Archives 2020

Northern Ireland 1921 1969

Northern Ireland 1921 -1969



1921 1960

The history of Northern Ireland it seems, was due to begin with blood shed and so it transpired to be The Irish Republican Army started a campaign of violence in Northern Ireland even before partition became a reality in 1921. In a direct response to this, the Ulster Volunteer Force was revived once again and the new Northern Ireland began its history in sectarian bloodshed.

After this, Northern Ireland started to build its own economy with the help of aid from Great Britain. The economy suffered in the late 1920s when the worldwide recession began after the Wall Street Crash. Harland & Wolff, a large ship building company and huge employer in Northern Ireland, came under financial pressure and traditional industries such as linen making face new and difficult trading challenges, as good were being made cheaper in other parts of the world. Unemployment soared in Northern Ireland and in 1932 there were just over 70,000 unemployed people in Northern Ireland out of a population of around 1.3 million.


The Northern Ireland Government took some unpleasant political decisions such as cutting public sector pay by 10% and reducing state benefits. For the working classes this was devastating and both sides of the political divide in Northern Ireland held mass rallies. Nationalists and Unionists joined together when the government banned the rallies This resulted in a lot of rioting and violence. When gunshots were fired, the police responded in kind and killed 2 protestors. The government were forced to relent and the violence ended.

When the United Kingdom went to war against Hitler in World War Two, Northern Ireland, as part of the United Kingdom, also found itself at war. The South of Ireland with few military resources declared a neutral stance, with Eamonn de Valera the Irish Prime Minister, refusing to join in the war. Despite this official line from their government, many Irish people sympathised with the British and over 40,000 Irish joined the British army. The IRA saw the war distraction as an opportunity to oust the British from Northern Ireland and started collaborating with the Germans in 1940, mainly for gun running. The South of Ireland government cracked down very hard on this, as they did not want to anger the British and provoke a strategic invasion, at such an early stage in their own transition.

In April and May 1941, Belfast the capital of Northern Ireland became a victim of what was known as the Blitz. This was a tactic where the Germans began bombing cities throughout the United Kingdom, and the Germans considered Northern Ireland part of the United Kingdom. Many homes were flattened and fear gripped the small country. The Northern Ireland Government located at Stormont in Belfast believed their country was too far away for the Germans to bother with and as such were not prepared for any attacks. In April 1941, over several nights German bombers pounded both Belfast and Derry with hundreds of tonnes of explosives, killing 900 people, destroying thousands of buildings and making 10,000 people homeless. The lack of preparation contributed significantly to the death toll, especially the lack of air raid shelters. Fire brigades from Dundalk, Drogheda and Dublin assisted in the Blitz, despite the neutral stance of the Eire Government. Many people abandoned the two cities and fled out into the country.

After the war and through during the 1950s, the government in Westminster went about rebuilding their country and it was similar case for Northern Ireland. It was a quiet but relatively prosperous time and the Welfare State was introduced. This helped the overall standard of living for the poorest people in its society. Better housing was provided as a result of the Blitz having flattened many homes. The Health Service became free and unemployment benefits were introduced.

Problems that would later come to be the source of much protest were developing. In Northern Ireland at this time, the population was approximately 65% Protestant and 35% Catholic. However the reality was that Protestants held 94% of the top 740 civil servant posts, and favouritism was often given to Protestants when council housing was given out. This policy persisted all through the 1950s and 1960s.

In late 1955, the IRA regrouped and started a terrorist campaign in Northern Ireland. The IRA was short on weapons and many nationalists were rather apathetic to the unification cause, so this flurry ended in 1962.

It seemed that Northern Ireland, if its short history was anything to go by, was doomed to violence and trouble from the start. Enda McLarnon

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Northern Ireland 1921 -1969

Living with HIV during COVID-19: Wikinews talks to HIV-positive sex workers about how pandemic has affected their lives

Sunday, October 18, 2020

The spread of coronavirus led to a global pandemic, affecting various daily activities. Originated in Wuhan, China, the virus spread globally, and by March, drastic measures were taken by the Indian government. Some branches of the South Western Railway of India had started taking precautions by distributing masks to ticket collectors and guards from as early as March 8. Some colleges were suspended by March 13, their exams post-poned as the government introduced lockdown and enforced social distancing.

Announced in the evening, Indian Prime Minister asked the countrymen to get the essential products and avoid going out as much as possible. Long queues outside the grocery shops, people in masks, some in N-95 masks, and hand sanitisers at the gates of megamarts were a common sight. There were reduced items in the shops, and some stores had a limit of number of customers allowed in the store at any given time. Food delivery services, and taxi services were on haitus — workers who dependent on the profession for their daily income, while software engineers were working from home. Physical classes in schools and colleges were replaced by online lectures to prevent social gatherings.

While many relied on technology for continuing their work and earn their livelihood, Wikinews reached out to sex workers in Mysore in June who unlike others can’t maintain social distancing for their work. Two sex-workers, Akram Pasha, and Jaya (a pseudonym), who were a part of sex-worker’s group called “Ashodaya Samithi” discussed how their lives had been affected by the coronavirus, the lockdown and the restrictions they had faced.


