Archives August 2022

All About Breasts Implants

All about Breasts Implants


Mark D Epstein

I do wish my breasts were bigger. Not big… but less small – Calista Flockhart. Are you also not satisfied with the shape of your breast? You don t have to compromise anymore with the shape of the breast that is not of your interest. With the advancement of technology, there are wide array of breast implants through which you can obtain a breast shape of your choice. Women, who opt for Breast implant, not only improve the shape of their breast but also enhance their confidence. They go for breast implant either to increase the size of the breast or to improve the shape after a mastectomy or injury.

Who are not eligible for breast implants?

Breast implants are not recommended for,

– Women who presently have malignant or pre-malignant cancer


– Who have infection anywhere in the body and

– Pregnant women

Even before you undergo breast implant, it s very important that you know about the available Breast Augmentation Procedure in Long Island and then decide which one could be right for you.

There are two main types of breast implants, namely Saline implants and Silicone gel implants which are explained below.

Saline implants

Saline breast implant finds an important place in aesthetic breast surgery from longtime. It is one of the most commonly performed breast surgery in the United States. Patients with A-B cup breasts or even larger and patients who don t fall under thin category are considered to be best candidates for saline breast implant. This type of breast implant employs silicone outer shell filled with sterile saltwater or saline solution. The empty shell is surgically inserted in the right place and then it is filled with saline. Saline implant has number of benefits. As the silicone shell is filled with saline water, it is absolutely safe to the body. In the event of rupture or deflate, the body easily absorbs the saline solution. Thus, it is considered to be less contaminative.

Among all breast implants, saline breast implants requires smaller incisions. When it comes to appearance, it provides natural look and feel. This procedure helps women to get a beautiful breast shape and body contour.

Silicone Implants

A silicone breast implant uses a silicone elastomer shell which is filled with silicone gel. Through surgery it is either implanted under the breast tissue or under the chest muscle. Patients who wish to undergo silicone breast implant must be at least 22 years old. This procedure can be used for breast augmentation, i.e. to increase the size of the breast or as a revision surgery to correct the defects of primary breast augmentation surgery. Silicone breast implant is best suited for breast reconstruction as well. It aims at reconstructing or replacing breast tissue that has been removed due to cancer or trauma or in cases where the breast fails to develop due to abnormality.

Rupture of a silicone gel-filled breast implant is undetectable. Thus, patients who undergo this procedure need regular MRI screening examinations.

If you are considering a Breast Implant Surgery in Long Island, it is very important to be aware of the above procedures and opt for the one that best suits you!

Certified breast implant surgeon in Long Island provides you the latest cosmetic and reconstructive breast surgery procedures to enhance the look and feel of your boobs. For more,

click here

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Influential Croat poet Dragutin Tadijanovi? dies

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Croatian poet Dragutin Tadijanovi? died last week in Zagreb, Croatia. He was 101 years old.

Born on November 4, 1905 in Rastušje, Slavonia, Croatia, he was erudite cordially referred to as ‘Bard’ in Croatia.

He published his first poem in 1922. He graduated in literature and philosophy at the University of Zagreb in 1937.

He worked as the lecturer of the official paper Narodne novine (1935-1940), taught at the Academy of Arts in Zagreb (1939-1945). Later he worked at the publishing house “Zora”, “Hrvatski pjesnici”, as well as Matica hrvatska, before becoming an editor at the [what?]. He joined the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts‘s Literary Institute, where he became the director in 1953 and served until his retirement in 1973. He was the president of the Society of Croatian Writers in 1964-1965, and he also became an academician of the Academy.

Apart from being among the longest living writers in Croatian history, Tadijanovi? held distinction as one of the most popular and most influential Croatian poets of 20th century. His poem Balada o zaklanim ovcama (Ballad of Slaughtered Sheep), written in 1930s, is one of the most powerful works of Croatian literature.

He was among the longest living writers in Croatian history, with generations studying his poems in school. His last couple of birthdays were marked with reports on national TV, awards and other special events and his commemoration ceremony was held at the Old City Hall on uphill Zagreb attended by the Mayor of Zagreb and other political and cultural officials.

