Need To Breakup But Can’t? How To End A Relationship When You’re Too Scared To Leave

By Michael Freeman, M.A.

Do you feel like your partner is standing in your way? Do you have the strong desire to break-up, but you feel stuck? This article discusses what to do when you want to break-up, but — for whatever reason — you can’t.

– Why Can’t You Leave? –

Relationships are a choice. Or at least, they should be. Sometimes, we realize that a relationship is no longer working, but we stay anyway. There are many reasons why people stay stuck in relationships they no longer want, including:

* Guilt — You can’t bear the thought of hurting our parnter

* Loyalty — You’ve invested so much and have a long history with them, even if it’s a bad history


* Misplaced priorities — You feel that your partner’s needs are more important than your own

* Expectations – – You don’t want to disappoint your family or your partner’s family by breaking up

* Financial or logistical reasons — You don’t have the money to leave, you live together, or you have a child together (sometimes a good reason to maintain a relationship, but not always)

* He or she will “freak out” — You fear your partner’s reaction to the news

If your partner stands in the way of you living a fulfilling life, you probably need to leave. That doesn’t mean disregarding commitments and responsibilities, but if you should never feel trapped in a life you don’t want. All relationships require some amount of sacrifice, but giving up the possibility for happiness is not part of the deal.

Many people find themselves staying simply for their partner’s benefit. This is a mistake — it’s not only unfair to you, it’s unfair to your partner, who deserves someone who truly wants to be with him or her.

– Taking the first step –

Leaving may seem impossible at times, but you can do it, regardless of your circumstances. The first step is accepting that you will have to take action to change your situation. The longer you wait, the more invested in the relationship you both become. You’re wasting you and your partners time.

You probably have been thinking of different disaster scenarios that may happen when you leave. Stop! It’s not going to be nearly as bad as you imagine. Yes, hurt feelings are often inevitable, but with just a little planning and consideration, you can guarantee that you can breakup without fear.

– What now? –

Have the courage to at least explore the possibility that there is a way to breakup without fear — you won’t regret it. If you feel stuck in an unhappy relationship, and you don’t know how to get out, see my resources. My breakup guides will lead you step-by-step in the break up process, minimizing pain for you both. Stop imaging the worst — get my guide and get on with your life: See the websites listed below.

About the Author: Michael Freeman, M.A., helps women and men get FREEDOM from unhappy relationships. Ladies can find breakup guidance

breakup guidance , and men can find

breakup advice



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Chinese Hardware Industry Highlights The International Competitive Edge China Sodium

Chinese hardware industry highlights the international competitive edge – China Sodium



Hardware industry is a traditional and new and modern industries. Hardware products widely used in the past, people call it hardware, such as nails, scissors, wrench, tool what is, and we need time to shop can be bought several smoothly, no one how much these things as objects. But Do not look at these small metal products, and now has developed into a world influence of the largest industry.

