Archives April 2021

How Can Patent Registration Help You To Protect Your Product?}

Submitted by: Legal Raasta

Protect Your Product

Every day entrepreneurs are born. Startups are trending nowadays. Almost everyone wants to set up his own business, of course, with an aim of becoming successful. The most important thing you need in order to become an entrepreneur is an idea. An idea is the beginning of your journey as an entrepreneur. An idea is important because it defines your working path. Your vision, objective and idea are all interrelated. They cant exist without each other. But, with so many entrepreneurs already in the market, it is quite obvious that your idea is shared by many. It is very much possible that it has been already executed. Under such circumstances, what you need is creativity. This creativity makes your idea unique, which in turn makes your product unique. Now, unique products attract attention. To avoid any kind of mishappening, say theft, your product needs protection. This protection is provided by the patent registration. Described below is how patent protects your product in detail.

A phone is a common product, but company matters, right? Be it Apple or Samsung, be it Nokia or Micromax. The primary idea was same behind all these companies, what made a difference was the way of implementation. Creativity made all these companies different from each other. And surely these are not the only mobile phone companies present in the market. There are hundreds of similar companies. Still some are more famous than others. All this difference was caused by the way of execution. All these companies primarily wanted to sell mobile phones. The change occurred as soon as they brought creativity in the scenario. Similarly, when you have an idea it is very much probable that you find similar ideas already present in the market. To make your idea unique you will need something extra. Be it creativity or extra features. It solely depends on you. The end result should be a unique product, so that, people are attracted towards it. But, now the problem is that you have a unique product which attracts the attention of many unwanted people also. Here unwanted people, refers to those who have the tendency of stealing others ideas. With your product being unique, there is a high probability of your idea being stolen. To protect your product you need to take some precautionary steps.


These steps include the utmost care of the product, Non-disclosure agreements and the most effective of all, patent. Patent makes sure that even after your product is in the market, it is safe from prying eyes. Patent is a legal protection. Therefore, as soon as a person knows that you have a patent for your product, he wont dare to misuse your product or your idea.

Patent protects your product in following ways;

Legal protection. Patent being a government initiative, is completely legal. It gives your product a legal This legal identity not only saves your product from potential thieves but also from any kind of legal suit regarding the ownership of your product.

Originality. Patent is given after a thorough verification. This verification proves to everybody else that your product is cent percent original. This way you gain the trust of your customers and even gain all the rights of your product.

Your invention, your decision. Patent along with protection gives you the right of using your product as per your wish. Also, no one is liable to use your product without your permission. If anyone does that, you have the complete right to report him and file a lawsuit against him.

All this protection comes with a long validity. A patent is valid for twenty years. So, you have the exclusive rights to your product for twenty continuous years. You are given the whole credit of your idea, your product. It is your own invention and patent acknowledges the same. We, at LegalRaasta, can help you with patent registration for your invention.

About the Author:

is a technology platform to simplify legal and business related matters. We are committed to helping startups and small business owners in solving legal compliance related to starting and running their business.Our mission is to offer affordable, quick and automated professional services to clients. Through technology, we bring numerous government/ legal forms at one place and have simplified them to be fully understood by common man.We are a technology driven platform trying to organize professional services industry in India! Our mission is to provide one-click access to individuals & businesses for all their legal & professional needs!

has been founded by a team of Chartered Accountants and Management consultants. The founders are alumnus of top education institutions like IIT & ISB and have professional experience with top consulting firms such as Mckinsey. LegalRaasta currently has a network of 100+ professionals including experienced Chartered Accountants, Company Secretaries, Lawyers, Cost Accountants, Chartered Engineers and Bankers.Our team puts consumer first, and work meticulously to ensure that documents are filled correctly and swiftly.


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Attention drawn to high suicide rates in Scotland, Russia, Australia

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Three nations in three continents have seen attention focused on high suicide rates this week. A study found Scotland’s suicide rate to be increasing away from neighbouring England, Russian press and politicians are examining the world’s third-highest teen suicide rate, and new figures showed increasing Aboriginal children’s suicides in Australia’s Northern Territory.