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Human remains in mass grave confirm Argentina secret death camp

Friday, December 12, 2008

File:Parque de la Memoria – Buenos Aires – Dennis Oppenheim – Monumento al escape.jpg

During a seven-month search, the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (EAAF) on Tuesday, confirmed more than 10,000 charred human bone fragments were unearthed between February and September, in a pit at Pozo de Arana, a former La Plata, Argentina secret government detention center. The Arana prison or police station was used to torture prisoners during the so-called Argentina “Dirty War,” and was one of 300 used to interrogate Argentine prisoners.

The war refers to the state-sponsored violence against Argentine citizenry from roughly 1976 to 1983 carried out primarily by Jorge Rafael Videla’s military government. The exact chronology of the repression is still debated, as trade unionists were targeted for assassination as early as 1973. Isabel Martínez de Perón’s “annihilation decrees” of 1975, during Operativo Independencia, have also been suggested as the origin of The Dirty War.

The official record reveals that up to 13,000 people disappeared, while 30,000 were killed during this time. Argentine security forces and death squads worked hand in hand with other South American dictatorships in the frame of Operation Condor. An Argentine court would later condemn the government’s crimes as crimes against humanity and “genocide”.

EAAF president and forensic scientist Luis Fondebrider said that “in 25 years of searching, this was the first time that human remains were found at a former detention cente; the magnitude of what the team has found where the Clandestine Center of Arana was located, merits that sometimes they show partial results.” He further noted that “the bodies had been burned inside graves along with tires, combustibles and other material; and the possibilities of identifying some of these remains is low because of the state they are in.” Fondebrider concluded that “this scientifically confirms the testimonies of the detained, the hundreds of survivors who have said for years that authorities tortured, killed and burned the bodies of political opponents.”

The anthropological discovery further reveals that a wall with more than 200 bullet marks or holes and an “important quantity” of used ammunition shells on the ground nearby, were found adjacent the mass pit grave. As evidence of executions, they were marked with red paint by forensic scientists. The team, however, failed to determine how many bodies the fragments represented.

Maria Vedio, 47, legal chairwoman for the Permanent Assembly for Human Rights La Plata said that ” this is the first time there is proof that Arana wasn’t only a detention and torture center, but also a center of elimination.”

Sara Derotier de Cobacho, secretary of human rights for Buenos Aires said, “I ask the forgiveness of family members, because I can imagine what the mothers and all who are gathered here will feel, but what we are about to show is not to detail the genocide but so that we have proof for the trials that are to come; but let us not forget, that behind every clandestine center there were the names of the repressors. … so it is very important for all citizens to know those names; we are looking for the truth so we can attain justice and construct, from there, the memory of our 30,000 ‘desaparecidos’.”

Some of those responsible for the mass killings have been charged and meted life or death sentences. They include Miguel Osvaldo Etchecolatz, a senior Argentine police officer, who worked in the Buenos Aires Provincial Police during the first years of the military dictatorship known as the National Reorganization Process. He was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment in 2006, on charges of homicide, kidnapping, and torture. The tribunal, besides handing the sentence, stated that Etchecolatz’s committed “crimes against humanity in the context of the genocide that took place in Argentina”. But the principal complainant, who was detained at Arana, has since disappeared.

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UK pay freeze on public sector employees will end next year

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

On Monday, United Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak revealed in a media briefing that he will confirm in his Budget, scheduled for half-noon Wednesday, an end to the partial pay freeze on 2.6 million public sector employees introduced last November, alongside a 6.6% increase to the National Living Wage.

Sunak used the fall in wages during COVID-19 to justify his “pause” in public sector employees’ pay that exempted 2.9 million National Health Service workers and those earning under GBP24 thousand per year, but applied to 2.6 million teachers, police, civil servants and members of the British Armed Forces. While a pay rise is in order from spring next year, the precise details are pending consultation by independent advisers and pay review bodies, according to the i. The Guardian writes some 5.7 million public sector employees could see a pay rise.

