Archives July 2020

ACLU President Strossen on religion, drugs, guns and impeaching George Bush

Tuesday, October 30, 2007File:Nadine Strossen 5 by David Shankbone.jpg

There are few organizations in the United States that elicit a stronger emotional response than the American Civil Liberties Union, whose stated goal is “to defend and preserve the individual rights and liberties guaranteed to every person in this country by the Constitution and laws of the United States”. Those people include gays, Nazis, women seeking abortion, gun owners, SPAM mailers and drug users. People who are often not popular with various segments of the public. The ACLU’s philosophy is not that it agrees or disagrees with any of these people and the choices that they make, but that they have personal liberties that must not be trampled upon.

In Wikinews reporter David Shankbone’s interview with the President of the ACLU, Nadine Strossen, he wanted to cover some basic ground on the ACLU’s beliefs. Perhaps the area where they are most misunderstood or have their beliefs most misrepresented is their feelings about religion in the public sphere. The ACLU categorically does not want to see religion disappear from schools or in the public forum; but they do not want to see government advocacy of any particular religion. Thus, former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore’s placement of a ten ton monument to the Ten Commandments outside the courthouse is strenuously opposed; but “Lone Ranger of the Manger” Rita Warren’s placement of nativity scenes in public parks is vigorously defended. In the interview, Strossen talks about how certain politicians and televangelists purposefully misstate the law and the ACLU’s work in order to raise funds for their campaigns.

David Shankbone’s discussion with Strossen touches upon many of the ACLU’s hot button issues: religion, Second Amendment rights, drug liberalization, “partial-birth abortion” and whether or not George W. Bush should be impeached. It may surprise the reader that many ideas people have about the most visible of America’s civil libertarian organizations are not factually correct and that the ACLU often works closely with many of the organizations people think despise its existence.

Choosing The Best Investment Options For Your Ira

byAlma Abell

When choosing investments for your portfolio, there are many considerations to take before opening an IRA and filling it with investments. You must consider your age and how close you are to retirement, the type of IRA you’re opening, and which investments you feel comfortable with. Some people mistakenly believe that an IRA is a separate investment, similar to a stock or bond. However, the IRA is more like a holding place for your investments and allows them to grow tax free while your retirement nest egg builds.

With the right investment portfolio, your IRA can grow to a substantial amount and leave you with a secure financial future. If you need help opening an IRA in the Colusa area, it’s best to visit with a financial advisor to discuss your needs and learn about the different types of investments best for you at your stage in life.

Purchasing StocksThe younger you are the more favorable it is to purchase stocks. There is never a non-risky time to purchase stocks, and the stories of people becoming millionaires overnight are far and few between. However, stocks can provide financial security if you invest in the right ones and do so at an age that if there is a hiccup in the stock market and things drop, you have the time to wait for it to rebound without worrying about your retirement funds. Stocks can help you quickly build up an IRA, and Colusa financial advisors should be able to recommend stable stocks for your portfolio.

Mutual FundsA mutual fund is one where investors share a particular fund. Many people use managed funds to allow educated financial investors to make decisions on which fund is best for an investor’s portfolio. This works well for many people because rather than invest thousands in stocks and bonds, you can invest a lower amount and own parts of different shares.

A newer type of fund is an exchange traded fund, where funds are traded on the market just like stocks and bonds. Again, these are often managed funds that investors use to build a diversified portfolio for retirement. When taking out an IRA, Colusa financial advisors will be able to determine if you’re better off with traditional mutual funds or if you should try exchange traded funds. There are other options, such as direct cash deposits into your IRA, so make sure your financial agent explains all forms of investments.

To learn more about an IRA in Colusa, visit

American film director John Hughes dies at age 59

Thursday, August 6, 2009

American film director John Hughes, noted for such movies as Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink and The Breakfast Club, died Thursday due to a heart attack.

A statement, released by his representative, said that he experienced the heart attack while on a morning stroll in Manhattan, New York. Hughes was born on February 18, 1950 in Michigan. He started his career as an advertising copywriter in Chicago. By the end of the 1970s he was a frequent contributor to the National Lampoon magazine.

In the 1990s, he made the Home Alone series, which became a box office sensation and turned Macaulay Culkin into a star.

In recent years, Hughes stepped back from the movie industry to spend more time with his family. He is survived by his wife of 39 years, Nancy, two sons and four grandchildren.

