured.”

In Wednesday’s conference, Siemionow said “we know that there are so many patients there in their homes where they are hiding from society because they are afraid to walk to the grocery stores, they are afraid to go the the street.” “Our patient was called names and was humiliated. We very much hope that for this very special group of patients there is a hope that someday they will be able to go comfortably from their houses and enjoy the things we take for granted,” she added.

In response to the medical breakthrough, a British medical group led by Royal Free Hospital’s lead surgeon Dr Peter Butler, said they will finish the world’s first full face transplant within a year. “We hope to make an announcement about a full-face operation in the next 12 months. This latest operation shows how facial transplantation can help a particular group of the most severely facially injured people. These are people who would otherwise live a terrible twilight life, shut away from public gaze,” he said.

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Bill Clinton jokingly named professor at Columbia University

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Columbia University President Lee Bollinger Wednesday jokingly named Bill Clinton to a professorship.

In opening remarks at the Kraft Program Series, “Challenges of New Democracies,” he said that “the last time he was here I said that ‘one more lecture,’ and he’d be up for tenure. So, this is it. Today we welcome professor Bill Clinton.”

Mr. Clinton and former Czech President Václav Havel were guest lecturers at the Morningside Heights campus. Havel is midway through a seven week writing residency at Columbia.

Both nations former leaders spoke about the challenges they faced during their times in office in order to bring the former Warsaw Pact countries into the West.

Havel mentioned that no one anticipated the rise of criminal mafias in the post-communist period, and that he and other dissidents imaged a swift transition from communism to democracy. He cited Czechoslovakia‘s 1948 destruction of civil society as a significant delay.

Clinton urged the United States to use its international economic power to improve the world.

Citing an even distribution of “intelligence and ability… throughout the world,” with India and China’s enormous population, he said that it’s only a matter of time when “other people get their act together” and “have more people than we do” when, “as a nation, we won’t be dominant.”

Acknowledging increasing American reliance upon Chinese economic growth, Clinton said the Chinese government will shortly have “a trillion dollars in cash reserves” while the United States has “a combined annual budget and trade deficit of a trillion dollars.”

Mentioning the Bush administration’s tax cut given to him and others in his income tax class, he said that the United States “had to borrow money from (the Chinese government) to pay for my tax cut.”

He also suggested that increasing American foreign aid to 0.7% of the U.S.’s $11 trillion Gross Domestic Product aid through cuts in the Department of Defense budget would “create a world with more partners and fewer adversaries.”

Mr. Bollinger also mentioned the war in Iraq.

Criticizing a “dubious construction of a very vaguely identified threat of WMDs in Iraq,” Mr. Havel questioned why planners failed to anticipate civil instability after initial combat operations.

Mr. Clinton declined comment citing his recent testimony before the Baker-Hamilton Commission and his wife Hillary’s position as New York senator. He added, however, that “whatever she says, I’m for.”

He acknowledged that it is an international best interest policy if Iraq “held together rather than falling apart, we would be better off if it had some measure of security and couldn’t become a base for terrorist operations.”

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Diamond Jewelry Symbol Of Prosperity And New Fashion Statement

Diamond Jewelry- Symbol of Prosperity and New Fashion Statement


Its Hot

Having different pieces of diamond jewelry items was considered as the symbol of richness because this hardest known natural substance was only worn by elite class because of its cost. Now, the trends have been changed completely with people from middle class families seen investing in diamond jewelry either to create a new fashion statement or to add another precious item in their treasure of assets. Today, you can see numerous working women, college goings girls and housewives wearing different jewelry items stud with diamond. Apart from women, men also prefer to increase the beauty of their wrist with diamond watches.

Diamond jewelry is preferred not only by those who want to create a new fashion statement, but also by them who want to invest their money in the right direction. In terms of investing money, diamond is always considered as worthwhile because it comes to you with good benefits when you want to transform it with money. However, because of having so costly, these valuable pieces are displayed only at a few jewelry stores. On the other hand, today with the growing demand, and many stores like ItsHot is also selling them online with prove of authentication. It is a fact that beautifully designed pieces of diamond jewelry would mean forever because they are designed to last for an eternity.


It is a cherished dream of every woman to buy an exquisite set of diamond whether it is in the form of ring, bracelet, ring or pendant. Men also prefer to buy such jewelry items to present them to their beloved ones. Having an impressive collection of diamond jewelry items such as necklace, pendants, rings, earrings, bracelets, etc not only accentuate your beauty, but also make you centre of attraction wherever you go by wearing them. Beautifully designed pieces of diamond jewelry not only fascinate the fashion conscious people, but also to those with a standard taste of jewelry.

No doubt, diamond jewelry can create a new fashion statement, but before buying them you should also keep some facts in mind. The factor of four C (Cut, Clarity, Color and Carat) is also very important to keep in mind before selecting the diamond jewelry. If you keep these points in mind, you can easily select the right pieces of diamond for you. is your one-stop-shop for all types of diamond items,

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