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Wikinews holds a follow-up interview with Kevin Baugh, president of the Republic of Molossia

Thursday, May 1, 2008

In March, Wikinews reporter Joseph Ford held an exclusive interview with Kevin Baugh, president of the Republic of Molossia, a micronation located near Dayton, Nevada. Due to the interest the article gained, both online and off, a follow-up interview was held this week.

Molossia’s capital city, Espera, is situated on little over an acre of land in Western Nevada, within driving distance of Reno. Another territory, Desert Homestead Province, is located in Southern California. Unlike most of today’s micronations, Molossia allows visitors and has its own economy. It also has its own time zone and holidays as well as a few tourist attractions.

When asked about the culture of his country Baugh replied, “Molossian culture is a mix of several sources. Above all, we value the lifestyle of the western U.S., especially as it pertains to living in a wide-open place such as we do. Life here is fairly relaxed and easygoing.”

He also said that Molossia and the United States “generally ignore each other” and that there haven’t been “any altercations” between the two, despite claiming each other’s land. He went on to tell us much more about his tiny nation, which can be read in the interview below.

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Eurovision ’82 winner Nicole talks about ‘Ein bißchen Frieden’, her success and the Contest today

Monday, February 2, 2009

It has been nearly 27 years since Nicole, then a high school student from the Saarland in extreme western Germany, sang a heartfelt plea for world peace on the stage at the Eurovision Song Contest held in Harrogate, North Yorkshire in the United Kingdom. That simple message was wrapped with success; she became the first German in Contest history to take home the grand prize. The song was a brainchild of her former record producer, Ralph Siegel, and would be their greatest achievement in their nearly three-decade partnership.

Afterward, she was propelled to stardom across Europe by recording versions of her winning song, “Ein bißchen Frieden” (A little peace), in many European languages. To this day, it was the last winning Eurovision song to top the charts in the United Kingdom; it also has the distinction of being the 500th #1 single on the British charts.

This newfound fame brought her music to audiences across Europe, and in time, into Asia as well. By the end of the 1980s, however, her fame subsided somewhat and she refocused her career domestically. Since 1980, she has released over 30 albums in Germany; her most recent offering, Mitten ins Herz (Right into your heart), was accompanied by a three-month “unplugged” tour that ended in the third week of January.

Now off the road, Nicole spoke with Wikinews’ Mike Halterman about her past success, her life and career today, and her overall impressions of the Eurovision Song Contest, both past and present. This is the first in a series of interviews with past Eurovision contestants, which will be published sporadically in the lead-up to mid-May’s next contest in Moscow.

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On the campaign trail in the USA, October 2020

Monday, November 2, 2020

The following is the sixth and final edition of a monthly series chronicling the 2020 United States presidential election. It features original material compiled throughout the previous month after an overview of the month’s biggest stories.

This month’s spotlight on the campaign trail: the Free and Equal Elections Foundation holds two presidential debates, three candidates who did not participate in those debates give their final pleas to voters, and three political pundits give their predictions on the outcome of the election.

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Lordi release future Dark Floors soundtrack ‘Beast Loose in Paradise’ as single

Monday, December 24, 2007

Finnish theatrical hard rock band Lordi have released Beast Loose in Paradise – which will be the soundtrack to the band’s upcoming horror movie Dark Floors – as a downloadable single.

The song was originally intended to be released via, but for unknown reasons has not appeared on the site. However, it has appeared on at least two other sites as a pay-to-download single – MSN Music Finland and

The song was one of two recorded last month, and will be released by Sony BMG Finland as an actual CD on January 8 . The other song, titled Studs and Leather, was also written for the movie.

The cover art for the CD single has already been revealed. It is a direct tribute to the KISS album Creatures of the Night.

Most of both songs were composed during Lordi’s tour of the United States as part of Ozzfest, with the band’s lead vocalist saying in an interview with that the main riff of Beast Loose in Paradise was written in Milwaukee, while the chorus of Studs and Leather was composed in St. Augustine.

He went on to say that Studs and Leather had originally been intended for Bend over and Pray the Lord!, an unreleased album from 1999 that had been intended to be Lordi’s debut. The verses from Beast Loose in Paradise had been decided on between the whole band during therapy sessions at Christmas 2006. He said that he had written most of the rest between two US tours, the Ozzfest tour and a tour as the support act for American gothic doom metal band Type O Negative.

He continued to deny a recent rumour posted in Finnish music periodical Soundi that the new material was going to be “more brutal and raw” than that on Lordi’s last album, The Arockalypse. “Our music is not gonna get any brutal or heavier, but not any lighter [either]… I’d say these two songs are familiar Lordi. Although Beast Loose in Paradise is more ‘movie-esque’ and ‘horror-ish’ on purpose. And some might say it’s even heavier, but at the very least the chorus will be familiar and melodic Lordi stuff. And Studs and Leather is basically Heaven’s on Fire (KISS song) meets Balls To The Wall (Accept song).