“Until the highest authorities see suicide as a problem, our joint efforts will be unlikely to yield any results,” Boris Polozhy of Moscow’s Serbsky psychiatric center said yesterday. Only fellow ex-USSR nations Belarus and Kazakhstan have higher teen suicide rates than Russia, which is at around 20 per 100,000 nationally. Tuva, Siberia and nearby Buryatiya have rates of 120 and 77 per 100,000 respectively. Thursday saw national children’s ombudsman Pavel Astakhov say 4,000 youths kill themselves each year.

I have seen websites that offer a thousand ways of killing oneself

Top Health Ministry psychologist Zurab Kekelidze yesterday responded to expert calls for action, promising to “very soon… start implementing” a plan of action to tackle the issue. He said Russian schools, which are criticised for understaffing and perceived inattention to bullying, should teach psychology.

Kekelidze asked the Russian Orthodox Church to help the suicidal, and severely criticised popular online forums dedicated to suicide, where methods are compared. “I have seen websites that offer a thousand ways of killing oneself,” he claimed. Astakhov wanted schools to offer assistance via a social networking presence and tackle online bullying.

The overall national suicide rate is decreasing — down from 42 per 100,000 in 1995 to 23.5 two years ago. The high rate amongst teens is attributed to both school problems and violence at home. Recent high-profile cases include yesterday’s death of a twelve-year-old who hung himself at home in Krasnoyarsk, Siberia, and two fourteen-year-olds who jumped hand-in-hand to their ends from a building in Lobnya, Moscow.

Researchers from the Scottish cities of Edinburgh and Glasgow, and Manchester in England, have been looking at data from 1960 to 2008. Although Scotland had the lower rate until 1968, England and Wales has had the lower rate since. Both areas had increasing rates until the southern side started to fall in the ’90s, and in recent years the gap has significantly increased.

Data was sorted by age, gender, and method; marked increases were seen among Scotsmen aged from 25 to 54 with hanging increasing in popularity. The female rate has remained largely static.

“This study adds to our understanding about patterns of suicide in Great Britain by producing sound evidence on divergences in long-term trends in Scotland compared to England and Wales,” said Professor Stephen Platt, a lead researcher from Edinburgh University’s Centre for Population Health Sciences. “In a future companion paper we will suggest explanations for the persisting higher rate of suicide in Scotland.”

Fellow joint lead researcher Roger Webb of the Centre for Suicide Prevention of Manchester University said the high Scottish hanging rate was “of particular concern as hanging has high case-fatality and is difficult to prevent, except within institutional settings.” He noted “a public information campaign about hanging” could be one way of reducing the rate. Paid for by the Scottish taxpayer, the results appeared in the British Journal of Psychiatry.

In an incident with parallels to the recent Moscow deaths, in 2009 Scottish and British media publicised a high-profile case in which two teenagers leap together from the Erskine Bridge, a famed suicide spot over the River Clyde where an estimated fifteen people kill themselves each year.

We now have a situation in the territory where there are almost as many female as male suicides

This week also saw Howard Bath, Children’s Commissioner for Australia’s Northern Territory, suggest the area had the highest proportion of Aborignal girl suicides in the West. There has been a significant increase since an emergency intervention five years ago in response to a report titled Little Children are Sacred which documented widespread sexual abuse of Northern Territory children and failures by authorities to adequately respond.

A national government-backed Northern Territory suicide inquiry is ongoing and due to report next month. The inquiry has heard clusters of deaths occurred around East and West Arnhem, Katherine, and the vicinity of Alice Springs. The Tiwi Islands had a very high rate from 2000 to 2005, but has now not had a suicide for a year.

Female suicide rates have greatly increased to account for 40% of Northern Territory suicides amongst those aged less than eighteen. “We now have a situation in the territory where there are almost as many female as male suicides,” said Bath. Lack of information is a problem; the all-party inquiry has heard evidence of much under-reporting and poor data collection. The Menzies School of Health’s Gary Robinson called for a Queensland-style register of suicides.

