Archives February 2020

New denunciations of Brazilian deputy and evidence make things difficult for Lula

Sunday, July 3, 2005

São Paulo, Brazil —On June 30, in Brazil, deputy Roberto Jefferson testified to deputies and senators of a Commission that is investigating the alleged Post Office Service scandal. Jefferson’s testimony along with new evidence supporting his testimony are putting the government of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva in a difficult situation.

Roberto Jefferson’s testimony ran from 4 p.m. to close to 2 a.m. (local time). The deputy further explained the alleged corruption scheme involving the Brazilian Workers’ Party (PT).

The testimony of Jefferson was at times very tense, and sometimes discussions between Jefferson and deputies of the Workers Party become heated. In one instance, a Workers’ Party deputy attacked Jefferson’s credibility, calling him a liar on the basis that he supported the former Brazilian President Fernando Collor de Mello, who suffered impeachment for corruption related to Treasurer Paulo Cesar Farias, who worked on Collor’s campaign. Jefferson answered: “PC Farias is a chick when you see the corruption in PT”, and accused the former governor of Rio Grande do Sul Olivio Dutra (Olivio Dutra is the minister of Lula at the present time) of involvement with the “Jogo do Bicho” (illegal gambling).

According to Jefferson, the President of the Worker’s Party José Genuino, former Minister José Dirceu, Secretary-General Sílvio Pereira, and Treasurer Delúbio Soares, head a widespread national corruption scheme which involves the Workers Party, members of the Government, the Brazilian Agency of Intelligence, and both government and private enterprises. Jefferson said the President was unaware of this scheme. Some members of parliament from the opposition see this claim as strange.

During his last testimony, Jefferson said that entrepreneur Marcos Valério was responsible for finacing the payment of deputies of the alleged Votes-for-cash scandal. This week, investigations by the police showed that Marcos Valério withdrew, in cash, large sums of money from Rural Bank. According to Jefferson, this money was used to pay deputies. Valério said that he used the money to buy cattle and that farmers don’t like to receive cheques, just “real money”. His explanation was considered suspect and his former secretary said she does not know of any farms owned by Valerio.

Marcos Valério is part-owner of SMPB and DNA. Documents from the Agrarian Reform Institute (INCRA) showed that Valério’s enterprises owned 10 big farms. According to an article published by the newspaper O Estado de São Paulo on July 1, at least two of these farms do not exist. The Brazilian Federal Police said that there is evidence sufficient to indict Valério. The accusations against Valério are tax evasion and money laundering.

According to Internal Revenue Service, Marcos Valério’s fortune was R$ 230,000 (97,676.27 USD – Live mid-market rates as of July 3, 2005, 12:47:43 UTC.) in 1997 and R$ 14,000,000 (5,945,511.97 USD) in 2004, a growth of 6086%. The enterprises of Valério, SMPB and DNA, have contracts with five Ministeries and eight big public enterprises, including the Post Office Service.

Before his testimony to the Commission, Jefferson said that Furnas, an energy company in Brazil, was involved in a corruption scheme. According to Jefferson, money from the enterprise was moved to the Workers’ Party of Minas Gerais, to the treasurer Delúbio Soares, to be used to buy deputies. Furnas denied this. Presidente Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva said that the allegations should be investigated. Under pressure the Furnas’ directors resigned.

On July 2, newspapers reported that according to Brazilian Central Bank’s documents, in February 17, 2004, the Workers’ Party borrowed R$ 2.4 millions (1,019,230.62 USD) from Marcos Valério. In addition, the documents named José Genoíno (the President of the Workers’ Party) and Delúbio Soares (the treasurer). After initially denying that the magazine had taken out this loan, the President of the Workers’ Party acknowledged it to journalists on Saturday, July 2.

Delúbio Soares cried during his speech last week and said that the accusations are not true and that the “right” is trying to impeach President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva on false charges.

The testimony of Jefferson is at the center of discussions in Brazil. According to the PMDB leader, Senator Ney Suassuna, the denunciations are “nitroglycerine which are thrown into the arteries of the Republic every minute”. Leader of the PSDB, Arthur Virgílio Neto, said that the government lives in darkness. Senator Peter Simon (PMDB-RS) appealed to President Lula to do an ethical turn-around, and respect the imperatives of morality and seriousness in government. According to Simon: “Today society is still saying that president Lula is a man of good. However, shortly, nobody is going to say that anymore”.

On July 1, President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva opened the celebration of the 15th Anniversary of the Foro de São Paulo, in São Paulo. At 7:30 p.m. the forum was opened and, according to the Workers’ Party, the participants expressed support for the government of President Lula. Lula spoke during the encounter with the semblance of a tired and worried man affected by the crisis.