In addition, about two million on minimum wage, including some from the above 5.7 million, could benefit from an increase in the national minimum and national living wages. According to the i and The Guardian, the National Living Wage applicable for over-23s will increase by 59p to GBP9.50 an hour from next April, about GBP1000 for a full-time worker, in line with recommendations from independent advisory board the Low Pay Commission. The National Minimum Wage for those aged 21 to 22 will rise 82p to GBP9.18 an hour, and the Apprenticeship Rate will go up 51p to GBP4.81 an hour.

However, according to senior research economist at the Institute for Fiscal Studies Tom Waters: “While this boosts earnings for full-time minimum wage workers by over £1,000 a year, those on universal credit will see their disposable income go up by just £250 because their taxes rise and benefit receipt falls as their earnings increase.” Shadow chief secretary to the Treasury and Labour MP Bridget Phillipson said the offer was “underwhelming”, and “[m]uch of it will be swallowed up by the government’s tax rises, universal credit cuts and failure to get a grip on energy bills”. UK inflation rose 2.9% the year to September, according to the Office of National Statistics.

Phillipson contrasted Sunak’s measures with those of a Labour government, according to The Independent: “With a new deal for workers, exploitative practices like zero hours contracts banned, Fire and rehire outlawed, a minimum wage of at least £10 an hour and fair pay agreements, a Labour government will transform work and raise standards.”

However, the Daily Mirror says Mr Sunak is considering a rise to GBP10.50 an hour, and the qualifying age for the National Living Wage lowered from 25 to 21 by the next election in 2024. This would match or exceed Labour’s pledge of “a decent income that you can raise a family on”: an increase of the “minimum wage to at least £10 an hour”.

Mr Sunak said during the media briefing that Speaker of the House of Commons Sir Lindsay Hoyle would later call “riding roughshod” over parliamentarians, that it was “[t]he economic impact and uncertainty of the virus” that led to the “difficult decision to pause private pay”, which “[a]long with our Plan for Jobs, this action helped us protect livelihoods at the height of the pandemic. And now, with the economy firmly back on track, it’s right that nurses, teachers and all the other public-sector workers who played their part during the pandemic see their wages rise.”

Prime Minister Boris Johnson had announced at the Conservative Party conference his intent to create a “high-pay, high-skill economy” after Brexit, but it may take years for salary growth to catch up with mounting financial pressures, according to the i.

According to The Guardian, analysis by the Resolution Foundation indicates those impacted by the freeze earned nearly 8% less than their private sector counterparts. The differential widened to 0.6% for all public sector employees, including those exempt. The Office of National Statistics writes total private sector pay grew 8.3% from June to August 2021, while public sector pay grew only 2.5%.

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Why You Should Get Air Compressor For Your Everyday Tasks

Why You Should Get Air Compressor For Your Everyday Tasks


Benedikt Myers

Doing Work around the home constantly leaves a lot of scrap and debris behind. Normally, you will clean it completely some time later on you end up with work. It is pretty problematic process and quite annoying. Brushing all that stuff always becomes old fast. If you have ever wondered if anything could create your living smoother in that matter, I bring in a great solution for you. Air Compressor. While it is one of most humble uses for an air compressor, winding dust with compressed air is why many individuals get air compressors for. This quite a irritating job becomes almost enjoying with the help of this wonderful device. I know I had a good time winding away leaves and twigs in my father\’s garden , maybe it is just me but I enjoy blowing stuff around, left and right.

Still you might have bought an air compressor for that singular purpose, you will shortly notice that there is much more that can be done with this device. First use that gets to mind is inflating tires. God knows how many times I got a flat tire on my motorcycle or i wanted to inflate auto tire a bit. With bike, I had to inflate-pump it manually and for automobile tires I had to run to the gasoline station. If I had anything that could inflate them, at that time, both of these jobs would be finished much more easily and it would save me time as well as effort. That is what this machine could do for me.

Save time and effort



More intelligent souls than me push their air compressors to their boundaries. These guys use them with mixture of air tools so they can do all kinds of tasks around the household. Some even purchase heavy-duty mark air compressors because they set up them to great use all the time. If you have a workshop of sorts, you most likely have an air compressor among your tools. If you do not, obtain one. I am absolutely convinced that each workshop can get advantage from a good air compressor. There are constantly things where you could use compressed air to get them done with to the lowest degree amount of effort. One good example of this are screwdrivers, impact wrenches, drills etc. They all can be employed with an air compressor in order to execute the job smoother and simpler.

