Vanguard Personal Investors: A Convenient, Cost Effective Path To Investing

Vanguard Personal Investors: A Convenient, Cost-Effective Path to Investing

Embarking on a successful financial journey requires an understanding of the different tools and avenues available to personal investors. Vanguard Investments offers one such platform that equips the burgeoning investor with comprehensive services and cutting-edge products to aid in making informed financial decisions. The platform, known as ‘Vanguard Personal Investors,’ is designed to cater to individual investment needs.

At its core, Vanguard Personal Investors is an online investment platform devised by Vanguard Investments Australia Ltd. The portal was established specifically to enable personal investors in directing their finances towards Vanguard’s range of funds and listed products. What sets ‘Vanguard Personal Investors’ apart is the transparency, simplicity, and cost-effectiveness associated with managing the investment portfolio.

Benefits of Investing with Vanguard Personal Investors

One of the prominent benefits of investing through Vanguard Personal Investors is the access to a broad range of products. An investor can diversify their portfolio by choosing from Vanguard’s low-cost managed funds, ETFs and listed investment companies (LICs). The platform is also characterized by its user-friendly interface, providing investors with near real-time updates of their portfolio performance and invaluable insights to guide their investment decisions.

Vanguard Personal Investors promotes a low-fee environment, charging only a small percentage as the account keeping fee and no brokerage fees for transactions concerning Vanguard products. Such an approach aligns with Vanguard’s enduring principle of serving its investors’ best interests.

Furthermore, Vanguard Personal Investors offers an innovative robo-advice tool, known as “Vanguard Personal Advisor Services.” This feature provides digital financial advice to investors and aids them in building a personalized investment strategy. While some investors prefer automated advice, others may still opt for traditional financial advisers.

Partnering with Independent Financial Advisers

Even though platforms like Vanguard Personal Investors utilize innovative and automated tools to assist in developing investment strategies, seeking professional financial advice is always recommended. Particularly, the role of independent financial advisers (IFAs) is significant in paving the course for a secure financial future. Professionals like independent financial advisers Sydney interpret the financial market trends, comprehend the risks associated, and strive to echo the investor’s financial objectives in the investment strategy they suggest.

IFAs play a crucial role in understanding the investor’s monetary goals and risk tolerance, then tailoring the investment advice accordingly. They offer an objective, third-party perspective that can be invaluable during turbulent financial markets. Obtaining advice from an independent source can be especially beneficial for novice investors who find it challenging to navigate the often complex world of investments.


Vanguard Personal Investors is a sound and strategic avenue for those wishing to make informed and advantageous financial decisions independently. However, incorporating the expertise of independent financial advisers like those found in Sydney can further enhance the investor’s journey towards achieving financial objectives.

Together, Vanguard and independent financial advisers provide a broad wealth of resources to personal investors. By combining the strength of the Vanguard Personal Investors platform and the knowledgeable advice of an independent financial adviser, an investor can confidently set a course towards achieving their financial goals.

Simple Do It Yourself Steps On How To Quickly Improve Yourcredit Score

By Tim H Lambert

If you have a horrible credit score, do you have any idea on how to quickly improve your credit score? You may think that it is impossible to raise your score from a horrible 594 to an excellent score of 735, but it is possible to do it! Here are some few steps to improve your credit score:

* You can do credit repair with the help of credit repair services that will cost you lots of money, but most of them will not work. Good thing there is a do-it-yourself way to remove negative accounts in your credit report. Ask proof to the collection agencies to show that the accounts are yours by writing them letter. Most of the time, they do not have proof that the bad accounts is your, hence you can delete them to your report.

* Try to open new accounts having high credit limits and remember to keep the balances low. Avoid adding new accounts fast; take it slowly like adding new account once every two months.


* Additional accounts having years of correct and on time payment history to your credit file improves your credit score dramatically.

* You should pay down all your credit cards and avoid revolving your accounts. If your aim is to improve your credit score quickly, you can forget paying down your high interest rate cards and work on getting the balances down over higher interest rates.

* Even if plan to pay your balance in full, try not to use your entire credit line each month. You should know that the available credit is the average of your billing cycle and that is at times less than 30 days.