It is expected that the government will began a Ministerial reformulation next week.

This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.
This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.

Ed Sheeran wins Song of Year Grammy for Thinking Out Loud

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Yesterday, UK singer Ed Sheeran won the Grammy Award for Song of the Year for his song Thinking Out Loud from his album × ahead of Kendrick Lamar’s Alright; Wiz Khalifa’s, featuring Charlie Puth, See You Again; Little Big Town’s Girl Crush; and Taylor Swift’s Blank Space. Girl Crush won the Grammy Award for Best Country Song.

Welsh singer Amy Wadge co-wrote the song. Sheeran during the ceremony said they wrote the song on a couch in his house. In remarks to the Western Mail, Wadge said the album was already complete when they wrote the song.

Thinking out Loud remained #2 on Billboard Hot 100 for almost two months, and topped the UK rankings last year. Its video song has 969 Million YouTube views and has more than four million likes. The song also won the Grammy Award for Best Pop Solo Performance.

US singer Stevie Wonder announced the winner for the Song of the Year, and the envelope was written in Braille script. He joked about it saying “You can’t read it, you can’t read Braille!”

Along with Ed Sheeran’s first Grammy, Canadians The Weeknd and Justin Bieber won Grammy awards for the first time.

Dogs Just Relish Non Veg Dog Foods, Why?

Dogs just relish non veg dog foods, why?


Willey Martin Dogs just relish non veg dog foods, why?

Most of the dog owners ask the veterinarian about the food to give to their pets. The most important question of concern for owners is it good to give raw food to their pets and answer to that is yes. Yes one can surely give raw chicken food to their pets, pets like dog got a strong digestive system and they love to jump on the chicken food every day.Yes absolutely true dog loves to relish on non-veg food! Get the dog foods with nutrient values for maintaining dog health.

Dog health depends on the quality of food he takes. Its owner\’s duty to provide their pet a balance diet including vitamins, minerals, fasts and essential nutrients.This article will help you to understand the importance of dog food in keeping your pet happy and healthy.

Do not worry regarding the raw dog foods; your pet is capable of digesting them. One can give their pet following non-veg dog foods.

1) Turkey: backs, necks, drumsticks, wings, gizzards, hearts

2) Whole, oily fish: herring, sardines, anchovies, mackerel


3) Chicken: backs, necks, legs, carcasses, organs, wings, eggs

4) Beef: ground chuck, stew meat, organs, marrow bones

The above non-veg dog foods are pretty affordable and extremely good for your dog health.

Here are given the benefits of giving non-veg food to your dog:

1) Your pal will glow with lustrous skin. Fish oil supplementation will add stars to the beauty of your healthy pet.

2) Consuming raw food and chewing the bones will help them clear up the deposited plaque and will make your dogs teeth gleaming.

3) Good dog foods will provide your dog a resistance for allergies and minor illnesses and will cut the cost of visiting veterinarian repetitively.

4) Shopping the wholesale chicken and bones and organ meats available in the market is significantly cheaper than buying commercial dog food.

The dog will love to see their favorite food in the feeding bowls and you can save on your budget as well and will get the satisfaction of giving nutritious food to them in the form of raw chicken.

Get the perfect dog foods and make your pet\’s life healthy and happy! Make things easy for your pet, give them which they love to gorge on. Add best of nutritious food to their feeding bowls and keep them going throughout the day.

Give your pets proper vaccination and flea control medications on time to reduce the pain of further infections and disease to them. Grooming is also essential for pets to save their skin coat and to make them look charming!

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United States begins testing equipment for demolition of a major VX nerve gas stockpile

Saturday, May 7, 2005

Testing began on a chemical reactor at the Newport Chemical Depot near Terre Haute, Indiana on Friday morning. If successful, the reactor will be put to use destroying the large VX nerve gas stockpiles stored at the facility over the course of the next two years. After the disposal project experienced several delays, the facility announced it would begin pumping VX into a completed disposal unit for testing. The unit consists of a chemical reactor in which the VX will be mixed with water and sodium hydroxide, heated to 194°F while mixed with paddles. The resulting chemical, called hydrolysate, is chemically similar to commercial drain cleaners and has similar properties. If the test is successfully completed , the unit will continue processing the VX until the entire stockpile has been neutralized, a process projected to take two years. Administrators expect to complete testing on May 10, 2005.

According to the controversial plan, the finished waste product would be shipped to New Jersey for final reprocessing. The inert chemical would then be emptied into the Delaware River where natural attenuation would occur.

Residents near the proposed river disposal site in New Jersey oppose this idea. The contractor for the final component of this disposal would be the DuPont Corporation.

