Archives August 2014

Chinese hostage rescued in the Philippines

Tuesday, July 6, 2010 

A Filipino police official said that Xili Wu, a Chinese buinessman held by al-Qaida-linked militants on a southern island for one and a half years, has been rescued.

Amil Banaan, Chief Inspector of Sulu provincial police, says Wu was under the name Peter Go to hide his illegal status in the country before he was kidnapped by a terrorist organisation, the Abu Sayyaf.

The police said the Abu Sayyaf abducted Wu in 2008, from his appliance store in Jolo township that he had opened after immigrating from China.

The police claimed that no people were hurt during the fight between them and the Abu Sayyaf that took place during the rescue operation.

The Abu Sayyaf group is on the US government’s list of foreign terrorist organisations and is well known for staging kidnappings for ransom in the Southern Philippines.

Good Audio Books Inspire And Educate

Good Audio Books Inspire and Educate



As long as there has been recorded history, there has been books. That means that enjoying a good book has been a relaxing pass time by many for eons. However, with recent advances in technology, people no longer need to sit with a book sprawled out in front of them and concentrate on the reading the text. Today, people can enjoy books virtually anywhere. How often do you see people reading a novel while jogging compared to seeing people jogging with headphones? There s a good possibility that at least some of these people are enjoying listening to a good audio book while they are out doing their daily run.

With the advent of the Internet and portable mp3 players, the popularity of audio books has reached an all time high. Publishers now are even hiring celebrities to read their publications to increase audio book sales and reach.


One audio book enthusiast took it upon herself to examine the time difference between reading a book and listening to an audio book. She said that listening to an audio book takes about four hours, whereas reading a book takes her about 120 hours. This means that she could listen to about 30 books in the time it takes her to read just one book.

One of the biggest contributors to the popularity of audio books is the fact that one can take in a good book while doing just about anything. Never before could a person enjoy a book while washing the dishes driving or walking the dog. Now, people can enjoy the relaxing effects of a good story anytime, anyplace.

Not only are audio books good for time-restrained book lovers, but they are also a great tool to help teach your child to read. Now you find both text and audio versions of children s books. While an audio book can never compare to a parent reading and guiding his or her child through the words and pictures, audio books often come with sound effects and fun voices that make the reading experience fun for both child and parent. Just like reading a good book, listening to a good audio book can inspire, educate and increase mental alertness.

Janet Rusky is an upcoming author who runs one of the best audio book stores on the internet where 7000 titles divided in hundreds of categories are available for immediate download.

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20 injured in Montreal college shooting spree

Wednesday, September 13, 2006 

At 12:41 p.m. local time (UTC-5), a man opened fire at Dawson College, in Westmount, Quebec, Canada; the college is located near the heart of downtown Montreal. Police report at least 20 people being injured. The gunman was reportedly killed at the scene by police. Students told reporters that they heard several shots in the building at about 12:45 local time. One student told a local radio station that she saw two people who had been shot, including one who was hit at the neck. The student said a friend told her four people had been shot.

Hundreds of students fled the building, and the area has been cordoned off. Nearby Plaza Alexis Nihon and Westmount Square were evacuated and the Green line of the Montreal Metro was shut down between Lionel-Groulx and Peel. Police officers wearing bullet-proof vests are keeping people away from the college. “They’re telling me, ‘Go the other way, lady, you’re in the line of fire,'” said CBC News reporter Nancy Wood, who reported from the scene.

Local media have reported police hotlines have been established for loved ones to gain more information: +1-(514)-280-2880, +1-(514)-280-2805, and +1-(514)-280-2806. The Montreal General Hospital has also set up a hotline at +1-(514)-843-2839.

Police have reported that the situation has been neutralized as of 20:06, September 13, 2006 (UTC). Police have been told to stand down and are no longer looking for new victims or shooters.

Dawson College is a CEGEP that hosts about 10,000 students.

Earlier reports suggested that there were between two and six gunmen, however, reports are generally that there were two, maybe three. Police have only confirmed that there was one gunman, Kimveer Gill, who was shot dead “after police intervention,”. They will not say anything about additional shooters. A close witness to Gill’s last moments reported being used as a shield during the shootout with police officers, who allegedly hit Gill in the arm. The shooter would then have turned his weapon on himself.

