Archives 2018

UK cable TV operator NTL acquires Telewest

Wednesday, October 5, 2005

United Kingdom cable TV operator NTL has agreed to buy Telewest Broadband for $6 billion USD (3.4 billion pounds). NTL’s and Telewest’s service territories do currently overlap. The acquisition is expected to save the companies 1.5 billion pounds.

NTL has agreed to pay $23.93 for each Telewest share, in cash and NTL stock. Current Telewest shareholders will own approximately 25 percent of the combined company. While both companies operate exclusively in the UK, they are listed in New York on the U.S. NASDAQ exchange.

Once the acquisition is complete, the combined company will have 5 million customers in the UK . Competitor British Sky Broadcasting (BSkyB) has almost 8 million. The combined company will also be the second-largest residential telephone company in Britain behind BT Group plc.

If the deal is approved, regulators and both companies shareholders’ should close in the first quarter of 2006.

Key Tips For Choosing The Right Estate Agent

Key tips for choosing the right estate agent


Bryan Jesus

While there is no doubt that buying and selling a house can be one of the most time consuming and stressful events in adult life, the whole process can be made a lot easier if you choose the right estate agent.

Choosing the right estate agent for your individual needs is a challenge in itself, and with so many agents vying for your attention, it can sometimes feel like an overwhelming task. The temptation can be to go for the first estate agent that you stumble across, but this can often cause more problems in the long-run. For this reason, it is worth taking an extra bit of time to choose the ideal estate agent for your situation.

Your first step should be to switch on your computer, fire up your internet browser and start looking for


estate agent reviews

. The internet is positively overflowing with opinions and reviews of estate agent services, and this really is an invaluable tool. While personal recommendations are always a great indicator of an estate agent’s quality, internet searches allow you to gather a much wider range of customer experiences such as estate agent ratings.

Most estate agents usually specialise in selling a certain type of property, and you should always bear in mind the style of the home you are selling when choosing a possible estate agent. For example, if you are selling a small studio flat in the centre of town, there is no point dealing with an estate agent with windows full of country cottages remote farmhouses. By choosing an estate agent that specialises in selling properties similar to your own, you will be appealing to a much bigger pool of buyers and your chances of making a quick sale will increase dramatically.

Finally, always make sure that you choose a fully accredited estate agent. If an estate agent belongs to a trade organisation such as the National Association of Estate Agents (NAEA) or the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, you can be fairly confident of receiving a quality service.

In addition, make sure that the estate agent belongs to an Office of Fair Trading redress scheme such as the Property Ombudsman Service or the Surveyors Ombudsman Service. Estate agents have been required to belong to one of the schemes since 2008, and dealing with a member agent means that you have much greater support and protection in the event of a problem or complaint.

Referenceline helps consumers make an informed choice of

recommended estate agents

when choosing an estate agent by showing customer ratings and reviews such as

estate agent reviews

& much more!

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London Police seize massive gun cache

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

In raids that were part of Operation Mokpo, police seized a massive weapons haul from a suburban house.

Officers from Britain’s Metropolitan Police arrested a 55-year-old man after two houses and a business were raided in Dartford, South East of London.

The firearms include hundreds of shotguns, semiautomatic guns and automatic weapons.

Operation Trident officers and Polsa (Police Search Advisor) search teams carried out three search operations early morning though majority of weapon was found in a three bed room house.

“This is the biggest firearms haul we have ever had,” Det. Chief Superintendent Kevin Davis said. “Guns are mounted on every available wall space in the property and live ammunition was found lying on the floor.”

A simultaneous operation is underway in New Jersey, USA.

This was the biggest success for Operation Mokpo, launched 18 months ago after a series of shooting by rival gangs in North London.

Micro-loans to US poor from Bangladesh’s Grameen Bank

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Grameen Bank of Bangladesh has made the first loans to U.S. citizens who do not have a bank account. Grameen Bank is experienced in micro-financing in its home country, lending money to poor women that want to start small businesses.

