Archives October 2022

Teen broadcasts suicide online

Sunday, November 23, 2008

A Pembroke Pines, Florida teenager killed himself Wednesday, November 19, while broadcasting on the live video site After making suicide threats and being encouraged by viewers and forum members, Abraham K. Biggs, 19, committed suicide by taking an overdose of opiates and benzodiazepine, which had been prescribed for his bipolar disorder.

Biggs first began blogging about his planned suicide 12 hours before the actual event. He died after taking pills and lying on the bed in front of the webcam. After the broadcast, viewers who apparently thought it was a hoax posted messages such as “OMG”, “LOL”, and “hahahah”.

Hours later, after being alerted by viewers who had noticed that Biggs had stopped breathing, law enforcement and paramedics arrived, discovered his body, and covered the camera. The Broward County Medical Examiner’s Office has reportedly confirmed Biggs’ death.

According to Montana Miller of the Bowling Green State University, the circumstances of this case were not shocking: “If it’s not recorded or documented, then it doesn’t even seem worthwhile. For today’s generation it might seem, ‘What’s the point of doing it if everyone isn’t going to see it?'”

Biggs’ sister Rosalind was angry that neither the website nor its viewers reacted soon enough to save him. “They got hits, they got viewers, nothing happened for hours,” she said. She described him as “very happy” and “friendly and outgoing.” “On a normal day, you couldn’t really tell that he got as low as he did.” However, he did have relationship problems with his girlfriend, according to a friend.

Mental health professionals have warned about the possibility that other mentally troubled people would copy his actions. According to Dr. David Shaffer of Columbia University, “Any video showing it as heroic or romantic or glamorous could reduce the anxiety people might feel about suicide. It becomes a respectable behavior and lowers the threshold of suicide.” He and other psychiatrists recommend that potentially suicidal teens talk to others and “tell what’s going on.”

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Tesla Coils Using Tesla Secret To Building And Generating Free Electricity For Your Home

Another term for Tesla Coil is “Air-core resonant transformer”. It is a device Tesla invented in order to induce currents of VERY high voltage and very high frequency. It was an incredibly important device for his work and discoveries.

Most people today build Tesla Coils because they produce a fantastic light show, but Tesla himself built them for scientific exploration. With his coils of every size, he discovered the effects that different high voltage electromagnetic frequencies produced, including X rays. He also invented fluorescent lighting, ozone machines, and various other devices with the aid of his coils.


Another field of study he explored with his coils was the wireless transmission of energy. Everyone today will say it’s impossible, but I’ve yet to see anyone perform the experiment exactly the way Tesla described it. He knew of things that we have not yet re-discovered.

Contrary to popular belief, Tesla Coils do not produce static sparks. In fact, there’s no such thing as a “static” or “stationary” spark. Even when you rub your feet on the floor and spark on a doorknob, a very small current flows at about 3000 volts. The sparks from a Tesla Coil are actually very high frequency AC or pulsed DC currents, and the sparks are the way the top of the coil produces a complete circuit with the ground.

You can also use this system to generate free electricity to power your home. There are many people who do use such system to power their homes and the technology dose nothing but increases even as we speak.

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Do you want to learn how you too can generate free electricity to power your house at no cost? If yes, then you should download a copy of the Tesla Secret Book. Click here: tesla secret, to read more about this book.Author: Jared McGinty


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Fujitsu launches cloud website for dog pedometer service

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Japanese multinational company Fujitsu launched a website for a dog pedometer which allows customers to monitor their dog’s health online. The device measures data while attached to the dog’s collar. Customers are also able to add more data to the website manually, then it displays the complete set of data graphically. Fujitsu launched the website today (Tuesday) and plans to start the sales in Japan tomorrow (Wednesday).

The pedometer is called “Wandant”, from Japanese “Wan” equivalent to “woof”, and the “dant” of “pendant”. The latter refers to the pedometer, because it is attached to a dog collar. The users can transfer data to an Android phone using a touch-card to make it available online.

Fujitsu said Wandant would be the first cloud-based dog health-care service.

The data include walking, temperature, and shaking motion statistics. The users can manually enter additional data such as food quantities, weight, custom notes, and photos.

Fujitsu said, “The data are presented graphically on a custom website that makes trends in the dog’s activities easy to understand at a glance. This helps owners get a stronger sense of their dog’s health, while enabling communication with the dog.”

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Ukraine hurt by Russian gas deal

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

The Ukrainian Parliament voted to oust the Prime Minister and his cabinet Tuesday after the handling of the countries gas crisis with Russia last week.

Viktor Yushchenko called the vote “incomprehensible, illogical, and wrong”.

Although Russia and Ukraine have solved the crisis, for the time being, when the two countries agreed to new gas prices last week, the parliament described the deal as “traitorous,” reports The Independent of London, and ousted Prime Minister Yuri Yekhanurov’s government in response.