The gunman was Kimveer Gill, a 25 year old Laval man. He was carrying three guns: a Beretta Cx4 Storm carbine, a Glock 9mm handgun, and a Norinco HP9-1 sawed-off shotgun.

Up to 20 shots were fired over a period of 30 minutes.

Police have indicated 20 people have been injured in the incident. CBC reports that 16 people are injured, and 2 have been killed, including the gunman. Montreal General Hospital officials have stated that 11 people have been admitted with gunshot wounds, 8 of them in critical condition. A spokeswoman also stated that 3 others were taken to Jean Talon Hospital and two others were taken to the Jewish General Hospital. The spokeswoman went on to report that most of the injuries are to the abdomen and limbs, and one victim with an injury to the head.


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The Magic Formula Of Attracting Success

Submitted by: Jason Chow

One of the fundamental things that I believe and that happens to me personally over and over again is that the Universe delivers to me exactly what I need and exactly what I ask for. It is a kind of Magic Formula that always works for me and for everyone in my life, including my coaching clients.

By observing the lives of so many people around me I have noticed that, if we blame people or things for problems that we encounter, the Universe delivers to us more things that can go wrong so that we can blame more. This happens subconsciously.

The moment you embrace any failure and celebrate the failure embraces you back and the perpetual cycle is broken. The moment you face and embrace any fear and push through that pain with faith, your whole system recalibrates and takes you to the next level of being.

We have two types of mind: conscious and subconscious. Your conscious mind is only 10% (a very small part of your total mind). 90% of your mental life is subconscious. The real reason why a lot of people never achieve success in life is because they only use this 10% of their conscious mind. If you could only learn how to use more of your subconscious mental energy, you would be amazed how much more success you could attract and experience in life.

It works like this: If you say, “I need more money,” thinking that this will focus you on ways to make more money and deliver more money to you, the truth is that the Universe will deliver to you more need for more money, not more money. This is very subtle in the way it works.

So how should you change your thinking?


Activate Your Magic Formula Of Success by developing an ongoing Attitude Of Gratitude Campaign in your life and the lives of those around you.

This means breaking your old habits and auto-responses to situations and frustrations immediately

Here are some simple and powerful steps to make it work:

Step 1.

Start off each day immediately upon waking up with the thought, “Today is a perfect day, the best day ever.”

Step 2.

End each day, as you climb into bed, with “Today was perfect and tomorrow will be even better.”

Step 3.

Make a list of those things that you want to achieve today and every day, adding to it as you realize that you are able to achieve more. Instead of saying, “I have bills to pay, so I need more money,” say it this way: “My life is perfect, all my needs are met, I am living in abundance.”

Step 4.

Create a Gratitude Journal, and every morning write 10 new things for which you are grateful. Guess what will happen soon after you start sincerely paying attention and acknowledging your blessings?

You start attracting all your goals and dreams like a magnet.

As you are working through this process yourself, encourage others to do the same. Share this simple and powerful wisdom with everyone in your life.

Together, let’s make this World a better place!

About the Author: Nadia Tumas The Life Purpose Decoder.


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Suggestions About Being A Effective Trader

Suggestions About Being A Effective Trader


Lashawnda Ponder

No body desires to take a scenario where that you do not know where the next paycheck is originating from. Needing to scramble around for the money may be actually pushing and result in some ridiculous things. If you\\’re contemplating using forex to boost your revenue so you can prevent these broke-man blues, make certain you read these guidelines first.

If you begin

forex trading

, there\\’s no replacement for a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of trading. Many people attempt to just jump in to forex currency trading and those people, normally, lose their shirt. It\\’s safer to take it slow and learn the basics before investing quite a lot of money.

Comprehend the idea of alternative and how it might affect you. Which means even though you\\’ve a few defeated deals in a line, alternative brings you back in the positive eventually. Enhance your total potential for getting back to the green with keen analysis of past trends and patterns on the market.


Understand forex currency trading by watching videos from the variety of options. Studying about trading and seeing guides are equally essential learning tools. Films show positions happening and will help you find out more than reading the info. Using films to master about forex trading can boost your trading skills whether you\\’re a novice or intermediate trader.