All these undertakings and applications have one thing in common. They all involve energy to be used in order to be finished. Now, you can use your individual energy to do them or you can use energy stacked away in your compressor. This is the best critical thing that air compressors can do for you.

They offer you with energy for various tasks

. While it takes comparatively long to fill again your energy after a accomplished day\’s work, it is easy to replenish the energy of the air compressor.

Being so useful, air compressors are really popular with do it yourself crowd. There are plainly hundreds of models, every one with their own particular specifications. You need to opt for the right one for your needs. Luckily for you, internet is flooded with nice articles and sites which can help you attain this.

If you would like detailed information about air compressors, i would recommend checking

Husky Compressor

site, which i own. Also, there is a range of

Husky Air Compressor Accessories

that is worth checking out.

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China overtakes Germany as world’s biggest exporter

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Chinese officials have said that their country’s exports surged last December to edge out Germany as the world’s biggest exporter.

The official Xinhua news agency reported today that figures from the General Administration for Customs showed that exports jumped 17.7% in December from a year earlier. Over the whole of 2009 total Chinese exports reached US$1.2 trillion, above Germany’s forecast $1.17 trillion.

Huang Guohua, a statistics official with the customs administration, said the December exports rebound was an important turning point for China’s export sector. He commented that the jump was an indication that exporters have emerged from their downslide.

“We can say that China’s export enterprises have completely emerged from their all-time low in exports,” he said.

However, although China overtook Germany in exports, China’s total foreign trade — both exports and imports — fell 13.9% last year.

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Muslim hair stylist sues hairdresser over alleged discrimination

Friday, November 9, 2007

British-born Muslim hair stylist Bushra Noah is currently undertaking legal action against the owner of a hair salon for alleged religious discrimination. Noah is suing London hair salon owner Sarah Desroiser. Desroiser who runs a salon in King’s Cross, has said that she would not accept Noah as a stylist if Noah’s hair was covered. Noah, like many devout Muslims keeps her hair covered in public places, believing it to be immodest otherwise.

Noah claims that her headscarf is a fundamental part of her religious beliefs and that wearing the scarf would not interfere in her carrying out the job at all. Desrosiers said that it is not discrimination but rather that “the essence of my line of work is the display of hair. To me, it’s absolutely basic that people should be able to see the stylist’s hair. It has nothing to do with religion. It is just unfortunate that for her covering her hair symbolises religion.” Desosiers added that she had worked with Muslims in the past and employs a Muslim accountant.

Noah claims that the state of her own hair is irrelevant to her ability to style others hair.

The last few years have seen a string of similar cases in Britain. Last year, there was a case over whether a British Airways employee could wear a prominent cross, and another case in which a teacher argued that she had a right to wear a Jilb?b (a traditional Islamic dress that covers almost the entire body) in the classroom. In that case, the teacher lost in the High Court.

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Afghan women’s rights official shot dead

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Safia Ahmed-jan, the director of the Afghan Ministry of Women’s Affairs for the Khandahar province and an advocate of women’s rights and a strong critic of the Taliban‘s repression of those rights, was shot dead by unidentified gunmen outside her home in Khandahar city in southern Afghanistan on Monday.

Safia Ama-jan, as she was known locally, is the first woman official to be targeted by the Taliban-led insurgency since it was deposed in 2001.

Safia Ahmed-jan taught at a girls’ school and was a high-school principal in Khandahar prior to the Taliban’s 1996 rise to power in Afghanistan. When the Taliban regime banned education for girls and forbade women from working outside the home, she ran an underground school for girls at her home, said her son Naqibullah, speaking to the Associated Press.

After the Taliban government was overthrown in 2001, Ahmed-jan became the provincial chief for women’s affairs in 2002, when the ministry was established and has since then held that position, worked for women’s rights and particularly, championed the cause of educating girls. Her secretary, Abdullah Khan told Associated Press that among her most successful projects were the vocational training schools she opened in Khandahar, where almost 1000 women were taught baking, tailoring and other skills.