1, hardware development in various categories With the development of the times, hardware toward personal wealth is that people can feel. Only a small lock, for example, before the family is just general household locks locks, bicycle locks, but with the motorcycle, automobile industry, high-end residential development, a number of companies to develop modern means of transport suitable for all kinds of motor lock, car lock, anti-theft security lock. Not only lock varieties has increased, and the integration of traditional products showed the trend of high-tech, electronic locks, fingerprint lock, and so one after another; traditional tools hardware, but also changed: garden tool to in-depth extension of a simple pruning twig of the scissors, step by step for the new development of family-and community-building manual, power tools, weeding machine, etc. replaced. According to statistics, China’s hardware products from the early 80s of last century, 40 kinds of products, less than 500 varieties, surge to the present more than 10,000 varieties, an increase of 20 times; product categories have also been the traditional daily-use hardware from the past, Architectural Hardware, tools, door hardware three categories increased, including shower rooms, gas appliances, range hood, kitchen equipment, cooking utensils and other 10 products. 2, hardware, enterprise economies of scale The number of enterprises in China hardware from the early 80’s to 50000 more than 2,000. Ultra-billion-scale enterprises from the ring in 1988 when the statistics, Zhang Koizumi, solid edge, the Great Wall Seiko, Wen Deng Wei Li, 14 enterprises, the rapid rise to the present more than 100. Today, the hardware scale enterprises are mostly owned by a modern factory. For example, 10000 and the company’s production workshop, the tall plant to natural light, modern style, both conducive to the production, but also environmentally friendly and completely get rid of the hardware business in the past in people’s minds, “small, poor, chaotic,” the backward image. In the coastal areas of Zhejiang, Guangdong, Jiangsu, Shanghai, Shandong and other places, has formed a number of characteristics of the economic industrial base, metal industry has become the backbone of local industry or focus on the development industry and hardware industry in the country have played an important role, such as Guangdong Xiaolan Town, Yuhuan County, Zhejiang Province has become China’s leading hardware production and export base; Yangjiang, Guangdong has become China’s largest production base of knives, scissors; Wenzhou, Zhejiang, was awarded the “Chinese locks are” title; Hebei Anping wire mesh industry base built , Asia 80% of the mesh from Anping. China’s hardware industry to an annual growth rate of 20% of steady development, the annual output value of 4,000 billion yuan, higher than the household appliances industry. Data show that exports of metal products in 2005 amounted to 30.512 billion U.S. dollars, year on year increase of 26.44%. China’s exports of light industry as a whole accounts for about 25% of the country’s total exports, hardware industry, light industry exports ranked the top three. Three, metal industry, highlights the international competitive edge In recent years, China’s hardware industry’s international competitiveness has been increasing. Our hardware products, trade specialization index (TSC Index) remained at between 0.78-0.85, and increased year by year, which shows that our hardware products, import and export trade status has been greatly improved, and the whole still in a relatively advantageous position . On the other hand, China’s comparative advantage index of metal manufactures (RCA index) is basically maintained at 0.8 to about 0.9, indicating that China’s hardware products with a moderate international competitiveness. But it should be noted that in recent years, China’s hardware products, RCA index showing a declining trend, mainly because of China’s hardware products are labor-intensive products, due to capital, technology and content is not high, in the international market more susceptible to the developed countries barriers to trade restrictions. Die 100-hui Luo, CEO pointed out that the view from the products and the enterprises themselves, and many hardware companies approach is a form of processing trade, technological innovation capability is not strong, which makes China’s hardware industry has insufficient capacity for competition in the international market gradually lost their advantage , in the future course of development, for the major comparative advantage of labor costs on hardware industry, at the same time weakening the comparative advantage will increasingly need to rely on and enhance their competitive edge to maintain and enhance the international competitiveness of the industry. According to Die 100-hui Luo, CEO survey said that at present China has formed the Pearl River Delta, Yangtze Delta and the Shandong Peninsula three hardware industry zone, Yongkang, Zhejiang appeared, Zhongshan Xiaolan, and Jiangsu Qidong other metal industry cluster. The development of China’s hardware industry cluster reveals eight major advantages: One is beneficial to the depth of the division of labor between enterprises and technological innovation. Every enterprise will be fully funding, focus on the most advantageous to do their part, that the enterprise’s core competencies, other related outsourcing to professional company to complete, each product is a summary of a number of core competence. Second, it helps to save transaction costs. Enterprises are faced with the nearest, a large number of raw materials suppliers and equipment suppliers can lower costs, higher demands, faster speed to purchase a variety of inputs, including raw materials, spare parts, machinery and equipment, the kinds of services and human resources. Thirdly, it is beneficial to industry and the professional market, pushing each other forward. Industrial cluster is conducive to the formation of the professional market, but also has a greater impact at home and abroad the professional market, both pro-business product sales, but also conducive to the information, and timely adjustment of product structure. Fourth, it helps to stimulate the sense of competition. The same kinds of products from a large number of production among enterprises will naturally compete, so as to continuously improve product quality and grade. 5 is conducive to Investment. Supporting industries within the industrial cluster system and perfect service system, starting a business with low entry costs and exit costs, not only conducive to attracting foreign direct investment, but also conducive to the cluster of enterprises within the domestic and international capital markets. 6 is conducive to governance “credit deficit disorder.” As the regional industry concentration, among many enterprises to know the root Zhidi, once late payments, forgery, and avoiding the debt and other dishonest acts, it will immediately at the local spread, promises difficult for enterprises to locally based, so the phenomenon of corporate dishonesty between low probability. 7, it helps to promote business innovation. A variety of the latest market, product and technical information gathered, coupled with frequent exchanges between a variety of information within the cluster to promote a greater chance of collision of innovative ideas. LAW 100-hui said the competition within the cluster, as well as personnel exchanges also makes businesses more intense desire to learn, easy to drive innovation in the whole industry. 8 is conducive to the creation of regional brands. Regional industrial advantages and product features are conducive to the formation of regional brand, brand high-impact areas to attract more outlets, suppliers, investors, and various talents. Thus further contributing to the prosperity of the upstream and downstream industries, the development of regional economy as a whole are very favorable.