NCD is a bulk chemical storage and destruction facility in west central Indiana, thirty miles north of Terre Haute. Originally founded during World War II to produce RDX, a conventional explosive, it later became a site for chemical weapons manufacturing during the Cold War. It is now used to securely store and gradually neutralize part of the US stockpile of VX.

VX was manufactured by the U.S. in the 1950s and 60’s as a deterrent to possible Soviet Union use. It was never deployed, and the manufacture was halted in 1969 after an order signed by then-president Richard Nixon.

In 1999, the Army announced it awarded a disposal contract to Parsons Infrastructure & Technology, Inc., a business unit of Parsons Corporation. Some 220 civilian Parsons employees work at the facility, which is supervised by an Army officer reporting to the U.S. Army Chemical Materials Agency, and a board of civilian government overseers called the Indiana Citizens’ Advisory Commission, some of whose members are appointed by the state governor.

Security at the facility is controversial. A private security service, supplemented by a complement of Indiana National Guard soldiers, guarded the facility until April 14, 2005, when the soldiers were withdrawn. An Indianapolis television station has questioned security measures in some of its special reports.

Saudis boycott Danish dairy produce

Friday, January 27, 2006

On January 26, 2006, a massive boycott of dairy produce from Arla Foods started in Saudi Arabia over what is perceived as a Danish attack on Muslim values. The Saudi ambassador to Denmark has been recalled for consultations.

The Danish/Swedish dairy company Arla is facing a massive loss after a spreading boycott of its produce in Saudi Arabia. Four Saudi retail chains have already removed Arla products from the shelves. One retail chain has placed yellow warning tape (common fare for accidents and crime scenes) over Arla products. There have been cases reported of Arla delivery trucks being attacked by stones thrown from bystanders. Marianne Castenskiold, a senior consultant for Dansk Industri, expressed a fear that the boycott will spread to other countries in the region and have detrimental effects on other Danish products. Denmark is one of the leading exporters of agriculture in northern Europe, whose economy is heavily dependent on foreign trade and investment.

The boycott has been announced at Friday prayer services in Saudi mosques since January 20, 2006, obviously helping to foment popular support of the nation’s response to Denmark’s alleged ignorance of Muslim values. On at least one occasion, a delivery truck has been greeted by thrown stones.

The boycott is a response to the publication of an article in a major Danish newspaper, Jyllands-Posten. In its September 30, 2005 issue, the paper printed 12 drawings of the Muslim prophet Muhammed, as a response to previous news reports that the publisher of a forthcoming childrens’ book about the prophet had had difficulty in finding an illustrator, due to fear of extremist reactions; drawings of the prophet are prohibited by Islamic Law (see aniconism). In an attempt to start a debate over freedom of speech in Denmark, the newspaper printed 12 drawings of the prophet. Four of these were of a satirical nature, with one showing the prophet with a turban hiding a lit bomb.

The immediate reactions to the publication of the drawings included ambassadors from 12 Muslim countries demanding that the Danish Prime Minister, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, denounce the newspaper. Rasmussen rejected this demand, stating that “Danish freedom of speech does not allow the government to control what newspapers print”. He further noted that the only possible legal action against the newspaper would be one under the charge of blasphemy.

A debate ensued over the following months about freedom of speech and its value in relation to avoiding religious taboos. In mid-December 2005, a delegation from several Danish Muslim organizations went on a tour in several Middle-Eastern and Arabic countries, reportedly to gain sympathy for their point of view. Several reports state that during the tour the difficulties faced by Muslims in Denmark were grossly overstated.

The Most Common Services That Electricians Provide

byAlma Abell

The electrical system in your home helps ensure that your lights and appliances work properly when you need them. Over time, wires can become damaged and wear out. This means they will need to be replaced to ensure that your home is safe and that all of your electrical needs are met. Electricians are trained to offer the guidance that you need to help determine the root of your electrical issue and get it fixed quickly. Don’t try to tackle this on your own, as this can lead to frustration and a bad overall experience.


Make sure the electrician you use is properly trained by ensuring they offer the following three services. While not an indicator of their experience, it can help indicate whether they will be able to help you now and in the future. Installation Make sure the electrician you use provides installation services. This can be handy when you need to replace a light fixture or are looking to build or remodel a home. Don’t trust Electricians who don’t offer this, as it could be an indicator of their lack of experience. Ask them about their installation services before deciding if they will be a good fit for you.

Repair – It can be complicated to determine what is causing your electrical issues. Make sure you let a trained electrician diagnose the situation so important and dangerous aspects are not overlooked. They have the training to determine what is causing your problems, and to determine the best way to fix it. Upgrades If the electrical system in your home is older, then it may be time to update it. You can ensure all of the appliances in your home have the electricity they need by hiring an electrician to upgrade your existing electrical system.