Both Members of Parliament and even opposition groups, said they were unhappy with the governments response to the crisis, and began to accuse it of “selling out to Russia and betraying national interests”.

The motion to oust the government, which both shocked and surprised many MP’s was backed by 250 of the 450 members of Parliament. Mr Yushchenko’s former ally and one-time prime minister, Julia Tymoshenko, was among those who voted against the government.

Yushchenko is calling the no-confidence vote politically motivated.

It is expected, however, that the government will remain in place until parliamentary elections are held, which are scheduled to occur in March.

The debate, at the moment, is whether the standing parliament has the authority to dismiss the prime minister. While the constitutional amendments allowing such an action were adopted Jan. 1, Yushchenko and Yekhanurov claim that only the parliament set to be elected in March will have such an ability.

However, there are some that believe that the parliament’s move was more about gaining “political leverage” than responding to the gas crisis, reported the Los Angeles Times.

Yushchenko also accused Ukraine’s parliament on Wednesday of “destabilizing the country by sacking his government,” a move which sent the local currency plumitting to its lowest point in nearly nine months.

Yushchenko met Vladimir Putin for the first time since the Russian president ordered gas taps to be turned off to his ex-Soviet neighbor at the new year in a bitter dispute over prices that briefly disrupted supplies to the rest of Europe.

Last week Moscow agreed to a new contract, which Ukraine would pay nearly two times the amount it did before. The two leaders barely touched on the energy issue in comments to reporters after their meeting, instead focusing on the positive side of their strained relations.

“Ukraine and Russia have entered an excellent phase in bilateral relations, a phase of personal friendship, which allows us to discuss wonderful prospects,” Russia’s Interfax news agency quoted Yushchenko as saying.

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Why Womens Only Recovery Programs Are Effective For Women Addicts In Recovery

By Gabriel Adams

Research clearly indicates that women’s only recovery programs are far more effective for women than treatment programs that include both, men and women, and this is more so in the early stages of recovery. This is because substance abuse among women as well as the issues that surround their abuse is different from that of men and hence requires a specialized treatment program that is different.

Women’s only recovery programs specifically address women’s issues by acknowledging and respecting women’s inherent need to focus on positive relationships, self-determination, connectedness and choices.

Some of the issues pertaining solely to female substance abuse addicts and their treatment programs include the fact that drug and alcohol dependency in women is almost always triggered off by some kind of trauma, whether it is domestic violence; physical, sexual or emotional abuse or witness to violence or abuse. Hence their recovery treatment would need to address issues such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, low esteem, guilt and shame, which are prevalent in women addicts. Because of the interrelation between trauma, addiction and psychopathology in women, comprehensive programs need to be developed to address all these issues.


Partners very often play a major role in introducing women to drugs or alcohol. They play an equally important role in a women’s ability to access treatment and in her motivation to stay clean and sober. This is a major influencing factor in the success rate of recovery in women addicts and the odds of relapsing.

Another factor to be taken into consideration is that women are almost always the primary caretaker of her children and very often the only caretaker. Women’s recovery programs need to be family-oriented and focus on meeting the needs of women addicts as well as their children.

Treatment programs for women include trauma therapy, therapeutic intervention, creative art therapy, psychodrama, spirituality, mediation and yoga.

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Why Womens Only Recovery Programs Are So Effective



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Tom Cruise Scientology promotional video leaked to the Internet

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Two days before Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography, a biography of actor Tom Cruise written by journalist Andrew Morton, was released in the United States, a video showing Cruise promoting Scientology was leaked to the Internet. The promotional video appeared on video-sharing sites including YouTube, and radar, and clips from the video were also shown on Wednesday morning talk shows in the United States.

In the 9-minute video produced by the Church of Scientology, Cruise is seen discussing his beliefs while the theme from his Mission: Impossible films plays as background music. Cruise appears wearing a black turtleneck sweater, speaking about his dedication to changing people’s lives. The format of the video appears to be an interview with Cruise, and it is edited with questions cut out. Some of Cruise’s responses end abruptly.

Being a Scientologist, when you drive past an accident it’s not like anyone else. As you drive past you know you have to do something about it because you know you’re the only one who can help.

Throughout the video, Cruise uses Scientology jargon terms such as “KSW”: “For me, it’s all about KSW.” The term stands for Keeping Scientology Working, which refers to a 10-point letter written by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard in 1965 to ensure the organization’s survival. Cruise also discusses “SPs”, or Suppressive Persons, “PTSPs”, a “potential trouble source” influenced by a Suppressive Person, and the need to “confront and shatter suppression”.