Robinson suggests cannabis-induced psychosis to be a contributing factor but laments “The big problem is nobody keeps any data. Everything is based on impressions.” He also suggested bullying, as in Russia, is a problem while Bath notes violence against women may also take a role. “Aboriginal women are being hospitalised for assault at 80 times the rate of other women… Exposure to violence greatly increases the risk of a person taking their life.” He also notes “I am concerned, as the commissioner, about children who are frequently exposed to violence in the home or in the immediate family.”

As with Scotland, hanging is a popular choice. “The method chosen is usually hanging and it is a particularly lethal method, far more than an overdose,” said Bath. New South Wales, with the nation’s largest indigenous population, has a suicide rate of one per 100,000 but the Northern Territory rate is over 30 per 100,000.

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Wikinews 2014: An ‘Original reporting’ year in review

Wednesday, December 24, 2014With the English-language Wikinews continuing to increase the amount of original content published, we take a look back at some of the eighty-plus original reports from our contributors during 2014.

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Montreal mayor Michael Applebaum arrested for corruption

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Michael Applebaum, the current interim mayor of Montreal, Québec, Canada, was arrested at about 6am local time (1000 UTC) yesterday morning by the Unité permanente anticorruption ((en))French language: ?Permanent Anti-Corruption Unit on fourteen charges including corruption, fraud, breach of trust, and conspiracy, including reportedly a C$50,000 bribe.

Commissioner Robert Lafrenière said the alleged illegal acts occurred between 2006 and 2011 and relate to two real-estate projects in the Côte des Neiges-Notre Dame de Grâce borough. The CBC indicated one of these projects was the borough’s new 15 million dollar sports complex. Applebaum is now one of several Québec mayors who have been accused of corruption in the past few years, including the previous Montreal mayor Gérald Tremblay and Laval Mayor Gilles Vaillancourt.

Several politicians are calling on Applebaum to resign, including Québec Premier Pauline Marois, to let the city continue on with its affairs. A few others, such as Coalition Avenir Québec leader François Legault, are suggesting to put the city on a trusteeship as Laval was a few weeks ago, but Municipal Affairs Minister Sylvain Gaudreault says this will not happen, as only a few people are implicated, unlike Laval, where nearly the entire city council was implicated.

Two other people were arrested on charges related to the same real-estate deals: Saulie Zajdel, former city councillor, on five charges; and Jean-Yves Bisson, a bourough official, on four charges.

A second interim minister is to be nominated for the rest of Tremblay’s term, until the next municipal election is held in November.

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When Looking For Long Distance Movers In New York, Ny

December, 2013 byAlma Abell

When you are looking to move around the block, or just across town, you can pick just about any moving company to help you out. Even if the moving company doesn’t charge a flat rate, you will still be able to get away from a fairly decent cost if you are charged by the hour or by the mile. Of course, this is not going to be the case when you are looking to move long distances. Whether you are looking to move upstate, or across the country, you need to findlong distance movers in New York NYwho specialize in the practice. It is not just about finding who is out there that can do it, it is about getting quality and a great pricing to boot.

When you are in the market for Long distance movers in New York, NY, it is important that you look so someone who specializes in the practice, not just “moonlights” in it. In other words, you want a company that does long distance moves for a bulk of their business, not one that says that they can do it if they have to. One of the benefits of finding this “specialized” company is the fact that they tend to have pricing that reflects the situation. They know that they can charge a fair “flat” rate rather than charge by the mile or hour because, frankly, that is more attractive to customers. The last thing that you want to have to worry about is mileage or time in the move. You never want to leave things to chance in a long-distance move; you want to know how much you are going to pay up-front.

