Archives September 2022

How Do You Learn To Dance?

How Do You Learn To Dance?


Kevin KS

There is much confusion amongst the general public about how you can learn to dance. It seems that everyone wants to learn to dance. How many people when you ask them the things that they would like to learn


one day

mention dancing? From my experience pretty much everyone. But how many people go through the effort to learn?

There is a myth out there that all dancers were born with the gift of dancing. My take on that is this: all dancers were born with the gift of dancing, and we were all given that gift! There are those who seemed to just drop out of their mother’s womb dancing. However don’t let the tears well up if this is not you, there is a dancer in everyone and it is something that can be unearthed. The baby dancing on arrival in the world is a good analogy. A baby probably won’t be able to talk for the first few years of its life. Then the words come out one by one, then sentences, and then absurdities on arrival of the teenage years. If I told you that I knew a 5 year old who could talk, would your face transform into an expression of surprise? (I’m hoping you answered ‘no’). You give a baby as long as it needs to learn to talk or walk because you know that it will learn. With dancing it is just the same, it may seem unnatural at first, but with a bit of practice you can dance pretty well. And it won’t take you as long as it took you to learn to talk! The transition from walking and moving about normally into dancing is not as huge as it is made up to be. It is a case of making certain simple movements gestures, linking them up in interesting ways and making it look good! Of course when it comes to learning routines and choreography, that’s another skill in and of itself! So what’s the answer to the golden question? How do you learn to dance? Well there are many ways. You could learn by copying your favourite artists such as Janet Jackson, Usher or J.Lo and studying their music videos. In fact, this is the way famous MTV choreographer Wade Robson learnt to dance. If you are naturally a good dancer, this could be a good approach. Another way you could learn is to make friends with people who are good dancers and either copy them or try and get them to show you how to do a few of their moves. This is great, especially if you spend a lot of time with these friends. The easiest way you can learn to dance is to join a dance class. There will usually be at least a couple of these in your area, maybe even a dance studio offering a variety of different classes from different teachers. If you are not naturally a dancer, joining a dance class or series of classes is probably the best option for you. Even if you can dance and learnt on your own, there are still plenty of things you can learn from joining a dance class. If you are at all serious about dancing as a profession, you should DEFINITELY be going to classes unless you are privileged enough to be the son/ daughter of a talented dancer or have lots of great contacts/ dancer friends. The good thing about dance classes is that they are usually grouped into rough ability levels so if you are a beginner you can find a class at your level until you get better. Even so, it can feel as if you are throwing yourself in at the deep end when you begin, but nonetheless, just like you did with the walking and talking, STICK AT IT. You will get better. As you go to more and more classes, you will start to build up the pieces of the puzzle of that style and soon you’ll be dancing more confidently. The important thing (and I’m not just copying someone’s words) is that you enjoy yourself regardless of your standard. It may seem difficult to comprehend (or maybe not) but the people who get good are usually the people who enjoy their dancing the most, even when they did have 2 left feet! Of course, be self-aware where you need to improve and work at it, but by all means, ABSOLUTELY NOT do not beat yourself up. If you need help, concentrate on the music in class and try and enjoy that! If I were to give out one piece of advice (this changes with time, but here’s my favourite advice I’m dishing out at the moment), it would be… go out and dance. Now you may be saying “but I can’t dance.” You know what you need to do then! Start trying to copy what you see in dance videos and find out about dance classes you can go to. And then go to the dance classes that interest you. And then get better. And better. And better still.

Kevin KS runs the Hip Dance Moves Courses. He teaches students funky moves that are ideal for all settings including discos, clubs or the street! In just 10 weeks he can transform a complete non-dancer into a confident dancer with the funkiest demeanour. Check his website

for more information and to grab your hands on his free 5 part mini-course on dancing.

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Western Australia Nationals MP Vince Catania to resign from state parliament

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Nationals MP Vince Catania, who represents North West Central, will resign from Western Australia’s Parliament in August, reports indicated Friday.

Catania has served as an MP in both the lower and upper house in Western Australia’s state parliament since 2005. Initially serving as a Labor MP, he joined the Nationals in 2009.