Cruise makes assertions about programs which use Hubbard’s teachings such as Criminon and Narconon “We’re the authorities on getting people off drugs. We’re the authorities on the mind. We’re the authorities on improving conditions. We can rehabilitate criminals. Way to happiness. We can bring peace and unite cultures.” Of the manner in which he wishes to spread Scientology’s message, he says “You’re in the playing field or out of the arena.” Cruise also expresses his disdain for psychiatrists, “Crush these guys [psychiatrists]! I’ve had it! Psychiatry doesn’t work. No mercy! None! Go to guns!”

The video concludes with Cruise laughing, and then a voiceover says: “Scientology can be defined by a single question: would you want others to develop the knowledge you have? In answering that question, Tom Cruise has introduced LRH [L. Ron Hubbard] technology to more than 1 billion people on earth. And that is only the first wave he has unleashed. That is why the story of Tom Cruise, Scientologist, has only just begun.”

While the video can be seen in any Church of Scientology, what has appeared on the Internet is a pirated and edited version of a 3-hour event.

According to Reuters, the Church of Scientology stated that the video was shown at a 2004 meeting of the International Association of Scientologists. In a statement, the Church of Scientology said that the video was Cruise’s acceptance speech after he had been given the organization’s “Freedom Medal”, and was shown “before an audience of 5,000 church parishioners and their guests.” The statement also called the video that appeared on the Internet a “pirated and edited version.” A representative for Cruise confirmed the Church of Scientology statement: “The video is of Mr. Cruise making an acceptance speech to fellow parishioners at a private church event in 2004.” David Miscavige, head of the Church of Scientology, had presented Cruise with the “Freedom Medal of Valor” at the 2004 ceremony. Eighty Scientologists have received the “Freedom Medal” since the award’s establishment in 1985, but Cruise is the only recipient of the Freedom Medal of Valor. Andrew Morton’s Tom Cruise: An Unauthorized Biography characterizes Cruise as the second most powerful individual within the organization.

It’s newsworthy, and we will not be removing it.

The video first appeared on the Internet on Sunday, and disappeared after the footage was linked to from and The Huffington Post. posted a copy of the video Tuesday morning, and said that the video had “been passed around privately by reporters and writers investigating Cruise’s ties to Scientology.” noted that a smaller video clip which had previously been available on YouTube “is no longer available, most likely after the Church of Scientology sent in a copyright infringement notice.” has stated that the video will stay up on its site, and has reprinted correspondence with Ava Paquette, an attorney with Moxon & Kobrin, a law firm representing the Church of Scientology. Nick Denton of commented on the posting of the video “It’s newsworthy, and we will not be removing it.”

These tapes were made for purposes of recruitment.

Investigative journalist Mark Ebner is helping to post more than two hours of additional footage related to the Cruise video, and called it “the most unintentionally hilarious footage you’ve ever seen,” and characterized it as “better than” when Cruise jumped on Oprah’s couch during a May 23, 2005 appearance on The Oprah Winfrey Show, and the South Park parody of Cruise in the controversial episode “Trapped in the Closet“. Ebner appeared on The Today Show on Wednesday, and discussed the video’s appearance on the Internet. In response, the Church of Scientology called Ebner a “fraud”. Ebner told the New York Daily News that “These tapes were made for purposes of recruitment.”

The Scientologists, by taking action to enforce their copyrights, have made it a news story.

Attempts by the Church of Scientology to stop distribution of the video via the Internet “seem to have backfired spectacularly,” according to The Press Association, and by Thursday the video was viewable on websites other than, including the New York Post, Independent Television News and the BBC. For websites based in Britain usage of the video is protected under copyright laws, specifically for reporting news and current affairs. Still other reports on the video linked to locations where it could be watched, including a report in The Times. Copies of the video were not available on Google Video on Thursday, but were still available on YouTube.

Attorney Mark Stephens of London-based firm Finers Stephens Innocent commented on the Church of Scientology’s attempts to remove the video from the Internet: “The Scientologists, by taking action to enforce their copyrights, have made it a news story. The mistake was not to foresee that a news story has special protection in copyright law in reporting news and current events.”

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‘Handkerchiefs in the air’: Bicentennial celebrations in Pichilemu, Chile

Monday, September 20, 2010

An event attended by thousands of people, called “Handkerchiefs in the air” (Spanish: Pañuelos al Aire), took place on Monday morning at Pichilemu, in Daniel Ortúzar Avenue. The event was organized by Loreto Puebla, former Governor of {{w|Cardenal Caro Province||, coordinated with Mayor of Pichilemu Roberto Córdova Carreño.

Fernando Urzúa, who also works as newsreader on a local radio, conducted the event. The event was broadcasted by Radio Somos Pichilemu (We Are Pichilemu), owned by former Mayor Jorge Vargas González, who also attended the event.

The event started by giving handkerchiefs with the logo pictured at the left to all the attendants, at around 11:40 local time (15:40 UTC). Then, they proceeded to take the official photograph, which will be officially published on the website of the Municipality of Pichilemu on Tuesday.

