Archives 2017

Wikinews interviews Amber Merritt Australian Paralympic wheelchair basketballer

Thursday, September 6, 2012

London, England— Tuesday, following her team’s 62–37 win over Mexico in the quarter-finals at the North Greewich Arena, Wikinews interviewed Amber Merrit of the Australian women’s national wheelchair basketball team.

In their next match, the Gliders will face the victors from the United States versus Canada, having suffered their first loss of this year’s Games to Canada on Sunday night by seven points.

((Laura Hale)) I’m excited to see you in London, because you were so fantastic in that interview.

[Wikinews previously interviewed Merrit, and teammates in July. —Ed.]

Amber Merrit: Thank you.

((WN)) Which state are you from?

AM: I’m from WA. [Western Australia —Ed.]

((WN)) You wheel change! What was wrong with your wheel?

AM: I smashed out three spokes. Someone hit me, and I lost three spokes in my chair.

((WN)) was that because you were playing really aggressively against Mexico?

AM: Yeah, or they were playing really aggressive against us.

((WN)) Watching that game it didn’t seem that they were playing that aggressive, in terms of they came in with set pieces; they weren’t doing the full-court press; they didn’t seem prepared for your offensive and defensive tenacity. ((Hawkeye7)) You kept on all holding them out, where they weren’t even getting across the centre line

AM: I think we have a really physical style of basketball where we’re going to press, and when we press we try to stop chairs and make sure they don’t get over that halfway line. They’re going to come out and play as hard as they can against us and sometimes there is that odd mishap where they might smash a few spokes cause they hit us. It happens.

((WN)) You tipped a lot in previous games. You haven’t tipped so much in this series.

AM: No, I’ve managed to keep my balance this time. Or maybe they haven’t hit me hard enough to put me down on the floor.

((WN)) Part of the appeal of wheelchair basketball, and I feel guilty admitting it, it watching you guys tip.

AM: And fall out. It’s embarrassing but I like it.

((WN)) You’ve got your next game coming up, which is going to be against the winner of the United States or Canada later today

AM: We’re not 100% sure yet who that’s going to be.

((WN)) Looking forward to meeting them?

AM: Yeah! Looking forward to coming up against them.

((WN)) Who would you prefer?

AM: I don’t know if I have a preference, to be honest. Whoever its going to be, we’re still going to go out there and play as hard as we can and take it to them as a team.

((WN)) Do you think you’ve been adequately prepared coming in to this, with your tournament in Sydney, your tournament in the Netherlands?

AM: Yeah, I think we’ve come in very well prepared for this tournament. We’ve been together for a while now as a team. Of course we had the Gliders and Rollers world challenge. We also went to Arnheim in the Netherlands for a pre-tournament, and we’ve trained together in Cardiff. And then after Cardiff we came in to London; so we’ve had that time together as a team and we’re doing really well.

((WN)) Does that give you an advantage over other teams?

AM: I’m not sure, because I don’t know what other teams have been doing behind the scenes as their training.

((WN)) Thank you very much.

AM: No worries!

Polish president and first lady lie in state ahead of funeral

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The bodies of Polish President Lech Kaczynski and first lady Maria Kaczynska are lying in state ahead of their funeral on Sunday. The couple died along with 94 other people when the plane they were travelling in crashed in Russia. They will be buried after a memorial to the crash victims.

President Kaczynski’s body was repatriated from Russia on Sunday while the first lady’s was flown to Warsaw airport on Tuesday. Kaczynska’s coffin was driven to the Presidential Palace while draped in Poland’s flag. Thousands of mourners lined the six mile route as her coffin was transported. The first couple will be buried at Wawel Castle on Sunday.

Both chambers of parliament held special sessions to honour the crash victims. Poland is currently in seven days of mourning while Russia held a day of mourning on Monday.

The couple were travelling to Russia to mark the 70th anniversary of the Katyn massacre when their plane clipped trees and crashed in Smolensk, Russia. The couple died along with many other senior politicians and military commanders. Other victims included the president of the central bank of Poland, the head of the Polish Olympic Committee and last President of Poland, from the Polish government-in-exile which existed in London during the Nazi and Communist period, Ryszard Kaczorowski.

