Archives May 2022

UAE to impose corporate tax on business profits

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

On Monday, the United Arab Emirates announced it would impose a federal corporate tax of 9% on business profits, effective from June 1, 2023.

The tax will be levied from all corporations except those involved in “extraction of natural resources”. Businesses with profits up to 375 thousand dirhams will be categorised as small businesses and will be exempted from the tax.

The Emirates has long been a low tax country with no personal tax. The Ministry of Finance said the tax was being imposed to combat tax avoidance and to realign the country on major issues such as the digitalisation of the global economy. It may be linked to a recent international agreement on a minimum global corporate tax rate but the Ministry did not elaborate.

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Wikinews interviews Goronwy Price about the upcoming by-election in the Bradfield electorate of the Australian parliament

Thursday, December 3, 2009

With two federal by-elections coming up in Australia, many minor parties and independents will be looking to gain a seat in the House of Representatives. Goronwy Price is a candidate representing the Environmentalists for Nuclear Energy party.

Mr Price is an environmentalist, adventurer and businessman from the Sydney suburb of Cremorne.

“In 1975 I founded the adventure travel company World Expeditions and built it to be the world’s largest adventure organisation. I am currently Managing Director of a successful software company I founded in 1997. We export software around the world.,” Mr Price said.

Wikinews reporter Patrick Gillett held an exclusive email interview with Mr Price, candidate for the Division of Bradfield.

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US stock markets reach 12-year lows

Thursday, March 5, 2009

US stock markets dropped to twelve-year lows on Thursday, amidst falling confidence in the financial sector and worries over whether the US automobile manufacturer General Motors will be able to keep operating.

The Dow Jones Industrial Average dropped by 4.08%, or 280.52 points, at the closing bell, reaching a level of 6595.32, a new 12-year low. The Nasdaq Composite lost 54.15 points, or 4%, to 1299.59, while the Standard & Poor’s 500 plunged by 30.27 points, or 4.25%, closing at 682.60.

Every stock in the Dow Jones, other than Wal-Mart, either lost ground or remained even, and all stocks in the S&P 500 index lost ground.

General Motors’ shares lost 15.5% after the auto firm announced that its auditors had “substantial doubt” over whether it would be able to keep operating.

Shares of financial companies were lower by nine percent, with Bank of America losing 11.7% and Citigroup falling by 9.7%.

“What’s most worrisome is that we haven’t hit the crescendo yet,” said Bill Groeneveld, the head trader for vFinance Investments. “Asset-management divisions are getting calls to just liquidate everything, and we haven’t seen the big players come back in at all.”

“This is one of the worst bear markets in the last 100 years; it started out with the credit crisis and the subprime [loans], but it is like a forest fire that has raced across the clearing and ignited other parts: Autos, auto parts, the insurance companies have been hit very hard. The credit crisis is causing an unraveling of industry after industry because the banks don’t lend,” said David Dreman, the chief investment officer of Dreman Value Management.

European markets were also lower today, with the London’s FTSE index losing 3.2% and the DAX index of Germany falling by five percent.

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How To Overcome Speech Problem With Invisalign?

Invisalign aligners are now being much preferred by people who desire an awesome smile without making people informed that they are undergoing some dental treatment. Invisalign are spotlessly transparent and hence anybody can rarely detect that you have put them on your teeth. Nevertheless it is a stranger object to your mouth. And therefore in any case when you wear them at the very first moment, you may come across some problem in the way you speak. Here there is a difference regarding the amount of disturbance from person to person. Some particular individuals may find it quite complicated and may go through it for a prolonged period, while certain others may overcome it fast and start talking normally merely within just some days or even hours. Observations during the studies have made it clear that in ninety three percent of Invisalign users, complexity in speech restores to usual swiftly. However when you may face it for the first time you may get worried and may need to resolve it within a short period.

It is not exclusively with Invisalign but with any sort of dental tool that you will experience problem in speaking manner. On the contrary, with Invisalign you will undergo it for less severity, because Invisalign is created from very clear plastic. But, as, it is an unknown substance to your oral cavity, with whatever thickness it gives to your teeth and especially to the spot of hard palate, speech complications are generated essentially, at least to a small degree. A small levelof lisp or spur is observed when you put on your Invisalign on the first occasion, especially when you attempt to pronounce letters like ch, s, j, th, etc since while uttering these sorts of alphabets your tongue comes in contact with your hard palate just on the rear side of the front teeth.


The factual worry for Invisalign wearers is for how long they need to experience the speech difficulty. However they must not be frightened, because as claimed by studies it has been proved that around half of the patients get back to their own speech fast.

If you make an effort to get rid of the speech disturbance, you can surely succeed. And for that you must constantly make a practice of speaking. Here some real efforts is needed on your part. You can try tricks for example reading a book audibly or talking consistently to a friend who is familiar with your disturbance. You must practice pronouncing particularly those alphabets which you find tough. Researches have revealed that speech complication can be overcome as fast as only a few hours. For some individuals it can take a few days.