Asbestos controversy aboard Scientology ship Freewinds

Friday, May 16, 2008

Controversy has arisen over the reported presence of blue asbestos on the MV Freewinds, a cruise ship owned by the Church of Scientology. According to the Saint Martin newspaper The Daily Herald and the shipping news journal Lloyd’s List, the Freewinds was sealed in April and local public health officials on the Caribbean island of Curaçao where the ship is docked began an investigation into the presence of asbestos dust on the ship. Former Scientologist Lawrence Woodcraft supervised work on the ship in 1987, and attested to the presence of blue asbestos on the Freewinds in an affidavit posted to the Internet in 2001. Woodcraft, a licensed architect by profession, gave a statement to Wikinews and commented on the recent events.

According to The Daily Herald, the Freewinds was in the process of being renovated by the Curaçao Drydock Company. The article states that samples taken from paneling in the ship were sent to the Netherlands, where an analysis revealed that they “contained significant levels of blue asbestos”. An employee of the Curaçao Drydock Company told Radar Online in an April 30 article that the Freewinds has been docked and sealed, and confirmed that an article about asbestos ran in the local paper.

Lloyd’s List reported that work on the interior of the Freewinds was suspended on April 27 after health inspectors found traces of blue asbestos on the ship. According to Lloyd’s List, Frank Esser, Curaçao Drydock Company’s interim director, joined Curaçao’s head of the department of labor affairs Christiene van der Biezen along with the head of the local health department Tico Ras and two inspectors in an April 25 inspection of the ship. “We are sending someone so that they can tell us what happened, where it came from, since when it has been there,” said Panama Maritime Authority’s director of merchant marine Alfonso Castillero in a statement to Lloyd’s List.

The Church of Scientology purchased the ship, then known as the Bohème, in 1987, through an organization called Flag Ship Trust. After being renovated and refitted, it was put into service in June 1988. The ship is used by the Church of Scientology for advanced Scientology training in “Operating Thetan” levels, as well as for spiritual retreats for its members. Curaçao has been the ship’s homeport since it was purchased by the Church of Scientology.

According to his 2001 statement, Lawrence Woodcraft had been an architect in London, England since 1975, and joined Scientology’s elite “Sea Organization” (Sea Org) in 1986. He wrote that he was asked by the Sea Org to work on the Freewinds in 1987, and during his work on the ship “noticed a powdery blue fibrous substance approximately 1 ½” thick between the paint and the steel wall,” which he believed to be asbestos. He also discovered what he thought was blue asbestos in other parts of the ship, and reported his findings to Church of Scientology executives. Woodcraft discussed his experiences in a 2001 interview published online by the Lisa McPherson Trust, a now-defunct organization which was critical of the Church of Scientology.

The Freewinds regularly inspects the air quality on board and always meets or exceeds US standards.

Church of Scientology spokeswoman Karin Pouw responded to Radar Online about the asbestos reports, in an email published in an article in Radar on May 1. “The Freewinds regularly inspects the air quality on board and always meets or exceeds US standards,” said Pouw. She stated that two inspections performed in April “confirmed that the air quality is safe,” and asserted that the inspections revealed the Freewinds satisfies standards set by the United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration and the U.S. Clean Air Act.

Pouw told Radar that “The Freewinds will be completing its refit on schedule.” The Church of Scientology-affiliated organization Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) had been planning a cruise aboard the Freewinds scheduled for May 8, but according to Radar an individual who called the booking number for the cruise received a message that the cruise had been delayed due to ongoing work on the ship. Citing an article in the Netherlands Antilles newspaper Amigoe, Radar reported on May 6 that a team from the United States and supervised by an independent bureau from the Netherlands traveled to Curaçao in order to remove asbestos from the Freewinds.

…if the Church of Scientology claims to have removed the blue asbestos, I just don’t see how, it’s everywhere. You would first have to remove all the pipes, plumbing, a/c ducts, electrical wiring etc. etc. just a maze of stuff.

“I stand by everything I wrote in my 2001 affidavit,” said Lawrence Woodcraft in an exclusive statement given to Wikinews. Woodcraft went on to state: “I would also comment that if the Church of Scientology claims to have removed the blue asbestos, I just don’t see how, it’s everywhere. You would first have to remove all the pipes, plumbing, a/c ducts, electrical wiring etc. etc. just a maze of stuff. Also panelling as well, basically strip the ship back to a steel hull. Also blue asbestos is sprayed onto the outer walls and then covered in paint. It’s in every nook and cranny.”

Many Scientologist celebrities have spent time aboard the Freewinds, including Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, John Travolta, Kelly Preston, Chick Corea, Lisa Marie Presley, Catherine Bell, Kate Ceberano, and Juliette Lewis. Now magazine reported that Tom Cruise has been urged to seek medical attention regarding potential asbestos exposure, however a representative for Cruise stated he has “absolutely no knowledge” of the recent asbestos controversy. Cruise, Holmes, Travolta and Preston have celebrated birthdays and other events on the Freewinds.

