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CPSC, ATF warn of dangers of fireworks over US Independence Day celebrations

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Last week, U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) held a press conference on the National Mall in Washington, DC, warning consumers of the dangers of fireworks, and advising them of safe handling. They were joined by representatives from the the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF); Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA); the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP); and other national safety agencies. Fireworks are often used to celebrate the United States’ July 4, 1776 independence from Great Britain. The Fourth of July is a time when many US families get together to celebrate, by holding reunions, picnics, barbecues, baseball games and firework displays; however, celebrations often turn sour due to injury or even death, caused by the mishandling of fireworks. In 2009, nearly 19,000 fireworks-related injuries were treated in hospitals, doctors’ offices and clinics all over the country. Around 9,000 of those were to children aged under 18, and 6,000 occurred during the 30 days surrounding Independence Day.

CPSC chairman, Inez Tenenbaum, said that burns and cuts to limbs, the face and head were the most common injuries, and over half of them were due to firecrackers, rockets and sparklers. The agencies were joined at the news conference by Jason Henderson, who was injured in 2007 after building home-made fireworks. He had found instructions online detailing how to build M-80-style fireworks, and after purchasing the chemicals, began assembling them; however, the mixture exploded which resulted in him losing both hands and his right eye, and shrapnel caused multiple lacerations and puncture wounds to his entire body. “Don’t be the show, go and enjoy the show. I want to get people to move away from putting on their own displays and just go and enjoy the free shows. I mean they are free,” Henderson said. “You might as well take advantage of them while they are there. You can spend time with your family instead of being the one to light them and taking that risk.” Henderson also appears in a public-service announcement recently released by the ATF to YouTube, that shows how he has now been fitted with bionic arms.

Agencies recommend attending community fireworks shows held by city or county officials, which are held in a more controlled and professional environment. Additionally, many jurisdictions outlaw either all fireworks, or certain types, such as rockets and firecrackers.

Fireworks increase demands on fire departments and personnel at this time of year, acting U.S. Fire Administrator Glenn Gaines noted. “Four firefighters [have been killed] as a result of illegal fireworks. Calls to EMS [Emergency Medical Services] and fire departments increased as individuals continue to be injured and burned.” The dry weather and heat that many areas are experiencing also elevate the risk of brush and structure fires. The National Fire Protection Association said that over 22,500 fires started from fireworks in 2008.

Consumers who do purchase fireworks are encouraged to follow the following common sense rules: always read and follow directions; always supervise older children and teenagers if they are permitted to use fireworks; never allow young children to play with or ignite fireworks, child-friendly sparklers and “party-poppers” are a fun and safe alternative for them; keep animals inside or well away from the fireworks, the noise will often scare them; never light any fireworks inside buildings; light fireworks on a smooth, flat surface away from houses, dry leaves, and flammable materials; never ignite fireworks in metal or glass containers; light one firework at a time; move away to a safe distance immediately after lighting a firework; never return to a firework that has not ignited properly; never throw fireworks at another person, animal, or property; do not consume alcohol when using fireworks; keep a bucket of water or a hose in close proximity in case of fire, dispose of use fireworks in the bucket of water; buy from reliable dealers; only use legal fireworks; and follow the laws of your jurisdiction.

Economist reports Saudi oil production can continue unabated

Monday, August 14, 2006

In its August 10 edition, The Economist magazine asserts that Saudi Arabia can continue producing oil at its current production levels for 70 years, without having to look for another drop. Further, the magazine claims that the nation could find “plenty more if they look”, calling for privatisation of national oil companies to help increase oil production.

The language is provocative – the world has plenty of oil, and only requires sufficient investment and exploration to find it. This is a line that The Economist has held for some time, certainly since before its now infamous March 1999 issue proclaiming that we were “drowning in oil” and featuring a prediction of US$5 per barrel. That issue was followed by an embarrassing retraction in December of that year, as oil started its steady climb. It now sits above US$70 per barrel.