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Payroll Tax Problems

Payroll Tax Problems


Ian Jackson

Payroll tax debt, often known as withholding tax liability, is probably the most troublesome business tax issue for company owners and corporate officers. This is a debt that does not disappear, even when a Corporation or a Partnership is closed, because a portion of it can be assessed against the person responsible for filing and paying taxes on behalf of the business.


If a business has W2 employees, the law requires the employer to withhold federal income tax, social security and Medicare from the employee’s paychecks every time wages are paid. These withholdings should be remitted to the taxing authorities. If the business fails to do so, the IRS can file a lien against it, and begin pursuit of repayment. A payroll tax liability consists of the amount withheld from employee’s paychecks that have not been remitted to the Internal Revenue Service, the employer matching portion, interest, and penalties. The IRS can use various methods to collect the outstanding payroll taxes. This includes bank levies, levies on Accounts Receivable, seizure of business equipment and property, and so on. In addition, the IRS can personally assess up to three people responsible for filing and depositing taxes on behalf of the business with the Trust Fund portion of the total payroll tax liability. Although the Trust Fund portion does not include the employee matching portion, penalties and interest, it is still about 60 percent of the total withholding tax liability that can be collected from individuals, even if all attempts to collect delinquent taxes from the business fail. In order to avoid payroll tax problems, the business has to be current and compliant with all filing and deposit requirements. This means that all withholding tax returns have to be filed on time, and deposits should be made on time. The IRS now requires that all federal tax deposits are submitted to the IRS via Electronic federal Tax Payment System (EFTPS). Each business has its own schedule to make federal tax deposits. This will be determined from the total taxes reported on the business 941 Withholding Tax Returns in a four-quarter look-back period. The IRS Notice 931 provides more details about deposit requirements for payroll taxes. In some situations it may not be possible to make deposits or to file withholding tax returns on time. To prevent enforced collections by the IRS on the business payroll tax liability, and to resolve this debt, the business has to file all missing tax returns as soon as possible, make future deposits on time, and contact the IRS to discuss available repayment options. If the liability is not very high, it is possible to set up a small payment plan with the IRS without submitting completed financial statement and necessary financial supporting documents. However, if the business owes lots of money to the IRS, consulting a tax professional is the best way to resolve this debt and to reach an agreement with the IRS without fear of enforcement.

More information on resolving your

payroll tax problem

is available from the tax resolution specialists at 20/20 Tax Debt Help.

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Relocation Tax Assistance How To Optimize Your Companys Relocation Tax Assistance Policy

By Pat Thompson

A Substantial And Often Hidden Expense

Tax assistance is an expensive and sometimes hidden cost of corporate relocation programs. In fact, its the third most expensive benefit in a relocation program, on average, after home sale and household goods. More specifically, the 2008 Worldwide ERC Transfer Volume and Cost Survey reported that it cost an average $76,600 to move an existing employee, of which more than 10% was spent on employee tax assistance benefits. It can cost more to provide tax assistance than to pay for an employees house hunting, temporary living and final trip expenses combined! Since relocation tax assistance is a corporate benefit and not a legal requirement, we often ask our clients if their companys tax assistance policy is one size fits all or if their policy takes into consideration key factors such as employees unique tax profiles such as annual salary, filing status, the number of dependents they have, and the ages of their dependents.

