Category Bodybuilding Products

Cutting Diet Meal Plan: A Comprehensive Guide

Understanding a Cutting Diet Meal Plan

A cutting diet meal plan is a strategy typically employed by fitness and bodybuilding enthusiasts to lose body fat while maintaining muscle mass. The plan mainly consists of meals high in protein and low in carbohydrates and fats. A rich source of protein helps preserve muscle mass, while a lower intake of carbs and fats facilitates weight loss, as your body resorts to burning stored fat for fuel. So how do we build an effective cutting diet meal plan?

The Core Components of a Cutting Diet Meal Plan

Designing your cutting diet meal plan can be straightforward once you know the main components. Firstly, proteins are an essential part of this diet. They help maintain muscle tissue while you lose weight and can also aid in keeping you full. Examples of high protein foods are lean meats, fish, eggs, and legumes.

Secondly, your diet should be low in carbs. Carbohydrates are the body’s primary energy source, and by reducing their intake, you force the body to use fat as a source of energy. Low carb foods include vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.

Thirdly, ensure your fat intake is moderate. While primarily reducing your body fats, cutting diets don’t mean you cut out fats completely, essential for hormone regulation and vitamin absorption.

Balancing Exercise with Cutting Diet

Complementing a cutting diet meal plan with an appropriate fitness regimen is essential. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) and strength training can enhance muscle definition and accelerate fat burning. Incorporating these into your weekly routine could substantially optimize the results of your cutting diet.

However, as you progress into your plan, your body may hit a plateau in which you neither lose nor gain weight. This stall can be frustrating, but it’s a typical part of the weight loss process. At this point, you may want to consider supplements to help you get past the plateau and continue with your progress.

Supplementing Your Cutting Diet Meal Plan

Supplementing your diet plan may give your body the extra push it needs. Protein supplements, fish oil, multivitamins, and particularly Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators (SARMs) can be beneficial. These are therapeutic compounds with similar properties to anabolic agents but with reduced androgenic activity. The plus side to SARMs is they help maintain lean body mass and are beneficial for those who intend to ‘cut’ without losing muscle mass. One more way to utilize SARMs is doing a cycle of sarms for bulking. After this, you can start a cutting diet for a more lean look. However, it’s essential to consult a health professional before starting on any supplements to understand potential risks and benefits to your specific circumstances.

Example of a Cutting Diet Meal Plan

Here’s a simple example of a one-day cutting diet meal plan:

  • Breakfast: Scrambled egg whites with spinach and one piece of fruit.
  • Lunch: Grilled chicken breast with a large mixed salad.
  • Afternoon Snack: A protein shake and a handful of nuts.
  • Dinner: Pan-seared salmon with quinoa and steamed vegetables.

Final Thoughts

A cutting diet meal plan can be an effective way to lose fat and maintain muscle. These plans focus on low carb, high protein foods, while maintaining moderate fat intake. Supplements like sarms for bulking can compliment your plan, potentially overcoming plateaus in the process. However, always remember to consider your individual health circumstances and speak to a professional before making significant changes to your diet or starting any supplement regimen.

How To Gain Muscle Weight For Thin People

Submitted by: Chris Chew

We all know that in order to gain muscle mass and weight, we have to do weight resistance exercises by lifting weights. So many underweight people head for the gym regularly and lift weights until their faces turned blue, but frustratingly their muscles are not growing. Why is that so?

Well, there are several factors to force your muscles to grow and in this article, we will explore some of them. Firstly, if you are a hardgainer (those who have difficulty in gaining weight), you will want to increase muscles mass on your whole body. If that is the case, then stop exercises that workout only one or two body parts. Do exercises that hit the most muscle groups at one go.

By doing that, not only that you will increase muscle mass all over your body, you will also save plenty of time as you need not hit your body muscle part by part. In order words, stop doing single joint exercises like bicep curls or forearm curls but concentrate on exercises that hit your bigger muscles like your chest, back and lower body. Some of these massive compound exercises are the squat, deadlift, bench press and chin ups.

Next, are you lifting till muscle fatigue? Muscle fatigue is when you cannot lift another rep in a given set because you have fatigued your muscles. So if you can lift a particular weight to ten reps and cannot make it to the eleventh, then you have reached muscle fatigue and the tenth rep. This is done to force your muscles to grow.


Let’s take the example that a certain magazine you are reading is asking you to lift up to eight reps but in actual fact, you will only reach muscle fatigue at ten but you followed the advise of the magazine and stopped at eight, do you think that your muscle will grow?