However, petroleum geologists and energy investment specialists maintain a different view of oil reserves. They say that there is a limit to what is in the ground, and further to that, a limit to how much of it we can retrieve even with advancing technology. Just how much is down there can’t be said with any certainty, for a variety of reasons. A big one is the suspicious reserves figures given by producers in the Middle East, including Saudi Arabia. Since OPEC starting using a quota system based on reserves, the estimated reserves for member nations has magically risen, and even continued rising in the face of increased extraction from those reserves.

Amongst those who deal with the physical realities of oil fields, forecasts of a peak in production vary between 30 years, as the USA’s Energy Information Administration suggest, and now, as suggested by the Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas and other more pessimistic forecasters. A peak in production would then be followed by decline. Certainly, in the petroleum world, there is no serious suggestion of sustaining the current level of oil production for 70 years.

How Do I Get A Storage Container Delivered?}

How do I get a storage container delivered?


Chris Roddrick Businesses frequently undergo expansion and relocation. Storage solutions are an ideal way to solve problems incurred due to such operations. Containers are designed for this purpose that make ideal place for storing equipments, excess goods and supplies. They are referred to as mobile containers. Mobile containers come in some standard sizes and shape. However they can be custom made according to the needs and specifications of the user. They can be used in a variety of ways like storing excess materials, as a mobile office space. They can be used to stack equipments or even household items such as furniture .Generally the size of the container depends upon the size of the items that are to be housed within it. Large equipment requires larger space. Ordering a mini storage container generally requires an assessment of the customer needs. Mobile Storage Companies generally offers a variety of options. You are free to choose from a number of sizes, door positions and locking options. Containers can even be configured according to the customer orders. Basic mini storage containers are usually delivered within a week of placing the order but other containers may take some time. The containers are delivered by a trailer. Alternatively the materials to build the container are sent and assembled on the worksite. Storage container is hauled with a crane after it is delivered with the help of a truck. Companies provides a wide range of storage options. They specialize in quality locking systems, attractive design and direct delivery. Storage containers can be rented or purchased at a competitive price. Customers can select the best option from a variety of solutions.

Delivery Trailers

Trailers are used to deliver the containers to the site. Each trailer is specifically designed to deliver the containers.

Swing Thru trailers

These trailers are ideal for confined spaces and can even operate on uneven grounds. Loading can be done from both sides of the trailer. Swing thru trailers can be used to deliver both empty and loaded containers.

Tilt Bed Trailer (Hydraulic Trailer)

This kind of trailers delivers and picks only empty containers. The problem with such trucks is that they can work only on solid surface. The containers are loaded and unloaded at an angle.

Short Roll-Back Truck

These trucks pick up and deliver only empty containers. They are usually used for tight spots. Containers are unloaded and loaded at an angle.

Flatbed Truck with Mobile Forklift (Moffat)

These trucks uses mobile forklift to pick up and deliver containers .They can stack containers in narrow corners and spots. Such trucks require more space for operation.

Delivery Considerations

Delivery of trucks is a complex process and requires multipoint views of the same conditions .various aspects such as space available on the delivery site, size of the delivery vehicle, on road driving conditions, underground cables, height of overhanging wires and trees, and other legal implications are considered .Generally in absence of suitable delivery truck cranes are used. In case of failure of delivery due to unfavorable delivery conditions transport charge has to be paid by the customer.Delivery of heavy duty shipping containers is done by Lorries fitted with the crane. These Lorries need to function where there is sufficient clearance. Delivery is generally done on a prepared level ground. Mobile Mini UK provides appropriate and tailor-made delivery solutions on agreed time and date after the payment has been cleared.

