Archives March 2023

Infrared Saunas Vs. Traditional Saunas

Submitted by: A. Nutt

Companies that make saunas often advertise the drastic differences between infrared and traditional saunas, they ll explain why one particular difference makes the type of sauna that they manufacture so much better than the other variety and why. You ll also see why this particular difference makes the advertising company s type of sauna much cheaper to buy, much cheaper to install or much cheaper to operate.

In reality, there are some distinct differences between the two different types of sauna, but the differences aren t nearly as drastic as many companies make them out to be.

Difference of Cost

Initial costs, including the installation and labor, can be a bit lower for the infrared saunas (especially smaller models). Some infrared saunas can be installed quickly and make use of a standard fifteen amp household receptacle, eliminating the need for extra electrical work. Small infrared units will be lighter and easier to maneuver than even an average size traditional sauna, making installation as a whole easier and therefore less expensive. This isn t always the case though; larger infrared units may require a dedicated receptacle that an electrician will have to be called in to install offsetting the difference in the installation costs a bit between the two units


The costs of operation are often brought up as one of the drastic differences that favor one variety over another in terms of expense. It is true that operation costs are different between traditional and infrared saunas, but not nearly as different as some companies would lead you to believe. Infrared saunas use less energy to operate and in turn cost less money, but even if you use your personal sauna two to three times a week, the difference in cost over a month of operation for each is barely noticeable – the difference in operational costs of new units over the course of a year may only be a few dollars.

Differences in Maintenance

Traditional, or ‘wet’ saunas, because they produce much more heat and humidity than that of the infrared saunas are often looked to as requiring more cleaning and maintenance than the infrared style. In reality, if both units are installed properly, by professionals, than the difference in maintenance is also barely noticeable. Both styles of sauna will require virtually the same care in terms of cleaning and maintenance.

Time to Reach Temperature

Speed of warm up is another often argued property that is often exaggerated in favor of one style over the other. The time to get to the required temperature for an infrared sauna is often advertised as being up to five or six times faster than that of a traditional sauna. The difference in the time it takes for a traditional sauna to heat up may in fact be a bit longer but usually only because it is heating up to a much hotter temperature. The length of time it takes the two varieties to heat up to the same temperature is virtually the same.

The biggest difference between traditional and infrared saunas really lies in how each one feels. The type or style of heat that each one provides is very different, some people are in love with how the traditional or wet sauna feels and truly believe that that feeling can t be matched for the relaxation that it provides, while others can feel stifled by the heavy humidity that a traditional sauna provides. Both types of sauna can offer incredible health and relaxation benefits for the user, but the only difference that really matters is what one person may prefer over another because the rest of the differences, under normal conditions, are negligible.

About the Author: Specializing in factory direct sales of


and steam baths,

infrared saunas

, prefab saunas and outdoor saunas. Choose from our wide selection of sauna accessories and sauna kits for your home sauna needs.


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Wikinews holds Reform Party USA presidential candidates forum

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Logo for the Reform Party of the United States of America.Image: Reform Party National Committee.

Three men are currently seeking the presidential nomination of the Reform Party of the United States of America: small business owner Andre Barnett, Earth Intelligence Network CEO Robert Steele, and former college football coach Robby Wells. Wikinews reached out to these candidates and asked each of them five questions about their campaigns. There were no space limits placed on the responses, and no candidate was exposed to another’s responses before making their own. The answers are posted below in unedited form for comparison of the candidates.

The Reform Party is a United States third party that was founded in 1995 by industrialist Ross Perot. Perot ran as the party’s first presidential nominee in 1996, and won over eight percent of the popular vote, the highest percentage for a third party candidate since. In 1998, professional wrestler Jesse Ventura ran on the Reform Party ticket and was elected Governor of Minnesota. The party fell in prominence during the lead-up to the 2000 presidential election when it was plagued by infighting between ideological factions. In 2000, paleoconservative Pat Buchanan won the presidential nomination, and went on to receive only 0.4 percent of the popular vote in the general election. In 2004, the party opted to endorse consumer advocate Ralph Nader, but ended the year nearly bankrupt. In 2008, Ted Weill won the party’s presidential nomination, but appeared on the ballot in only one state and won a total of 481 votes.

The party is currently trying to rebuild and has opened several new state chapters. They will attempt to appear on the ballot in more states for the 2012 presidential election. The party is expected to nominate its presidential ticket during the National Convention this summer.

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India: Maharashtra plastic ban comes into force

Monday, June 25, 2018

On Saturday, the plastic ban in the Indian state of Maharashtra came into force. In an attempt to minimise pollution, the state government has introduced a ban on single-use plastics.