The Importance Of Proportional Relocation Compensation

Companies with a one-size-fits-all tax assistance policy apply the same tax rates to entry-level, middle management and executive transferees. This can result in paying an entry-level employee too much, which puts a burden on the companys bottom line. Conversely, this approach can result in compensating an executive too little, which places a burden on human resources and payroll departments. While theres no single correct way to calculate tax assistance, this is an area where employers can strive for a company policy that is accurate, fair and cost-effective while taking into consideration other important factors such as corporate culture, industry norms and budgetary issues. Generally speaking, the more accurate a tax assistance policy is, the more cost-effective it will be.


Minimizing Your Companys Relocation Tax Exposure

Company-paid relocation is a substantial benefit for your employees on multiple levels professional, personal and financial. But every benefit has a cost, and in the case of corporate relocation, these costs can be considerable. Although relocation tax costs are unavoidable, they can be minimized with a properly structured relocation policy and compliance with basic IRS guidelines.

Using Tax Laws To Reduce Moving Costs

Its a fact that tax assistance benefits cost an average 55-60 cents for every dollar of taxable relocation expense. In other words, a $10,000 lump sum payment could result in $5,500 to $6,000 of tax assistance costs. While potentially substantial, these charges can be mitigated: By properly structuring relocation benefits, taking advantage of relocation-friendly tax laws and customizing tax assistance policy to the needs of transferring employees, companies can control and potentially reduce tax assistance costs.

Closing Cost Reimbursement: An Easily Reduced Expense

While structured home sale programs have become the norm, many companies still take the more traditional approach of reimbursing their employees for closing costs after the home is sold. This is the most expensive and most easily avoided tax approach a company can take: Considering the average cost of tax assistance, a direct reimbursement program can result in $14,400 in unnecessary tax assistance benefits on the sale of a $300,000 home.

How Qualified Home Sale Programs Can Lower Unnecessary Tax Benefits

In November 2005, the IRS validated the long-held relocation industry position that qualified home sale programs result in no taxable income to relocating employees. However, this ruling came with 11 key elements that must be followed in order to qualify. Corporations can meet IRS guidelines for qualified home sales by using an agent to facilitate two separate and distinct real estate transactions that comply with the key elements addressed in the IRS ruling.

About the Author: If youre looking for professional corporate

business relocation services

, TRC Global Solutions offers comprehensive employee

corporate relocation

packages for companies of all sizes for over 25 years.


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Hire A Workers Compensation Lawyer For Your Workers Comp Claim

October, 2018 byadmin

Many people who are injured on the job attempt to file their workers’ compensation claim themselves. However, they quickly find out that the workers’ compensation system is complex, complicated and full of deadlines.

It is usually during this time an injured worker will seek out the services of workers compensation lawyers in Minneapolis.


The workers’ compensation system is not an easy system to navigate. People who are injured and receiving medical attention, typically, do not have the time, patience or resources to constantly stay up to date and ahead of the mountain of paperwork required to get their claim approved.

A workers compensation lawyers in Minneapolis has the experience and knowledge to file the claim, obtain all the necessary documents and forms to keep the claim active, and a system in place to keep track of all the deadlines. They have worked these kinds of cases before, so they know exactly what is required.

There are deadlines and timelines that must be met throughout the life of a workers compensation claim. When a request for medical treatment is recommended but is denied, there is a deadline for when the appeal must be made. In addition, the proper procedures must be followed in order to win the appeal.

Missing a deadline can mean a claim is denied. However, a workers compensation lawyers in Minneapolis knows exactly how to handle these types of situations and can make a correction before it becomes a problem.

In addition, if a claim is denied the workers’ comp attorney can assist the injured worker with obtaining a second opinion and any relevant supporting documents.

A workers compensation lawyers in Minneapolis will fight for your right to obtain workers compensation benefits for your on-the-job injury. The sooner you hire a lawyer, the sooner the lawyer can work for you and the sooner you can be on your way to recovery.