Like just about anything else, when you live in the Manhattan area you are going to find a lot of options to consider when you need a long distance mover. The key is to not just find someone who offers you the lowest rate, but someone who can offer you a high quality move, meaning that their professionals will know how to deal with your precious cargo. One option to check out is going to be

Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Green candidate Andrew McAvoy, Windsor-Tecumseh

Monday, September 24, 2007

Andrew McAvoy is running for the Green Party of Ontario in the Ontario provincial election, in the Windsor-Tecumseh riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

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68% of Dutch consider their government “Lap Dog” of United States

Friday, May 6, 2005

According to an TNS NIPO survey published today, a 68% majority of the Dutch agrees with the position that the Balkenende government is behaving itself as the “lap dog” (“schoothondje“) of the United States.

The survey also stated 79% find that US President Bush overly pressures other countries to become and stay allies to the US. Over 70% agreed Europe should attempt to counterbalance the US, while 56% of the participants in the survey agree that Bush is a danger for world peace.

The survey was released the night before a Bush visit to the Netherlands.

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Study says dogs can smell lung and breast cancer

Monday, August 7, 2006

Dogs can be trained to detect early and late stages of lung and breast cancer accurately according to a study published by California scientists in the little-known scientific journal Integrative Cancer Therapies.

The study took place over the last five years at the Pine Street Foundation, a non-profit organization which conducts evidence-based research on integrative medicine (combining complementary and alternative medicine and mainstream medicine). Michael McCulloch and colleagues used three Labrador Retrievers and two Portuguese Water Dogs, both common pets, that received basic behavioral dog training. The researchers trained the dogs to lie down next to a sample from a cancer patient and to ignore other samples.

The samples used were breath samples from 55 patients with lung cancer and 31 with breast cancer — the two types of cancer with the highest mortality rates in the United States.

After the training phase, the dogs’ accuracy diagnosis was tested in a double-blind experiment. Among lung cancer patients, the sensitivity and specificity were 99% accurate and for breast cancer sensitivity was 88% and specificity 98%. Because these figures seem almost too good to be true, cancer experts are the same time baffled and skeptical. The authors of the study themselves also say replication of the study is needed.

Importantly, this was independent of the cancer stage, meaning the dogs were able to pick up the scent of cancer in its early stages. This is important because in many cases, the success of any treatment depends on early diagnosis. However, the researchers don’t believe this will lead to the use of dogs in the clinic soon, rather they want to find out which chemicals are actually sensed by the canines, because they could be used in laboratory assays. “It’s not like someone would start chemotherapy based on a dog test,” Dr. Gansler of the American Cancer Society said, “They’d still get a biopsy.”.

The researchers were inspired by anecdotal reports about dogs detecting cancer. In 1989, a British women consulted with her family physician because her Dalmatian kept licking a mole on her leg. At biopsy it showed to be malignant melanoma. When diagnosed too late this form of cancer has a poor survival rate, but in this case early surgery was made possible, and the women survived. Prior studies showed that breath samples from patients with lung cancer or breast cancer contain distinct biochemical markers. This provides a basis for the hypothesis that some cancer types produce volatile chemicals that dogs could smell. A study published in the British Medical Journal already proved that dogs could use their exquisite sense of smell to detect bladder cancer in urine samples, but they were only correct in 41% of cases, and another study provided preliminary evidence that dogs could detect melanomas.

This doesn’t mean you can show your breasts to your dog and it will tell you if you have cancer, other physicians caution, and scientists do not advise people to train their dogs to sniff for cancer. Unresolved issues from the study include the fact that subjects were required to breathe deeper than normal, so it’s not sure whether dogs can smell cancer in normal breath. Also, whether this is a permanent skill that would be retained by dogs was not tested.

Finally, there are concerns that could arise over liability issues: who would be responsible when the dog makes a mistake?

Current detection methods for both lung and breast cancer are not flawless. For lung cancer, chest X-ray and sputum cytology (detecting cancer cells in coughed up fluid) fail to detect many early cases, and CT scan produces many false-positive results unless combined with expensive PET scans. Although it might be comparing apples and oranges, a $2.5 million CT scanner has an accuracy of 85 to 90%. Mammography also produces false-positive results, and it may be difficult in women with dense breast tissue. As such, another type of “pet”-scan, using dogs as a biological assay, might prove feasible for screening if supported by further research. Current tests are also expensive so the use of dogs for preliminary cancer testing could prove to be an affordable alternative for countries in the developing world.