The leader of the Yuya Sena political party, Aaditya Thackeray, said on Twitter, “The ban on single use disposable plastic cups, plastic bags, plastic straws, plastic plates and cutlery, styrofoam cutlery and non woven bags”. He added, “these are global issues now and we have taken a step to combat it”.

Plastic pollution has led to the choking of drains, marine pollution and a risk of animals consuming plastics. This year, India’s motto for World Environment Day — June 5 — was “Beat Plastic Pollution”. People violating the plastic ban are to face a fine of 5,000 Indian Rupees (INR) for the first offence. For the second offence, the fine is INR 10,000 and the third time offence is INR 25,000 and a three-month prison term. Deputy municipal commissioner Nidhi Choudhary said, “To weed out corruption, we plan to give inspectors payment gadgets for electronic receipts of the fines”.

The Maharashtra government has given a 90-day period for manufacturers to dispose of existing polyethylene terephthalate (PET/PETE) plastic spoons and plates, while shopkeepers and citizens in general have six months to dispose of plastics. However, the ban does not prohibit plastic usage for wrapping medicines or milk cartons thicker than 50 microns.

The state government had announced the decision for the plastic ban on March 23. According to NDTV’s report, Maharashtra is the eighteenth Indian state to enforce a state-wide plastic ban. Aaditya Thackeray also said, “I congratulate the citizens for making this into a movement, even before the ban was enforceable, giving up single use disposable plastic.”

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Parts of internet break as ‘512k day’ reached by routers

Thursday, August 14, 2014

On Tuesday many internet routers, used to find the pathways to different parts of the web, reached their memory limit of 512,000 entries in the tables they use to store the routes, causing problems for many users.

A router is used to direct a user towards the area of the internet where they will find the content they are looking for, e.g. a web page. The recent problem was caused by the arbitrary memory limit built into the design of many aging routers. A limit was needed to prevent the cost of hardware from becoming prohibitively expensive in the days when physical data storage was still comparatively expensive. This small amount of memory in turn limits the number of directions which can be stored on a single router leading to different parts of the internet. When this limit was reached, it caused outages of services among Internet Service Providers. Many routers, including older ones provided by Cisco Systems Inc., are limited to storing a total of 512,000 routes or paths.

This limit was reached on Tuesday, reported to have been triggered by Verizon publishing another 15,000 paths. Those affected included eBay, LastPass, and clients of the web hosting company Liquid Web, who lost much of their services until Verizon withdrew some of these new paths. Problems nevertheless continued throughout the day, even after the withdrawal.

A longer term fix is possible, but it would require manually replacing old routers with newer, more capable ones. It is hard to tell what issues would temporarily cascade though the internet by taking down routers from part of the internet for maintenance. Many experts have warned that problems could continue until these difficult fixes have been implemented, although the recent switch to a newer form of IP Addresses, IPv6, will temporarily help the issue. Wired News reported that Andre Toonk, a network engineer, had stated that the number of network outages on the internet, typically around 1,500, yesterday peaked at 2,587, enough to become clearly noticeable.

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Twitter Gets A Facelift

Twitter Gets a Facelift



Some of you, who already use Twitter for social media marketing, may have already heard of this new transformation Twitter is undergoing, but for those who have not, it s about to get much better, especially for marketing.

Twitter is undergoing a super face change and will be able to showcase all different types of media verses just the text-messaging layout. Basically, they are adding a new pane to the webpage that will make users able to check photos and videos easier.

The Outcome?

People around the world generally open a twitter account to connect with friends, family, businesses and celebrities. These same people are usually only posting things about their own thoughts or opinions and make observations occasionally. However, with these new installments, Twitter pages will encompass user s true identity because of a larger profile picture and more space to speak about yourself and who you truly are.


Twitter users will linger longer on Twitter, because of these new innovations. It will make Twitter more attractive and more interesting to users. For you, this means a bigger chance of grounding prospective clients and connecting with current and old customers. Overall, these innovations will enable users to get more out of Twitter in less time, they will create easier access and use for users. Furthermore, these innovations are in hopes to increase the number of users.

The Layout:

Your window will be split into two panes and feature lists. One the left, right above your timeline, it will include retweets, mentions, searches and other features that will contain images. On the right, it will look the same as before with your followers and the trending topics. When looking up new people to follow, their profile picture will also include key statistics about the user.

Twitter s Innovations:

Twitter has teamed up with 16 different service providers including Vimeo, Ustream, Flickr, TwitPic, TwitVid, Yahoo and YouTube.