Now we will take a look at progressive overload. Most people at the gyms I have seen do not have a log book to record the exercises that they do and the weight that they are lifting. They just commit it to their memory. With so many exercises, sets, reps and other bodybuilding issues, how can they remember the details the next time they hit the gym?

That is the reason why most people just do the same exercises with the same weight every time. Now we all know that if you do the same thing, you get the same result and that is why they stay the same.

In order for your muscles to grow effectively, you must increase the weight you are lifting or adjust to higher reps each time you exercise your muscles. This is so that you can get stronger and bigger and do not stagnate like what most people are doing. This is called progressive overload

Next, are you making the mistake of lifting weights almost everyday? If you are, then this is another reason why your muscles are not growing. The reason is because you may be over training your muscles.

You see, when you lift weights with intensity, you are actually breaking up your muscle fiber. Your body will then repair your muscles and make it stronger so that it can withstand the onslaught that you will be giving it the next time you hit the weights. Therefore you must allow time for your muscles to heal before you work on it again.

Yes, many professional bodybuilders lift weights almost everyday. But do remember that they are on special nutrition and exercises unlike you. Besides, they also know what exercises to do so that they do not interfere with the muscle healing process.

So now that you know why you are not gaining muscle weight and size, you may want to do it even more effectively by finding out why you should have sufficient sleep and about nutrition to feed your muscles in order for them to grow.

About the Author: Chris Chew is a fitness and health consultant. If you are serious about gaining weight and building muscles, then read

How to have 6 pack abs


How to build muscles


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Treating Plastic Surgery Scars With Topical Scar Treatments

By Stephen Hilt

Plastic Surgery Scars are not what they once were. Modern plastic surgery scars are much less noticeable and are much smaller. This is because modern advancements in technology and medicine has enabled surgeons to make smaller, more precise incisions which often result in a very minor scar.

However, despite the advancements in medical technology as well as surgical techniques, many patients are still left with visible scars. To some people, these scars may seem inconsequential, but to those who have just underwent elective plastic surgery, these scars are a visible reminder of their surgery. This is why those that have plastic surgery scars often look for ways to diminish their appearance.

Treatment Options

Finding an effective way to diminish and heal a plastic surgery scar depends on the scar itself. This is because some minor plastic surgery scars may develop into much larger, more serious scars such as Keloid scars. Keloids are scars that have the potential to expand in size. While some Keloids may be treated using a topical scar treatment gel, more serious cases may require additional surgery.


However, as previously stated, most plastic surgery scars are small. For these scars, there are essentially two choices: laser treatments or using a topical scar treatment.

Laser treatments help reduce the size of the scar by reducing the amount of scar tissue. Although it should be noted that in order to produce a noticeable difference in appearance, multiple treatments may be required. This in turn is often very expensive.

The other option is to use a topical scar gel/cream which is applied directly to the scar. This kind of treatment softens the scar tissue and allows the scar to heal by working and realigning the collagen fibers. In addition, the topical scar treatment forms a protective barrier over the plastic surgery scar which protects it from additional physical damage such as wind and water damage.

It should also be noted that massaging the scar is very beneficial, especially if the plastic surgery scar is a result of surgery to the breast. Massaging the scar will help break up the scar tissue.

Finding an Effective Scar Treatment Gel

If you have a plastic surgery scar or even a non-plastic surgery scar, and would like to use a scar gel to help heal it, there are a few key things that you need to be aware of. The first and most important aspect of finding an effective scar treatment gel is determining if it contains silicone. This is because silicone has been proven to be an extremely effective ingredient used to help heal scars.

Silicone also helps form a protective barrier over the scar which will help it heal faster.

You will also find that there are both silicone based gels as well as sheeting. The only problem with silicone sheeting is that it is not as flexible as using a gel. For example, when you place the sheeting over the scar, you risk loosing contact with the scar when you move. Using a gel will form a flexible barrier over the scar which will naturally move with your body and therefore will never loose contact with the scar.

In conclusion, using a scar treatment gel is a safe and effective way to diminish the size and appearance of a plastic surgery scar. It is also less expensive and less risky than laser treatments.

About the Author: Stephen suggests using the topical scar treatment


to help diminish the size and color of surgery scars including plastic surgery scars.


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Co Q10 And Statins Bad News For Those With High Cholesterol

Submitted by: D. Thomas Webb

Many seem to be looking for some definitive information on CoQ10 and statins, the most popular therapy for lowering our cholesterol levels. Unfortunately, information coming from the medical community points to bad news for those taking statins to keep their cholesterol levels in check.

