Archives June 2022

Report urges Kenya to ban plastic bags

Wednesday, March 9, 2005File:Plastic bag stock sized.jpg

They are cheap, useful, and very plentiful, and that is exactly the problem, according to researchers. A report issued on Feb. 23 by a cadre of environment and economics researchers suggested that Kenya should ban the common plastic bag that one gets at the checkout counter of grocery stores, and place a levy on other plastic bags, all to combat the country’s environmental problems stemming from the bags’ popularity.

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Get Outstanding Profits From An Automotive Guest Posting Company

Are you interested in car blogging? If so, then I’m sure you’ll love to express your blogging experience to other car lovers. If you do so amazingly, I cannot describe how you’ll feel happy when others will read the information that you share on your blog. No doubt, you’ll surely help a lot of people who want to know information about cars.

But the question is what strategy you’ll apply to promote your blog? If you didn’t think about it, don’t worry I have a lot of options. However, to promote a blog on other’s blog requires payment that perhaps should create a problem for you. But don’t panics if you have a tight budget and you’re very careful about the hard efforts of online marketing promotion, then you can go for the choices to perform it on your personal preference, it is truly free. Firstly, you must gain knowledge about automotive guest posts and you can also visittheeffective automotive guest posting serviceswebsite where you get complete information about a guest post.


But, how you can learn it?

With the help of the following points, you can easily learn related automotive guest posts. So let’s start:

  • If you visit any car enthusiast sites just like thousands of car lovers usually visit, then you can also become a part of them who only visit that site for getting appropriate information about car blogging. Once you’ll visit the automotive guest pot site, you can dream of automotive backlinks on your post.
  • By analyzing information about car features, now you can write all about cars such as design, warranties, structures, accessories or anything that you like and your car lovers too. Even, you may also use such posts to welcome car fans for checking your products/services in the case of involving in the car industry.
  • Through this pattern, you’ll also get free service along with having automotive backlinks. And you need to daily publish original and impeccably written content on the site that will help you to be assured of great exposure on the site and the entire car lover groups.
  • Guest posting is well known as a free promoting strategy means you’re saving a huge volume of money and time for marking efforts.
  • Once you have got effective automotive backlinks, then you’ll generate fabulous improvements in your site reputation and also get amazing ranks from the search engines.
  • Along with advertising your automotive business, you need to also focus on shaking hands with a different type of service of guest posting that allows you to contribute to the increasing volume of car enthusiasts all over.
  • You may share your knowledge about cars through the guest post that makes your chance to meet people who are seeking exact information what you’re providing.
  • On the other side, you can also improve your knowledge from two most effective service that is marketing needs taken care of by you and the second is, you’re able to project a potential enhance in sales for your car items and services.

Read More:Know The Advantages And Disadvantages Of Guest Posting Services

Category:June 8, 2010

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Man, 62, shot dead in Ronanstown, Dublin

Saturday, December 24, 2016

A 62-year-old man was murdered in Ronanstown, Clondalkin, South Dublin on Thursday night. The victim has been named as Noel Kirwan.

The killing took place outside Kirwan’s girlfriend’s home as he sat in his Ford Mondeo car and was shot several times in the head. Kirwan was with his partner, who was unhurt at the time of the killing. A white burned out van believed to be involved in the murder was found at the nearby Neilstown Shopping Centre. A firearm was also found at the scene.

Kirwan, originally from North Inner City Dublin and later Kilbarrack, was a friend of Gerry Hutch and it is believed the killing is part of the ongoing Hutch/Kinahan fued, due to Kirwan’s association with the Hutch family. Gardaí (Irish police) had warned Kirwan of a threat to his life and as a result Kirwan had installed CCTV at his home.

Gardaí investigating the crime will be visiting houses near where the murder took place. Lucan Garda station Superintendent Dermot Mann said, “We can’t make any assumptions at this stage, but let me reassure the public and the community we will be putting a lot of resources into this to try and investigate it and move it forward.”

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Africans keep the leading position at 2008 Mumbai Marathon

Sunday, January 20, 2008

The Standard Chartered Marathon, nicknamed “The Greatest Race on Earth“, held its third stage in Mumbai, India today. Because of the scorching hot weather in India, marathon runners had to adapt to the weather to overcome the challenge.