Twitter Stats:

Overall, there are 370,000 new users a day and 16% of those start using with their mobile phone. Interesting enough, currently 250% of Twitter user s access Twitter via their mobile phone only, which means mobile apps are critical to the future.

More people log on to Twitter, monthly, than any other interface, combined.

Of the 90 million tweets posted daily, 25% contain links.

So if you haven t started a Twitter account yet, now is the time to do so and get familiar with all the ways you can use this site for social media marketing, networking and helping to bring traffic to your business.

Dawn Pigoni of Be Social Worldwide is a certified social marketing specialist and a social media virtual assistant. Dawn offers superb social networking, social marketing and social bookmarking to WAHMs, Small Business Owners, Internet Marketers, Affiliate Marketers, and Coaches who desire to bring stunning internet presence through social networking to their businesses. Get Dawn s free report,

Social Networking

today & see how she can assist you.

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Cambridge Planning Board approves new science building at Harvard

Future site of the Northwest Science Building

Monday, February 28, 2005

Cambridge, Massachusetts —The planning board of Cambridge, Massachusetts voted in unanimous approval of Harvard University’s plan to build a 410,000 ft² (38 090 m²) science center at 24 Oxford Street, according to the local newspapers, The Harvard Crimson and the Cambridge Chronicle. More than half of the space in the building will be constructed underground.

Hammond Street– a sound barrier erected to protect local residents from construction noise can be seen at right.

The Northwest Science Building, as it will be called, will house the laboratories of roughly 30 Harvard science faculty members, as well as a chilled water plant and an electrical substation. The building was designed by Craig Hartman, an architect in the San Francisco office of Skidmore, Owings and Merrill, who also completed Harvard University Master Plan in 2002, according to the firm’s website. Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill also designed such notable buildings as Chicago’s Sears Tower and the recently completed international terminal at the San Francisco airport.

The vote to approve the plan occurred at the February 15, 2005, meeting of the Cambridge Planning Board at the City Hall Annex, 344 Massachusetts Avenue in Cambridge. In what the Harvard Crimson called a “departure from the norm,” there were no comments from residents at the hearing. The Crimson reported that the Harvard officials at the meeting took this as “a signal that the community was well-informed about the project prior to the presentation.” The sign advertising the hearing can be seen at right.

Notice of public hearing at the construction site. While the sign appears blank, there was handwritten text on the sign. The sign had been put where the sun does shine.

In related news, the Director of Urban Design for Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill’s New York office, Vishaan Chakrabarti, will be speaking at the Harvard Graduate School of Design on March 1, 2005.

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Billy West, voice of Ren and Stimpy, Futurama, on the rough start that shaped his life

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Philip J. Fry from Futurama

Ren and Stimpy. Bugs Bunny. Philip J. Fry and Professor Hubert Farnsworth on Futurama. Sparx. Bi-Polar Bear. Popeye the Sailor Man. Woody Woodpecker. You may not think you have ever heard Billy West, but chances are on a television program, a movie, a commercial, or as Howard Stern’s voice guru in the 1990’s, you have heard him. West’s talent for creating personalities by twisting his voice has made him one of a handful of voice actors—Hank Azaria and the late Mel Blanc come to mind—who have achieved celebrity for their talent. Indeed, West is one of the few voice actors who can impersonate Blanc in his prime, including characterizations of Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Elmer Fudd and other characters from Warner Bros. cartoons.

What is the fulcrum in Mr. West’s life that led him to realize a talent to shape personalities with his voice, and how did the discovery of that gift shape him? Wikinews reporter David Shankbone found that like many great comedians, West faced more sour early in life than he did sweet. The sour came from a physically and emotionally abusive alcoholic father (“I could tell you the kind of night I was going to have from the sound of the key in the door or the way the car pulled up.”), to his own problems with drug and alcohol use (“There is a point that you can reach in your life where you don’t want to live, but you haven’t made the decision to die.”).

I’m telling you stuff that I never said to anybody…

If sin, suffering and redemption feel like the stages of an endless cycle of American existence, West’s own redemption from his brutalized childhood is what helped shape his gift. He performed little bits to cheer up his cowed mother, ravaged by the fact she could not stop her husband’s abuse of young West. “I was the whipping boy and she would just be reduced to tears a lot of times, and I would come in and say stuff, and I would put out little bits just to pull her out of it.”

But West has also enjoyed the sweet. His career blossomed as his talent for creating entire histories behind fictional characters and creatures simply by exploring nuance in his voice landed him at the top of his craft. You may never again be able to forget that behind the voice of your favorite character, there is often an extraordinary life.

Below is David Shankbone’s interview with renowned voice actor Billy West, who for the first time publicly talks about the horrors he faced in his childhood; his misguided search for answers in anger, drugs and alcohol; and the peace he has achieved as one of America’s most recognizable voice actors.