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News briefs:January 11, 2008


  • 1 Wikinews News Brief 01-11-2008 01:20 UTC
  • 2 Introduction
  • 3 Events of worldwide notability, military action, disasters etc.
    • 3.1 At least 24 killed in suicide bombing in Pakistan
    • 3.2 Alabama father throws children in river
    • 3.3 British troops may have received contaminated blood from American donors
    • 3.4 George Bush arrives in Middle East
    • 3.5 Pentagon releases video of incident involving Iranian ships in Persian Gulf
    • 3.6 China has plan to obtain North Korea’s nuclear weapons
    • 3.7 Hezbollah network Al-Manar available to wider international audience
  • 4 Non-disastrous local events with notable impact and dead celebrities
    • 4.1 Moderate earthquake strikes off the Oregon coast, US
    • 4.2 Hollywood “Mayor” Johnny Grant dead at 84
    • 4.3 China bans free plastic bags
    • 4.4 John McCain and Hillary Clinton win New Hampshire primaries
    • 4.5 Canupa Gluha Mani speaks about Lakota Oyate, Lakota freedom
  • 5 Business, commerce and academia
    • 5.1 Singapore Airlines bid for China Eastern Airlines unsuccessful
    • 5.2 Apple to lower UK iTunes prices
  • 6 Arts and culture
    • 6.1 Global premiere of Lordi horror movie Dark Floors next month in Oulu, Finland
  • 7 Frivolities and trivia
    • 7.1 Fourteen days left to send National Geographic your shoe for world record
    • 7.2 Dr. Phil’s consultation meant to be private: Spears family
  • 8 Footer


Suspected serial killer appears in British court

Friday, May 28, 2010

A man accused of being a serial killer has appeared in Bradford magistrates court in West Yorkshire today charged with three counts of murder. 40-year-old Stephen Griffiths is accused of killing Suzanne Blamires, 36, Susan Rushworth, 43, and Shelley Armitage, 31, all prostitutes.

Griffiths, a former van driver with a degree in psychology and studying for a PhD in criminology, gave his name as “Crossbow Cannibal” when asked. He has been in police custody since Monday when police were alerted to a CCTV recording that appeared to show a murder.

A caretaker had been reviewing footage from the flats where Griffiths lives when he saw footage of a woman and a man enter a flat early on Saturday morning. Two minutes later, she ran out and was followed by the man, who beat her to the ground and shot her in the head with a crossbow. Over the course of the weekend, the man was seen several times with bin bags and a rucksack.

On Tuesday, the day after the arrest of Griffiths, Blamires’ remains were found in the River Aire in nearby Shipley. She had been cut into several pieces and her head was located in a rucksack. Police continue to search for the other two alleged victims; Rushworth has been missing since June last year and Armitage vanished in April.

Police have searched much of Bradford’s red-light district, where Griffiths’ third-floor flat is located. Forensic investigations at the flat are expected to last around three weeks. There are plans to search landfill sites for bodies, and police may yet expand the inquiry to cover three more cold cases, although at present they have not been linked to the current inquiry.

Sniffer dogs have been used throughout the city, and police have been taking away plastic evidence bags. Some alleyways remain closed off. Police charged their suspect yesterday.

Griffiths was known as “the lizard man” in his block of flats owing to his habit of walking his two pet monitor lizards in the area. One neighbour is reported to have quoted him as saying he was studying for “a PhD in murder and Jack the Ripper,” and he has spent time in a high-security psychiatric hospital. During his five-minute court appearance he did not enter a plea, kept his head bowed and fidgeted with his cuffed hands. He said “Here, I guess,” when asked for his address.

As he stood in the glass-fronted dock, guarded by three security officers, he was watched by the families of Rushworth and Armitage, who were accompanied by police family liaison officers. Blamires’ family chose not to be present, but the victim’s mother Nicky Blamires, 54, has told the press that Suzanne was a “much-loved” family member even though she “went down the wrong path and did not have the life she was meant to have.” “Nobody deserves this,” she said. “All these girls were human beings and people’s daughters.”

Griffiths’ morning court appearance was followed by a second one this afternoon, at Bradford Crown Court. This time, he confirmed his name without incident. He was remanded into custody until next month, when he will appear in court again.

British media has been quick to compare the case to Peter Sutcliffe, dubbed the “Yorkshire Ripper”. Sutcliffe was a Bradford killer responsible for thirteen murders and seven attempted murders, including several prostitutes. Since his 1981 conviction he has spent most of the last three decades in Broadmoor high-security psychiatric hospital near London.

