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Polish exercise book advertisement copies Wikipedia content, violates copyright

Friday, October 24, 2008 

On August 21, the Polish weekly Przekrój published an advertisement for Dan-Mark exercise books, bearing the logo of, a Polish music/interactive TV station. Part of the advertisement contained a definition of the word “exercise book”. The wording looked familiar, and Wikinews consulted Wikipedia, the collaborative online encyclopedia.

Upon seeing the Wikipedia definition, it appeared that the entry quoted in the promotional material was identical to the initial two paragraphs of the relevant Wikipedia entry.

Freelance reporters for the Polish Wikinews decided to find out the reason for such a similarity and whether either of the texts (the advertisement’s or Wikipedia’s) might be a case of copyright violation.

The reporters contacted a Jaros?aw Janas, Creative Director of, where the ad appeared. His reply included the following claim:

Copyright on text does not last for fifty years as claimed by Janas, but for 70 years after the death of the author.

To investigate the authenticity of the above claims, Wikinews asked the main author of the two paragraphs in question, Wikipedian Julo, about the sources used to write the entry. He confirmed that he had written the text in question, and not copied it from an encyclopedic publication as claimed by Jana.

It is therefore impossible that both Julo and the people responsible for the exercise book advertisement have used the same uncopyrighted encyclopedia, thus coincidentally creating identical texts. The reporters also noted that the first draft of the introduction to the article was written by WaldemarWolskiHuta (February 2006). Afterward the text had undergone some modifications by Julo (September 2006), as well as Picus viridis and Beno (March 2008). However, the text presented in the press promotional material, which – according to – came from an old-print encyclopedia is identical to the Wikipedia entry after the changes mentioned above had been made. Julo added that he was still alive, together with the other authors of the article in question who constituted the group of the copyright co-holders. This naturally led to a conclusion that neither 50 nor 70 years could have passed since their death. He left’s actions with a comment that although the contents he and the other Wikimedians had made public and free, they are far from making them available in any “free style”, but under a specified license.

In follow up messages to Jaros?aw Janas, Wikinews reporters confronted the creative director over his seemingly inaccurate claims.

Wikinews was told in a reply that would ignore the claims unless they see permission from the author of the original content to investigate this story. They were also informed that further e-mails without any specifics sent by the reporter would be qualified as spam.’s creative director further added that he found the reporter’s picture on the Internet and asked how the person would feel if this picture was to appear on billboards or press releases that advertised the TV station.

Wikipedia does allow copying of its content under certain conditions. The encyclopedia’s content is released under the GNU Free Documentation License, which means that it can be copied, modified, and used commercially and non-commercially – under the conditions that the license’s text is included with the copied content and the five main authors are mentioned. If a part of the article is used, like in the example quoted in this news story, a “right to quote”, recognized by Polish law, may be used. In such a case it suffices to mention the source of the text (Polish Wikipedia) and the author of the excerpt. met none of these conditions, meaning that copyright has been violated.

Over a year ago Polish Wikinews reported on a similar problem, regarding the use of free-licensed photographs. Since that time such “borrowings” have become less frequent, however photos are still being used in discordance with the license. Journalists have gotten used to citing sources, e.g. Wikipedia, although licensing conditions require attributing the actual author, not the source. So instead of attributing John Doe for his contribution, agencies like Polska Agencja Prasowa (Polish Press Agency) are attributing the source, Wikipedia.

In early September 2008 a similar situation occurred in relation to the Polish edition of Wiktionary. Gazeta Wyborcza, a Polish daily, published an IKEA advertisement, on the opening page of which an almost word-for-word Wiktionary entry was placed; additionally the advertisement used the characteristic MediaWiki layout. The reference to the external source used was missing.

In April 2008, an example of an Australian professor was cited; the scientist, in a reply to a news story, quoted a Wikipedia definition almost word-for-word. The same professor condemned the use of Wikipedia in his previous press appearances.

In 2005 Wikipedia material was discovered in the German weekly magazine Der Spiegel, which acknowledged its fault and published appropriate apologies in place of the article in the online edition.

Frontline magazine in 2007 was found using an image from Wikipedia without proper credit. When pointed out the magazine acknowledged the failing and a correction was promptly given in the subsequent issue.

Belgian bus company knows solution for car parking problems

Monday, May 21, 2007 

Do you have a hard time finding a parking space? Take the bus or tram if you go to the city. That’s the message Belgian bus company De Lijn (The Line) is sending to promote public transport as a solution for car parking problems. As a part of their media campaign, they have jokingly suggested that people use the top of the busses as parking space.