Since the start of the mortgage-crisis more people in the U.S. tend to turn to fringe financial institutions bypassing the mainstream bank institutes. “Now is a good time because of … the subprime crisis and that highlights the issue that the financial system is not perfect,” , says the bank’s founder and 2006 Nobel Peace Prize winner Muhammad Yunus. Grameen Bank started in 1976 by lending a total amount of $27.00 to 42 Bangladesh women. To date the bank has made over $6.5 billion in loans to 7 million people in Bangladesh.

Grameen Bank’s first loans of approximately $50,000.00 in total in the U.S. was to a group of women in Jackson Heights, Queens, New York City. Garmeen Bank plans to offer $176 million in loans in New York City the next five years, and after that expanding into business as remittances and mortgages all over the U.S., as it has done in Bangladesh.

Ford offers US$78 million for Romanian auto plant

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Ford Motor Company, the U.S. car maker, will reportedly pay €57 million (US$78 million) for a 72.4 percent stake in the Romanian assembly plant Automobile Craiova, a Romanian official said Friday.

“The offer of Ford Motor Company for a 72.4 percent stake is €4.1556 per share or €57 million overall,” said Sebastian Vladescu, head of the State Property Agency (AVAS), after opening Ford’s improved offer. Vladescu added that the contract may be signed on September 12, during the auto show in Frankfurt.

The Romanian government bought back the Craiova-based car maker from Daewoo Motors, in late 2006 for US$51 million. As the Korean company was bankrupt, the government had to pay another $10 million for debts stemming from past loans. Ford is the only bidder for the purchase of the factory.

According to Washington Post, many auto-part makers have set up in the new European Union member country, attracted by cheap labor, favourable tax rates and the rising output of Renault’s Dacia plant. The vice president of Dacia, Constantin Stroe, said that the price Ford offers is not important. “It’s important to have the factory working as soon as possible”, he added. “With this production facility, Romania will become an important auto production center in Europe”, concluded Stroe, cited by HotNews.

Viktor Schreckengost dies at 101

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Viktor Schreckengost, the father of industrial design and creator of the Jazz Bowl, an iconic piece of Jazz Age art designed for Eleanor Roosevelt during his association with Cowan Pottery died yesterday. He was 101.

Schreckengost was born on June 26, 1906 in Sebring, Ohio, United States.

Schreckengost’s peers included the far more famous designers Raymond Loewy and Norman Bel Geddes.

In 2000, the Cleveland Museum of Art curated the first ever retrospective of Schreckengost’s work. Stunning in scope, the exhibition included sculpture, pottery, dinnerware, drawings, and paintings.

Reox Holdings (Dairygold): Small Step To Radio Means A Giant Leap In Bandwidth For Reox}

REOX HOLDINGS (DAIRYGOLD): Small step to radio means a giant leap in bandwidth for REOX