Catania said on his resignation that “this decision comes after much soul-searching and consideration and with mixed emotions after a long career spanning more than seventeen years in the Western Australian state parliament”.

He noted the size, diversity and remoteness of his electorate, stating “having spent 17 years of working in the largest electorate in Western Australia to the best of my ability, that means being away from home for half a year and it’s not fair to the family who’s suffered over that period of time”, adding “it’s well and truly time for me to put my family first”.

Catania is married with five teenage children. In 2011, Catania lost his driver’s licence for speeding, which he blamed on the exceptional breadth of North West Central.

Catania is one of only six opposition MPs in Western Australia’s 59-seat lower house, and his resignation will result in a by-election in North West Central. He narrowly won the seat at the last election in March 2021, with a 8.4% swing to Labor cutting the two-party-preferred margin between the two major parties to 1.7%.

He led an ultimately abortive 2019 bid to remove Jacqui Boydell from the role of Nationals deputy leader, which failed after state Nationals leader Mia Davies threatened to resign if the spill motion was proposed.

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TARC to showcase R&D achievements in 2008 AutoTronics Taipei

Friday, April 11, 2008

In the Opening Day of 2008 AutoTronics Taipei (April 9), the Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan (ITRI) invited Jamie C. Hsu (Consultant of Ministry of Economic Affairs of the Republic of the China and Former Management Executive Director of General Motors Global Technology) for a speech in the “Pavilion of Taiwan Automotive Research Consortium (TARC)” to forecast the future of automobile industry in Taiwan, which echoed the “Taiwan Automotive International Forum & Exhibition”, held at TWTC Nangang in conjunction with 2008 Taipei AMPA.

Before the main show, Department of Industrial Technology of Ministry of Economic Affairs supervised the establishment of TARC by ITRI, Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology, Metal Industries Research & Development Center, and the other academical and industrial units to improve the level of research and development including applications on security, artificial intelligence, and energy-saving.

There were several crisis for the automobile industry in Taiwan because of the decrease of market scale, low self-independence, technology transition, and the rise up of oil prices. But after in conjunction with light-weighting, electronical, and energy-saving related industries, there were other chances and challenges for the automobile industry in Taiwan. Currently, the Taiwan Automotive Research Consortium should do a proper role on R&D, policy driving, and quality improving, even though urban and rural differences, and key issue of carbon dioxide wasting, if there is a new innovation, Taiwan will be a good example in the automobile industry in the world.
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UK Serious Fraud Office to investigate MG Rover collapse

Sunday, July 5, 2009

The United Kingdom’s Serious Fraud Office is to launch an investigation into the collapse of car manufacturer MG Rover. The move follows the conclusion of a four-year enquiry started immediately after the firm became insolvent.

The group of four who owned MG Rover — John Towers, Nick Stephenson, Peter Beale and John Edwards — have been accused of asset stripping. The quartet, known as the Phoenix Four, paid a symbolic £10 (approximately €15) for Rover in 2000. At that time the company received an interest-free loan from former owner BMW for £427 million (approximately €700 million) and came with a large amount of unsold stock.

Between then and Rover’s April 2005 bankruptcy, by which time there were unpaid debts of £1 billion (approximately €1.5 billion), the Phoenix Four had removed an estimated £40 million worth of assets including pensions and salaries. An enquiry was launched by ministers that was expected to take a year, but the final report was not delivered to business secretary Lord Mandelson until three weeks ago.

The government used taxpayer’s money to fund a £6 million loan to MG Rover and attempted to negotiate a deal with a Chinese company, but these efforts failed. MG Rover’s collapse caused the loss of an estimated 15,000 jobs, including with various suppliers. A former MG Rover factory does still build a small number of MG sports cars in Longbridge by Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation, who bought most of the designs.

The Phoenix Four released a statement criticising the criminal investigation. “There has never been any suggestion of improper conduct by the directors and this was confirmed in a report by the administrators PWC six months after they took over the running of the company. Four years on, any suggestion [of] another further investigation is frankly ridiculous and smacks of kicking this issue into the long grass. If the government has been so concerned to get to the heart of the matter why has it flatly refused more than 30 requests under the Freedom of Information Act which would have revealed correspondence and documents the directors believe would have shed some light on the government’s role in the affair?”