Russian President Dmitry Medvedev is expected to attend the funeral. President of the United States Barack Obama and Canadian prime minister Stephen Harper have both announced that they will also attend.

Bat for Lashes plays the Bowery Ballroom: an Interview with Natasha Khan

Friday, September 28, 2007

Bat for Lashes is the doppelgänger band ego of one of the leading millennial lights in British music, Natasha Khan. Caroline Weeks, Abi Fry and Lizzy Carey comprise the aurora borealis that backs this haunting, shimmering zither and glockenspiel peacock, and the only complaint coming from the audience at the Bowery Ballroom last Tuesday was that they could not camp out all night underneath these celestial bodies.

We live in the age of the lazy tendency to categorize the work of one artist against another, and Khan has had endless exultations as the next Björk and Kate Bush; Sixousie Sioux, Stevie Nicks, Sinead O’Connor, the list goes on until it is almost meaningless as comparison does little justice to the sound and vision of the band. “I think Bat For Lashes are beyond a trend or fashion band,” said Jefferson Hack, publisher of Dazed & Confused magazine. “[Khan] has an ancient power…she is in part shamanic.” She describes her aesthetic as “powerful women with a cosmic edge” as seen in Jane Birkin, Nico and Cleopatra. And these women are being heard. “I love the harpsichord and the sexual ghost voices and bowed saws,” said Radiohead‘s Thom Yorke of the track Horse and I. “This song seems to come from the world of Grimm’s fairytales.”

Bat’s debut album, Fur And Gold, was nominated for the 2007 Mercury Prize, and they were seen as the dark horse favorite until it was announced Klaxons had won. Even Ladbrokes, the largest gambling company in the United Kingdom, had put their money on Bat for Lashes. “It was a surprise that Klaxons won,” said Khan, “but I think everyone up for the award is brilliant and would have deserved to win.”

Natasha recently spoke with David Shankbone about art, transvestism and drug use in the music business.

DS: Do you have any favorite books?

NK: [Laughs] I’m not the best about finishing books. What I usually do is I will get into a book for a period of time, and then I will dip into it and get the inspiration and transformation in my mind that I need, and then put it away and come back to it. But I have a select rotation of cool books, like Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estés and Little Birds by Anaïs Nin. Recently, Catching the Big Fish by David Lynch.

DS: Lynch just came out with a movie last year called Inland Empire. I interviewed John Vanderslice last night at the Bowery Ballroom and he raved about it!

NK: I haven’t seen it yet!

DS: Do you notice a difference between playing in front of British and American audiences?

NK: The U.S. audiences are much more full of expression and noises and jubilation. They are like, “Welcome to New York, Baby!” “You’re Awesome!” and stuff like that. Whereas in England they tend to be a lot more reserved. Well, the English are, but it is such a diverse culture you will get the Spanish and Italian gay guys at the front who are going crazy. I definitely think in America they are much more open and there is more excitement, which is really cool.

DS: How many instruments do you play and, please, include the glockenspiel in that number.

NK: [Laughs] I think the number is limitless, hopefully. I try my hand at anything I can contribute; I only just picked up the bass, really—

DS: –I have a great photo of you playing the bass.

NK: I don’t think I’m very good…

DS: You look cool with it!

NK: [Laughs] Fine. The glockenspiel…piano, mainly, and also the harp. Guitar, I like playing percussion and drumming. I usually speak with all my drummers so that I write my songs with them in mind, and we’ll have bass sounds, choir sounds, and then you can multi-task with all these orchestral sounds. Through the magic medium of technology I can play all kinds of sounds, double bass and stuff.

DS: Do you design your own clothes?

NK: All four of us girls love vintage shopping and charity shops. We don’t have a stylist who tells us what to wear, it’s all very much our own natural styles coming through. And for me, personally, I like to wear jewelery. On the night of the New York show that top I was wearing was made especially for me as a gift by these New York designers called Pepper + Pistol. And there’s also my boyfriend, who is an amazing musician—

DS: —that’s Will Lemon from Moon and Moon, right? There is such good buzz about them here in New York.