Air Speed

When Reox Holdings went looking for a secondary network to back up its


wide area network. It found more than it bargained for in AirSpeed.Now the bandwidth, resilience and reach of the AirSpeed solution has convinced Reox to make radio its primary network to its core sites.The diverse nature of the Reox Holdings business puts a greater demand on its IT systems than other, non-diversified enterprises face. The IT department in Reox works with four distinct business divisions: the 4Homes DIY retail business; the Dairygold dairy business; a cold foods division; and a substantial property business. The Group IT division is responsible not only for the Reox data centre at Cork AirportBusiness Park, but also for anticipating and meeting the changing needs of the four divisions, each of which has its own IT manager.”We decided that AirSpeed would become our primary WAN circuit to our sites. The wired network will become our backup.”Michael Costello, Group IT Service Delivery Manager, Reox HoldingsIn 2007 Reox undertook an initiative to strengthen its wide area network, as the momentum within the business was toward the centralisation of more IT infrastructure in the company’s data centre. The WAN serves a number of sites in Cork and Dublin, and the first priority in strengthening it was to provide resilience. The company already had an IP MPLS network from another provider as its primary WAN circuit, and it began investigating its options for a secondary network.”It became clear, as we looked at the AirSpeed solution, that we were being offered a very high performance network that offered excellent bandwidth capabilities,” explains Michael Costello, Group IT Service Delivery Manager for Reox Holdings. “So we decided that AirSpeed would become our primary WAN circuit to our sites. The wired network will become our backup.” Radio from AirSpeed — the right technology and the right skill set.The decision to go with AirSpeed was an easy one, Michael notes, because of the total package on offer. Not only did AirSpeed offer coverage and excellent bandwidth to all six sites, but it also offered a fully managed solution using its own Juniper-certified personnel.”Other companies were either providing only the equipment and leaving us to manage it, or were providing a managed solution using outsourced personnel, which would mean more complexity and more people involved whenever support issues arose,” he said. “Only AirSpeed offered just what we needed, including the in-house management.”Michael says the dramatic increase in bandwidth AirSpeed offers over its current provider will provide real business benefits. With the current environment, the company has a 10Mbps connection to the MPLS cloud. But with the implementation of AirSpeed, the company will have a 150Mbps WAN link.”We will be able to start looking at remote-site disaster recovery — our current network just doesn’t have the bandwidth for that,” he says. “We will be open to other business opportunities by allowingmore centralised applications, so from a strategic point of view there are good opportunities.”High bandwidth, limitless possibilitiesThe significant increase in bandwidth will be a major boost to Reox, Michael says, and to its plans to create a stronger, future-proofed WAN for all types of potential projects. With the MPLS networkproviding resiliency and AirSpeed providing a primary network with a large bandwidth increase, Reox is well positioned to get the maximum benefits from its WAN, with AirSpeed radio leading the way.”We have found AirSpeed very approachable and obviously very knowledgeable in their field, and we feel they can help us with our business needs going forward,” Michael says. “They are technologicallyvery good but they also understand from a business perspective what the solution needs to provide us with.”Michael also notes that he’s pleased and encouraged to see the huge strides radio technology has made in just a few years.”I’ve had quite a bit of input into wireless technology over the last few years, and I’ve seen it improve vastly,” he says. “We’re comfortable not just in using wireless technology, but in making it our primary WAN infrastructure. Areas like functionality, security and cost were all taken on board during the assessment process, and we are confident the solution is going to be a huge benefit to the organisation moving forward.”

AirSpeed Telecom provides fast, reliable voice and data telecommunications services to businesses and public sector bodies in Ireland.

Wireless broadband network15 Magna Drive CitywestDublin 24Network redundancy

Article Source:

REOX HOLDINGS (DAIRYGOLD): Small step to radio means a giant leap in bandwidth for REOX}

BC man is selling the boat from old TV series Gilligan’s Island

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

A man named George Schultz in Parksville, British Columbia is selling the boat from old TV series Gilligan’s Island at the cost of $99,000. The cruiser, originally cost about $290,000 in the 1960s.

“There have been a couple of modifications, so it doesn’t look exactly like the original,” said Shultz, a boat broker who’s selling the 36-foot Wheeler Express Cruiser for fellow Parksdale resident Scotty Taylor. “But it’s still the original boat.”

Originally, the boat’s name was The Blue Jacket.

“Just for the show, for a stage name, it was called the S.S. Minnow,” Shultz said. The name was a reference to Newton Minnow, once chairman of the FCC.

“He just liked the boat, he wanted to restore it, it was a nice looking boat, a wooden boat, a classic and he likes classic boats,” said Shultz. “The hole in the hull was actually the least of the repairs – the interior needed a lot more work”.

Someone later stole the plaque on the boat, but the 46-year-old boat still has the round life preserver with S.S. Minnow emblazoned on it and the skipper’s chair.

Brazilian President Lula met Chavez, military and economic cooperation

Thursday, February 17, 2005

CARACAS, Venezuela –The Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva met the Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on February 14, 2005 in Caracas, Venezuela. Brazil and Venezuela signed agreements of cooperation on many areas. According to the Brazilian government this was a strategical encounteur. This meeting is the first of three meetings that President Lula will have with South American Presidents in three days. The scheduled meetings are with the presidents of: Venezuela (February, 14), Guiana (February, 15) and Suriname (February, 16).