* Exercise you legal rights to dispute items that are old and negative. For example, let us say that your insurance company did not pay a medical bill and because of that you have a collections account. What you can do is that persist on protesting that the charge was unfair, or better yet, you dispute the account to the credit bureaus as tell them that it is not yours. Show proofs if possible. However, you should also know that the older and smaller the collection account is, there is a big chance that the collection agency won’t update itwith the accurate information and the credit bureau cannot update also computer records.

* Try the pay for delete technique. If you can get a collection agency that will agree to remove or delete debts from your credit report after paying for it, this will be a good way to improve credit score fast. The technique is applicable to smaller amounts of $500 and below. A written agreement can help you in this technique and it is best that you have them before paying the debts.

* You probably are a credit card user and as you apply for new one, never choose credit card issuers that do not report the limit of your credit. Secured credit cards have this kind of problem. If you do not know the limit, the credit bureaus will typically utilize the highest balance that you used as a substitute to your credit limit. If this happens, you will experience being a maxed out account and it will hurt your score.

About the Author: Improve your credit score now, go to

. Let the experts show you how to

raise your credit scores



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Mortgage Forgiveness Relief Act Of 2007

By Michael Goldstein, Esq.

The U.S. real estate boom of the past ten years has seen homeownership rise from 65% to 69%. Unfortunately with the market cooling the value of real estate is plummeting leaving homeowners holding mortgages that greatly out value the real estate they presently hold. There is now something that can help.

The Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act of 2007 was enacted on December 20, 2007 to assist homeowners who are in such a predicament. Normally, a homeowner, in an attempt to avoid foreclosure would modify their current mortgages, that is, ‘short sell’ the property, or deed their home in lieu of foreclosure back to the bank holding the lien on the property. Such remedies often leave the homeowner with a debt for property no longer in their possession. In most situations the lender would forgive the homeowner’s debt either in part or full. Unfortunately this left the homeowner facing an additional and in most cases, undischargable financial difficulty, the IRS. That debt which is so graciously forgiven by the lender is now recognized as taxable income by the IRS. The homeowner receives a tax bill for the forgiven amount for money forgiven and never truly received.


The Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Act is designed to exclude such debt forgiveness on the principal residence if the balance of the loan was less than $2 million for a debtor’s primary domicile. The act only applies to that debt which was forgiven in the 2007, 2008 or 2009 tax years. Debt reduced through mortgage restructuring, as well as mortgage debt forgiven in connection with a short sale or foreclosure, may qualify for this relief. The requirements are that the debt must have been used to buy, build or substantially improve the taxpayer’s principal residence and must have been secured by that residence. Debt used to refinance qualifying debt is also eligible for the exclusion, but only up to the amount of the old mortgage principal, just before the refinancing.

What does this mean to the homeowner in trouble? Everything. There is now another option available to them, which will not lead them from one financial frying pan to the other. Prior to the Act, homeowners would attempt to negotiate with the lender not to forgive the deficit in the loan but to file suit against them. This was the strategy in the reasoning that a judgment lien is dischargeable under a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy were IRS liens are not. IRS tax liens remain through the bankruptcy filing and distribution and the homeowner would end up with the lien coming out on the other side of the bankruptcy. Leaving them in the same predicament of owing money on income never actually received.

The Act will not extend to other forgiven debt such as those on second homes, income or rental property, business property, credit cards or car loans. In those instances the filing of a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 bankruptcy might be in the homeowner’s best interest depending on the financial situation he is presently in. The homeowner should always consult with an attorney regarding what strategy would be in their best interest.

About the Author: The forgoing article on the 2007 Mortgage Debt relief act was drafted by the Law Office of Goldstein and Clegg, LLC, a

Massachusetts debt relief agency


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Texas Condo Insurance

By Russell Neal

Texas condominium insurance offers a number of advantages that a standard Condo/Coop Master policy provided by that HOA might not.

In many cases, associations only insure the condo as built, along with any standard housing fixtures such as plumbing and wiring installed at time of construction. Over the years improvements may be made that are not covered under the original condo insurance policy, and a recent buyer may assume that improvements are covered when indeed they are not. To prevent any after the fact and very unpleasant surprises, Texas Auto Home Insurance has completed considerable research specifically for condominium owners, landlords, and tenants in all Texas regions and cities that can answer these and many other questions in advance, plus provide information on how to obtain better condo insurance rates and more comprehensive, itemized coverage.

We have written this short essay to better inform you of the many excellent opportunities in a wide variety of coverage this form of insurance offers to Texans.