Ahmed-jan has also been fiercely critical of the repression of women during the Taliban rule, in a region that has remained conservative and emerged as a hotbed of the Taliban’s insurgent activity. Her requests for personal security guards and transport went unheeded by the government, according to local media reports, though her nephew, Muhammad Asif told the New York Times that Ahmed-jan preferred to keep a low profile and used a taxi or public transport even though her office maintained cars and drivers.

Ahmed-jan was shot dead outside her house at about 7:30 a.m. local time (UTC+4:30) on Monday, as she left for work in a taxi. The gunmen are believed to have left scene on a motorcycle, and tyre marks have been found by the police, said the provincial governor Asadullah Khaled, who visited the scene of the attack.

Ahmed-jan was shot four times with a pistol, Muhammad Haidar, who worked in her office told the New York Times. Mohammad Nader, the head nurse at Khandahar’s main hospital where Ahmed-jan was taken to, confirmed to the Chicago Tribune that she was shot four times, including once in the head.

She was about 65 years old.

Accounts of the shooting are sketchy, several reports suggesting no one witnessed it. However, one man, identified as Allaudin told Al Jazeera that he saw two men on motorcycles waiting on the road, who attacked Ahmed-jan as she left her house.

A spokesman for the Khandahar governor, Daud Ahmadi confirmed the death and said that Ahmed-jan had died on the spot. An investigation into the attack has begun, and local officials have blamed the Taliban.

Hundreds of men and women, including the Governor Asadullah Khaled were present at Ahmed-jan’s funeral on Monday evening, which took place in Khandahar’s main Shia mosque.

The killing has been strongly condemned by the Afghan President Hamid Karzai as well as aid and human rights organisations in Afghanistan.

Aleem Siddique, a spokesman for the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan (UNAMA), said that UNAMA was “appalled at the senseless murder” of a woman who was working to ensure a full and equal part in the future of Afghanistan for its women. He added, “We share the sentiment of the majority of Afghan people who are appalled at this killing.”

Abdul Quadar Noorzai, head of the Afghan Independent Human Rights Commission (AIHRC) for the Khandahar region told IRIN News that Ahmed-jan’s death will have a “serious impact on women’s activities in the south where women are already suffering from … the deteriorating security and conservative traditions,”.

Fariba Ahmedi, a woman MP from Khandahar who was present at Ahmed-jan’s funeral told the Associated Press, “The enemy of Afghanistan killed her, but they should know it will not derail women from the path we are on. We will continue on our way,”.

Sonja Bachmann, a U.N. political officer who knew Ahmed-jan well told the New York Times that Ahmed-jan “did a good job, she worked in a very low-key way and worked hard to raise awareness about women’s issues.”

Reuters and Associated Press received phone calls, claiming responsibility for the attacks on behalf of Mullah Sadullah, a regional Taliban commander, but no confirmation of the claim has been possible.

Another caller, who identified himself as Taliban commander Mullah Hayat Khan told Al Jazeera that Ahmed-jan was killed because she worked for the government.

The Taliban-led insurgency has stepped up attacks in recent months, killing hundreds of people this year.

Last week, 19 Afghans working for reconstruction projects in the region were killed after their bus was ambushed.The Governor of Paktia province, a close associate of President Karzai, was killed in a suicide bombing on September 10.

Attacks on schools have also been stepped up. According to the Afghan education ministry, there have been 158 attacks on schools this year, compared to 146 last year. The attacks on schools are believed to be due partly to the Taliban’s opposition to educating girls, as well as a way to undermine the Afghan government and it’s reconstruction efforts.

Twelve suspected militants and two Afghan police officers were reported killed on Monday in separate incidents which also left eight others and a U.S. soldier wounded.

“People are scared, of course,” Ahmad-jan’s co-worker Haidar said, “How can we feel secure when the head of our department is killed in front of her house?”