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Plastic Surgeon

Plastic Surgeon


Ricky Passino

When you are looking to become a plastic surgeon you should understand how you are going to be wise about getting to that goal. This article describes how you can take the time that you need to be smart about going into plastic surgery.

When you want to become a plastic surgeon you have to make sure that you are taking time to understand how you can achieve this dream. With a lot of hard work and planning it is possible to be able to practice plastic surgery.

First, you want to make sure that you look into medicine as a career. When you are interested in plastic surgery you are going to o have to go through a lot of school and you want to make sure that you are passionate about eth subject matter before you commit.

As you are looking into medicine you may want to talk with some people that have been practicing for many years. Ask them what they do and do not like about the profession so you can be sure that you are able to understand some insider information.

Make sure that you are taking the time that you need to be smart about the way that you are planning your schooling as well. There are a lot of people that do not understand how to be smart about their schooling when they are interested in plastic surgery.


When you are going to school to be a plastic surgeon and when you finally are a plastic surgeon you will have to put in long hours. If you are not prepared to do this, you will want to find a career that is less demanding.

Second, you will want to take the time that you need to talk with some counselors at your school. You should be sure that you talk with people that know what they are talking about and can give you good direction.

There are a lot of people that just do not understand how they can be smart about this process. Sitting down and talking with a counselor may give you the direction and the path that you need to be successful.

Make sure that you are taking time to talk with a counselor about the prerequisite courses you will need to take while you are in college. You have to understand that even though your major not require a certain set of classes, the medical schools may require those classes.

It can be frustrating to be taking all of those extra classes, but you want to make sure that you are prepared and aware. After you figure out what classes you will need for med school you should figure out how you are going to schedule your classes.

As you are getting ready for medical school you also have to understand that you are going to have to take the standardized test for medical schools. This test can be very difficult and you should be sure that you know how you are going to take it.

There are a lot of people that do not realize that they should be studying for the Medical College Admission Test many months ahead of time. You want to make sure that you are studying on a consistent basis so that you are able to get a high score.

As you are taking the Medical College Admission Test you also have to understand how you can be sure that you are able to choose a medical school wisely. Make sure that you take the time that you need to be smart about finding a good fit for you.

The more that you understand about the fit of the medical school the easier it will be to be sure that you are successful in medical school. There are many different factors that play into making medical school a good fit.

You want to be sure that you are researching these factors so that you are able to understand what you need to consider with your school. The more that you know about the school and what you want the easier it will be to start to narrow your choices.

Make sure that you are also considering your MCAT score and your GPA when you are looking at medical schools. You want to find a school that you will be accepted into and that you will have a shot at being successful in.

Going to medical school to be a plastic surgeon can be a great way to accomplish your dreams. Make sure that you understand where you will fit in medical schools so that you can find somewhere that you will be able to excel.

As you are looking into medicine you may want to talk with some people that have been practicing for many years. Ask them what they do and do not like about the…. Learn more at

Plastic Surgery Utah



Article Source:

Category:October 15, 2005

? October 14, 2005
October 16, 2005 ?
October 15

Pages in category “October 15, 2005”

Media in category “October 15, 2005”

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Recalled pet food found to contain rat poison

Friday, March 23, 2007

In a press release earlier today, New York State Agriculture Commissioner Patrick Hooker, along with Dean of Cornell University’s College of Veterinary Medicine Donald F. Smith, confirmed that scientists at the New York State Food Laboratory identified Aminopterin as a toxin present in cat food samples from Menu Foods.

Menu Foods is the manufacturer of several brands of cat and dog food subject to a March 16, 2007 recall.

Aminopterin is a drug used in chemotherapy for its immunosuppressive properties and, in some areas outside the US, as a rat poison. Earlier reports stated that wheat gluten was a factor being investigated, and officials now state that the toxin would have come from Chinese wheat used in the pet food, where it is used for pest control. Investigators will not say that this is the only contaminant found in the recalled food, but knowing the identity of the toxin should assist veterinarians treating affected animals.

The Food Laboratory tested samples of cat food received from a toxicologist at the New York State Animal Health Diagnostic Center at Cornell University. The samples were found to contain the rodenticide at levels of at least 40 parts per million.

Commissioner Hooker stated, “We are pleased that the expertise of our New York State Food Laboratory was able to contribute to identifying the agent that caused numerous illnesses and deaths in dogs and cats across the nation.”

The press release suggests Aminopterin, a derivative of folic acid, can cause cancer and birth defects in humans and can cause kidney damage in dogs and cats. Aminopterin is not permitted for use in the United States.

The New York State Food Laboratory is part of the Federal Food Emergency Response Network (FERN) and as such, is capable of running a number of unique poison/toxin tests on food, including the test that identified Aminopterin.

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Wikinews 2014: An ‘Original reporting’ year in review

Wednesday, December 24, 2014With the English-language Wikinews continuing to increase the amount of original content published, we take a look back at some of the eighty-plus original reports from our contributors during 2014.

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