Why Womens Only Recovery Programs Are Effective For Women Addicts In Recovery

By Gabriel Adams

Research clearly indicates that women’s only recovery programs are far more effective for women than treatment programs that include both, men and women, and this is more so in the early stages of recovery. This is because substance abuse among women as well as the issues that surround their abuse is different from that of men and hence requires a specialized treatment program that is different.

Women’s only recovery programs specifically address women’s issues by acknowledging and respecting women’s inherent need to focus on positive relationships, self-determination, connectedness and choices.

Some of the issues pertaining solely to female substance abuse addicts and their treatment programs include the fact that drug and alcohol dependency in women is almost always triggered off by some kind of trauma, whether it is domestic violence; physical, sexual or emotional abuse or witness to violence or abuse. Hence their recovery treatment would need to address issues such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, low esteem, guilt and shame, which are prevalent in women addicts. Because of the interrelation between trauma, addiction and psychopathology in women, comprehensive programs need to be developed to address all these issues.


Partners very often play a major role in introducing women to drugs or alcohol. They play an equally important role in a women’s ability to access treatment and in her motivation to stay clean and sober. This is a major influencing factor in the success rate of recovery in women addicts and the odds of relapsing.

Another factor to be taken into consideration is that women are almost always the primary caretaker of her children and very often the only caretaker. Women’s recovery programs need to be family-oriented and focus on meeting the needs of women addicts as well as their children.

Treatment programs for women include trauma therapy, therapeutic intervention, creative art therapy, psychodrama, spirituality, mediation and yoga.

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Why Womens Only Recovery Programs Are So Effective




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Consider Professional Pet Grooming In Marysville For Your Furry Friend

byAlma Abell

When you decided to take on the responsibility of being a pet owner, there were a number of other responsibilities included. Many people don’t realize the importance of taking good care of their pets. A well cared for a pet is definitely a happy pet.

Take the Pet to a Groomer

It is your responsibility to find someone who specializes in Pet Grooming in Marysville to take good care of this little friend. Find a groomer who is going to help the pet to feel comfortable while they are getting a bath and a haircut.

Continue to Use the Same Groomer

It is very important to continue to take the pet to the same groomer every time. After all, they are often a little worried about going to a groomer. They probably don’t want to have to worry about meeting someone new each time. If they go to the same groomer, they will know what to expect and will have less anxiety.

The Groomer Will Look for Health Concerns

It is comforting to know the groomer is someone who knows what to look for regarding health concerns. If they notice something is wrong, the groomer talk with the owner to come up with a solution.

This Pet is Trusting You

This pet loves you so much. They expect their owner to look out for them as much as possible. Don’t put them in an unsafe environment. Take them to someone who specializes in Pet Grooming in Marysville. Find someone who will strive to make this a comfortable experience.

Check out the Canine Country Club And Cattery Inc online today. Learn more about what they have to offer and go ahead and set up an appointment. If you are looking for a pet daycare, this is a great place to consider. They will make sure this pet is well cared for. Continue to bring the pet to the same place every time, and they will likely feel more comfortable. This pet brings a lot of joy into your life. Go ahead and return the favor by giving them the attention they need.