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Identity Theft Guard Your Childrens Social Security Numbers

By Charles Essmeier

Identity theft is a growing concern among Americans, and rates among the top five complaints received by states Attorney Generals offices. A stolen identity can lead to tens of thousands of dollars worth of debt in the victims name and it can take years to completely undo the damage done to the victims credit report. Identity thieves can successfully commit crime with as little as a drivers license number or credit card number, but the ideal target of such criminals is the Social Security number. With that number in hand, the identity thief can pass themselves off as the victim and open credit card accounts, bank accounts, and even obtain home equity loans. As more Americans become aware of the problems posed by identity theft, consumers are doing more to protect themselves. This has inspired thieves to look to a new source of identities to steal, and they have found one. They are now stealing the identities of children.

Established in the 1930s the Social Security Administration was set up to provide benefits for retired Americans. Taxes are withdrawn from the paychecks of eligible workers, and each worker is issued a Social Security number in order to keep track of his or her benefits. Over the years, and despite the intentions of those who created the system, the Social Security number has become a de facto national identity number. It is difficult, if not impossible, to engage in most financial transactions without providing that number to the other party in the transaction. In fact, the number itself has become as important as the name of the person who holds it. Over the years, criminals have discovered that by obtaining the Social Security number of someone else, all kinds of illegal activities are possible, including obtaining loans in the names of the owners of the stolen numbers.


With more people now aware of the potential of identity theft, consumers are more carefully protecting their personal information. As a result, thieves are now targeting the Social Security numbers of children. A law passed in 1989 requires parents of newborn infants to register for a Social Security number for their child. That child will probably not need that number until he or she is a teenager, when the number might be necessary to obtain a drivers license, open a bank account, or get a job. In the meantime, the number is not only unused, but the theft of it may go unnoticed. Thieves who obtain a Social Security number of a child know that they can probably use it for a decade without being caught. How can you protect your child from identity theft? Treat your childs personal information as if it were your own, and guard it carefully. Dont give out the Social Security number of your child unless it is absolutely necessary, and if you arent sure if its necessary, ask. Some doctors and hospitals, for instance, request the number as a matter of course, but they may not actually need it. Check to see if your child has a credit report. You can obtain one for free at the free credit report Website. Your child, if not working, shouldnt have a credit report, so if the credit bureaus have one on file, you may have a problem. A childs personal information is as useful to an identity thief as that of an adult. Guard yours and your childrens identification carefully.

Copyright 2005 by Retro Marketing.

About the Author: Charles Essmeier is the owner of Retro Marketing, a firm devoted to informational Websites, including

, a site devoted to debt consolidation and credit counseling, and

, a site devoted to information regarding home equity lending.


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International participants showcase different industry cultures at 2008 Taipei Game Show

Friday, January 25, 2008

B2B Trade Area of Taipei Game Show, criticized by trade buyers last year, but accompanied with 2008 Taiwan Digital Content Forum, moved to the second floor at Taipei World Trade Center for world-wide participants with a better exchange atmosphere this year.

Not only local OBMs (Softstar Entertainment, Soft-World International Corp., International Games System Corp., …, etc.) but also companies from New Zealand, Canada, Japan, Hong Kong, and South Korea showcased different specialists with multiple styles. Especially on South Korea, participated members from G? Trade Show (Game Show & Trade, All-Round, aka Gstar) showcased gaming industry of South Korea and the G? upcoming at this November with brochures.

In the 2-days Digital Content Forum, world-class experts not only shared industry experiences, members from Taiwan Gaming Industry Association also discussed and forecasted marketing models for gaming industry. With participations from governmental, industrial, and academical executives world-wide, this forum helps them gained precious experiences of digital content industry from several countries.

According to the Taipei Computer Association, the show and forum organizer, the digital content industry in Taiwan was apparently grown up recent years as Minister of Economic Affairs of the Republic of China Steve Ruey-long Chen said at Opening Ceremony yesterday. Without R&Ds from cyber-gaming, and basic conceptions from policies and copyright issues, this (digital content) industry will be fallen down in Taiwan. If this industry wanted to be grown up in sustainability, gaming OBMs in Taiwan should independently produce different and unique games and change market style to market brands and games to the world.

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