It is important before we go much further to differentiate between the types of Texas condominium insurance policies residents often hold or consider obtaining. The first is the master policy, or ‘coop policy.’ It insures the areas that residents in a building share in common with one another, such as elevators, roofs, utility facilities, walkways, and patios. Should any of these areas be damaged by a covered claim peril in or on the insured property, the complex and/or homeowners association that holds the master condo insurance policy will cover most repairs. This however, does not cover personal possessions, or extend to any improvements you may have made if you are an owner who has purchased the condo as an investment. For this, a person must have a personal Texas condo insurance that also will indemnify them against additional perils and damages.

The only way to make certain that all fixtures, improvements, and contents of a condominium are covered is to study either the bylaws of the building association or the details of the condominium lease. Often this can be confusing and may require the individual to pay an attorney to clarify. Texas Auto Home Insurance can help by providing Texas condominium owners, landlords, and tenants a simple and very clear list of things to look for in their documentation. George White, President of Texas Auto Home Insurance Agency, can also tell you what questions you need to ask in order to clarify the coverage if the documentation you have been given appears vague or confusing. If you decide you need additional condo insurance coverage George White’s staff can utilize an extensive network of resources to find the very best policies, coverage extensions, and premium rates for Texas residents. The following constitutes a brief list of examples:


Unit Assessment

Should your homeowner’s association charge you a portion of a covered loss (say, for example, a fire in the complex), this coverage will reimburse you the funds necessary to fulfill your requirements.

Water Back Up

We strongly recommend that Texas residents invest in this coverage. Many condos in Texas on are 40 years in age or even older and may be subject to occasional water and sewage problems.

Personal Liability

This provides extended, specific condo liability insurance coverage beyond standard Texas coop policies. It also protects landlords who manage properties on behalf of owners from any personal litigation against them that might be filed by a tenant.

Personal Content Coverage (owners, landlords, AND tenants)

Texas condo renters may insure expensive contents such as furs and jewelry. We strongly recommend this because standard policies only indemnify tenant property up to stated limits unless additional coverage is added.

Natural Disasters

Perils in Texas range broadly per region of the state. Your agent can assess these for your and give you the best coverage to protect against them as needed in your area.

About the Author: Texas Auto Home Insurance understands each Texas community as a unique and vibrant expression of Texas culture and lifestyle. Visit


to learn more about specials and discounts on all lines of property and casualty coverage throughout the state of Texas.


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How To Build A House To Be Proud Of

By Gerald Mason

Do not be in too big a hurry to begin the finish work.

Wait until the plaster is thoroughly dry; two or three weeks should elapse from the time the plaster is completed before the finish lumber, flooring, doors, and cabinets are even brought into the house. Otherwise, the moisture from the plastering will swell the wood and damage the surface of the finish lumber. An extra few days’ waiting will result in a much better job of finishing.

An accurate account of the cost of a building should be kept as the work progresses. This is not too difficult if one is careful to keep all bills, vouchers, receipts, check stubs, and all other papers involved in buying the materials, getting the permits, and paying the labor. It is also a good idea to keep an account of the hours you spend in the building work.

Keep a separate account of the time spent in actual labor on the job really building and the work spent in buying, negotiating with contractors, subcontractors, and building officials. It makes an interesting record if a note is made of the exact kind of work done each day, to see how the various kinds of work


consume time. A very young man may wish to hire help for the more skilled types of work and do the more strenuous physical work himself, while a man in his fifties or sixties might prefer to hire the heavy work done and do the skilled and more puttering kinds of work himself.

This will vary with the individual, and the type of help he can get. A person should usually plan on hiring some help in building a house, as it is rare to find a person who can do skillfully all kinds of work necessary to do in a building.

If you would rather build a house than buy one, there are several ways to go about it. You can get an architect to plan the house and get a contractor to build it; this should result in just the “perfect” house for you, but can be expensive unless you are more than careful.

Hire the plans drawn and be your own contractor, letting the work out to sub-contractors, as concrete men, carpenters, electricians, plasterers, etc. Do this only if you have had considerable business experience and have plenty of time to devote to it, as the supervision of these workmen is what you pay the general contractor to do.

You might get plans out of a magazine and proceed as suggested above; or get some experienced person to help you with the plans and build part of the house yourself, hiring professional help only where necessary.