There is not now and never has been a situation of asbestos exposure on the Freewinds.

In a May 15 statement to the United Kingdom daily newspaper Metro, a representative for the Church of Scientology said that “There is not now and never has been a situation of asbestos exposure on the Freewinds.” The Asbestos and Mesothelioma Center notes that agencies have recommended anyone who has spent time on the Freewinds consult with their physician to determine if possible asbestos exposure may have affected their health.

Raw blue asbestos is the most hazardous form of asbestos, and has been banned in the United Kingdom since 1970. Blue asbestos fibers are very narrow and thus easily inhaled, and are a major cause of mesothelioma. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer which can develop in the lining of the lungs and chest cavity, the lining of the abdominal cavity, or the pericardium sac surrounding the heart. The cancer is incurable, and can manifest over 40 years after the initial exposure to asbestos.

“This is the most dangerous type of asbestos because the fibres are smaller than the white asbestos and can penetrate the lung more easily,” said toxicologist Dr. Chris Coggins in a statement published in OK! Magazine. Dr. Coggins went on to note that “Once diagnosed with mesothelioma, the victim has six months to a year to live. It gradually reduces lung function until the victim is no longer able to breathe and dies.”

Israeli ex-minister Yaakov Neeman dies aged 77

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Yaakov Neeman, an Israeli politician who served as justice minister and finance minister under Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, died in his Jerusalem home on Sunday. He was 77.

Born in 1939 in Tel Aviv, Neeman, alongside future President Chaim Herzog, founded law firm Herzog, Fox and Neeman in 1972. He was appointed finance minister in 1979, a position he held until 1981. He was later appointed justice minister by Netanyahu, based on his legal training and loyalty.

Unusually for a senior minister, he had never served in the Knesset. He held the job for two months before resigning; he was being investigated for perjury. Michael Ben-Yair, Attorney General of the day, launched the probe after Neeman testified at a bribery trial. Neeman was cleared.

Neeman regained the Justice Ministry post in 1997, resigning again the next year. He blamed insufficient support from Netanyahu and resumed law. In 2009 Netanyahu was reelected, again appointing Neeman minister of justice. In 2013 this role passed to the Hatnua party’s Tzipi Livni.

Neeman’s last resignation, in 2013, came as he was under investigation by the Israel Tax Authority for evading tax via his law company. The Tel Aviv Magistrates Court ultimately acquitted him.

Outside law and politics Neeman was also an industrialist. He worked with Israel Aircraft Industries, airline El Al, and the Israel Atomic Energy Commission. In 1986 he was credited as key to convincing business partner Herzog, who was then president, with pardoning members of the Israel Security Agency; after a bus was hijacked, security forces shot dead two Palestinians once the hijack had concluded.

Neeman specialised in tax law. A fluent English speaker, he had degrees from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and New York University. His wife and six children survive him.

Current President Reuven Rivlin spoke of a good lawyer and advisor whose wisdom he had sought as recently as last week. “The entire Justice Department bows his head”, said current Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked. Herzog’s son Isaac Herzog, leader of the opposition Zionist Union, spoke of “a tender-hearted, broad-minded and generous man” who “was a mentor and close friend for tens of years.”

Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein said Neeman was “a unique figure in our public life, blessed with talent and pleasantness, who believed in his heritage and his people with his entire body.” Netanyahu called Neeman “one of the senior jurists in the country, of a sharp mind and a warm Jewish heart.”

Italian Winter Holidays Visit Sardinia

Italian Winter Holidays – Visit Sardinia


Levi Reiss

The beautiful island of Sardinia east of the Italian mainland has a relatively mild winter. But you won\’t want to sit in your shirtsleeves in a seaside café sipping a local wine. That pleasure will have to wait for the other seasons. November 1 is the day of the Dead, and in Nuoro many families prepare a feast and leave room at the table for departed loved ones. They cook lots of extra food and share the meal with less fortunate neighbors. Then people join the holy procession to the Madonna delle Grazie sanctuary, where village from neighboring villages sing hymns. The village of Desulo holds a \’Mountain Products Agricultural Fair\’ with handicraft and painting exhibitions during the first week of November.

Santa Lucia is a beloved saint whose December 13th festival is celebrated in many towns such as Nurachi Tempio. The regional capital Cagliari holds a Christmas Fair for two weeks in December featuring traditional crafts, food, and wine.