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is synthesized naturally in your body and is found in every cell. It plays a key role in the


the part of a cell that produces energy. Without that energy, your cells would perish.

Much of the information available today indicate that low CoQ10 levels are a

side effect

of taking a statin drug. This is entirely incorrect.


Cholesterol is synthesized from the same substance as CoQ10


. Statin drugs are designed to act on your body’s synthesis of mevalonate to limit the production of cholesterol. Unfortunately, this will necessarily limit the synthesis of CoQ10, as well. Some studies have indicated that taking statins can decrease CoQ10 levels by as much as forty percent, but not as a side effect.

What does that mean for people that take one of the many statin drugs?

Many in the medical community think that CoQ10 plays a valuable roll in your heart’s operation. It is believed to ease high blood pressure, regulate heart rhythm, and lower chest pain and raise exercise toleration in angina patients.

People suffering heart failure have been found to have lower levels of CoQ10 in heart muscle cells. CoQ10 is thought to increase energy production in the heart muscle, increasing the strength of the pumping action. A low CoQ10 level doesn’t


heart failure, but higher levels of the enzyme in heart muscle cells may decrease the incidence or severity of the condition.

In your brain, CoQ10 levels begin decreasing at age 20. Lowest levels are found in those that have suffered a stroke. Additionally, people suffering from Parkinson’s show a lower than normal level of CoQ10. Research has indicated that increasing the enzyme may increase the level of the neurotransmitter


which appears to be lowered in those with the disease. Additionally, it has been suggested that CoQ10 may protect brain cells from free radical damage.

The enzyme may be used in a number of other areas, including diabetes and migraines. All evidence of it’s effects on these conditions is anecdotal, but many swear by the results.

To date, no


studies have been done on the true effects of statins on CoQ10 levels. Some smaller studies, however, have shown a striking correlation.

A study at Columbia University found that taking 80 milligrams of a statin drug for 30 days cut CoQ10 levels in half. Kanazawa University researchers in Japan found that even low doses of statins (10 milligrams per day) given over 8 weeks lowered CoQ10 levels by forty percent. Some are now beginning to wonder if the benefits from statin drugs (lower cholesterol) are worth it’s apparent negative effects on CoQ10 levels.

These studies were small, and small studies are not regarded as definitive in the medical community. If, however, you are taking a statin drug to control your cholesterol level, staying current on any future developments in the discussions of CoQ10 and statins is in your interest.

About the Author: In the meantime, you may want to consider a CoQ10 supplement. However, before you

buy CoQ10

, you may want to read our thoughts on the matter. All supplements are not created equal!


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The Basics Of Emergency Room Coding


The emergency room is oftentimes the very first place that potential patients arrive at a hospital. They are sometimes hurt seriously and will need to be admitted to the hospital for inpatient treatment or transferred to another hospital. Emergency departments are ranked on a one to four scale that determines trauma levels. One is the highest level of a trauma center.

What Is Emergency Room Coding?

This is the process of assessing a patient’s diagnosis and ranking it appropriately based on diagnosis, treatment, and prospective payments. Coders classify all of these figures and bill a patient based on the Hospital Outpatient Prospective Payment System (OPPS). The coders use Ambulatory Payment Classifications (APCs) to determine where in the OPPS a patient falls.

Ambulatory Payment Classification

Ambulatory Payment Classifications (APCs) are the federal method in the United States to pay for services within the Medicare system. APCs are only applicable to hospital outpatient services. There are other methods by which a physician is reimbursed in the United States. Though APCs were originally created for determining Medicare payments, the standards are applied by some state programs, by Medicaid, and by some private health insurance firms. The streamlined process makes the job of coders more straightforward.


Emergency room coding guidelines vary from hospital to hospital, so it can be very difficult for a coder to properly determine how to code a certain patient’s services. Many facilities adhere to the OPPS and the APCs applicable therein, so it’s merely a matter of a coder being well versed in the statutes.

Coders have the unenviable task of considering every single documented procedure whether it is by a nurse or a physician. They are must also review a physician’s notes. They must also be very well versed in the medical field to properly assess how the diagnosis relates to the treatment and whether it was warranted. Also, the notes and documentation will have medical procedure codes and diagnosis codes. The coder must read the codes and determine the necessity of the resulting procedures. Also, there are no national or federal standards for what defines a necessary procedure and what doesn’t. That means every management service has to set its own guidelines. This can get very complex very quickly since there is no widespread standard. In fact, the codes between a hospital and a physician, even one with admitting privileges to the hospital, could be different. Determining the proper amount to bill a patient requires intricate knowledge of medical procedures and the medical field. Because of that, it is advisable to hire a firm that is experienced in coding and billing. These management companies can allow you to rest assured that you are getting the best coding and billing services that are available.

