Cancer Is Not A Disease Its A Survival Mechanism

Submitted by: Ryanwn Schneider

Radiation is based upon the toxic element “radium oxide,” a serious poison to the human body. Radiation treatment leads to radium neuritis and myalgia. Radiation is used under the illogical premise of killing the cancerous cells in the body, but how are you going to kill the cancerous cells of the body without harming and killing the good/beneficial cells of the body? Folks, radiation kills ALL cells in an indiscriminate way. This treatment and process literally burns and cooks your flesh and have you ever smelled cooked flesh of a living human being? It STINK something terrible, people! I know from first hand experience (with my beloved father who succumbed to lung cancer in 1994).

The cold, hard fact is that cancer and other degenerative and chronic illnesses are big business – to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars a year. When their only market place is our bodies, the vested interests of the trillion dollar world pharmaceutical empire, mainstream medicine and the institutions which depend on maintaining the status quo are not likely to allow such natural competition, even though the cost is millions of needless deaths and untold suffering.

Immediately eliminate bad habits and begin building build good ones so that you will make sure that you no longer have habits that weaken your immune system and that you will be able to build your body to fight and conquer illness. A sedentary lifestyle with a poor diet, lack of pure water, sunshine and fresh air, and constant exposure to toxins will in time lead to bad health conditions. Remember, bad health habits are open invitations for illness and disease to enter your body.

In the U.S, billions of dollars has been spent on cancer research and the only result has been a frustrated citizenry and a sharp increase in the number of deaths from cancer and conventional cancer treatments that is evasive, toxic and extremely unpleasant. This increase in cancer incidence has been 1% every year, which means the cancer incidence in the population of the world, has increased by 40% since 1955!


Melanoma is a cancer of the pigment-producing cells (melanocytes). An increased risk of melanoma has been associated with people who have moles or repeated sunburn experiences as a child or young adult. Most melanomas occur on non-sun-exposed parts of the body. For example, melanoma is infrequently found on the face. Although melanoma accounts for only 5% of all newly diagnosed skin cancer cases each year, it is responsible for the majority of skin cancer deaths. Melanoma is the only form of skin cancer that is aggressive with any regularity.

Truly speaking cancer is not a single disease, but a heterogeneous group of disorders that are characterized by the presence of cells that loose control on normal cell division. Cancer cells divide rapidly and continuously resulting in formation of tumours that eventually strike healthy tissues. These tumourous cells travel across healthy cells creating tumours in them. The most frequent cancers include cancers of breast, lung, prostrate, blood, colon, rectum, pancreas, liver etc.

Additional tests like magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound or PET scan may be done to determine the size, extent and exact location of the cancer. The combination of all these tests gives the physician an idea on how the cancer may react to treatment. This also helps doctors predict a patient’s life expectancy.

Although more than 70% of all prostate cancer cases are diagnosed in men over the age of 65, doctors recommend that every man above the age of 50 should have a PSA test and a rectal exam. According to statistic African-American have almost twice as much prostate cancer incidence rates as Caucasian American, hence they should start getting tested at age 40. The same is true if you have a

family history of prostate cancer.

Digestion and debt relief may seem like two peculiar subjects to tackle but in essence dealing with these two issues can make a world of difference for Pancreatic Cancer patients and their loved ones. First I will deal with the matter of digestion for those dealing with this brutal Cancer as proper digestion is vital for the Pancreatic Cancer patient. The reason for this is that people with this disease are fighting to live as the Cancer fights back to destroy them. We all know the frequently used expression, “You are what you eat.” The problem is that if you can’t eat you become nothing because you eat nothing or in other words you die if you are unable to nourish your body.

First and foremost please come to the realization that Cancer can happen to anyone. Cancer does not discriminate and no one is exempt. Cancer comes to the rich and the poor, the famous and unknown, the young and the old, the black, white, brown, red and yellow. I would suggest Aflac to everyone and I am not an Aflac agent but I had it years ago and I know that they offer a Cancer plan that pays you a claim upon diagnosis and also helps to pay what the insurance doesn’t cover along with supplemental income payments. You would have to contact an agent to get more details. I just wanted to tell you a little about it in this article.

About the Author: Modern Medicine Versus Nature in Treating Cancer. Visit

. Learn How You Can Identify Early Signs of Breast Cancer. Visit



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