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Top Uses Of Propane Gas In Clinton


Propane gas occurs naturally on the composition of air on earth, but it one of the most versatile and widely used gases. It is used for most outdoor activities and in the primary industries for multiple purposes. From pool heaters, bathrooms, laundry rooms to kitchen appliances propane gas is in almost everything in a home. Besides home appliances, propane gas in Clinton is also in large-scale applications like furnaces, in hospitals, manufacturing facilities, warehouses and many buildings that require high energy levels.

The primary use of propane gas in Clinton is for heating purposes by homeowners who provide heat and power for their homes. Propane furnaces and space heaters utilize propane for increasing a home’s comfortability. It also warms floors using radiant floors which consist of heated water pumped underneath floor boards. The heat makes the house warmer and cleaner.

Secondly, cooking is made easier and faster by propane. Cooking gas in glass cylinders, propane-fueled ovens and ranges ensure one has control over the temperatures and also stoves that utilize propane are safer because they allow quick cooling of the burners when the heat has been turned off.

Thirdly, propane in high-performance dryers enhances efficiency in energy-saving features. The heating capacity of propane gas ensures drying of clothes without discoloring fabrics as compared to electric dryers. These machines also have sensing controls that shut the dyers once the clothes are dry.

Additionally, water heaters outwit electrical models because temperature adjusting is more precise and have heating elements that are more long-lasting. Propane water heaters are flexible and able to serve bathrooms, bathtubs, pools, sinks and other out building tasks.

Lastly, propane is used in generators because power outage happens, anytime and anywhere, therefore, causing a lot of inconveniences and health risks. Generators are a reliable source of energy in case of a blackout, and they either use propane or natural gas. Gas can serve the home lighting system for days and even weeks depending on the amount of gas installed. The portability and flexibility of propane gas make it a perfect choice for both internal and external appliances. For more information visit East River Energy.

Iranian International Master Dorsa Derakhshani discusses her chess career with Wikinews

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

In February 2017, the Iranian Chess Federation announced two teenage chess players, Dorsa Derakhshani and her younger brother Borna Derakhshani, were banned from representing the national team. The federation announced their decision although Dorsa Derakhshani had previously decided and informed the chess federation she did not wish to play for Iran.

Dorsa Derakhshani is currently 21 years old and holds the International Master (IM) as well as Woman Grand Master (WGM) titles. Her brother, Borna, plays for the English Federation and holds the FIDE Master title.

Dorsa Derakhshani was banned since she did not wear a hijab, an Islamic headscarf, while competing at the Tradewise Gibraltar Chess Festival in January 2017. Under the laws of Islamic Republic of Iran, hijab is a mandatory dress code. Her brother Borna Deraskhsani was banned for playing against Israeli Grand Master (GM) Alexander Huzman at the same tournament. Iran does not recognise the existence of Israel, and previously, Irani athletes have avoided playing against Israeli athletes.

Mehrdad Pahlavanzadeh, the president of the country’s chess federation, explained the decision to ban the players saying, “As a first step, these two will be denied entry to all tournaments taking place in Iran and in the name of Iran, they will no longer be allowed the opportunity to be present on the national team.” ((fa))Farsi language: ?????? ????? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??? ????? ?? ?? ???? ???????? ?? ?? ????? ? ?? ??? ????? ?????? ??????? ????? ??????? ? ???? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??????? ????. He further stated, “Unfortunately, something that should not have happened has happened and our national interest is paramount and we have reported this position to the Ministry of Sports.” ((fa))Farsi language: ????????? ?????? ?? ????? ????????? ?????? ??? ? ????? ??? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?????? ???? ? ?? ??? ???? ?? ?? ????? ???? ?? ????? ?????.

IM Dorsa Derakhshani, who currently studies at Saint Louis University in the United States and plays for the United States Chess Federation, discussed her chess career, time in Iran and the 2017 controversy, and her life in Saint Louis with a Wikinews correspondent.

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