Neuromuscular Therapy

By Sharon Hopkins

What is Neuromuscular Therapy Neuromuscular therapy

is a system of soft tissue massage techniques that were developed in the 1930s by Dr. Stanley Lief in England. Neuromuscular therapy aims to balance the central nervous system with the musculoskeletal system correct any disorders brought about as a result of any imbalances between the two. Neuromuscular therapy enhances the function of joints and muscles, and speeds healing by facilitating the release endorphins.

How does Neuromuscular Therapy work Neuromuscular therapy

was developed after an intensive study of the nervous system and its interaction with the musculoskeletal system. When the relationship between the two systems is not in a state of homoeostatic balance, chronic myofascial pain or dysfunction can occur. Neuromuscular therapy aims to restore homoeostasis between the two systems.

Neuromuscular therapy has a holistic approach towards healing in that emphasis is laid on stimulating the body to heal itself. Once this healing has begun, neuromuscular therapy techniques are used to stimulate soft-tissue repair in the affected areas. During a typical session of neuromuscular therapy, the therapist will first examine the patient and his or her medical history in attempt to accurately gauge all the factors that are creating and prolonging pain. Once the problem areas have been identified, alternating levels of concentrated pressure are applied on the areas of muscle spasm with the fingers, knuckles or elbow.

Neuromuscular therapy

works by addressing the following six physiological factors which can intensify pain patterns. They are:


Trigger points trigger points are highly irritable points in the nervous system.

Nerve entrapment/compression when a nerve gets pressed constantly between the surrounding structures, it can lead to an acute kind of chronic pain.

Postural distortions – Postural distortions result in underdevelopment of the supporting muscles and thereby lead to their weakening.

Nutrition – Lack of adequate nutrition to the cells leads to an over all weakening of the entire system.

Ischemia In a condition such as Ischemia, the cells and tissues get a reduced blood supply and as a result are under-nourished.

Stress Stress plays havoc with the functioning of the nervous and musculoskeletal system.

Benefits of Neuromuscular Therapy

Neuromuscular therapy is used to treat conditions such as chronic pain, sciatica, rotator cuff dysfunction, carpal tunnel syndrome, temporomandibular joint dysfunction and migraines. It is also used in the treatment of some physical and sexual abuse-related traumas. Neuromuscular therapy is also the most effective type of massage therapy for lower back pain.

Neuromuscular therapy is also used to locate and release spasms and hyper contractions in the tissue. It aids the healing process for injured tissue, assists in venous and lymphatic flow, restores postural alignment, and imparts flexibility to the tissues.

About the Author: Sharon Hopkins manages sites related to

Massage Health Therapy

which explains how artistic hand strokes on the body can rejuvenate your mind and body scientifically. She also writes for Aromatherapy, Yoga besides many other health related sites.


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Tips For Choosing Quality Auto Body Repair In Lubbock, Tx

byAlma Abell

If you are searching for Auto Body Repair in Lubbock, TX there are certain considerations you should make to ensure you find quality service. Understanding what you are being charged for, how long the repairs should take and the type of parts that are used is just the tip of the iceberg when searching for a quality repair shop for your vehicle. Use the following tips to find a quality shop to repair and maintain your vehicle.

Listen to what Your Friends and Family have to Say

Any auto repair shop can sink money into advertisements telling you they offer superior services. However, the fact is until you actually use the service you will not know if they deliver on the promises they make. This is why it is a good idea to seek opinions from your family and friends about shops they have used in the past. This will provide you with valuable insight to the quality of services that you can expect to receive.

Consider the Location and the Overhead for a Shop you are Considering

You should also take notice of the number of front office workers that are present at a particular shop. If there are several, the Auto Body Repair in Lubbock, TX likely has much higher overhead, meaning that you will be charged more for the services that you receive.

The fact is that there are many fair auto body shops available, but it may take a little time and effort to discover where they are. Using these tips you can narrow down your options to find the right auto body repair shop for your needs. You should not trust your vehicle to just anyone so using these tips will help you find a great shop you can use again and again. Visit us at Texas Body & Frame.