NK: Yes! They have an album coming out in February and it will fucking blow your mind! I think you would love it, it’s an incredible masterpiece. It’s really exciting, I’m hoping we can do a crazy double unfolding caravan show, the Bat for Lashes album and the new Moon and Moon album: that would be really theatrical and amazing! Will prints a lot of my T-shirts because he does amazing tapestries and silkscreen printing on clothes. When we play there’s a velvety kind of tapestry on the keyboard table that he made. So I wear a lot of his things, thrift store stuff, old bits of jewelry and antique pieces.

DS: You are often compared to Björk and Kate Bush; do those constant comparisons tend to bother you as an artist who is trying to define herself on her own terms?

NK: No, I mean, I guess that in the past it bothered me, but now I just feel really confident and sure that as time goes on my musical style and my writing is taking a pace of its own, and I think in time the music will speak for itself and people will see that I’m obviously doing something different. Those women are fantastic, strong, risk-taking artists—

DS: —as are you—

NK: —thank you, and that’s a great tradition to be part of, and when I look at artists like Björk and Kate Bush, I think of them as being like older sisters that have come before; they are kind of like an amazing support network that comes with me.

DS: I’d imagine it’s preferable to be considered the next Björk or Kate Bush instead of the next Britney.

NK: [Laughs] Totally! Exactly! I mean, could you imagine—oh, no I’m not going to try to offend anyone now! [Laughs] Let’s leave it there.

DS: Does music feed your artwork, or does you artwork feed your music more? Or is the relationship completely symbiotic?

NK: I think it’s pretty back-and-forth. I think when I have blocks in either of those area, I tend to emphasize the other. If I’m finding it really difficult to write something I know that I need to go investigate it in a more visual way, and I’ll start to gather images and take photographs and make notes and make collages and start looking to photographers and filmmakers to give me a more grounded sense of the place that I’m writing about, whether it’s in my imagination or in the characters. Whenever I’m writing music it’s a very visual place in my mind. It has a location full of characters and colors and landscapes, so those two things really compliment each other, and they help the other one to blossom and support the other. They are like brother and sister.

DS: When you are composing music, do you see notes and words as colors and images in your mind, and then you put those down on paper?

NK: Yes. When I’m writing songs, especially lately because I think the next album has a fairly strong concept behind it and I’m writing the songs, really imagining them, so I’m very immersed into the concept of the album and the story that is there through the album. It’s the same as when I’m playing live, I will imagine I see a forest of pine trees and sky all around me and the audience, and it really helps me. Or I’ll just imagine midnight blue and emerald green, those kind of Eighties colors, and they help me.

DS: Is it always pine trees that you see?

NK: Yes, pine trees and sky, I guess.

DS: What things in nature inspire you?

NK: I feel drained thematically if I’m in the city too long. I think that when I’m in nature—for example, I went to Big Sur last year on a road trip and just looking up and seeing dark shadows of trees and starry skies really gets me and makes me feel happy. I would sit right by the sea, and any time I have been a bit stuck I will go for a long walk along the ocean and it’s just really good to see vast horizons, I think, and epic, huge, all-encompassing visions of nature really humble you and give you a good sense of perspective and the fact that you are just a small particle of energy that is vibrating along with everything else. That really helps.

DS: Are there man-made things that inspire you?

NK: Things that are more cultural, like open air cinemas, old Peruvian flats and the Chelsea Hotel. Funny old drag queen karaoke bars…

DS: I photographed some of the famous drag queens here in New York. They are just such great creatures to photograph; they will do just about anything for the camera. I photographed a famous drag queen named Miss Understood who is the emcee at a drag queen restaurant here named Lucky Cheng’s. We were out in front of Lucky Cheng’s taking photographs and a bus was coming down First Avenue, and I said, “Go out and stop that bus!” and she did! It’s an amazing shot.

NK: Oh. My. God.

DS: If you go on her Wikipedia article it’s there.

NK: That’s so cool. I’m really getting into that whole psychedelic sixties and seventies Paris Is Burning and Jack Smith and the Destruction of Atlantis. Things like The Cockettes. There seems to be a bit of a revolution coming through that kind of psychedelic drag queen theater.

DS: There are just so few areas left where there is natural edge and art that is not contrived. It’s taking a contrived thing like changing your gender, but in the backdrop of how that is still so socially unacceptable.