Alopecia Areata

Submitted by: Garryli Vang

Detecting and Treating Alopecia Areata, Extra About Alopecia Areata And Its Therapies, Alopecia Areata Remedy – Piece two commonly influences younger women and children. This condition has mysterious brings about, despite the fact that in some instances, it comes about because of the body’s automobile-immune response to sort white cells and the hair follicles on the areas exactly where the hair is typically manufactured are attacked. A distinguishable polished area of the scalp that feels silky sleek normally gets to be obvious. And the hairs that surround the bald regions are thin and break off very easily. These may be highly very good and the complete shaft of hair would resemble an exclamation mark.

With therapies and hair replacements Alopecia Areata, Alopecia Areata, Detecting and Treating Alopecia Areata, some circumstances of Alopecia Areata could develop more than time. Hair replacements may well be completed for partial hair reduction depending on the total of reduction getting encountered. There are hair replacements that are suitable for significantly less extreme conditions of Alopecia Areata and thinning of hair and there are also diverse remedies offered to cover greater patches of baldness A lot more About Alopecia Areata And Its Remedies, alopecia areata, Alopecia Areata. Fortuitously, experts recognize this and continue on to analysis on the various forms of ailments affecting hair progress. Knowing what is impacting your hair growth aids to identify the appropriate treatment method to administer. Researchers are also researching on the unique types of treatment plans that can be used, their effectiveness and side effects.

Alopecia areata can influence guys and women in equal proportions. The disorder can also impact little ones. It could be necessary to seek advice from a health specialized prior to undertaking therapy.


A Shocking Hair Reduction Hormonal Discovery

Breakthroughs in medication can arrive from seemingly insignificant observations. Additional than thirty decades back reviews commenced surfacing about a strange sexual transformation that occurred in some remote villages in the Dominican Republic. A 1974 review printed in Science on these “pseudo hermaphrodites” explained what was heading on.

Between 13 households in the villages if Salinas, babies have been born with what appeared to be female genitals. These kids had been elevated as ladies until puberty, when a deepening voice, the descent of the testes, and the enhancement of a penis from what had formerly appeared to be a clitoris signaled that these persons had turn out to be younger guys.

The researchers found out the explanation for this phenomenon, which the villages termed “gueve-doces”, roughly translated as “penis at twelve.” These people had a hereditary lack of an enzyme essential to convert testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT).

This unique healthcare phenomenon could have disappeared without a trace had it not been for researchers at the Merck pharmaceutical firm. They mentioned that the lack of this enzyme produced some favourable added benefits: These guys did not develop prostate challenges or grow to be bald as they aged.

Lack of DHT was thought responsible for these rewards. The Merck researchers had been ready to duplicate this genetic quirck in the laboratory by a compound identified as finasteride, which blocks the conversion of testosterone to DHT.

This drug was 1st marketed as Proscar in 1992 to aid shrink enlarged prostate glands. That identical year Merck researchers began investigation to determine whether or not the drug would also support versus male pattern baldness.

About the Author: Alopecia Areata can be a really depressing disorder. I have endured from this sickness for numerous months and lastly I have observed a treatment.



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How to Transform Your Yoga Practice with Just How You Think!

Offering thanks doesn’t simply need to occur on records, yet additionally in the yoga space. You can receive every one of the rewards of developing appreciation by changing your outlook on your tangle. Peruse on to find out around four different ways appreciation will change your yoga practice.

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That day by day appreciation rundown isn’t only an adorable expansion to your projectile diary. There are such huge numbers of genuine, experimentally established changes that occur in your brain, body, soul, and in general life when you develop appreciation… Your physical wellbeing can improve through lower feelings of anxiety, prompting diminished pulse, less aggravation, better rest, a more grounded safe framework, and considerably more through Yoga Courses. Your emotional well-being can likewise improve through generally speaking expanded joy, diminished side effects of wretchedness, and improved confidence. 

Offering thanks doesn’t simply need to occur on records, yet additionally in the yoga space. You can receive every one of the rewards of developing appreciation by changing your outlook on your tangle. Peruse on to find out around four different ways appreciation will change your yoga practice. 