Sometimes it can also happen that you may are under impression that you have complexity in speaking although you may have obtained comfort from it. This is just your excessive consciousness. In this circumstance, just one activity can be of use and it is asking a close person whom you thoroughly trust to confirm whether all your intonations are right. If that person ensures that there is no flaw you should trust it and stop getting tense.

Also one more worry is regarding speaking difficulty at the time of putting on the next set of Invisalign aligners. However as each Invisalign is approximately equal to its precursor the disturbance doesnt take place. Therefore you can notice that speech problem with Invisalign doesnt go on necessarily and if it goes on it remains for a very short period hence you can be undisturbed.

Get It On Film: Benefits Of Hiring A Video Service In Lexington Ky


The life of a small business owner is filled with decisions and making the right ones is not always as easy as it seems. Among the most important things a business owner must decide, is how they will market and advertise their business. With all of the various ways out there to get the word about your business out there, none are as effective as a great company video. All of the information you are able to pack into your video will allow you to explain to the watcher what your business does and why they need to choose you. Here is a couple of benefits that come with hiring a Video Service in Lexington KY for your company project.

Getting the Layout RightThe first reason to use a video service for your project is that they can help you get the layout of the video just right. In order for your video to flow correctly, you will need to have a clear idea of where you are going with it and how best to layout. For the most part, a business owner does not have the knowledge needed to get the right layout, which is why using a professional is so beneficial.

Know What to SayAnother reason to use a professional video services is that they will assist you when it comes to the script for your video. They know what it takes to make a video work, which can benefit you greatly when trying to get the right words to say. You need to make sure the script you produce is both filled with information and to the point. The less fluff you have in your video, the better off you will be in the long run. The help you will be able to get from the video service will be invaluable when undertaking this type of project.

At First String Media Productions, you will be able to get the assistance you need to produce a quality video. They are a very Video Service in Lexington KY and can help you out. Call them or go to their website.

Cookbook is free reference work community’s most active project

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Wikibooks, an Internet project which seeks to create free content textbooks using wiki technology, has published its February 2005 statistics. The Cookbook project leads the statistics, both by number of contributors (94) and by total edits (668). Newcomer of the month is “Wikibooks Pokédex“, with 337 edits by mainly one user, followed by “Programming:Ada” (320 edits). Seventy contributors edited on “Wikiversity“, followed by sixty-eight users on the “Jokebook“. Wikiversity is a project of its own which aims to build a collaborative learning environment online.

Wikibooks was originally meant as a place for textbooks and manuals but has increasingly become a community creating books on all kinds of subjects, with the cookbook being the most prominent example. Intended as a collection of recipes from around the world, it hosts recipes from Hamburger to Sushi, ethnic cuisines from the Caribbean to the Mediterranean, and gives background information on ingredients, nutrition, and many cooking techniques.

Wikis are openly editable websites that are often used to create knowledge bases. Wikibooks is a project operated by the Wikimedia Foundation, a non-profit organization based in the United States which runs several free content wikis, including Wikipedia, a free encyclopedia, and Wikinews, a free news source. The statistics for Wikibooks are extracted using an SQL query on the latest Wikibooks database dump.

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Poland’s Makowska takes category B wheelchair fencing bronze at the London Paralympics

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

London, England— Marta Makowska of Poland narrowly defeated Jingjing Zhou of China with a score of 15 to 14 in the women’s individual foil category B bronze medal bout Tuesday night at London’s ExCeL North Arena 2. This was amongst the first wheelchair fencing medal matches of the games.

The match was last of the four concurrent wheelchair fencing medals decided, with the crowd shouting in support of the Makowska fencer after the previous matches were concluded. Zhou had limited crowd support, with only one large Chinese flag visible in the spectator area. Makowska’s win came in a very closely-contested match; The score was first tied on eleven points, and again on 12, 13, and 14 points before the Pole finally won.

Following the match, Makowska raised her hands above her head in celebration before her coach ran up and gave the fencer a hug.

At the London Games, Paralympic wheelchair fencing features five medal events for women and seven for men, involving several weapons including the foil, epee and sabre. Wheelchairs used in competition are held in place using medal plates, with the fencer with shorter reach choosing the distance between the chairs. B-classified wheelchair fencers have, according to the International Paralympic Committee, “fair sitting balance and their fencing arm not or only minimally affected.”

London Paralympic fencing ends Saturday with medal bouts every day until then.

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How Credit Card Processing Can Open The Door To New Customers

Submitted by: Jim Hildebrand

One thing that every business, no matter what the size, aspires toward is constantly bringing in new customers. Keeping your existing customers is certainly important, but the only way to help your business to grow and expand is by getting new clients coming in the door. There is no reason to just let your business stagnate when you have the opportunity to expand.

There are all kinds of ways that you can grow your business, and it is important that you capitalize on each and every one of them. Competition creeps around every corner and you can bet other companies in your field are clamoring to keep ahead.