President Lula was accompanied by the following comitiva: the Minister of Development, Industry, and External Trade Luiz Fernando Furlan, the Minister of Finance Antônio Palocci, the Minister of Foreign Relations Celso Amorim, the Minister of Health Humberto Costa, the Minister of Mines and Energy Dilma Roussef, the Minister of Tourism Walfrido Mares Guia, the President of Petrobras José Eduardo Dutra, the President of National Economic and Social Development Bank (BNDES) Guido Mantega, the President of Eletrobrás Silas Rondeau Cavalcante Silva and the Special Secretary for Aquaculture and Fisheries José Fritsch. In addition a delegation of executives representing enterprises from Brazil accompanied the President.

The Brazilian Ministry of External Relations told the trip aims the construction of a strategical alliance and commercial integration between both countries. The Brazilian Presidential Advisor Marco Aurélio Garcia said:”With this gesture, Brazil will consolidate one of its major political goals, which is the constitution of a South American community of nations”. He added: “These agreements with Venezuela are strategical. We want this agreement as a model for other agreements in the region.”

According to President Lula the integration of the Latin America is the priority number one of his government. Days before the arrival in Venezuela and commenting about the trip Lula said: “We’re going to do the same thing in Colombia and in other countries in which integration is no longer a campaign speech but part of the way we deal with real things, day to day”.

The integration of the Latin America is the politics repeatedly proposed by Lula during the meetings of the Foro de São Paulo. According to him and the others members of the Foro there must be a integration among all the left parties and governments of Latin America. The union aims to be an alternative and opposing force to the politics and influence of the richest countries, mainly the United States. Among the organizations which are usually participants of the Foro de São Paulo are: Communist Party of Cuba, Colombian Communist Party, Communist Party of Bolivia, Communist Party of Brazil, Workers’ Party, Paraguayan Communist Party, Peruvian Communist Party, Socialist Party of Peru, National Liberation Army, Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front, Guatemalan National Revolutionary Unity, Tupamaros.

On December 4, 2001 during the 10th edition of the Foro de São Paulo in Havana Lula said:”A shoal of small fish may mean the finishing of the hungry in our countries, in out continent. We should not think as the History ended on our journey by the Earth. Even it happens just once, or with one gesture, let’s effectively contribute to the improve the life of millions of human beings who live socially excluded by this neoliberal model.”[1]

In Venezuela, once again, he brought out the integration wish: “This is the biggest dream I am carrying, that we can negotiate collectively, not like one country, but like a set of countries so we can do that our people may have the chance to conquer the full citizenship.”


  • 1 Economic cooperation
  • 2 Military cooperation
  • 3 See also
  • 4 References

Despite passage of bailout bill, two US states may need loans

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Despite the passage of a 700 billion USD bill by the United States House of Representatives on Friday and the Senate on Wednesday, two U.S. states may need loans totaling over 14 billion dollars.

California and Massachusetts are seeking at least 7 billion dollars each from the federal government as loans. Officials and lawmakers in both states say that the loans would be temporary.

According to Massachusetts’ state treasurer, Timothy P. Cahill, the state was unable to borrow money last week on a short term loan. He also states that the state can afford to pay its bills and debts for the next few weeks, but not beyond that without a short-term loan from the government. Cahill has asked the federal government for a loan similar to the recent one passed by Congress and the Senate.

“That’s all we would ask them to do: Treat us like the investment banks,” said Cahill to the Associated Press.

Officials in California say they need an emergency loan, or they will run out of money by the end of October. California’s governor, Arnold Schwarzenegger said the state is “not out of the woods” and needs a short term loan from the government.

“California and other states may be unable to obtain the necessary level of financing to maintain government operations and may be forced to turn to the federal treasury for short-term financing,” said Schwarzenegger in a letter to the Treasury Department, which is taking the letter under consideration.

On Friday, the U.S. House of Representative voted to pass a revised bailout bill which included raising the FDIC insurance cap to $250,000, a move designed to please progressives. However, the $110 billion in tax breaks, earmarks and what has been called pork barrel spending is not offset by any increases in revenues and has added opposition to the bill from some Representatives in the House. Earmarks added into the bailout bill included $192 million in tax rebates for the Virgin Islands rum industry, $148 million in tax cuts for the wool industry, $100 million tax cuts to the auto racing industry, and $48 million in Hollywood tax incentives, among others.