Of you could buy a lot, draw your own plans, and do the whole job yourself, with the help of your family, hiring specialized skills only where absolutely necessary. This is the most work, but can’ also be the most fun and the least expensive. Much depends on your experience, your skill, and the time you can afford to devote to the work.

If you decide to hire a general contractor to build for you, select him with care. There are several criteria by which to judge a contractor’s ability and competence.

Ask to see several houses that he has built; let him show you the houses, which he should be proud to do, and look them over carefully.

If you do decide to purchase a house always use a mortgage calculator to help you get the best mortgage.

About the Author: How To Save On Your Mortgage:

Save Money With Mortgage Calculators


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Is Buying Bank Owned Property Worth The Effort?

By Simon Volkov

Bank owned property refers to real estate that has been repossessed by lenders due to loan default. Bank repossessions can include residential homes, commercial properties, industrial parks, and undeveloped land parcels.

Buying bank owned property can be a tedious process because the sale is overseen by the lender. Since banks typically price foreclosure property below market value it is not uncommon for multiple buyers to submit purchase offers.

Lenders often reject purchase offers that are equal to or less than the asking price. In fact, many lenders reject offers that are higher than the asking price.

The process for buying bank foreclosures varies by lender and location. For example, buying real estate owned by banks in California can be much more challenging than buying houses in Nevada. The reason being is California is currently experiencing a housing inventory shortage because banks are not releasing properties onto the market.

According to industry expert, DataQuick, approximately half of the real estate sold in Nevada is purchased by private investors. Of those buyers, nearly half purchased properties with cash. In California banks reject more offers than they accept, even when cash offers are presented.


Buyers interested in purchasing distressed properties often find it easier to work with local realtors who are familiar with bank practices. Attempting to go it alone can slow down the process of locating properties and submitting offers that will be accepted.

While buying bank foreclosures can present challenges the process can be worth the effort in savings. The average savings hovers around 20-percent below market value. However, these properties often require repairs because evicted homeowners could not afford basic maintenance, let alone major renovations.

Buyers should obtain property appraisals and inspections to effectively calculate the true cost of the home. Sadly, it is not uncommon for previous property owners to inflict damage on the property. Nor, it is uncommon for vandals to cause property damage when homes sit vacant for long periods of time.

Bank owned properties are sold in ‘as-is’ condition so buyers should obtain repair cost estimates and carefully review disclosure statements. In rare instances, banks will reduce the asking price if major defects are discovered during the inspection process.

One alternative for buying bank owned homes is Fannie Mae Homepath program. Homepath is a government sponsored program focused on liquidating residential properties financed through Fannie Mae. Many properties are priced well below market value with prices starting as low as $5,000 in some areas.

Buyers can apply for financing through Home Path Mortgage. Fannie Mae properties that require renovation may qualify for additional funds to cover repair costs. Additionally, several of these properties are located in areas with high rates of foreclosure and may qualify for government grants offered through HUDs Neighborhood Stabilization Program.

Recipients must use NSP grant funds to rehabilitate the property. Grants are offered to individual buyers and real estate investors. Qualified applicants can receive up to 20-percent of the purchase price in grant money that does not have to be repaid.

A lesser known way to buy bank owned property is to seek out investors who specialize in wholesaling real estate. Wholesalers purchase bank portfolios consisting of multiple properties. Buying in bulk allows them to purchase homes at wholesale prices. Wholesalers often buy houses at upwards of 70-percent savings and can pass along discounts to individual buyers.

Buyers who take time to research available options for buying bank owned property can save time, money, and frustration. Working with realty professionals can help expedite the process and minimize risks.

About the Author: Real estate investor, Simon Volkov shares insider-secrets for buying bank owned property, along with tips for working with bank loss mitigators and applying for NSP grants. He has published an extensive real estate investing and home buying article library at


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Life Insurance Rates Explored

By David J. Livingston

There are different classifications of life insurance rates for different insurance providers. The number of classifications could be more than or equal to 12. Normally people need to qualify for the Regular classification with most companies which charge a premium on top of the Regular rate. While that is the case with most companies, some do have special classifications. If one qualifies for Regular or above, he will get a good rate, otherwise that person will be provided some substandard rate.