Another idea they are using in their media campaign: maybe you could park your car on the bottom of a canal? The bus company is using an invented diving company called Cardive, which has divers that offer to dump your car in the canal. The divers walk around in cities and hand out free bus tickets and maps of the bus network.

To reach car drivers who are not using public transport, the media campaign has several radio commercials that present other solutions to the car parking problem. You could use “asphalt-spray” to camouflage your car, making it invisible for policemen (although you then need to remember where you’ve parked). Or you could use the “flat tire kit”, which comes with a fake flat tire and an inflatable dummy, so it looks like you’re replacing your flat tire. The final idea the bus company has is to use a View-Master to fool parking guards into believing that your car has been stationed correctly.

A survey among 4000 customers of De Lijn shows that two out of three car owners who use public transport, do so to avoid parking space troubles, and in cities this percentage rises to 90%. The survey further shows that 39% use the bus to go shopping.

During the month of May, the auto-bus and the divers tour several cities in Flanders (Leuven, Hasselt, Ghent, Bruges and Antwerp).

Press Release: “Vermijd parkeerproblemen met De Lijn!” — De Lijn, May 19, 2007 (Dutch)

How To Add \\”Wow!\\” With Bathtubs In Bathrooms

How to add \\”Wow!\\” with Bathtubs in Bathrooms


Milan Ellis

Your bathroom is very important part of the house. It is the play area for your kids, it is your me time place and it is your own space for a personal spa. A lot of people take their bathroom space for granted. For them it is just a place to have a bath and nothing else. They do not try to take any special measure to make the bathroom space fantastic and lively. A bathtub, being the center of attention in the bathroom, can contribute in making the space more fun and exciting. There is a huge range of bathtubs available in the market, varying in color, design, build, material and even for bathtub placement.

While choosing your bathtub, you must consider the space where you will be using it. Will it be in the center or the bathroom or will it be along the wall. Will the bathtub be in the corner or will it be in the middle. If you are choosing the bathtub for an outside location, you must try to merge it with the outer view of the house. If you are comfortable in having a bath in the open, it is ok, otherwise you can add some partitions with plants and/or wooden structures to prevent others of seeing you bathe. Combine the tub with a couple of stones, structures and plants to give it a lively look.


If you are having the bathtub inside the bathroom, you should try to mix and match its color with the surroundings. It is better to follow a certain theme like a modern look, traditional Victorian look or any other theme according to your choice. You can also follow color themes as well but for that, you must buy the bathtub, countertop, vanity and even the tiles from same place or by comparing the shades. Every brand has a slight difference in shades, so match first before buying them.

To add a wow factor, you will have to let your creativity loose. Think outside the box to make your bathroom a perfect spa. You can install the bathtub on a platform to make it look like a small swimming pool. Place all your utilities in small colorful baskets and keep it beside the tub. It is handy as well and it looks aesthetically pleasing. Do not forget to put some potpourri along the tub to keep the bathroom smelling fresh and fragrant. It is a great way to keep that awful wet smell stench from the bathroom.

You can also add a couple of different fragrances and shaped candles in the bathroom. These will make your bathroom more like a spa with a touch of home. The countertop also plays an essential role in adding a unique wow factor to your bathroom. Choose the one, which goes hand in hand with your activities as well as the look of your bathroom. You can also glance over at various bathroom makeover DIY s available on internet to spark your new ideas. Get more ideas for your bathroom design visit at:

This is Milan Ellis. This article about How to add \\”Wow!\\” with Bathtubs in Bathrooms, Bathroom Bathtub Design Ideas.

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Canadian woman gives birth while sitting on toilet

Friday, December 18, 2009 

International media attention has been a harsh mistress for 32-year-old Heather Richard of Winnipeg, Manitoba, who gave birth on Sunday while sitting on the toilet. Richard, who believed she was barren and thus assumed she could not be pregnant, thought she was suffering from cramps and a bad bowel movement.

“I kept getting the urge to push and just thought it was a real bad bowel movement,” Richard told the Winnipeg Sun, whose interview was picked up by the Canadian wire service. “It just fell out. I thought it was my intestines, so I’m freaking out…but then it’s a little boy.” Richard realized that the product was a baby and not her insides when its leg twitched.