More than 30,000 runners participated in this race, joined by local NGOs and disabled who participated in a special charity short-distance running including 6km dream run, 4.3 km senior, and 2.5km wheel-chair classes. Gabriela Szabo, former Romanian Olympic Gold Medalist, named as charity ambassador of the race, was pleased by the participation from experts and NGOs.

An hour into the race, former champion Daniel Rono and Joseph Kimisi took the lead, but then Tariku Jifar from Ethiopia and defending champion John Ekiru Kelai took over Rono and Kimisi. After 40 kilometres, Kelai took a decisive lead and finally retained his champion title in 2 hours 12 minutes 22 seconds.

In the Women’s Group, Mulu Seboka from Ethiopia won the champion with 2H30m03s. Local runners Surendra Singh & Kavita Raut won the Men’s and Women’s Champions in the half-marathon class.

Division & Groups Men’s Group Women’s Group
South East Asia Dang Duc Bao Nguyen (Vietnam) 2:30’57” Pacharee Chaitongsri (Thailand) 2:55’29”
North East Asia Chin-chi Chiang (Chinese Taipei) 2:33’33” Xin Zhang (China) 2:53’59”
South Asia and Middle East Ajith Bandara Adikari Mudiyanselage (Sri Lanka) 2:24’07” Lakmini Anuradhi Bogahawatta (Sri Lanka) 3:04’21”
Africa John Ekiru Kelai (Kenya B) 2:12’22” Irene Kemunto Mogaka (Kenya B) 2:32’50”
Europe and Oceania Oleg Kharitonov (Russia) 2:30’55” Helen Stanton (Australia) 2:52’33”
America Paulino Canchanya Canchanya (Peru) 2:28’13” Rosangela Figueredo Silva (Brazil) 2:58’16”

Division & Groups Men’s Group Women’s Group
South East Asia Vietnam Thailand
North East Asia Chinese Taipei China
South Asia & Middle East India Sri Lanka
Africa Kenya B Kenya B
Europe & Oceania Russia Finland
America Peru United States
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How To Buy Vintage Hawaiian Shirts

By Hannah Roberts

Vintage Hawaiian Shirts come from all over the world. If you want to buy vintage Hawaiian shirts, it is really not a problem because stores are everywhere, even on the Internet. You can look for shirts online and order them at the same time. There are a lot of sites that sell vintage Hawaiian shirts at reasonable prices.

People who sell vintage Hawaiian shirts are usually those who love collecting them. When you order online, you can have your vintage Hawaiian shirt mailed to you. Although you will have to pay an extra amount, having a unique Hawaiian shirt is worth it. The shirts are delivered directly to you. You can also buy vintage Hawaiian shirts in bulk at lower prices.

Most rayon garments should be dry-cleaned. Some types of fabric and certain garment constructions require the shirts be hand or machine washed. When you have washable items, you can use cool suds or mild lukewarm lather. When you are going to apply suds, gently squeeze through the fabric and rinse it with lukewarm water. Avoid twisting or wringing the article. You should shake it out and smooth it and place it on a hanger which is rust-free until it dries. Press the article while it is still damp on the reverse side. Set the iron at a moderate heat. Use a press cloth if the right side needs to be ironed to avoid staining the colors. You can press rayon articles with a cool iron.


Choose Hawaiian shirts that are made of cotton. Cotton shirts have an advantage because they can be easily washed or laundered. They can also withstand higher temperatures which avoids damaging the fibers. Cotton shirts are not choosy when it comes to detergents. You can use any soap to wash your cotton shirt. You can also press it with a hot iron. Cotton is the best choice in all types of shirts because it gives you a fresh feeling unlike any other material.

Hemp is also a good choice. It is tough and can also be used with any detergent. It can be ironed and resists scorching. Hemp absorbs perspiration well. Silk is another type of Hawaiian shirt that is popular, but it tends to be expensive. It does not scorch that easily, and it feels nice on your skin.