Urzúa, and two Pichileminian folk music groups played several cuecas, Chile’s national dance, and people were invited to dance. The event ended with the Mayor Córdova giving diplomas and Chilean wine bottles to large families who were dancing, a group of elderly from Recoleta and two policemen of Pichilemu. The parish priest of Pichilemu said that “the celebrations were quite stupendous” and that “Pichilemu is an example of unity of the people.”

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People wave their handkerchiefs for the official photo. Image: Diego Grez.

People, and huasos also danced Chile’s national dance, the Cueca, using the handkerchiefs. Image: Diego Grez.

People dancing cueca, from another view. Image: Diego Grez.

Roberto Córdova, Mayor of Pichilemu, also danced on the event. Image: Diego Grez.

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NASA unveils detailed map of Antarctica

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Scientists at NASA have recently released the most detailed map of Antarctica ever. NASA’s Landsat 7 satellite took 10,000 photographs of the continent over a period of two years, from 1999 to 2001. 1,100 pictures were chosen to form the mosaic map. Officially titled the Landsat Image Mosaic of Antarctica (LIMA), the map reveals Antarctica’s geography in high definition and with accurate colors. Details as small as half the size of a basketball court are visible.

NASA created the map to coincide with the International Polar Year of 2007-2008. Robert Bindschadler, chief scientist of the Hydrospheric and Biospheric Sciences Laboratory at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, remarked, “This innovation is like watching high-definition TV in living color versus watching the picture on a grainy black-and-white television.” The map represents a tenfold improvement over previous Antarctic imagery databases.

This innovation is like watching high-definition TV in living color versus watching the picture on a grainy black-and-white television.

Landsat 7 managed to capture 80% of the continent in high definition. While the satellite was not able to take photographs of the South Pole due to its orbit path, lower-resolution images helped fill in the gap.

The map will help scientists plan and carry out expeditions on the notoriously difficult terrain. The new, intensely detailed information will also facilitate the tracking of environmental changes such as the calving of ice shelves. Researchers will be able to use such data to better understand phenomena like global warming in such amazing detail that even relatively small changes will be visible. Geologists, on the other hand, will be able to use the maps to study Antarctic rock formations.

The LIMA images are available to the public via the internet. The National Science Foundation contributed nearly US$1 million to create the website.

The Landsat 7 satellite will continue to document Antarctica from space through to 2011. Subsequently, NASA will launch the Landsat Data Continuity Mission. Information from both projects will update the map.

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High Impact Ideas And Inspiration For Home Improvement

High Impact Ideas And Inspiration For Home Improvement



Home improvement can be looked at as a weekend hobby or an endless obsession. It can also be a valuable investment in your house. Sometimes, it can be a home disaster as well. This article can help you to make good decisions when it comes to planning new projects and to ensure that you don\’t make critical errors.

Updated homes typically sell faster and for a greater amount of money than those that have had little or no renovations. Updating dark and dated kitchens is by far the best thing that you can do to improve the value of your home. It also is the most sure way to get back the most of your investment.

When installing a wood stove in your home as a source of heat in the winter months, always choose a stove that is rated for the size and location of the room where it will be placed. Many local building codes require this to be done and professional installers will almost always insist on it.


When removing cabinets as part of a kitchen remodel, make sure you don\’t just unscrew and yank them off the wall. You will more than likely end up taking some or all of the drywall off with you. Take time and care to remove each and every screw, and use a utility knife around the edges to break the caulking that was most likely used to seal between the cabinet and the wall.


Check with your local electric and/or gas company to see if you might qualify for a grant to weatherize your home. In the interest of saving energy, your heating and cooling company may insulate your attic, weatherstrip your doors and windows and even replace your ancient heating and cooling system. Take a moment to ask!

Sometimes the littlest things make the biggest differences when it comes to home improvement. Try adding some curtains to the windows of the house to spice them up. Your home will feel more comfortable instantaneously. It is also a relatively cheap decor item, so it won\’t break your wallet to do this either.

Windows And Doors

Save energy and money by using passive solar heating. Use thermal drapes on your windows and keep them open during the sunny part of the day in winter and closed during the sunny part of the day in summer. Be sure to seal out drafts around windows and doors to prevent unwanted hot or cold air from entering.

Insulate your home in order to save energy and lower your heating and cooling bills. Check the attic, as well as windows and doors. Any leaky spots should be fixed. Weather stripping can be added to doors and windows and new insulation can be added to the attic. You want to keep air that you paid to heat or cool, inside the home.

As revealed in the article, home improvement can be a good thing, but it can also have a downside. Some home improvements do not pay off and may even make your house harder to sell. By applying these simple rules of home improvement do\’s and do-not\’s, you can keep from making a disaster that you will be forced to live with.

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