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Late-night vote sets Obamacare up for filibuster-free repeal

Saturday, January 14, 2017

At 1:30 a.m. on Thursday morning the United States Senate voted to include the repeal of the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, as part of a budget blueprint. This procedural measure allows most of Obamacare to be repealed by a simple majority rather than the usual requirement of 60 out of the senate’s 100 votes and effectively prevents the use of filibuster.

The Capitol Building, home to the Senate.Image: Scrumshus.

“We’re working with legislative leaders at this very moment to begin to craft legislation that will repeal the most corrosive elements of Obamacare — the individual mandate, the taxes, the penalties — but at the same time, moving separate legislation that will allow us to introduce the kind of reforms in American health care that’ll lower the cost of health insurance without growing the size of government,” said Vice President-elect Mike Pence.

Democratic Senator Maria Cantwell of Washington had a different view, going so far as to call this “stealing health care from Americans.”

The filibuster is a last-ditch tactic in which parties opposed to a certain motion refuse to relinquish the floor until their opponents give in or compromise.

Although the 51-48 vote was mostly along party lines, some Republicans have expressed uncertainty about repealing Obamacare before a replacement system is worked out. Although president-elect Donald Trump has called for a “repeal and replace” plan, saying that a new health care system would be enacted “almost simultaneously,” many in government and the press have expressed doubts about whether this would actually happen.

Donald Trump (left) and Mike Pence together, from file.Image: Gage Skidmore.

Senator Susan Collins of Maine said she would like to at least see a well-constructed plan before voting and Senator Johnny Isakson of Georgia said repealing Obamacare without replacing it was “unacceptable.” These concerns were shared by members of the House of Representatives. “We need to be voting for a replacement plan at the same time that we vote for repeal,” added Representative Mark Meadows of North Carolina. Representative Tom MacArthur of New Jersey agreed, saying, “We’re loading a gun here. I want to know where it’s pointed before we start the process.”

Anna Merlan of Jezebel and Anthony Taylor of the Associated Press dismiss Trump’s timeline as “impossible” given the complicated nature of U.S. congressional workings. Senator Collins agreed, saying “I don’t see any possibility of our being able to come up with a comprehensive reform bill that would replace Obamacare by the end of this month. I just don’t see that as being feasible.”

The Affordable Care Act, which is often cited as a key accomplishment of the Obama administration, has had a mixed reputation, and many conservatives believe a market-based health care system would be more flexible and efficient and less costly, and many believe that the Affordable Care Act only passed because of Obama’s later discredited pledge that no one who liked their current health plan would have to switch. Matt O’Brien of The Washington Post claims a large tax cut that would result for the wealthiest 1% of citizens if Obamacare funds were not converted to other purposes, estimated at about $32,820 annually per person by the Tax Policy Center, is also a significant motive.

Republican Senators set a date of January 27 to repeal Obamacare, according to NBC News. House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy of California says legislation repealing Obamacare and replacing it could ready by late February. According to Democratic Senator Bernie Sanders, as many as 30 million people could lose their health insurance if the ACA is repealed.

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Deciding To Have An Assistant To President

Submitted by: Artur Victoria

There is a definite, positive future for the assistant-to position, especially for training purposes or the accomplishment of special projects. Using the assistant-to position as an operational, permanent, or limbo function has less merit. In the process of data gathering several years ago, especially during visits to various organizations, there were strong indications of a more generally favorable feeling toward the assistant position as a training post. Key executives often like to have a permanent assistant-to, as differentiated from a permanent assistant-to position, so that they may rely on a particular individual. But to enjoy this luxury may invite some negative consequences regarding authority, real power, and lines of communication, responsibility centers, circumvention of chains of command, and the like.

Unfortunately, in most cases where the assistant-to position is used for limbo purposes, the purpose and use become obvious to others, and the role occupant is perceived almost disdainfully. Only in rare instances an assistant observes who made or was allowed to make a significant contribution to the organization and was consulted by other executives for assistance and expertise. If an executive wants to create a limbo assistant-to position or use an existing position for this purpose, then he should see to it that the assistant is given the opportunity to contribute in a way that is meaningful to the boss, the assistant-to, and the organization.

A truly important issue that must be faced better in the future is the relationship between an executive and his assistant-to, especially in the areas of job definition and status. In order to be fair both to the assistant-to and other people with whom he will come in contact, the boss must establish some sort of job for the assistant-to to do. It is not necessary to specifically delineate each and every duty the assistant-to will perform and distribute copies of this to everyone in the organization. However, the boss should make some sort of introduction to his staff and briefly discuss what the assistant-to will be doing.