Less Wounds From Solid Development 

Checking your self image goes connected at the hip with diminished wounds. Didn’t figure you could get harmed from doing yoga? Reconsider – I’ve pulled my hamstring in yoga… twice. When you are valuing yourself for where you are at in your training, you will be more averse to propel yourself past your cutoff points. You will ride out the voyage. This will result in a more beneficial and more secure development. You will discover the harmony among simplicity and exertion. 

BKS Iyengar entireties this up pleasantly: “When an asana is done accurately, the body developments are smooth, there is gentility in the body, and opportunity in the mind….Performance of the asana ought to feed and illuminative.” 

Making Great Karma 

In the wake of offering thanks internal, offer thanks outwards – towards your yogi neighbors, your locale, your city, and such a distance out to your reality. Sending your all the best for their wellbeing, bliss, and prosperity. When you open up your heart to offer thanks outward, you additionally open your heart and make space for appreciation to return ideal to you. Great vibes all around. 

 Perceive the Excellence of YOU! 

When you venture on your tangle, take one moment to acknowledge and feel appreciation for yourself. Understand all the astonishing things would you be able to CAN do. You can do as such much. What’s more, realize that all you are is sufficient. 

You might battle with something. You might battle with a great deal. Your yoga neighbor might battle with a little or possibly a great deal. Turn your face to the sun (que upward confronting pooch) and spotlight on the magnificence of what you can do. I cherish this statement by Martin Luther King Jr, “In the event that you can’t fly, at that point run, in the event that you can’t run, at that point walk, on the off chance that you can’t walk, at that point creep, yet whatever you do you need to continue pushing ahead.” I’d like to add on to it… on the off chance that you can’t creep, at that point simply continue relaxing. 

Leave Behind Your sense of Self 

Strolling into your yoga space, abandon your sense of self, stroll into the room with no connections. At the point when the emphasis is on appreciation, your yoga practice turns out to be less about accomplishing a represent that looks a specific way. This will move your psyches’ eye towards what’s going on inside. You will be better ready to move such that advantages your psyche and body the most in each present minute. You won’t hold yourself to fanciful principles and desires. Yet rather, you’ll move naturally, and this will fill you with SO much happiness. Your training will turn into a declaration of your actual self. Not who you figure a yogi individual should look, sound, or feel like. 

Step by Step Instructions to Mix Appreciation into Your Yoga Practice 

Joining appreciation into your yoga practice is as straightforward as setting an aim or devotion toward the start of class that you convey with you in your psyche and in your considerations all through your training. 

An incredible spot to begin is to feel appreciation for your breath. Your breath is consistently with you, regardless of what else is going on inside and remotely. On and off your tangle. Inside your yoga space, and outside on the planet. Regardless, your breath is a consistent stream, giving you life. Offer and feel thanks for this indispensable life power. All through your yoga teacher training, tune in to your breath as you moveComputer Technology Articles, and let your breath be a guide for your development.

Source: Free Articles from

Managing Leads with Lead Management Software

There are many different real estate management software solutions that assist property management businesses to increase productivity, effectiveness and reduce operating costs. A few such software solutions include customer relationship management software, lead management software and contact management software among others.

For specifics on property management software visit that page

Lead management can basically be defined as the process of building good lasting relationships with business prospects. Studies conducted in various industrial and service sectors indicate that early stage leadsoften ignored lost or discarded by sales people generally make up about 40 to 70 percent of possible sales. Property management businesses that do not have well defined processes to nurture their early stage real estate leadsand handle their client relationship building activities prior to initiating the buying process typically end up missing out and even wasting future prospective sales opportunities. This article goes on to describe the process of lead management and importance of using lead managementsoftware.

Lead Management Software

Lead management can best be described as all practices and processes that involve the planning and organizing a business’s approach to establishing a brand reputation, acquiring new customers and retaining existing customers. Lead management software as such is an IT solution designed to assist businesses in the complex process of lead generation, acquiring and filtering through lead intelligence, distribution of qualified leads to marketing departments and allocating high priority leads to sales teams for conversion.

