How To Take Clean Drinking Water}

How to Take Clean Drinking Water



If you are like most Americans, you are aware that water supplies are not as dependable as we would like. Over 2100 contaminants have been discovered in drinking water thus far. Our water source may be free of some of these, but who knows which are still present?

Many reading this will have acted on these warnings and stopped drinking faucet or well water. For you only filtered water is worthy of your family or yourself. That means you are either purchasing bottled water, or that you have bought a water filter and are purifying it yourself.

The problem is, when you go on vacation or on a camping trip, you don’t want to trust the water supplies available to have the same healthy water you enjoy at home. If you are purchasing bottled water, then you’ll take along a case or two. This option will probably provide you with safe water, but it is the most expensive. Over eight billion gallons of filtered water are sold annually at prices at times exceeding gasoline. Bottled water may not be as pure is the label indicates but it would be fine for camping. However, keep in mind that if you discard the plastic bottles you use on your vacation, you only add to the environmental problem of plastics that could sit in land fills for centuries.


Perhaps you have purchased a gravity feed water filter. If so, you will save money over bottled water and will not have multiple bottles to discard or recycle. If the unit is portable, take it with you on vacation so that you can guarantee the water you drink away is as good as that you drink at home.

What if you either have a built in filter, or don’t have room to take your gravity fed water filter with you? In that case, a little planning ahead would still provide the same water you drink at home. You filter extra water and store it to take with you.

But in what should you store and transport it? The water is clean but you certainly don’t want to jeopardize your family’s health by storing it in unsafe containers. Perhaps you have heard the recent plastics warnings. The PET bottles (made of polyethylene terephthalate) used by most bottled water companies, are safe enough as long as they are not reused. However, if you store water in them where it is warm, plastics can contaminate the water over time.

What about the hard plastic bottles for sports drinks or water coolers? The National Institutes of Health recently showed that bisphenol, used to make these bottles, may cause neurological problems in developing babies. They have yet to discover the long range effects on adults. That may be a bit risky to store and transport water in those containers too.

Few choices remain. You want the purified water from home but cant bring the filter. If you take filtered water from home and store it in unsafe containers, you defeat your purpose. The solution to this dilemma is to filter extra water at home and store it in glass containers. This would include bottles, jars, and glass lined thermoses.

This choice solves several problems. We will have the clean water we want without the problem of discarded bottles. Further we have the peace of mind that the bottle will not contaminate the water. The bottles can be washed and reused without danger to you or your family.

Are you unsure of the water quality where you go camping? If so, you could solve that problem with a portable water filter.

Berkey Filters

are the best line of activated charcoal filter we are aware of. Plus, they have a multitude of other benefits including one amazing feature – each set of

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filters they ship with can be re-cleaned to purify up to 6,000 gallons o

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How to Take Clean Drinking Water }