Category Business Energy Advice

Balanced Scorecard Success Stories

Balanced scorecard success stories


Sam Miller

What is balanced scorecard? The balanced scorecard is a form of strategic planning and management system which is used extensively around the world in business, industry, NPO, government organizations alike. The major reason for the use of this strategic planning system is to align the activities of the business along with the strategy and vision of the organization and improving the internal as well as external communication allowing effective monitoring of the organizational strategic goals.

The balanced scorecard strategy was originated by Dr. Robert Kaplan of the Harvard Business School and David Norton as a form of performance measurement that would add strategic non-financial performance measures together with the long-established financial metrics for giving managers and executives a balanced view of where the organization stands and which area is its strong point and what are its weaknesses.

If you talk about Balanced scorecard success stories, the list is almost endless. Since this strategy was first introduced as an effective system of performance measurement, organizations, whether big or small, have used it to great effect for the purpose of measuring their performance and improve the organization as a whole.


The Balanced scorecard success stories have evolved from using it simply as a measurement of performance to a full strategic planning and measurement system analyzing and influence every part of the business. What make the Balanced scorecard success stories set apart is the fact they have actually used this strategy not just in its traditional form, but have moved a step ahead in using balanced scorecard as one of the major instruments that drive the success and failure of the organization and determining how the business need to change keeping in view the balancing act. All this make up Balanced scorecard success stories.

The new form of balanced scorecard today transforms the strategic plan of an organization from an active on to daily marching orders. If gives the basis for not only performance measurement, but also helps in identifying what should be done by the company and how the success would be measured and therefore enabling the executives to take complete control of their strategies.

The balanced scorecard involves the learning and growth perspective, the business process perspective, the customer perspective and the financial perspective. When an organization is able to balance all the above perspectives in line with the goals and objectives it has set for itself, then it truly becomes yet another of so many Balanced scorecard success stories to be found all around the world.

Defense Financial Accounting Service (DFAS), Federal Aviation Administration Logistics Center, Department of Energy Federal Procurement System, Department of Energy Federal Personal Property Management are some of the Balanced scorecard success stories within the government. These organizations have successfully implemented the balanced scorecard strategic and planning system to take their respective organizations to new height making them effective, efficient and move toward their organizational objectives.

In commercial concerns, the biggest Balanced scorecard success stories have been the airline industry and the credit card companies.

Balanced scorecard allows businesses to keep in check all the aspects that are necessary for the effective functioning of a business.

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Balanced scorecard success stories

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Balanced scorecard success stories

Choosing The Best Investment Options For Your Ira

byAlma Abell

When choosing investments for your portfolio, there are many considerations to take before opening an IRA and filling it with investments. You must consider your age and how close you are to retirement, the type of IRA you’re opening, and which investments you feel comfortable with. Some people mistakenly believe that an IRA is a separate investment, similar to a stock or bond. However, the IRA is more like a holding place for your investments and allows them to grow tax free while your retirement nest egg builds.

With the right investment portfolio, your IRA can grow to a substantial amount and leave you with a secure financial future. If you need help opening an IRA in the Colusa area, it’s best to visit with a financial advisor to discuss your needs and learn about the different types of investments best for you at your stage in life.

Purchasing StocksThe younger you are the more favorable it is to purchase stocks. There is never a non-risky time to purchase stocks, and the stories of people becoming millionaires overnight are far and few between. However, stocks can provide financial security if you invest in the right ones and do so at an age that if there is a hiccup in the stock market and things drop, you have the time to wait for it to rebound without worrying about your retirement funds. Stocks can help you quickly build up an IRA, and Colusa financial advisors should be able to recommend stable stocks for your portfolio.

Mutual FundsA mutual fund is one where investors share a particular fund. Many people use managed funds to allow educated financial investors to make decisions on which fund is best for an investor’s portfolio. This works well for many people because rather than invest thousands in stocks and bonds, you can invest a lower amount and own parts of different shares.

A newer type of fund is an exchange traded fund, where funds are traded on the market just like stocks and bonds. Again, these are often managed funds that investors use to build a diversified portfolio for retirement. When taking out an IRA, Colusa financial advisors will be able to determine if you’re better off with traditional mutual funds or if you should try exchange traded funds. There are other options, such as direct cash deposits into your IRA, so make sure your financial agent explains all forms of investments.

To learn more about an IRA in Colusa, visit