Relatives of Richard’s found her hysterically crying and pointing at the toilet. “She was crying and saying, ‘Help me, get my baby out of the toilet, he’s drowning,” Keith Richard, her cousin, told the Sun. While the rest of the family was immobile by the revelation, police officers knocked on her front door; she was to be arrested due to outstanding warrants that Richard says have since been cleared.

One officer performed CPR on the baby and it was rushed to the hospital. The baby, since named Isaiah, weighed five pounds, nine ounces, and suffered a skull fracture, presumably as a result of his head hitting the toilet bowl. The baby is in stable condition and Richard is recovering from her birth at home.

The incident spread like wildfire in the Canadian and international press on Tuesday and Wednesday. When asked about the coverage, Richard told the website that she was embarrassed at all the fuss the story generated.

Brazilian environmentalists tell residents to urinate in shower to save water

Wednesday, August 5, 2009 

Environmentalists in Brazil are urging the country’s residents to urinate in the shower while washing themselves, to help conserve water and save the rainforest. Television ads being aired in the country claim that by doing so, the nation could save over 1,000 gallons of water per household each year.

SOS Mata Atlantica ran the ad campaign in an attempt to use comedy to get people to reduce the amount of water they use. “[The ad is] a way to be playful about a serious subject,” said Adriana Kfouri, a spokesperson for Atlantica.

The animated ad narrated by children shows people, including a trapeze artist, an alien and dancers, all taking a shower while at the same time, urinating in it. The ending of the ad then states, “Pee in the shower! Save the Atlantic rainforest!”

Ken Livingstone, former mayor of London, England, proposed a similar campaign in 2006. He said urine should be classified as a “green waste” and that “there is no earthly reason that you need to flush the loo if you have merely urinated. That’s a huge saving of water.”

Am I Losing Too Much Hair?

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Submitted by: Eadie Dynah

It could be that hair loss runs in your family. Or maybe you’ve recognized what resembles too much hairs on your comb or hai

ush most recently. For whatever reason, you’re bothered that you are failing to keep too much hair, and have recognized what seems thinning.

Let’s start with a few certainties. It is quite normal to fail to keep as many as 50 to 100 hairs per day. Not all will be on your hai

ush, nonetheless. You may lose a few hairs while having your shower; you may lose some while pushing your bangs out of your eyes. So, don’t presume to count the hairs on your brush and know for sure how many hairs you normally lose.

The reason that everybody loses a certain number of hair is that each follicle enters the anagen– or resting– phase many times over the course of a life time. A follicle may stay in this stage for three or four months. Nevertheless, this is a comparatively short phase in comparison to the catagen– or developping– phase. Pending on your genetics, yourhair may be growing for three to ten years at a time!


This implies that the true benchmark of whether you are losing too much hair is whether the follicles spring from the resting phase and re-enter the growing phase. If you observe your hair is thinning, your hair follicles may not be returning to growing hair, for a number of reasons.

One of the most common reasons is too much DHT. DHT is Dihydrotestosterone, a hormonal factor that can prevent receptors in the hair follicle and slowly deprive the follicle by stopping nutrients from entering.

The fantastic news is that there is a harmless herbal product that can help to reduce your levels of DHT as you would expect. It’s called saw palmetto. New research shows that this supplement is sufficient against DHT, helping to break it down into other things that are not ravaging to your hair.

So, just how do you get Saw Palmetto to the follicle? While you can imbibe saw palmetto as an oral pill, this method does not guarantee delivery of sufficient concentration of the herbal treatment to the follicle itself. One of the best ways to get saw palmetto directly to the site of your hair loss is to implement it to the scalp. You can get this combination with a number of topical products. One such combination is SureThik Shampoo and Serum. The advantage of SureThik (unlike some competitors) is that the company posts research on its site that documents the effectiveness of its compounds, so that the customer understands how the formula works against hair loss.

Why apply the key component twice to the scalp? It’s all about results. The benefit of using both a shampoo and serum combination is that it delivers saw palmetto in two steps– with a scalp cleansing shampoo and a leave-on treatment. This is a one-two punch against hair loss from DHT. It could be that hair loss runs in your family. Or maybe you’ve recognized what resembles too much hairs on your comb or hai

ush most recently. For whatever reason, you’re bothered that you are failing to keep too much hair, and have recognized what seems thinning.