To explain the process further, the insurance rates of most companies will start at Regular + 50%. This rating is called Table B or Table 2. The further classifications are Regular + 75% called Table C or Table 3, Regular + 100% called Table D or Table 4. The highest in most cases is Regular + 250% called Table J or Table 10. You will be surprised because there are companies in the insurance industry that can have rates that go even beyond the table 10. While the classification terms all look similar, the way they rate and the underwriting of the companies differ from one company to another. So if one company rates your case one way, that does not mean that you will get the same rate with all the providers.

While one company rates a person with late age start and controlled diabetes to be Preferred or Preferred Plus, another insurance company will rate him to under Table B, C or D. So to benefit from the right insurance with the appropriate premiums and coverage you need to shop around. The very first step in that process would be for you to try your hand with the online quotes. All most all the providers and even some third parties provide you instant term life insurance or whole life insurance or any other type of insurance you need online. They will require some basic information about you like your physical statistics, health details, profession and some contact detail (just to get in touch with you) to provide you instant quotes.

The premiums that you get assigned in the quotes are determined by the risk class you fall under. The higher the class the lower will be your premium. The general classes of life insurance rates are

1. Preferred Plus (no nicotine)

2. Preferred (no nicotine)

3. Preferred (nicotine)

4. Standard (no nicotine)

5. Standard (nicotine)


6. Substandard

Some of the health conditions that greatly influence the life insurance rate classification are

1. Heart disease

2. Depression

3. High blood pressure

4. High cholesterol

5. Asthma

6. Type II diabetes

7. Sleep apnea

8. Cancer

9. Coronary disease

10. Mitral valve prolapsed

You can get the best rating that is Preferred Plus life insurance rates if you meet the following criteria.

1. BMI less than 25

2. Very good health history (no chronic ailments or serious illnesses)

3. Good family health history

4. Non-smoker or have quit smoking for minimum 5 years

5. Risk free (low risk) profession and hobbies

6. No bankruptcy (in the last 5 years) and excellent financial standing

7. LDL/HDL ratio less than 5.0

8. Blood pressure less than or equal to 140/85

9. Clean driving history (in past 5 years)

10. Never treated for alcohol or drug abuse

When you get the quotes, it is essential that you compare all the different quotes. Just the lower premiums or higher coverage or even the preferred life insurance rates alone will not help determine the best coverage for you. So demarcate each topic and compare accordingly. A bit of research on the insurance industry or a little help from experts will assist you in landing the best policy in terms of coverage, premiums and inclusions for you in no time. Just make sure that you are divulging your information and taking help only from authentic and trustworthy websites. Remember that no one needs your financial details to process the instant tem life insurance or whole life insurance quotes, as that is a free process.

About the Author: Article by David Livingston of, a website with the best

cheap life insurance


cheap term life insurance

information in the country.


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Six Benefits Of Pre Planning Funeral Services

byAlma Abell

When a family member dies, it’s a busy, hurried time of making emotional decisions and, quite frankly, spending a great deal of money. Family members rarely know exactly what their loved one would have wanted, so they make educated guesses, trying to make decisions that the deceased would have liked and that the remaining family members will approve of, too. To alleviate much of the stress that comes along with a funeral, an increasing number of individuals are turning to Pre Planning Funeral Services while still in the prime of their life.



* Extra time to consider options – With most funerals 2-3 days after the death of a loved one, decisions are typically made quickly. Pre Planning Funeral Services instead allow you more time to consider your options. Perhaps you don’t want a traditional funeral after all, but a cremation ceremony, instead. By planning ahead, you have the time to research your options and put them into place.

* Peace of mind – By taking care of the arrangements ahead of time, you gain peace of mind that your family is taken care of. They don’t have to worry about the details during an obviously traumatic time in their lives. Furthermore, they don’t have to wonder about what you would have wanted as you’ve already laid it out for them.

* Fewer Family Concerns – While your decisions may not be what the family would have wanted, the burden is off of them. You made the funeral just the way you wanted and no one can say one word to your loved ones about how it was done.


* Lock in prices – By electing for pre-planning, you’re locking in prices at today’s rates, so that no matter how much rates go up in the years to come, your cost will not change.

* You can pay over time or all at once. Most funeral homes have very liberal finance plans and will not even do a credit check.

* You’ve taken the financial burden off your loved ones, giving them this one last gift of love. Additionally, they will not have to dip into the life insurance policy to take care of funeral expenses.

If you’re interested in exploring this idea further, go to for more information. You can also visit them on Twitter.