Benefits of Investing in Lead Management Software

The main goal of effective real estate leadssoftware is to assist property managers to track and manage their whole lead life cycles till they develop in to sales and increase their businesses revenues or ROI (return on investment). The following are just a few benefits of lead management software:

1.    Lead Generation: Effective lead management software enables businesses to capture leads generated from sales and marketing campaigns resulting from website visits. This software feature allows businesses to convert anonymous web site visitors in to lead.

2.    Reduces costs and saves time: This real estate management software allows its users to do more with less through its automating and analytics feature that simplifies the process of completing repetitive manual tasks.

3.    Lead Qualification: This lead management software feature offers its users a platform to automatically score and prioritize leads based on predefined parameters depending on interests, activities and intent.

4.    Analytics: This lead management feature provides analytical reports that help businesses understand the effectiveness of marketing channels and strategies being employed as such assisting decision makers in the process of determining the appropriate approaches to optimizing costs, improving overall performance and increasing ROI.

5.    Lead Nurturing: This feature enables intent driven and personalized lead development aimed at fostering relationships and bringing prospects closer to sale readiness.

6.    Revenue Growth: As is the case with other real estate management software systems in the market today,  real estate leads software assists property manager, owners, agents and brokers in winning more deals and generating higher revenues through focusing time and resources on the only the very best opportunities.
Source: Free Articles from

Opal – The Watery Gemstone

Opal jewelry comes in many forms and styles. Silver pendants , bracelets, earrings, necklaces and rings are quite popular in today’s fashion jewelry. One key reason for the popularity of opal in fashion jewelry is the wide range of colors in which it is available. This stone is available in cool colors such as blues, greens, purples, as well as warmer colors like pinks, reds, yellows, and oranges. Unconventional jewelry designs provide new and exciting options to the wearer. But like all other types of jewelry, choosing the right type of opal jewelry for the right occasion requires at least some basic knowledge with regards to availability, cost, and care.

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Opal is a noncrystalline form of the mineral silica which, despite its amorphous structure, displays an amazing degree of internal organization. The stone is related to its more commonly found but highly crystalline cousins quartz and agate, and is formed from amorphous “balls” or lumps” of silica rather that from ordered, naturally faceted crystals. It is formed from silica-bearing waters and can be found inside any type of rock. Throughout the world, silica gel precipitates at low temperatures to form layers or nodules of opal in fissures, veins, and cavities of volcanic and sedimentary rocks. Opal is an amorphous form of silica (SiO2.nH2O), chemically similar to quartz (SiO2), but containing 3% to 21% water within its mineral structure. Opals of gemstone quality usually contain 6% to 10% water. Because of the high percentage of water content, opal may be damaged by heat and cold. In the precious form of this stone, the silica is arranged into tiny randomly placed structures with water between them. The colors are because of the scattering and interference of light from the silica-water interfaces. They are, in many ways, similar to those you get from soap bubbles; here, the silica plays the role of soap.

Opals are found in different hues and colors such as black, red yellow and white. Several varieties are available and each variety is attractive in it own way. The different types include harlequin, common, fire, water, wood and precious opal. Black opals are the most rare and expensive opals, with a body color that can range from dark grey to black with fiery flashes of color. Precious fire opals are another alternative. They have base colors ranging from yellow to orange, and can be transparent to translucent with fiery flashes. Opal is predominantly found in Australia and is officially recognized as the national gemstone. Fire opals are mostly composed of silica acid with high water content and footprints of iron oxide that reflects the color. These are precious stones often called Mexican fire opals they look more beautiful when processed on fine jewelries such as rings and necklaces. US researchers now report that opal-like deposits have been spotted on Mars! However, don’t hold your breath for “Mars Opals” to hit the fashion jewelry scene anytime in the foreseeable future!

