Hpe2 T33 Pdf Training Guides}

Submitted by: Richard Mills

Question: 1

An SMB customer plans to expand its business nationally. Its requirements are:

A Web-based internet for its mission-critical applications Low maintenance and fast deployment

How will an HPE HyperConverged solution meet this customers needs?

A .It is per-tested and factory integrated with a hardware-centric architecture.

B. It is a blade-chassis solution per-configured and optimized for big data workloads.

C. It is purpose-built and optimized for collaboration workloads.

D. it is an integrated application-based solution optimized for cloud services.

Answer: B

Question: 2

Which two design parameters are required by the HPE Sizer for ConvergedSystems Virtualization solution? (Select two.)

A. Hypervisor preference


B. Type of worke

C. Workload type

D. Database preference

E. RAM per node

Answer: A, C

Question: 3

What is the primary difference that distinguishes OLAP from OLTP?

A. OLAP application must be responsive to handle many users interacting with each application in real time, while OLTP applications do not.

B. OLAP applications perform small, simple insert/delete operations on structured databases, while, OLTP applications do not.

C. OLAP applications typically have high performance demands because they support mission-critical applications, while OLTP applications do not.

D. OLAP typically works with large datasets for a longer period of time, while OLTP datasets tend to be smaller and contain real-time data.

Answer: D

Question: 4

Which design area presents a unique challenge to architects when planning and implementing a VDI solution?

A. Over-subscription

B. Multi-media performance

C. Storage cost

D. data encryption

Answer: C

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HPE2-T33:HPE Converged Solutions

HPE2-T33 Questions and Answers

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About the Author: Test Information:Total Questions 40Test Number: HPE2-T33Vendor Name: HPCert Name: HP PRODUCT CERTIFIEDTest Name: HPE CONVERGED SOLUTIONSOfficial Site:


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