Let’s start with a few certainties. It is quite normal to fail to keep as many as 50 to 100 hairs per day. Not all will be on your hai

ush, nonetheless. You may lose a few hairs while having your shower; you may lose some while pushing your bangs out of your eyes. So, don’t presume to count the hairs on your brush and know for sure how many hairs you normally lose.

The reason that everybody loses a certain number of hair is that each follicle enters the anagen– or resting– phase many times over the course of a life time. A follicle may stay in this stage for three or four months. Nevertheless, this is a comparatively short phase in comparison to the catagen– or developping– phase. Pending on your genetics, your hair may be growing for three to ten years at a time!

This implies that the true benchmark of whether you are losing too much hair is whether the follicles spring fromthe resting phase and re-enter the growing phase. If you observe your hair is thinning, your hair follicles may not be returning to growing hair, for a number of reasons.

One of the most common reasons is too much DHT. DHT is Dihydrotestosterone, a hormonal factor that can prevent receptors in the hair follicle and slowly deprive the follicle by stopping nutrients from entering.

The fantastic news is that there is a harmless herbal product that can help to reduce your levels of DHT as you would expect. It’s called saw palmetto. New research shows that this supplement is sufficient against DHT, helping to break it down into other things that are not ravaging to your hair.

So, just how do you get Saw Palmetto to the follicle? While you can imbibe saw palmetto as an oral pill, this method does not guarantee delivery of sufficient concentration of the herbal treatment to the follicle itself. One of the best ways to get saw palmetto directly to the site of your hair loss is to implement it to the scalp. You can get this combination with a number of topical products. One such combination is SureThik Shampoo and Serum. The advantage of SureThik (unlike some competitors) is that the company posts research on its site that documents the effectiveness of its compounds, so that the customer understands how the formula works against hair loss.

Why apply the key component twice to the scalp? It’s all about results. The benefit of using both a shampoo and serum combination is that it delivers saw palmetto in two steps– with a scalp cleansing shampoo and a leave-on treatment. This is a one-two punch against hair loss from DHT.

About the Author: thickening hair


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Chinese hostage rescued in the Philippines

Tuesday, July 6, 2010 

A Filipino police official said that Xili Wu, a Chinese buinessman held by al-Qaida-linked militants on a southern island for one and a half years, has been rescued.

Amil Banaan, Chief Inspector of Sulu provincial police, says Wu was under the name Peter Go to hide his illegal status in the country before he was kidnapped by a terrorist organisation, the Abu Sayyaf.

The police said the Abu Sayyaf abducted Wu in 2008, from his appliance store in Jolo township that he had opened after immigrating from China.

The police claimed that no people were hurt during the fight between them and the Abu Sayyaf that took place during the rescue operation.

The Abu Sayyaf group is on the US government’s list of foreign terrorist organisations and is well known for staging kidnappings for ransom in the Southern Philippines.

Good Audio Books Inspire And Educate

Good Audio Books Inspire and Educate



As long as there has been recorded history, there has been books. That means that enjoying a good book has been a relaxing pass time by many for eons. However, with recent advances in technology, people no longer need to sit with a book sprawled out in front of them and concentrate on the reading the text. Today, people can enjoy books virtually anywhere. How often do you see people reading a novel while jogging compared to seeing people jogging with headphones? There s a good possibility that at least some of these people are enjoying listening to a good audio book while they are out doing their daily run.

With the advent of the Internet and portable mp3 players, the popularity of audio books has reached an all time high. Publishers now are even hiring celebrities to read their publications to increase audio book sales and reach.


One audio book enthusiast took it upon herself to examine the time difference between reading a book and listening to an audio book. She said that listening to an audio book takes about four hours, whereas reading a book takes her about 120 hours. This means that she could listen to about 30 books in the time it takes her to read just one book.

One of the biggest contributors to the popularity of audio books is the fact that one can take in a good book while doing just about anything. Never before could a person enjoy a book while washing the dishes driving or walking the dog. Now, people can enjoy the relaxing effects of a good story anytime, anyplace.

Not only are audio books good for time-restrained book lovers, but they are also a great tool to help teach your child to read. Now you find both text and audio versions of children s books. While an audio book can never compare to a parent reading and guiding his or her child through the words and pictures, audio books often come with sound effects and fun voices that make the reading experience fun for both child and parent. Just like reading a good book, listening to a good audio book can inspire, educate and increase mental alertness.

Janet Rusky is an upcoming author who runs one of the best audio book stores on the internet where 7000 titles divided in hundreds of categories are available for immediate download.

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