One simple and easy way to help attract new customers is by offering a wide variety of payment options. People appreciate convenience and the more forms of payment you are able to accept, the more potential business you can hope to attract.

Credit and debit cards continue to stretch ahead of the pack of potential payment options. Individuals see the ease and security of credit card transactions and continue to migrate towards businesses that can process their plastic. Take a look at these great ways that you can expand your client base through credit card acceptance.

Taking it to the World Wide We


Online shopping is one of the most rapidly growing areas of commerce in this modern world. The convenience of ordering goods and services from the comfort of your own home is irresistible for more and more consumers.

But online shopping is as good for you as it is for your clients. For one, it is a fantastic way for you to reach more potential customers who reside outside of your normal service area.Someone from New York City might not drive to your Omaha, Nebraska furniture store to pick-up an antique lamp, but if you have it posted for sale on your website they may very well have you ship it to them.

Of course, with the conveniences of online shopping also come necessities. More Internet shoppers pay with credit or debit cards for purchases than any other form of payment. They rely on plastic for Internet purchases to such an extent that if your website can’t process your card, they will simply go elsewhere to find a business that can.

For years, many consumers and businesses shied away from Internet transactions for fear of fraud. But when you take online orders through a merchant account provider, they will go to extraordinary means to ensure the safety of your transaction. Through PCI-compliance and fraud detection software, your provider offers unparalleled protection to all business that you conduct over your company’s website.

The Ease and Affordability of Personal Transactions

An overblown fear in the world of credit card transactions involves a misperception of credit card transaction fees. Some companies miss out on a whole world of business because of an incorrect assumption that every credit card transaction is going to cost them an arm and a leg.

But when it comes to transactions that occur face-to-face, this shouldn’t be a worry at all. Merchant account providers cite studies that show credit card fraud is at its very lowest when people make a payment in person. Since the fraud risk is so low, your account provider simply doesn’t have to charge very high fees. In fact, they charge the lowest fees in the business for interpersonal transactions.

To conduct these transactions, you will need retail swipe terminals for your business. Ask your merchant account provider about the different types of terminals available. Don’t be afraid to express what your needs are. Your provider will be happy to help you decide on the appropriate terminal. Some have a simple keypad for PIN numbers while others instantly approve the transactions. Many have built-in printers for credit card signatures and some other ones have the consumer sign the screen itself. It all depends on what is the right choice for your business.

Taking it on the Move

Handling a transaction in person doesn’t always have to mean being stuck in a static location, either. With wireless terminals, you can take your ability to process plastic on the go. These terminals are fantastic for home food delivery drivers, traveling salesman and even ice cream trucks!

Wireless terminals work in much the same way as the traditional swipe terminals do. Just swipe the card and the information is sent right to your merchant account provider. The only difference is that instead of sending it through land line, it gets sent wirelessly. Of course, there may be times when you are out of a service area, but your provider has thought of that as well. You can just go ahead and store the credit card information right in the machine and then send it on later.

With fantastic options like these, you just can’t afford to wait on signing up for credit card processing. Call a merchant account provider today and watch a wave of new clients pour in.

About the Author: Jim Hildebrand is a freelance writer who writes about a range of topics including credit card processing.Read more


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12 injured after van carrying church group flips over on Buffalo, NY expressway

Monday, August 17, 2009

According to Buffalo Fire Department radio communications, at least 12 people were injured after a van carrying a church group flipped over on an expressway interchange in Buffalo, New York.

Seven of the 12 people injured have been taken to a local hospital for treatment. At least two people were seriously injured. The church affiliation of the group is not yet known.

The accident occurred on the on ramp to Buffalo’s Route 198 Westbound at around 6:30 p.m. (EDT). The van was traveling from Route 33 Westbound. According to the fire department, a preliminary investigation on scene shows the driver of the van may have been going too fast on the interchange’s turn, causing the van to flip over several times.

At 7:00 p.m., according to New York Department of Transportation traffic cameras, police were still blocking all traffic from entering the 198 Westbound from route 33. At 7:10 p.m., the van was finally able to be towed from the scene. The scene was cleared at 7:30 p.m. and traffic was allowed back on the ramp.

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Curious death befalls collaborator days before movie release

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Alan Shalleck, 76, associate in the children’s book series Curious George, was found dead in his driveway 8 February 2006. Covered in black garbage bags, his body had been disregarded by neighbors and passersby who presumably mistook it for a collection of refuse.

Speculation has risen around the case due to the seemingly odd coincidence of Shelleck’s death with the Curious George film’s Friday release. As of yet, investigators are not releasing any solid information involving the case.

A Boynton Beach, Florida Border’s Book and Music store employee, Shelleck had been missing from work for two days prior to the discovery of the body by Burt Venturelli, a maintenance worker at the retirement complex Shelleck called home.

Venterelli told Sun-Sentinel reporters “I went to drag it this morning and said, ‘This is a body, this isn’t garbage.”’ He also stated that Shelleck’s body was naked from the waist up and that there was “blood all over the place.”

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