How Do You Brand Yourself As An Affiliate Business?

How Do You Brand Yourself As An Affiliate Business?


Charles Boustany

The real problem that most affiliate marketers run into is they all promote the same website. This can present a problem if you are trying to differentiate yourself in the marketplace. In this article let’s talk about how you can go about branding an affiliate business of your own and be different doing it.

When you join an affiliate marketing program you are given a replicated website to promote. This means that the website to your promoting is exactly the same as everyone else’s except it is coded with your affiliate ID number. All affiliate websites look exactly the same and you would never know if you’re on a different affiliate marketer’s website or not.

You’re also given marketing materials such as banners, blog copy, e-mail messages, classified and solo ads, and so on. Again these are all exactly the same for every affiliate except when it comes to promoting your affiliate URL.


The way you go about branding your affiliate business is you do not directly promote your affiliate website. Instead you create a website that contains a unique banner, your picture, and your testimonial on how great the affiliate product is.

You can also create a landing page to capture contact information, and of course on that you want to make that page the same color, design, and header as your regular website. You also want to program into your autoresponder your follow messages that are uniquely written by you.

What you are doing at this point is branding your self first. This is an important point to understand as an affiliate marketer, because whenever you change programs your brand is you regardless of the products you sell.

This means that you can literally sell any product at any time without having to change your header, and any other things that you are using to brand your business with. If you want to brand yourself you want to include a quality digital picture on every page.

Depending on the product you sell today, affiliate marketing businesses are successfully built by developing relationships. The reason social networking works so well is because people still like to buy from people.

Branding makes this possible. Therefore you want to put as much effort into branding your self and your products as you would branding your affiliate merchants products for them.

Once you understand this basic premise you will never again directly promote an affiliate website, but rather you will always be promoting your website first.

Copyright (c) 2009 Charles Boustany

Charles Boustany is the webmaster of

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