For an assistant-to to feel personal satisfaction and self-fulfillment he must be given some significant work to do. That point has been made before but bears stressing. It is perfectly all right for a boss to ask his assistant-to to handle such seemingly mundane details as scheduling meetings, arranging luncheons, conducting tours, making travel plans, and so on. As a matter of fact, these are important facets of the job, but they should not be the whole job. A bright man or woman who is assigned as an assistant and finds himself or herself performing only tasks of this sort will soon become disenchanted and enervated.


Assuming an assistant-to is in the position for training purposes, for what is the person being trained? Routine jobs can ease the executive burden and an assistant should stand ready to anticipate and perform such tasks. Any assistant who thinks he or she is too good for such pedestrian duties should be promptly replaced. But the boss should take pains to see that the assistant also gains some feel and appreciation for top management functions and activities. In so doing, both the boss and assistant should optimize their goals. The chief will have a valuable assistant and will know that he, as boss and teacher, is making a significant contribution to the development of a less senior and less experienced executive. The assistant, while performing a useful function for his boss, will feel that he is enhancing his own future by learning how top management thinks and operates by actually participating in activities at the upper levels of organization.

After a period of orientation, the boss should gradually increase both the quantity and level of duties of his assistant-to with the quantity and quality being functions of the assistant demonstrated capabilities.

A key executive should learn from his assistant just as the assistant-to learns from the boss. Here, learn is being used in the broadest sense. A boss may learn specific data such as answers to questions from an assistant, but there are more subtle learning experiences from which the boss may benefit. This use should not be wholly restricted to finite data; it should include ideas, conceptions, and feelings. Finally, it is important that the boss not have a perfunctory attitude toward what his assistant tells him. Nothing will turn off an assistant-to (or any other executive for that matter) quicker than the realization that the boss is only tolerating in a patronizing way what is being said, and does not really care.

An executive must be willing to devote the time and energy necessary to train his assistant-to. This appears to be a rhetorical statement but, unfortunately, it has basis in fact. Executives may feel that it is an imposition on their valuable, limited time to develop their assistants-to. That is, they believe that assistants, if they are sharp and capable, ought to be able to adjust to situations and assimilate knowledge on their own. Granted that an assistant should be able to learn on his own, but without proper guidance from the boss he may learn incorrectly, flounder around wasting an inordinate amount of time, or, worse, never truly gain the perspectives expected of top management. This latter point is not meant to be construed as a form of brainwashing, but it should be a prime reason for using the assistant position for training.

There is value in being and using an assistant-to, but there are also possible dysfunctional consequences. An executive should carefully consider these points:

(1) Does he really want or need an assistant-to?

(2) How will the assistant-to be utilized? And

(3) Whom will he select to be his assistant-to?

A prospective assistant should be aware of both what the job entails and how compatible he will be with the boss.

The payoff for capital equipment is easily measured in terms while the value of developing future managers is not as finite or immediately discernible. The human factor in the organizational equation is of immense value, and the assistant-to is but one example. But the assistant is one position where an executive may receive administrative help from the role occupant and concurrently have a major input in the development of a future organizational leader.

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Oscar Diös tells Wikinews about his hostel within a Boeing 747

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Oscar Diös is a Swedish businessman looking to invest in a new project within the aviation community. He’s already bought the venture’s first airliner, a Boeing 747-200.

However, his intention is not to start an airline, and the jet is not intended for flight. Instead, he plans to convert the airliner into a unique business which he calls the ‘Jumbo Hostel’. The 450-seat widebodied jetliner will have 25 rooms sleeping a total of 85 people, including some in a luxury suite in the cockpit, and will sit at the entrance to Stockholm-Arlanda Airport.

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Built in 1976, the aircraft was an “old wreck” when acquired, according to Oscar. The aircraft was being offered for sale at Stolkholm-Arlanda after previous owner Transjet became bankrupt. The airframe has then been completely gutted and is being fitted with a new, modernised interior. Each room contains three bunk beds. A cafe and a walkway across the left wing are also featured.

The airliner will sit on a concrete platform at the airport’s entrance, with its landing gear secured in steel cradles. It is intended to offer a good view of the day-to-day operation of the airport.

The hostel, which is to open in December, is aimed at families with children, aviation enthusiasts, low-budget travelers and people catching early morning flights who wish to leave it as late as possible before rising to get to check-in – unlike its competitors, the Jumbo Hostel is ten minutes walk from the check-in desks.

Wikinews conducted an email interview with Oscar Diös to talk about the hostel. The full exclusive interview is available below.

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