Archives 2017

“Freedom Tower” renamed “1 World Trade Center”

Saturday, March 28, 2009

The 108-floor central component of the new World Trade Center in New York City has been officially renamed 1 World Trade Center, ending the Freedom Tower moniker it had sported since 2003.

Freedom Tower was envisioned as a symbol of America’s victory over terrorism. It is currently on track for completion in 2013, with 10 floors partially finished so far.

Port Authority Chairman Anthony Coscia commented on the change, “It’s the one that is easiest for people to identify with — and frankly, we’ve gotten a very interested and warm reception to it.”

Former Governor George Pataki, who revealed the Freedom Tower name nearly six years ago, was critical of the switch, saying “The Freedom Tower is not simply another piece of real estate and not just a name for marketing purposes.”

1 World Trade Center has been the building’s legal name and address for the past two years, with the public change precipitated by the ramp up of construction and the commencement of lease marketing.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg seemed ambivalent to the change, saying “I would like to see it stay the Freedom Tower, but it’s their building, and they don’t need me dumping on it. If they could rent the whole thing by changing the name, I guess they’re going to do that, and they probably, from a responsible point of view, should. From a patriotic point of view, is it going to make any difference?”

The change was approved following the signing of a two-decades-long lease by a Chinese real estate company, which plans to occupy floors 64 through 69. Other future tenants include the U.S. General Services Administration and the New York State Office of General Services.


Retired U.S. vets sue Donald Rumsfeld for excessive service cutbacks

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

One thousand residents of the Defense Department-managed Armed Forces Retirement Home in Washington, D.C. filed a class-action lawsuit on May 24, asserting that the cut-backs in medical and dental services imposed by Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld are illegal. The operating budget for the home was reduced from $63 million in 2004 to $58 million for 2005. The residents cite cuts in on-site X-ray, electrocardiogram, physical and dental services, and the closing of the home’s main clinic and an on-site pharmacy.

Chief Financial Officer Steve McManus responded that the changes not only save money but also achieved improved efficiencies. “We’re really trying to improve the benefits to our residents,” he said.

Most of the home’s costs are paid for by a trust fund and monthly fees paid by residents. By law, the Armed Forces Retirement Homes are required to fund, “on-site primary care, medical care and a continuum of long-term care services.”

Effective Chronic Pain Treatments Makes The Pain Go Away

Submitted by: Scenar Health

Any individual existing with chronic pain understands just how horrible this kind of condition is. You could simply imagine how terrible it must have been for chronic pain patients who lived two hundred years ago! Do you know that chronic pain can actually result in anxiety, depression and many other severe emotional issues because of the terrible interference that it brings about in the life of the victim? A lot of people endure terrible pain and need to even put a stop to their day to day activities. Owing to modern technology, chronic pain treatments are available to help pain victims get rid of their pain and return to living a life that is pain free.

It is feasible that an individual might be suffering from more than one chronic pain. A dark side of chronic pain is it is difficult to understand the root cause that has caused it. In reality so many people exhibit a sense of disregard relating to chronic pain simply to aggravate the situation and suffer a lot more when the problem turns out to be grave. Sadly, many doctors find it simple to associate the perpetual issues of their patients to some type of depressive disorder and prescribe addictive drugs for its treatment. Well-known chronic pain treatments include:


Soothing massage



Pain Supplements


Maintaining a healthy lifestyle

Scenar Therapy

The aforementioned pain management techniques are well-known to be effective chronic pain treatments. It is vital that you treat your body well and make certain that you take out time to relax your body and not subjecting it to constant and useless stress.

It is also significant that you do not control your activities, take time to do pain relieving workouts. Scientists have tested and proven that physical exercises boost the body endorphins production. Endorphins are also called as happy hormones and are chemicals that are popular for their pain-relieving properties, which essentially promote feelings of wellbeing and pain relief. Do you know that chronic pain can actually result in anxiety, depression and many other severe emotional issues because of the terrible interference that it brings about in the life of the victim? A lot of people endure terrible pain and need to even put a stop to their day to day activities. Owing to modern technology, chronic pain treatments are available to help pain victims get rid of their pain and return to living a life that is pain free.

Eating nutritious meals will assist take away needless strain from the body by helping it stay in tip-top form and enhancing blood flow and digestion. Eating balanced meals will even help decrease excess body weight. Too much weight gain could lead to strains and pains in the joints, chiefly on the knees. The aforementioned pain management techniques are well-known to be effective chronic pain treatments. It is vital that you treat your body well and make certain that you take out time to relax your body and not subjecting it to constant and useless stress.

About the Author: Being trouble by chronic pain in your body? Not finding the right chronic pain treatments ? Head over to

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City of Calgary, Canada removes fluoride from drinking water

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Calgary city council voted 10 to 3 on Wednesday to stop fluoridating their water supply. This overturns a previous plebiscite from 1989 to add the fluoride in an attempt to reduce tooth decay.

Opponents of water fluoridation claim that there could be unknown health effects of fluoride, and question its effectiveness in preventing tooth decay. They also claim that individuals should be able to decide for themselves whether or not to use fluoride. However, Alberta Health Services maintains that current evidence shows that fluoride is both safe, and beneficial to dental health.

It is estimated that no longer fluoridating the water supply could save Calgary’s city council C$750 thousand (550 thousand) annually, as well as cutting a C$6 million (4.3 million) upgrade to the fluoridation system.

Tsunami deaths mount to more than 120,000

Saturday, January 1, 2005

Nearly a week after tsunami waves scoured the coasts of multiple countries in southern Asia, the confirmed death count is over 120,000. Indonesia reports it is no longer counting bodies, but merely struggling to deal with the aftermath and prevent a massive outbreak of typhoid.