Now that you know how to buy vintage Hawaiian shirts, it will be exciting to make your first purchase.

About the Author: Hannah Roberts has an interest in Hawaiian Shirts. To access more articles on

Hawaiian Shirt’s

or for additional information and resources visit this

Hawaiian Shirts

related website


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Australia’s Channel Nine Network sacks two journalists for faking footage

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Channel Nine in Brisbane has fired two journalists and a producer for faking two live news crosses to aerial footage above the site of a search. In a live news cross, journalists broadcast back to the newsroom in real time when an event is happening.

Melissa Mallet and Cameron Price and Producer Aaron Wakeley were sacked by the Nine Network after rival Channel Seven filmed footage of the Nine News helicopter sitting on the helipad at the time it was supposed to be in the air on a live cross near the site of a search for the remains of a missing schoolboy, Daniel Morcombe. Evidence emerged the helicopter had not been near the site of the search during a live cross on the previous day, as well.

Channel Nine began an investigation after the footage came to light.

The incident, labelled “Choppergate”, has lead to the network’s credibility being questioned. Following the scandal, Lee Anderson, Queensland news director, resigned after 25 years at the network.

The Nine Network boss, David Gyngell, issued an apology. “The integrity of the Nine news brand is the value of Channel 9. Integrity is paramount. … Staff made a massive mistake, and on my watch. That will never, ever, happen again. I am truly sorry.”

The network has said that the decision to sack the journalists and producer was necessary for the network’s credibility and the trust viewers place in their information.

Cameron Price said he was considering legal action against his dismissal. “Thanks for all the support”, he tweeted to his followers. “I believe what happened today is completely unfair … And I am seeking advice on the matter.”

Bruce Morcombe, Daniel Morcombe’s father, said of his family, “We genuinely see it as a storm in a teacup and feel quite sorry for the loss of those people’s jobs”.

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Gunman kills self and hostage in Texas NASA building

Friday, April 20, 2007

Around 1:40 p.m. CDT, NASA employees reported that two shots were fired in the NASA Building 44 in the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. A SWAT team later reported that Bill Phillips, a contract engineer with Jacobs Engineering, had killed David Beverly as well as himself, leaving a female hostage physically unharmed.

Phillips entered a conference room with gun drawn and ordered all but one person out. Phillips barricaded himself on the second floor of the two-story building, with David Beverly and another female hostage. The building was evacuated and police were summoned. NASA security, Houston police and a SWAT team were on the scene.

Houston news reported at 5:22 p.m. CDT that Bill Phillips, the gunman, and David Beverly, the hostage, were both dead. Police reported that the SWAT team heard one shot and decided to engage, but before they reached the room they heard another shot. When SWAT reached the scene, the male hostage was dead from a bullet to the chest, the gunman was dead from a bullet to the head, and the female hostage, Fran Cranshaw, was gagged and bound to a chair with duct tape, but was otherwise unharmed.

All NASA employees had first been warned to stay in their buildings but were later told by NASA they were free to go home if their working day was over. Mission Control locked its doors during this incident, as this is a standard procedure in such situations. No NASA Mission has been affected by this incident, according to NASA.

In the first press conference, police said that communication to the gunman had not yet been established, but that negotiators had already tried it two times unsuccessfully.

The motive of the hostage-taking, and whether the three people had any connection to each other, is currently under investigation.

The Houston Chronicle reports that last month Phillips had received one e-mail from his employer, Jacob engineering Inc., “describing problems with his work and offering suggestions on improvement.” Jacobs printed that e-mail on March 18, the same day he bought the 38-caliber gun that police suspect was used in the shooting.

Despite reassurances by Cranshaw and Beverly, Phillips would not believe that management was not going to fire him, according to Cranshaw. During the 3-hour standoff, Phillips used a dry-erase board in the room indicating he was tired of being called “stupid,” police said last Saturday.

Michael Sampson, the co-manager of the space agency’s Electronic Parts and Packaging Program, who had known Beverly for ten years, described him as friendly, peaceful person, with a positive attitude to his co-workers.