NK: Yeah, the theatrics and creativity that go into that really get me. I’m thinking about The Fisher King…do you know that drag queen in The Fisher King? There’s this really bad and amazing drag queen guy in it who is so vulnerable and sensitive. He sings these amazing songs but he has this really terrible drug problem, I think, or maybe it’s a drink problem. It’s so bordering on the line between fabulous and those people you see who are so in love with the idea of beauty and elevation and the glitz and the glamor of love and beauty, but then there’s this really dark, tragic side. It’s presented together in this confusing and bewildering way, and it always just gets to me. I find it really intriguing.

DS: How are you received in the Pakistani community?

NK: [Laughs] I have absolutely no idea! You should probably ask another question, because I have no idea. I don’t have contact with that side of my family anymore.

DS: When you see artists like Pete Doherty or Amy Winehouse out on these suicidal binges of drug use, what do you think as a musician? What do you get from what you see them go through in their personal lives and with their music?

NK: It’s difficult. The drugs thing was never important to me, it was the music and expression and the way he delivered his music, and I think there’s a strange kind of romantic delusion in the media, and the music media especially, where they are obsessed with people who have terrible drug problems. I think that’s always been the way, though, since Billie Holiday. The thing that I’m questioning now is that it seems now the celebrity angle means that the lifestyle takes over from the actual music. In the past people who had musical genius, unfortunately their personal lives came into play, but maybe that added a level of romance, which I think is pretty uncool, but, whatever. I think that as long as the lifestyle doesn’t precede the talent and the music, that’s okay, but it always feels uncomfortable for me when people’s music goes really far and if you took away the hysteria and propaganda of it, would the music still stand up? That’s my question. Just for me, I’m just glad I don’t do heavy drugs and I don’t have that kind of problem, thank God. I feel that’s a responsibility you have, to present that there’s a power in integrity and strength and in the lifestyle that comes from self-love and assuredness and positivity. I think there’s a real big place for that, but it doesn’t really get as much of that “Rock n’ Roll” play or whatever.

DS: Is it difficult to come to the United States to play considering all the wars we start?

NK: As an English person I feel equally as responsible for that kind of shit. I think it is a collective consciousness that allows violence and those kinds of things to continue, and I think that our governments should be ashamed of themselves. But at the same time, it’s a responsibility of all of our countries, no matter where you are in the world to promote a peaceful lifestyle and not to consciously allow these conflicts to continue. At the same time, I find it difficult to judge because I think that the world is full of shades of light and dark, from spectrums of pure light and pure darkness, and that’s the way human nature and nature itself has always been. It’s difficult, but it’s just a process, and it’s the big creature that’s the world; humankind is a big creature that is learning all the time. And we have to go through these processes of learning to see what is right.

Hpe2 T33 Pdf Training Guides}

Submitted by: Richard Mills

Question: 1

An SMB customer plans to expand its business nationally. Its requirements are:

A Web-based internet for its mission-critical applications Low maintenance and fast deployment

How will an HPE HyperConverged solution meet this customers needs?

A .It is per-tested and factory integrated with a hardware-centric architecture.

B. It is a blade-chassis solution per-configured and optimized for big data workloads.

C. It is purpose-built and optimized for collaboration workloads.

D. it is an integrated application-based solution optimized for cloud services.

Answer: B

Question: 2

Which two design parameters are required by the HPE Sizer for ConvergedSystems Virtualization solution? (Select two.)

A. Hypervisor preference


B. Type of worke

C. Workload type

D. Database preference

E. RAM per node

Answer: A, C

Question: 3

What is the primary difference that distinguishes OLAP from OLTP?

A. OLAP application must be responsive to handle many users interacting with each application in real time, while OLTP applications do not.

B. OLAP applications perform small, simple insert/delete operations on structured databases, while, OLTP applications do not.

C. OLAP applications typically have high performance demands because they support mission-critical applications, while OLTP applications do not.

D. OLAP typically works with large datasets for a longer period of time, while OLTP datasets tend to be smaller and contain real-time data.

Answer: D

Question: 4

Which design area presents a unique challenge to architects when planning and implementing a VDI solution?

A. Over-subscription

B. Multi-media performance

C. Storage cost

D. data encryption

Answer: C

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Judi Bola Golek: Anything You Must Always Wanted To Understand About Baseball}

Submitted by: Danette Vanderhurst

Maybe you have needed to take a seat and view a game title of United states basketball but you do not be aware of the fundamentals in the activity? It is a interesting sport activity which is the maximum amount of about achieving territory since it is about scoring factors. For more comprehension of one of America’s most loved sports activities, please read on.

