Category Communication Skills Training

Use Public Speaking To Convert Your Non Fiction Book Into A Best Seller

Use Public Speaking to Convert Your Non-Fiction Book Into a Best-Seller


Nickolove Lovemore

Word of mouth is still one of the best forms of advertising irregardless of what you’re selling and it certainly works in the case of books. Just think of the number of times that you’ve read a book simply because someone recommended it to you.

And one of the best ways to generate powerful word of mouth advertising and convert your book into a best-seller is through public speaking. As book marketing expert, John Kremer, said:

“Almost every best-selling self-help and spiritual author over the past 20 years has become a best-selling author because they spoke. They spoke at learning annexes. They spoke at churches. They spoke at different places where they could reach a large audience and start to create word of mouth [marketing].”

When you speak in public you don’t always have to give a long presentation. Your public speech can be as short as 3-5 minutes. So think about all the places where you can give presentations on topics relevant to your book and then engineer how you will speak in these places and promote your book.


When you give a powerful presentation people will want to learn more about you and will want to know more about your subject matter. A book is a low-cost option for people to extend their relationship with you. However, it can also lead people into buying other products and services from you.

Your avenues for public speaking should include online radio shows and TV. Now everyone wants to get on Oprah and certainly if you achieve this you will gain unparalleled exposure but being on Oprah is not a pre-requisite to success. There are numerous other lucrative avenues that you can tap into.

Nowadays, it’s easier than ever to create your own TV program using resources such UStreamTV. And hosting a regular program can give you massive exposure.

You can also create your own radio show on BlogTalkRadio. The great thing about creating your own online TV and radio shows is that people can listen to and or watch your shows live or they can check out a recording of your show. In other words, you can create content for your show once and have it available online 24/7 promoting you and your book.

If you do radio or TV interviews with traditional broadcasters you can generally get a copy of your interview that you can then add to your website and use it to create other promotional material. In fact, every time you speak in public you should record your presentation. You may not be happy with every presentation but, over time, you will have a large library of recordings of your presentation which you can use on your website, create videos for sites such as YouTube and Google with links back to the site where you’re promoting your book.

When speaking in public remember to research your audience. Now, although you’ll probably be presenting essentially the same material each time, you can tailor your presentation to suit the audience. For example your presentation to a group of bankers would be different from that to real estate agents.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to write a radically different presentation. You can easily adapt it to suit your target audience by perhaps using different industry-specific examples. By doing this you’ll build greater rapport with your audience. They will more readily see how what you’re presenting pertains to them and they’ll be more eager to buy your book.

And every sale you make will take you one step closer to converting your book into a best-seller.

To discover how you can turn your book specifically into an Amazon best-seller visit

Becoming An Amazon Best-Seller


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How Coaching Changed My Life

Submitted by: Louise Yates

Just six years ago, aged 38 I was at a crossroads in my life. My children were growing up fast and at school, we had just moved house and was getting to grips with living in a new and rather isolated rural community and having had an fulfilling career break taking me out of the working arena for most of these 7 years I was wondering how and when I should enter back into the world of work.

Previously I had enjoyed a successful career in various training and development roles in Blue Chip companies. I loved what I did, had worked my way up to a senior position with sizeable responsibilities and if I hadn t decided to devote my time to my family no doubt I would have still been climbing the corporate ladder.

My first thought was to do some research start understanding the current trends in training and development and start retraining myself to raise both my competence and confidence levels. It was at this point that coaching stood out. And the more I researched the more it stood out as a powerful intervention here to stay. I knew a little about coaching from the work I had done in other companies but felt I needed to know more so within a couple of weeks I enrolled on a programme and took my first step to becoming a certified coach.

Little did I know however where this first step would take me. Now six years on I have my own successful coaching company working with a wide range of amazing clients, (most of whom are business owners in their own right), I absolutely love the work I do, I regularly undertake public speaking engagements, and I have a work-life balance that is second to none. Added to this I am now working on an exciting project which I hope will enable me to make a difference to people s lives worldwide.


Most people who know me would say that whilst my core values have never changed I am now a much more confident and fulfilled person who knows what they want from life.

So what has happened in these years? I have undertaken numerous programmes to develop myself as a coach. If you are to become a good coach you have to walk the talk and take your own personal development seriously. This isn t only from a credibility point of view, if you don t other coaches will and you will get left behind. But the great thing about training to be a coach with a good coaching school is that you not only develop your skills to coach professionally, you also get to experience your own personal development journey and come out stronger, braver and more confident as a result.

And of course I have my own coach. If you fully embrace the development you go through then anything is possible. I never cease to be amazed by some of the great work that great coaches get involved in.

So how else has coaching impacted upon my life? Apart from a total career transformation, as my children step into their teenage years I now feel better equipped to understand and guide them through this crucial stage of their life. I find that relationships are easier to manage and even after over 20 years together I am able to enjoy a great relationship with my husband. And crucially I now know what is important to me and have a clear set of values which act as my personal compass through life.

So if you too are at a crossroads and want a better life then just think whether a career in coaching could also be for you.

About the Author: Louise Yates now runs her own

performance coaching

business. She also helps people understand

what is coaching

and how to go about

choosing a coach



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