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Use Public Speaking To Convert Your Non Fiction Book Into A Best Seller

Use Public Speaking to Convert Your Non-Fiction Book Into a Best-Seller


Nickolove Lovemore

Word of mouth is still one of the best forms of advertising irregardless of what you’re selling and it certainly works in the case of books. Just think of the number of times that you’ve read a book simply because someone recommended it to you.

And one of the best ways to generate powerful word of mouth advertising and convert your book into a best-seller is through public speaking. As book marketing expert, John Kremer, said:

“Almost every best-selling self-help and spiritual author over the past 20 years has become a best-selling author because they spoke. They spoke at learning annexes. They spoke at churches. They spoke at different places where they could reach a large audience and start to create word of mouth [marketing].”

When you speak in public you don’t always have to give a long presentation. Your public speech can be as short as 3-5 minutes. So think about all the places where you can give presentations on topics relevant to your book and then engineer how you will speak in these places and promote your book.


When you give a powerful presentation people will want to learn more about you and will want to know more about your subject matter. A book is a low-cost option for people to extend their relationship with you. However, it can also lead people into buying other products and services from you.

Your avenues for public speaking should include online radio shows and TV. Now everyone wants to get on Oprah and certainly if you achieve this you will gain unparalleled exposure but being on Oprah is not a pre-requisite to success. There are numerous other lucrative avenues that you can tap into.

Nowadays, it’s easier than ever to create your own TV program using resources such UStreamTV. And hosting a regular program can give you massive exposure.

You can also create your own radio show on BlogTalkRadio. The great thing about creating your own online TV and radio shows is that people can listen to and or watch your shows live or they can check out a recording of your show. In other words, you can create content for your show once and have it available online 24/7 promoting you and your book.

If you do radio or TV interviews with traditional broadcasters you can generally get a copy of your interview that you can then add to your website and use it to create other promotional material. In fact, every time you speak in public you should record your presentation. You may not be happy with every presentation but, over time, you will have a large library of recordings of your presentation which you can use on your website, create videos for sites such as YouTube and Google with links back to the site where you’re promoting your book.

When speaking in public remember to research your audience. Now, although you’ll probably be presenting essentially the same material each time, you can tailor your presentation to suit the audience. For example your presentation to a group of bankers would be different from that to real estate agents.

This doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to write a radically different presentation. You can easily adapt it to suit your target audience by perhaps using different industry-specific examples. By doing this you’ll build greater rapport with your audience. They will more readily see how what you’re presenting pertains to them and they’ll be more eager to buy your book.

And every sale you make will take you one step closer to converting your book into a best-seller.

To discover how you can turn your book specifically into an Amazon best-seller visit

Becoming An Amazon Best-Seller


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Cat in Rhode Island, USA nursing home ‘senses death’

Thursday, July 26, 2007

At a nursing home in Providence, Rhode Island a cat is reported to be able to sense when elderly individuals are about to die.

The cat, known as ‘Oscar‘ is reported to have sensed the deaths of at least 25 elderly people. According to nursing home employees, Oscar has been living at the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Center for two years and seems to sense the deaths at least two to four hours before they happen, and he is rarely wrong.

“It’s not that the cat is consistently there first. But the cat always does manage to make an appearance, and it always seems to be in the last two hours,” said professor of community health at the home, Dr. Joan Teno.

Oscar would go from room to room on a daily basis to watch and smell the patients, eventually curling up next to one that dies within a few hours, but since most of the patients he visits are too ill they do not notice his presence.

One veterinarian and expert on cats says that cats and dogs sense things that humans are not able to sense.

“It’s such a cat thing to do. Those things are hard to study. I think probably dogs and cats can sense things we can’t,” said University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine, chief of veterinarian medicine at the college, Thomas Graves who also added that he does not believe it has anything to do with being a ‘psychic cat’ saying “there’s probably a biochemical explanation.”