They will be able to remove the old wires and run new ones so your homes electrical system is operating safely and efficiently. If you live in the Little Rock area, then make sure you contact Advantage Service Company Inc. They offer the electrical services you need to take care of your issues fast. Don’t delay, make sure your home is safe and that you aren’t dealing with electrical issues by making the call.

Suicide bomber strikes Afghanistan restaurant

Sunday, November 26, 2006

A suicide bomber has killed at least seven people in an attack on a restaurant situated in south-eastern Afghanistan. Twenty people are seriously injured in the attack.

The attack took place in the Urgun district of Paktika province, which shares its border with that of Pakistan.

Governor Mohammed Akram Akhpelwak said that most of those killed are civilians. He added that intention of the attack could have been to target a senior provincial official and an Afghan special forces commander.

Wikinews interviews Joe Schriner, Independent U.S. presidential candidate

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Journalist, counselor, painter, and US 2012 Presidential candidate Joe Schriner of Cleveland, Ohio took some time to discuss his campaign with Wikinews in an interview.

Schriner previously ran for president in 2000, 2004, and 2008, but failed to gain much traction in the races. He announced his candidacy for the 2012 race immediately following the 2008 election. Schriner refers to himself as the “Average Joe” candidate, and advocates a pro-life and pro-environmentalist platform. He has been the subject of numerous newspaper articles, and has published public policy papers exploring solutions to American issues.

Wikinews reporter William Saturn? talks with Schriner and discusses his campaign.

Owner of Wendy’s chili finger still not found

Tuesday, April 5, 2005

Health officials in San Jose, California are still unable to identify the owner of the missing finger found in a bowl of chili at a local Wendy’s restaurant last week.

Fingerprints on the detached digit have been run through an FBI database as well as the local criminal database in Santa Clara County, but no matches were found. According to Rich Reneau, who is currently leading the investigation, the fingerprint was marginal, and the likelihood of finding a match is slim.

The finger is also undergoing DNA tests by the county medical examiner, which could determine the race and gender of the owner of said finger.

Plans for a toxicology lab to run tests on the finger to see if the tissue contains preservative chemicals, such as embalming compounds are underway.

According to Lt. Chris Forrester, the coroner may end up hiring a private lab to run further tests on the finger.

Wendy’s International stock was trading at US$39.37 Tuesday morning, relatively unchanged from its levels last week, before the news hit the stock markets.

Tropical Fish Tips For Making The Aquarium

Submitted by: John Rammon

It is amazing to have your own tropical fish tank. The fact is that these aquariums change every month with the addition of new fish, growth of plants or even the look of the fish inside. That means it is best to start with a small set-up, even more so for beginners to tropical aquariums. You may want to jump right in with a fancy species, but those fish may take expert care that you just aren’t ready to provide yet. That said, you need to be patient, learn about the fish you begin with and then add more delicate fish as you go along.

What’s In An Aquarium?

To start your new hobby, there are a few things you need to pick up. The first is a tank, then you will need a filtration system adequately sized for the number of gallons in your tank, a water heater, some plants (fake or real, depending on what you are planning for your tank), substrate (gravel, sand, etc.), and some decorations and hiding places for the fish. As far as substrate goes, what you choose depends on what sort of fish you will have in your tank, what look you are aiming for, and whether or not you plan to have real plants. Once you add any substrate, make sure you let it settle for a couple of days. When that is done, you can then proceed to adding your decor. These spots will look great and provide the fish a place to hide if they are anxious or rest on as they sleep at night.


Plants – Natural Or Artificial?

As you choose the live elements to put in your tank, be wise! For example, if you plan to include some java ferns and decide to put goldfish in your tank, you will soon have no plants left as goldfish are herbivorous. They also can eat other fish or invertebrates, so you can’t put any other animals in the tank that are smaller than a goldfish’s mouth. If you plan to put anything “fake” in your tank, such as plants or decor, be sure that they are indeed intended for a fish tank, otherwise they could leach chemicals into the water and kill everything inside. As long as you learn about each element you plan on adding to your tank, you should be able to make for a harmonious environment.

Choosing the Fish

As for the fish, choose species which don’t grow too large so they don’t end up too big for your tank. For example, fancy goldfish need 10 gallons of tank space each to live a long, healthy life. Regular goldfish need 40 as this fish tends to grow pretty big. If you’re not sure, ask the staff at your local fish store to get the low down on the species you’re interested in.

From aggression to food choices to whether or not a fish schools and therefore needs tank mates, proper research on these important details will ensure that you make the right choices and end up with a beautiful aquarium indeed.

About the Author: For more details on how to create the perfect aquarium read our complete guide on tropical fish care. Also, visit us at

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