Opals are delicate, but well worth the care. Their most significant weakness has to do with the water content. If an opal is allowed to dry, it will crack and craze. In most cases, they do not need any special care while stored. However, if you live in a very dry climate, or keep them in a dehumidified room, some precautions are necessary. Keeping them in a tight plastic bag, with a damp piece of cotton or fabric will prevent dehydration. Storing an opal in oil or glycerin is not recommended. It is unlikely to damage the opal, but it is unnecessary and requires tedious cleaning. Because of the fragility of the opal, it should be cut thickly. The stone will deteriorate in time if the cut is finer. Opal should be washed every now and then to remove the traces of perspiration or cosmetics. If your opal loses some of its shine, it can be recut or repolished by a jeweler.

Understanding Male organ Pain – Balanitis Xerotica Obliterans Symptoms and Treatment

Male organ skin discolorations can be upsetting, especially when they appear suddenly. In many cases, they resolve quickly on their own, but some require treatment. This article describes a common condition that may cause male organ pain.

Men who are affected by unusual spots, thickening of the male organ skin, male organ pain, and phimosis – the inability to retract the sheath – may be affected by a condition known as balanitis xerotica obliterans. While this condition is not generally serious, it can get worse without treatment and may lead to more serious complications. Not all doctors are familiar with this condition, so men who experience the related symptoms should be familiar with the disorder so that they can help their doctors understand what to look for.

More on circumcision surgery here

Following is a brief overview of balanitis xerotica obliterans, as well as the available treatments and some tips to proper male organ care.

What is balanitis xerotica obliterans?

Commonly abbreviated as BXO, this condition is considered as the male manifestation of lichen sclerosis, a benign condition that affects the skin. While the symptoms are not confined to the male organ, they can be most worrying in this area, as they can cause some uncomfortable side effects.

To date, no definitive cause has been identified. However, there appears to be a hereditary component, and men who suffer from BXO are also likely to experience other autoimmune type conditions. While BXO may appear unattractive and cause issues with intimacy, the condition is not contagious and cannot be passed to a partner, either through intimate contact or otherwise.

Common Symptoms of BXO

The most common symptoms of BXO include male organ pain; white patches on the head, as well as under the sheath; a thickened ring of tissue may also form around the tip of the head. Adhesions of the sheath to the head may also occur and lead to phimosis, a condition in which it is difficult or impossible to retract the sheath over the crown of the male organ. Male reproductive issues may also accompany these symptoms.

In more advanced stages, the white or grayish patches may reach the shaft, and even the sac. Scrubbing or otherwise attempting to move the lesions is not effective and may cause further damage to the skin.


If allowed to progress without treatment, the toughened tissue that characterizes BXO can lead to urinary stricture, blocking the elimination of urine and increasing the risk of liver and kidney damage. In addition, BXO has been linked to increased risk of squamous cell carcinoma (a form of skin cancer), although it is unclear whether the condition is causative.

Is there a cure?

Currently, there is no single cure that has demonstrated consistency in treating and curing BXO. The first step in treating the disorder generally involves topical steroid creams. While these may alleviate some of the symptoms, they are not effective for curing the disease and may cause further damage to the skin if used for a lengthy period of time.

The most effective method of addressing the problem generally involves circumcision. Removing the sheath can eliminate the lesions and prevent them from recurring, as the urine-rich, moist environment created by the presence of the sheath is removed. For lesions on the shaft or sac, laser therapy or surgical excision may be recommended.

Male organ care for all men

While BXO has not been linked to hygiene issues or other aspects of male organ care, all men can benefit from treating the male organ right. The pelvic area should always be kept clean, using a mild cleanser to gently wash away any dirt, sweat, urine and other body fluids. Wearing underwear is always recommended to prevent rubbing and chafing, as well as to reduce the risk of injury.

While BXO is not contagious, all men who are intimately active should use a condom for every encounter, unless they are in a monogamous relationship where both partners have tested clean for any intimately transmitted diseases.

Adding a high-quality male organ vitamin cream  (most health professionals recommend Man 1 Man Oil) to the daily male organ care regimen can improve the overall tone, texture and elasticity of the male organ skin, as well as improving sensation levels in some men. While male organ creams should not be applied to damaged or diseased male tissue without a doctor’s approvalPsychology Articles, even the most healthy male organ can benefit from natural moisturizers and male-friendly nutrients.

Source: Free Articles from