Find out the correct way of backpedaling in basketball. Keep the healthy posture lower and ensure the shoulders are in-line more than the feet. This technique lets you keep your balance when changing roles. Training this technique typically by incorporating of the teammates so that it gets to be 2nd the outdoors.

Should you engage in a receiver position in baseball, focus on the essential fundamentals to the place. Get the soccer ball with each of the hands, but protect it by positioning it near to your whole body and addressing it with your forearms. Work towards the end zone, but also keep tacklers to the rear. This helps you keep the golf ball preventing a fumble.

Generally provide support in your teammates. You will find few sports a little more about working together than football. Your prospects climb and drop like a group. It is far from “I”, but “we all”. Your own teammates may have more assurance inside you while you are a helpful participant. As soon as your staff is self-confident, your win totals will escalate.


Jogging backs are individuals the offense. For any operating engage in, the quarterback may pass the soccer ball to your jogging again who can work the soccer ball so far as he can. If the soccer ball is certainly going within the air, the working back may help protect the quarterback from tacklers or this individual attempt to get available to find a complete.

If your objective is to become quarterback, ensure you process with lots of interruptions. Though Tom Brady makes controlling from the budget look effortless, it’s really fairly intensive, and that’s some time most athletes make some mistakes. Training when you’re below a great deal of pressure and figure out how to make smart decisions with lightning pace.

To perform basketball, you need to know what a down is. Downs are the four efforts the team with all the golf ball receives. They prefer these downs to advance the soccer ball 10 back yards. When the offense is a winner with gaining 10 yards, they are going to get another pair of downs. Should they forget to get 10 gardens after the four performs, the opposition group receives the soccer ball.

Soccer is often regarded as just connected with brute power, but vigor also takes on a significant part. To improve strength, pick a cardio regimen to complete for roughly an hour or so a day. You are able to pick stuff like bicycling, running, or perhaps scaling stairways. You truly want to easily simplify this workout to help increase your endurance.

A great basketball tip would be to generally remain low if you’re in the offensive or defensive range. Staying low assists you to keep grounded and offers a stronger position to bar or dash the other participant. In addition, it makes it much harder to get knocked onto your back again.

Everbody knows,soccer athletes place a great deal within their online game. They invest numerous time and time practicing and perfecting their plays and goes. If you are a baseball player who would like to continue to keep boosting, then make use of the basketball recommendations from earlier mentioned to assist you provide your activity to another levels.

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Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Roethlisberger upgraded to fair condition

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

On Tuesday, NFL quarterback Ben Roethlisberger was upgraded to fair condition at Pittsburgh’s Mercy Hospital. The extent of his injuries is now known. Roethlisberger lost two teeth and chipped others, suffered a concussion, a broken upper and lower jaw, a broken nose, broken facial bone, a 9 inch laceration to the back of his head, and road rash injuries to his knees which thankfully do not extend to the joints. Police confirmed that Roethlisberger was riding without a helmet and additionally, did not have a Pennsylvania motorcycle license; he had a learner’s permit, which expired March 29, 2006. Given this fact, Roethlisberger was in fact legally obligated to wear a helmet in the commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

Steelers officials and Roethlisberger’s agent, Leigh Steinberg, confirmed that Ben had received a letter last year from team representatives warning him that parts of his contract might be affected if he were to be injured while riding a motorcycle. The letter was apparently sent in order to both put the team on solid legal footing were a major accident to occur, and apprise Ben of the risks he is taking by riding a motorcycle.

Records kept by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation indicate that 180 helmet-wearing motorcyclists died in wrecks in 2004 and 2005 in Pennsylvania. In the same period, 157 helmet-free bikers died in wrecks.

Pennsylvania’s 35-year-old law requiring helmets to be worn was amended in 2003 to make helmets optional under certain circumstances. According to the amended law, a motorcyclist will no longer be required to wear a helmet if the rider is:

  • A person 21 years of age or older who has been licensed to operate a motorcycle for not less than two full calendar years.
  • A person 21 years of age or older who has completed a motorcycle rider safety course approved by the department or the Motorcycle Safety Foundation.
  • A passenger 21 years of age or older if the motorcycle driver meets one of the qualifications for not wearing a helmet.