Relatives describe Phillips as a loner who always kept to himself. He had lost his father in 2003, but had decided not to return to his hometown in Tennessee. Smith, a cousin of Phillips, remarked that in the Christmas card he had received from him last year, Phillips said that he was feeling lonely and without family, but nothing in the card suggested anything so tragic.

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Al Sharpton speaks out on race, rights and what bothers him about his critics

Monday, December 3, 2007

At Thanksgiving dinner David Shankbone told his white middle class family that he was to interview Reverend Al Sharpton that Saturday. The announcement caused an impassioned discussion about the civil rights leader’s work, the problems facing the black community and whether Sharpton helps or hurts his cause. Opinion was divided. “He’s an opportunist.” “He only stirs things up.” “Why do I always see his face when there’s a problem?”

Shankbone went to the National Action Network’s headquarters in Harlem with this Thanksgiving discussion to inform the conversation. Below is his interview with Al Sharpton on everything from Tawana Brawley, his purported feud with Barack Obama, criticism by influential African Americans such as Clarence Page, his experience running for President, to how he never expected he would see fifty (he is now 53). “People would say to me, ‘Now that I hear you, even if I disagree with you I don’t think you’re as bad as I thought,'” said Sharpton. “I would say, ‘Let me ask you a question: what was “bad as you thought”?’ And they couldn’t say. They don’t know why they think you’re bad, they just know you’re supposed to be bad because the right wing tells them you’re bad.”

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Neuromuscular Therapy

By Sharon Hopkins

What is Neuromuscular Therapy Neuromuscular therapy

is a system of soft tissue massage techniques that were developed in the 1930s by Dr. Stanley Lief in England. Neuromuscular therapy aims to balance the central nervous system with the musculoskeletal system correct any disorders brought about as a result of any imbalances between the two. Neuromuscular therapy enhances the function of joints and muscles, and speeds healing by facilitating the release endorphins.

How does Neuromuscular Therapy work Neuromuscular therapy

was developed after an intensive study of the nervous system and its interaction with the musculoskeletal system. When the relationship between the two systems is not in a state of homoeostatic balance, chronic myofascial pain or dysfunction can occur. Neuromuscular therapy aims to restore homoeostasis between the two systems.

Neuromuscular therapy has a holistic approach towards healing in that emphasis is laid on stimulating the body to heal itself. Once this healing has begun, neuromuscular therapy techniques are used to stimulate soft-tissue repair in the affected areas. During a typical session of neuromuscular therapy, the therapist will first examine the patient and his or her medical history in attempt to accurately gauge all the factors that are creating and prolonging pain. Once the problem areas have been identified, alternating levels of concentrated pressure are applied on the areas of muscle spasm with the fingers, knuckles or elbow.

Neuromuscular therapy

works by addressing the following six physiological factors which can intensify pain patterns. They are:


Trigger points trigger points are highly irritable points in the nervous system.

Nerve entrapment/compression when a nerve gets pressed constantly between the surrounding structures, it can lead to an acute kind of chronic pain.

Postural distortions – Postural distortions result in underdevelopment of the supporting muscles and thereby lead to their weakening.

Nutrition – Lack of adequate nutrition to the cells leads to an over all weakening of the entire system.

Ischemia In a condition such as Ischemia, the cells and tissues get a reduced blood supply and as a result are under-nourished.

Stress Stress plays havoc with the functioning of the nervous and musculoskeletal system.

Benefits of Neuromuscular Therapy

Neuromuscular therapy is used to treat conditions such as chronic pain, sciatica, rotator cuff dysfunction, carpal tunnel syndrome, temporomandibular joint dysfunction and migraines. It is also used in the treatment of some physical and sexual abuse-related traumas. Neuromuscular therapy is also the most effective type of massage therapy for lower back pain.

Neuromuscular therapy is also used to locate and release spasms and hyper contractions in the tissue. It aids the healing process for injured tissue, assists in venous and lymphatic flow, restores postural alignment, and imparts flexibility to the tissues.

About the Author: Sharon Hopkins manages sites related to

Massage Health Therapy

which explains how artistic hand strokes on the body can rejuvenate your mind and body scientifically. She also writes for Aromatherapy, Yoga besides many other health related sites.


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