Alghero is a great place to spend New Year\’s Eve, especially in the Old Town whose piazzas host live music concerts culminating in a grand firework display over the harbor. There are firecrackers in the streets, and most bars stay open until at least 6 am the following morning! St. Anthony\’s Day is widely celebrated in Sardinia on January 16 and 17. Ancient tradition has it that the saint, like Prometheus, stole into hell and brought back fire, so a bonfire is at the center of the festivities. Each town places different herbs and fruits atop their own blaze, creating a unique aroma. The local women bring sweets and dark fruity loaves of pane nigheddu, while the men enjoy wine and aquavit. The most spectacular celebration is said to be in Mamoiada, where 12 frightening masks called mamuthones represent the months of the year. I guess that you might think it\’s a warm up for Carnivale, to be discussed in another article.

Every weekend from early January to mid February Alghero holds its Bogamari Sea Urchin Festival that dates back to the days when Sardinia was ruled by Catalonia; this town\’s nickname is still Barcelonetta and the old people persist in speaking a form of Catalan. The restaurants offer specials such as Spaghetti al Riccio di mare (Spaghetti a la Sea Urchins) best enjoyed with local white wine. And wherever you go and whatever you do, check out the fine Sardinia wines including Vermentino di Gallura.

Levi Reiss has authored or co-authored ten computer and Internet books, but prefers drinking fine wine with the right foods. He teaches computers at an Ontario French-language community college. Visit his Italian travel website

and his global wine website

featuring weekly bargain wine reviews.

Article Source:

Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with NDP candidate Sheila White, Scarborough-Rouge River

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Having worked as an aide, advisor, and Executive Assistant to municipal and provincial politicians, Sheila White is running for the Ontario New Democratic Party in the Ontario provincial election, in the Scarborough-Rouge River riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed her regarding her values, her experience, and her campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

News briefs:June 4, 2006

The time is 18:00 (UTC) on June 4th, 2006, and this is Audio Wikinews News Briefs.

James Brown dies of pneumonia

Monday, December 25, 2006

James Brown, often referred to as the Godfather of Soul, died in Atlanta due to congestive heart failure, combined with pneumonia. His death at age 73 was announced by his agent. After his dentist noticed something unusual with him, Brown was told to visit a doctor immediately. He was taken into the hospital yesterday for treatment of his pneumonia until his death at around 1:45 AM (6:45 AM GMT). It is not known whether he received a pneumonia vaccination, as recommended for people of his age.

He was born in 1933 and grew up in poverty until he formed James Brown & The Famous Flames. His influence on 20th century music, from funk to hip hop was profound.

Before he died, he scheduled a New Year’s Eve concert series in New Jersey and New York that would help kick off a 2007 tour.

Things To Consider While Buying Forklifts

Things to Consider While Buying Forklifts


Luciens Castro

Forklifts are very vital for business firms which are in the construction business. They are mostly used to move loads stored on pallets. A forklift is used for a range of different jobs, ranging from warehouse use to personal use for petty jobs. They are always being in big demand especially by the business houses which needs regular transportation of heavy and basic materials. Forklifts are quite expensive items and all kinds of business houses cannot really afford to buy new forklifts specially small and medium sized business houses. There are many ways to buy used forklifts as there are many second hand sellers of forklifts. You can check online also about dealers who are engaged in selling used forklift trucks. You may see many advertisements in newspapers and magazines about used forklifts for sale. Get their contact numbers, contact with them and then negotiate about things like money and all other important things.


But you must remember always that if you are getting a forklift for long term use or for transporting things to long distance with heavy materials in it, it is always advisable to shell out some extra bucks and buy a new one. But if you have a small or medium sized business house which deals with some petty transportation and thats also not to long distances than it is always advisable to go for used forklift trucks. So depending upon your needs and budget you need to decide what you want to buy? A new one or a used forklift. You have to assess it yourself and then decide into it. Used forklifts are normally an admirable choice for those seeking to decrease their operating cost, particularly in small, just started businesses. If you own a big business house with many number of things to do than brand new forklifts are the best option. A forklift is a very important part of a business house as it helps in many activities and works. If maintained properly and with sound safety measures, forklifts are the best pieces of equipment available for transporting or storing products for large companies and also for personal use. They are very useful for business houses that are in construction business actually as it helps it transporting and carrying heavy materials. Be it small or big forklifts are very vital for construction and transportation business. If you cannot afford a new fork lift there are a large number of companies that offers a range of used forklifts. Its price range is mainly based on its design and the kind of forklift you are looking for. Bearing in mind the present economic condition many companies are opting for used forklifts for them. But you should always take some things in mind before buying a second hand forklift. Take someone who has technical knowledge about trucks and all. Ask him to check the forklift properly and if everything is fine then start negotiating with the owners about the price and all. You can buy them at the price which is suitable for you. Article Source:

Certalift is a well known name in selling

good quality Forklifts

, Boom Lifts, Scissor Lifts etc. to its customers.

Article Source: