Archives May 2022

Xin Huang Pian For Getting Rid Of Arthritis And Joint Pain}

Xin Huang Pian for getting rid of arthritis and joint pain



Jingyu bai

Arthritis is more specifically known as the group of conditions that involve the damage to the overall parts of the body. In addition it is the main factor responsible for disability in old age people who are above 55 years of age. This disease is having different forms and is also having different causes for the same. Among several other forms of arthritis, osteoarthritis is more likely the result of the trauma to various joints, various infections to the joints of the body and age factor. As per several evidences, the abnormal anatomy can also lead to the development of osteoarthritis.

Xin Huang Pian is a herbal medicine that is considered very effective in curing arthritis and joint pain. The best part of Xin Huang Pian is that it is very effective in promoting the circulation of the blood which is the root cause for such problems. In addition it also helps in encouraging the flow of the Qi, which helps in the proper movement of the joints as well as the limbs. Thus in case you are suffering from pain in the joints or even blood circulation problems Xin Huang Pian can work as the perfect remedy. The utility of Xin Huang Pian medicine lies in the fact that it is a herbal medicine and so it is totally free from the side effects. Unlike other medicines where there are chances of getting undesired harmful effects, here you need not to worry at all in case of this medicine. Thus there is no need to worry for taking this medicine however the only pregnant women should or those who are having persistent severe liver of kidney related problems should be a little cautious in taking this medicine.For preparing this medicine, the whole plant of Sarcandra is used. Sarcandra is helpful in treating tumors of esophagus, colon, stomach, rectum, liver, pancreas and acute leukemia. It also helps in promotion of the circulation of the blood to relieve from persistent and acute pain. This herb also helps in treating Pneumonia, traumatic injury, acute appendicitis, bacilla-rydysentery, acute gastro-enteritis, and rheumatic arthritis etc. The other ingredient used in this medicine is Pseudoginseng. In this medicine the Pseudoginseng roots that are used is commonly known as San Qi (Tian Qi) in China. This herb helps in stopping the bleeding and that too without causing any harmful blood strains. In addition it also helps in treating several traumatic injuries, reduces swelling and provides relief in sprains and fractures. Pseudoginseng also provides relief from joint pain, abdominal pain as well as chest pain.In addition to these two ingredients the whole plant of Caesarbur (Urena Lobata) is also used for preparing this medicine. It is also known as Congo Jute or Pulut-Pulut is a wild shrub. This herb which is considered to be a weed has got anti bacterial properties. It could therefore be used in the treatment of open wounds and help in providing in pain relief. Thus because of all these beneficial herbals the patient gets the best relief and that too without any side effects.The dosage of this medicine varies from person to person and it is advisable to take 2-3 tablets each time through out the day to get the best relief.So, if you are also suffering from the problem of arthritis and joint pain, then Xin Huang Pian can help you lot.

Herbalspan specialises in traditional

Chinese Herbal Medicine

and herbalspan stocks whole range of chinese herbs and herbal products. Visit

Xin Huang Pian

for details.

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Xin Huang Pian for getting rid of arthritis and joint pain}

Alex Sanchez suspended for drugs

Sunday, April 3, 200528 year old Alex Sanchez, outfielder for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays, is suspended without pay for 10 days for using a performance enhancing drug. Sanchez is the first player to be suspended under Major League Baseball’s new, stricter drug policy.

The Baseball officials and the players’ union have both decided to not disclose the specific substance which tested positive.

Sanchez originally planed an appeal against the ban, but decided against it. He denies taking any performance enhancing drugs and blames the positive test on over-the-counter vitamins, muscle relaxants and protein shakes that he takes, but has not identified any specific medications as of yet.

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Floor Mats: Rent Or Purchase?

By Cliff Bell

There are two ways to obtain floor mats for your place of business. You can rent them from a janitorial supply and service business or you can purchase them outright. Ostensibly the most cost-efficient method is to purchase your mats. However, there can be extenuating circumstances that lead you to consider renting your mats.

If you rent your mats, a good service will provide a clean fresh mat upon pickup of the old. This may be once or twice a week. The rental will seem inexpensive-typically a few dollars per mat per week. If your business contracts all its janitorial services, this could be the most efficient means of providing clean floor mats for all your entrances and aisle ways.


However, if you own a business such as a restaurant, hotel or office building where you hire your own staff to perform janitorial services, you should consider the purchase of your floor mats. Realize that any time you rent a product, even a floor mat, you must pay a sufficient price to the renting company to purchase and care for the mat-plus make a profit. This only makes sense. If you hire employees with cleaning responsibilities, it is more cost-effective to purchase your floor mats and add them to the clean up list of duties for your janitorial staff.

As an example, suppose you own five restaurants. Each restaurant needs two entrance mats, two catch all floor mats adjacent to self-service drink stations or salad bars, and two commercial kitchen floor mats. Lets say these are each 3×5 mats which rent for around $5 per week. Over the course of a year you will pay $7,800 for the five restaurants in mat rental services. The entrance floor mats and catch all floor mats run approximately $45 each if purchased outright. The commercial kitchen floor mats run about $65 each. To purchase the same mats costs you $1,550. The cleaning of the mats can be performed by your janitorial staff as part of their daily work duties. Extensive cleaning due to inclement weather conditions can be performed weekly during off-hours. Lets say this adds ten minutes a day to your employees time-thats 40 hours a year. Assuming a $10/hour pay rate, you will pay an extra $400 to add mat cleaning to your daily janitorial service duties. The total cost your first year of ownership is about $2000. But the savings explode after this

Realize that if you purchase nitrile rubber-backed mats, the mats will typically last 5-7 years in high traffic situations. Assuming $400 recurring janitorial time each year, over the course of five years your total cost of ownership is $3600. The cost to rent these mats over five years is $39,000! Ownership of your floor mats saves you over $35,000 during the five year period. That represents a savings of over 90%! These numbers are typical. Most businesses fail to make these types of calculations when considering their custodial services. I mean, they are just floor mats!

There are businesses with good reasons to rent floor mats. If you already outsource all your custodial services, you may want to rent the mats from the service as well. However, even in these cases, you should consider whether to purchase your mats and add them to the cleaning duties of your service contract. If your employees already handle the cleanup responsibilities in your business, you should definitely consider the purchase of floor mats over renting the same products from a rental service.

About the Author: Cliff Bell resides in southwestern Virginia and is the owner of Best Mats. Visit

for all your floor matting needs. You can email Mr. Bell at .


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Sony breaks UK launch sales record with PlayStation Portable

Tuesday, September 6, 2005

The Sony PlayStation Portable went on sale in the UK on Thursday, September 1. In the three days following the release, more than 185,000 PlayStation Portables were sold. This sets a new sales record on game consoles. The record was previously held by Nintendo, who sold 87,000 Nintendo DS handhelds the first three days after its release. The PlayStation Portable is being sold for £179 in the UK.

Twenty of the 24 games launched with PlayStation Portable are in the top 40. PlayStation Portable games also occupy nine of the top 10 slots on the sales charts. The game Ridge Racer was the most popular, with one in every five people buying both the PlayStation Portable and Ridge Racer at the same time.

Sony’s main competitors in the handheld gaming console market are Nintendo with the Nintendo DS and Nokia with the nGage. Like Nintendo and Nokia, Sony is marketing the device as being able to do more then just play games. The PlayStation Portable can play specially created versions of poular movies and surf the Internet wirelessly. Sony expects to sell a million PlayStation Portables in the UK before Christmas.

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88th annual Brita Kongreso draws to a close

Monday, May 7, 2007

The 88th annual Brita Kongreso (British Congress) in Letchworth, England drew to an official close, Sunday, after a weekend of presentations, courses, lectures, and activities in Esperanto. With the final excursion to Cambridge (town of the Third Universal Esperanto Congress in 1907) taking place on Monday, the event will draw to a final close at the end of today.

The Brita Kongreso is an opportunity for Esperantists the world over to convene and spend the weekend being entertained, lectured, and socialising with other Esperantists in a relaxed atmosphere. This year, it was also host to a Guinness World Record attempt by French musician Jean-Marc Leclercq, a.k.a. jOmO, who successfully sang 25 songs in 25 different languages in an open air concert on Saturday, before providing evening entertainment within the main venue, Plinston Hall.

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Gene mutation produces autism-like traits in mice

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

By causing the mutation of one specific gene, researchers have produced mice with two frequently encountered behavioral traits of persons diagnosed with autism. Autism commonly affects the ability to interact socially and is associated with repetitive behavior. The finding was reported in the March 20 online edition of Nature.

Using mice, researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Duke University mutated one of the genes associated with autism, known as shank3, a gene that controls the production of the shank3 protein present in the brain. Mice that were given this mutation exhibited repetitive behavior and avoided social interactions with the mice around them.

According to MIT Professor Guoping Feng: “Our study demonstrated that Shank3 mutation in mice lead to defects in neuron-neuron communications.”

Shank3 protein are found in synapses within the brain. Synapses allow brain cells (called neurons) to communicate with each other. The mutation in the mouse gene interfered with this communication, apparently producing the subsequent autism-like traits. Researchers believe their work demonstrates the important role of shank3 in the functioning of brain circuits that determine behavior.

While hundreds of genes have been linked to autism in human patients, only a small percentage have been linked to shank3. Professor Feng hypothesizes that disruptions of other genes that act on the production of brain proteins affecting synaptic communication may also be related to autistic behavior. If this disruption is real, Feng claims that treatments could be developed to correct synaptic function for any defective synaptic protein in an autistic patient.

Feng continued; “These findings and the mouse model now allow us to figure out the precise neural circuit defects responsible for these abnormal behaviours, which could lead to novel strategies and targets for developing treatment.”

About one in 110 children in the U.S., and at least one in 100 in UK, have been diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, for which there is currently no effective cure.

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The Foundation Of Medical Training Medical Training Supplies

If you are considering going into the medical industry or ifyou are already involved then you are sure to know the value that medicaltraining supplies hold. Buy purchasing the supplies you enable yourself totrain for real life medical emergencies.Medical training supplies can be anything from a piece of gauze tobigger electronic equipment, such as defibrillators, used by paramedics anddoctors. Spending time on the machines will enable you to become accustomed tothe interface and procedures so that you can confidently use the machine when areal emergency comes up.

What exactly will you need as medical training supplies? Theanswer to this question will differ depending on which medical field you wouldlike to enter. For instance, if you wishto become accredited in first aid then you will need the more basic medicalsupplies. You will need gauze, bandagesand of course a CPR dummy. Learning CPRwill be your biggest challenge, but by using a CPR dummy you will be able toquickly master this skill. Once mastered,you will need to be able to react to different age and physiological aspects ofthe patient or person in need. Forinstance, when doing CPR the force and amount of air you supply will differ ona baby and a full grown adult. With training comes experience and of course thelonger you stick at it the better you will become.

If you plan to become a physiotherapist then you will needto invest in ultrasound and even infra red laser equipment. Learning how to use the equipment is essentialto providing quality care to your patients. In fact if you make a mistake thenyou could be harming the patient instead of helping them. Even professionals need to refresh their trainingand this is often due to the fact new medical equipment is coming out all thetime. If the person doesnt know how tooperate the medical equipment correctly, then accidents and even loss of lifecan occur. Perhaps now it becomes moreevident just how important medical training supplies are. Without these supplies medical training wouldnot be possible or nearly as effective.

Another group of medical personnel who greatly relies on medical training suppliesis paramedics.Paramedics are normally the first on a scene and they need to doeverything in their power to stabilise a persons life. They need to be ableconfidently assess and diagnose a patients injuries and then take propertreatment steps. This will includefastening braces, using defibrillators, setting up IVs and bandagingwounds. All their skills are honedthrough training and by using medical training supplies. In actual fact withoutthese supplies our medical training standards will fall dramatically. Just imaginea medical practitioner arriving on the scene of an accident without ever beenable to practice his techniques and using his equipment. There is no substitute for experience and thishas never been more so than in the medical industry.

Man arrested in connection with Honolulu toddler death

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Matthew Higa, 23, has been arrested in connection with the death of a 23-month-old boy. Higa is alleged to have thrown the child from a pedestrian overpass into oncoming traffic on Honolulu’s H-1 Freeway.

The local coroner’s office noted that the child died on impact after falling 30 feet (9 meters) from the overpass. This occurred during Thursday’s lunch rush hour in the heart of downtown. Upon impact, several cars struck the child, which caused traffic to grind to a halt.

The toddler, Cyrus Nainoa Tupa?i Belt, was pronounced dead at the scene at 12:07 p.m. (2207 UTC), approximately 27 minutes after being allegedly being ejected from the overpass by Higa. The portion of H-1 was closed for approximately five hours with traffic diverted to side streets. The freeway was reopened in time for the evening commute.

At first the relationship between Higa and the child was unclear, but later reports stated that Higa lived adjacent to him and had babysat him on previous occasions. The boy’s mother was out of town at the time of his death, but it was revealed that the child was supposed to be in the custody of his father and not with Higa.

Higa graduated from Roosevelt High School in 2003. In the summer of 2004 Higa was involved in an incident where police reports indicate a three-car race resulted in the death of a friend. Higa has since had a criminal history, with more than a dozen arrests but no convictions, and reports from neighbors of erratic behavior.

Queen’s Medical Center, which houses a psychiatric ward in Honolulu, noted that he was a patient there as recently as December 11, 2007. When arrested, Higa was wearing hospital scrubs, which were not immediately conducive to whether Higa was a patient in Queen’s psychiatric wing in the last couple of days. A representative of Queen’s declined to comment on whether Higa was admitted in the last week.

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Wikinews interviews candidate for Cleveland mayor Arthur Kostendt

Monday, June 14, 2021

Arthur Oliver Kostendt, a candidate running in the mayoral election of the US city of Cleveland, Ohio set to take place November 2, discussed his campaign and policies with Wikinews this spring.

According to Cleveland Scene, 29-year-old Kostendt is a member of the Cuyahoga County, Ohio Republican Party but has referred to his campaign as “casual”. According to his web site’s personal biography, he was a cadet for the Army Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC), scout platoon leader for the 2nd Squadron of the 107th Cavalry Regiment of the Ohio Army National Guard and logistics officer for the 1st Battalion of the 145th Armored Regiment. He served in Kuwait, Iraq, the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia and assisted coalition force detachments in Southeast Asia.

Kostendt is a graduate of the University of Notre Dame and summa cum laude graduate of Cleveland State University. He writes he uses an apostrophe to abbreviate his middle name as “Arthur O’Kostendt” instead of the customary period after the O to emphasise his Irish heritage.

A poll published May 5 by Baldwin Wallace University, which does not feature Mr Kostendt, has Dennis Kucinich and Basheer Jones leading in the mayoral race by 17.8 and 13.3 points, respectively, with a margin of error of up to five per cent either way. 48% of those surveyed were undecided. Incumbent mayor Frank G. Jackson, who won the 2017 Cleveland mayoral election with 59% of the vote, is eligible for a fifth term but announced on May 6 he would retire.

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My New Ceiling Insulation

Submitted by: Lyuben Gergiev

I have considered for a long time to renovate my apartment. Recently that though has become even stronger as I have new neighbors that are very noisy. They have moved in three months ago and the noise they make is unbearable. They have two children that are very young and run around nonstop. They also don t seem to remove their shoes as I can hear the woman s high heels every morning before she goes to work. I have wondered what to do to save myself from all that noise.

The next day I went to visit my sister, which is an architect and lives in the town nearby. I shared my problems with her and to my biggest surprise she had a solution. She told me that her latest project was insulating a building that has just been finished. However, the builders have missed to place insulation and now it has to be done. She said that she found a company called Rockwool that had the best product for that purpose. They have used it and the people living in the building are very happy with the qualities of insulation. I think that is exactly what I need. We had a lunch and a coffee afterwards and then I left.


The next morning I went on the internet to search some more info for the company and also to get the details of their branches. I was amazed that they had an office in the area I live. I went there straight away to see what they could offer me. I explained the problem to the sales representative and he said that they have the perfect product for me ceiling insulation. The best bit was that the properties of that ceiling insulation were endless however, the ones that concerned me the most were the following fire resistance, water and moisture repellant and soundproofing. What a result! The insulation came in flat pieces and was easy to work with. I used to work as a builder so I was confident that I could do the job properly. I called my mate just to help me. The insulation is lightweight but quite bulky so I needed someone to hand it over to me.

The next day we had it ready and by the end of the day the job was finished. I was very impressed with my new ceiling insulation as it reduced the noise from upstairs and not only that but it is helping to retain the heat in the apartment rather than keeping the neighbors warm.

I would suggest to any of you not to hesitate and purchase this quality insulation from the leader on the market and you will feel the results immediately. The investment is well worth it and will bring you much comfort. Furthermore, you will seal the most common places where the heat escapes from your home during the winter and you will reduce your energy expenses as well.

About the Author: After reading this article I think, you should find prices for ceiling insulation (interesting to know is that the Danish term is

Isolering af loft find priser

) and also

read more

from this article.


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