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Understanding What Travel Insurance Covers

Understanding what travel insurance covers


Travelex Insurance

Travel insurance policies provide protection against many of the most common problems that travelers experience. The policies can be very narrow or very comprehensive. Some include coverage for high-risk activities like mountain climbing. Travel insurance can provide financial support in the event of an emergency. The policies mainly cover unexpected and emergency situations and not events that were known in advance. Travel insurance usually covers several specific expenses and circumstances.

Medical Emergencies

Medical emergencies can occur at any time while traveling. Travel insurance provides coverage for medical emergencies especially when in a foreign country. Many healthcare policies do not provide any type of coverage outside of a specific country or geographic region. Additionally, the hospitals and clinics in some areas require cash payments before service is rendered. Travel insurance will cover the cost of treating broken bones, serious cuts or even a heart attack. Some policies also cover emergency evacuation when there are no adequate medical facilities nearby.


Trip Cancellation

One of the more popular parts of trip insurance is coverage for trip cancellation. Trip cancellation means some unexpected event has made it impossible for the policyholder to travel as expected. Trip cancellation usually applies when a person has sustained an injury. Some policies also cover cancellations due to bad weather or specific life events like the loss of a job. The key to trip cancellation policies is that the event leading to the cancellation must be completely unexpected. Cancellation policies will refund all or part of the cost of the trip.

Lost or Stolen Luggage and Personal Items

Some travel insurance includes coverage for lost or stolen luggage and other personal items. These policies can provide cash or reimbursements to travelers who need to buy new clothes or supplies to continue with a trip after luggage vanishes. Travel insurance also sometimes provides cash assistance if credit cards are lost or stolen. Certain policies will pay to replace lost passports or other travel documents. Exactly how these policies work varies between insurers. The main goal is to make sure lost or stolen personal items do not ruin the trip.

Delays and Missed Connections

Travel insurance frequently covers the costs associated with delays and missed connections. Unexpected delays could leave a person stranded in an airport in the middle of a foreign country for days. Delays could be caused by weather, mechanical issues or the insolvency of the travel provider. Coverage for delays can pay for meals or hotel rooms while waiting to leave and continue the trip. Travelers might also be able to get coverage for unscheduled travel on a plane, bus or train to try to catch up with a missed flight.

The author of this article suggests that

travel insurance services

can give you several benefits during your trip by saving your money.

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Germany legalises medical use of cannabis

Friday, January 20, 2017

Yesterday, the German Bundestag passed a law to legalise cannabis drug for medicinal purposes. The law is to come under effect in March.

“Seriously ill people must be treated in the best ways possible” ((de))German language: ?Schwerkranke Menschen müssen bestmöglich versorgt werden., German health minister Hermann Gröhe tweeted. Doctors can prescribe marijuana — cannabis — for patients suffering from multiple sclerosis, chronic pain, or loss of appetite or nausea from cancer’s chemotherapy treatment.

Christian Democrats (CDU) lawmaker Rainer Hayek said this law would still prevent recreational use of cannabis. The cost of cannabis is to be covered under health insurance. Patients can buy dried buds or cannabis extracts from pharmacies with a prescription or get synthetic derivatives from other countries, though possession of the drug in large quantities is not allowed.

Cannabis cultivation is to be monitored by the government. Germany has joined other European countries such as Austria, Spain, France, Italy, Portugal and Netherlands in legalising the drug to some extent.

In October, a 53-year-old multiple sclerosis patient showed cannabis was the only solution to reduce his pain, and the court granted him permission to grow as many as 130 plants in one year for personal use. Purchasing, rather than growing, medical cannabis at the time cost about €15 (US$16.85) per gram.

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How To Promote Your Banquet Hall Business}

Submitted by: Seomul Evans

No matter how tough the economy gets, a banquet hall business will always thrive and continue to accept bookings for many different events. But just like any other types of business, promotion is always a key factor when it comes to ensuring its profitability and prosperity. The question now is, how would you promote your business and keep the facility on constant booking? The following tips and marketing strategies are essential for introducing your business to the world.