As it pertains to Forex currency trading, don\\’t assist countries which are going right through political or economic dilemmas. By dealing with this country, you\\’re playing with fire since other issues in the country can influence the price of their currency, which can cause you to reduce a substantial level of funds.

Every trade that you desire to make should be analyzed and you should know what the danger is and what the reward is going to be of the trade. If you don\\’t have that data, then you do not make the trade. Forex traders who deal on hunches or emotions are traders that do not last extended.

Understand that trading in forex isn\\’t anything that will net

huge profits

for anyone. You must perhaps not be prepared to make big profits straight away simply because somebody with more experience does. A very important thing to do is focus on producing small quantities of money first.

Before you hold out any industry, it\\’s very important to make sure to figure out the risk/reward ratio. Make an effort to calculate the amount that you\\’ll achieve, and the amount that you could lose. By taking a look at the risk/reward rate, it\\’ll give you a much clearer image regarding wheteher that business is the better for you.

Don\\’t add jobs into a trade-in reduction. Your intuition might be to join positions at a much better price because you\\’ve a hunch that industry is going to turnaround, however it won\\’t, and you\\’ll end-up losing more money that you\\’d originally expected. Include jobs and then investments which can be already profitable.

Established trading boundaries you\\’re confident with when trading in the Forex. Even if you think you may create a major income, if you\\’re risking a lot more than you\\’re confident with or can afford may have a large effect on your current situation in the marketplace. It could be simpler to trade a lot less inside your safe place to make sure you remain protected if some thing unexpected happens.


commodities trading gold

of currency trading with regards to possibilities. Nothing in trading is ever a guarantee. Often, you\\’ll lose, even when you did all the right things. That doesn\\’t mean you made a poor business, it just means that the chances made against you. Thinking in terms of possibilities will allow you to give attention to the realities of the specific situation.

That will help you trade forex properly, make sure to find the best On the web trading system In order to get the most up-to-date information when investing forex. Different forex brokers and trading organizations provide different on line interfaces, therefore study the many competitors to find out which forex organization is best suited for you.

The will to achieve success will certainly carry you quite a distance, but you\\’ll still only go to date. You could get to the door-step of forex achievement, but just the right information can offer you with all the key to open it up and walk-through. These ideas above provides that key if you implement them correctly.

Hi, I\\’m Lashawnda- a low-cost forex trading born in the Iceland-1%, raised in Iceland-1% and currently enjoying in Iceland-1%, Who knows where I\\’ll go next…Lashawnda Ponder and Lashawnda Ponder make me laugh.An ice cold beer after a long day of work helps me relax.In case you loved this short article and you would want to receive more details relating to contract for difference CFD assure visit our own website.

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US Marines change hat style in response to manufacturer’s closure

Saturday, October 26, 2013 

Following incorrect statements by media organizations that include Fox News and the New York Post earlier in the week that the US Marine Corps were changing their hats in order to make them more gender neutral, the Corps issued a statement yesterday countering the claim, saying they are only changing the dress hat for women. In a statement on their website, they said this change is only “for female Marines because the current manufacturer is going out of business”.

Commandant of the Marine Corps General James F. Amos is quoted in the Corps statement as saying, “the President in no way, shape or form directed the Marine Corps to change our uniform cover.” The quote follows media claims the US President directed the Marine Corps to make a change to a more “girly” dress hat.

The women’s hats were made by a different manufacturer than the men’s hat. At the same time, the US Department of Defense also asked the Corps to develop a more unisex option for both dress and service hats. In preparation for a quarterly meeting of the Marine Corps Uniform Board scheduled for next week, a survey was sent out asking for feedback on whether women’s hats should be made to more closely model the current men’s dress hat or if all Marines should switch to the Dan Daly cap.

Other changes in the US military uniforms are scheduled to take place by the end of the year. In the Navy, flame-resistant variant coveralls are scheduled to be introduced in December of this year. Admiral Bill Gortney, the head of Fleet Forces Command, is quoted in the Marine Corps Times as saying. “Our sailors’ safety is our primary concern here […] If you’re on board a ship and a fire breaks out, you rush to that scene, you escape that scene or you’re assisting a shipmate in whatever you’re wearing. And so this fills in that particular need. You combine this with our existing flash hoods and gloves and you tuck your leg pants in […] it will provide the fire-resistant capability that we think is needed.”