Body of James Kim found in U.S. wilderness; wife and children survived

Wednesday, December 6, 2006

CNET reporter James Kim has been found dead in the southwestern Oregon wilderness after getting lost with his family on November 25. Kim, 35, was found at 12:00 noon Wednesday, half a mile away from the Rogue River.

His wife Kati Kim, 30-years-old, and her two young children were found alive on December 4 after they waved an umbrella to a private helicopter. Kati and her two children were airlifted out of the area and transferred by ambulance to Three Rivers Community Hospital in Grants Pass. Kati suffered frostbite on two toes, but it is expected that she will be in good condition.

The Kim family left San Francisco, California on November 17 on a road trip to the Pacific Northwest. After, they planned to go back home to San Francisco but were stranded in a storm that led to their disappearance.

They stayed warm while they were stranded by using the car heater and then burned tires when they ran out of gas. Kim walked into the Oregon mountains Saturday to get help for his wife Kati and his children. Pieces of map and some clothing were found on the mountains Tuesday by rescuers. It is believed that Kim was marking his trail for them. The wet clothing included two gray sweat shirts, a red T-shirt, a sock, and a blue girl’s skirt.

“They were laid out in a well defined area, in a pattern,” Lt. Gregg Hastings of the Oregon State Patrol said.

Fog caused the police to wait till midday. “This is frustrating. We are so close,” one rescuer said. “There are people pouring their heart and soul into this. We are not going to quit until we find him.”

Kim’s family is not yet available for comment.


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How To Take Clean Drinking Water}

How to Take Clean Drinking Water



If you are like most Americans, you are aware that water supplies are not as dependable as we would like. Over 2100 contaminants have been discovered in drinking water thus far. Our water source may be free of some of these, but who knows which are still present?

Many reading this will have acted on these warnings and stopped drinking faucet or well water. For you only filtered water is worthy of your family or yourself. That means you are either purchasing bottled water, or that you have bought a water filter and are purifying it yourself.

The problem is, when you go on vacation or on a camping trip, you don’t want to trust the water supplies available to have the same healthy water you enjoy at home. If you are purchasing bottled water, then you’ll take along a case or two. This option will probably provide you with safe water, but it is the most expensive. Over eight billion gallons of filtered water are sold annually at prices at times exceeding gasoline. Bottled water may not be as pure is the label indicates but it would be fine for camping. However, keep in mind that if you discard the plastic bottles you use on your vacation, you only add to the environmental problem of plastics that could sit in land fills for centuries.


Perhaps you have purchased a gravity feed water filter. If so, you will save money over bottled water and will not have multiple bottles to discard or recycle. If the unit is portable, take it with you on vacation so that you can guarantee the water you drink away is as good as that you drink at home.

What if you either have a built in filter, or don’t have room to take your gravity fed water filter with you? In that case, a little planning ahead would still provide the same water you drink at home. You filter extra water and store it to take with you.

But in what should you store and transport it? The water is clean but you certainly don’t want to jeopardize your family’s health by storing it in unsafe containers. Perhaps you have heard the recent plastics warnings. The PET bottles (made of polyethylene terephthalate) used by most bottled water companies, are safe enough as long as they are not reused. However, if you store water in them where it is warm, plastics can contaminate the water over time.

What about the hard plastic bottles for sports drinks or water coolers? The National Institutes of Health recently showed that bisphenol, used to make these bottles, may cause neurological problems in developing babies. They have yet to discover the long range effects on adults. That may be a bit risky to store and transport water in those containers too.

Few choices remain. You want the purified water from home but cant bring the filter. If you take filtered water from home and store it in unsafe containers, you defeat your purpose. The solution to this dilemma is to filter extra water at home and store it in glass containers. This would include bottles, jars, and glass lined thermoses.

This choice solves several problems. We will have the clean water we want without the problem of discarded bottles. Further we have the peace of mind that the bottle will not contaminate the water. The bottles can be washed and reused without danger to you or your family.

Are you unsure of the water quality where you go camping? If so, you could solve that problem with a portable water filter.

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How to Take Clean Drinking Water }