Online Marketing

The internet reaches a far wider audience than other any other avenue for advertising. However, it requires a lot of expertise and skills to get your business to the main stream. Create a website for your banquet hall business and make it search engine friendly. Join forums where you can appropriately share a link to your website in order to direct readers to your business. Likewise, start blogging on a subject that relates to your product and post them on different article sharing sites. Social media marketing and networking can also do wonders for your business. If you dont want to spend much time on the internet, you can hire someone to carry out these online marketing tasks for you.

Partnership with other Establishments


Tap other establishments like schools, tourism centers, refreshments, sports complex, bars and small dining facilities in your locale and establish partnership with them. You can join social clubs or participate in different social events and offer discounts should they plan to throw an event. You can also offer to host a popular event in your area and ask if they can advertise you as a sponsor in their programs and posters.


The key in brochure marketing is to highlight the best amenities and services that your banquet hall business offers. To further emphasize these features, you should come up with an eye-catching brochure design along with few excellent photos and the contact information of your business. Make to have the brochure printed on glossy and high quality paper and post them on community boards.

Business Cards

Business cards will never stop working for you, unlike a radio or television ad that can only last a few seconds, or a print ad that can only last a day. Cards are small enough for the readers to keep them in their wallet. Every time your customers browse through your card, they will be reminded of your company. Business cards will essentially serve as references to your prospective customers that will allow them to easily reach your business anytime.

Broadcasting Media

Radio and television are both an excellent promotion avenues where you can promote your banquet hall business. Work with a professional to put together an advertising campaign that connects your business to the listeners and viewers. For a much cheaper video marketing option, make use of the internet and upload your video for free. Furthermore, do not ignore local directories. Appear in yellow page listings, local newspapers and in local online directories to get a customer base that is tightly focused on your area.

Finally, a very powerful tool for promoting your business is through word-of-mouth. A neighbor can recommend your business to her hair dresser and the hair dresser can forward the recommendation to her many other clients and so on. Remember, people trust recommendations especially from other people whom they personally trust or admire. Therefore, you have to make your customers happy to give them reasons why they should recommended your banquet hall business to others.

About the Author: Seomul Evans is a SEO Services consultant for the leading

Dallas Banquet Facility

. Visit the site for

Dallas Banquet Hall Rental

and conference room services.


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Photoessay: The Idiotarod: When Good Shopping Carts Go Bad

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Washington, D.C. —When you mix a shopping cart, six team members, bar hopping and bonus points for schmoozing bar hostesses and sabotaging your enemies, you get the annual Washington, D.C. Idiotarod race. On Saturday, this bizarre fund raising event, which originated in San Francisco 13 years ago, pitted teams of “sleds” together to race from bar to bar in Washington, D.C.’s fashionable Dupont Circle and Adams Morgan neighborhoods. Each “sled” consists of a “borrowed” shopping cart and six human dogs to pull the cart. Points are given for originality, the best time and best sabotage of another sled.

The race is held to benefit the Arlington Food Assistance Center and is organized by Ellen Shortill and Kristen Heatherly. Their organization, called “SMASHED” or “Society for Mature Adults Seeking to Help, Entertain and Donate”, takes the position that donating small amounts many times ultimately benefits the smaller charities. Said Shortill, “Our goal is simply to have fun and raise money for those charities that don’t really get any attention.”

The race this year consisted of 22 teams. Although team “Save NOLA” got to the last bar first, teams can win bonus points for (among other things) flirting with bar hosts and hostesses at any of the five bars along the route. The route is approximately 3 miles long, and each team is required to spend at least 20 minutes in each bar. Heatherly noted that “it doesn’t matter who got here first, ultimately its the team with the most credits and the best time that wins.”

Unique among the participants are brothers Pete and Chris Magnuson who are attempting to get on the 10th edition of Amazing Race on CBS. Their team called “Pick Pete and Chris” ran through the streets with t-shirts hawking their website and their fervent desire to be chosen for the next edition of the television show.

“Its not really about who wins, its that we get to have a blast and raise some money,” said Shortill. The charity event raised about $500 and various canned goods for the food pantry.

This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.
This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.

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