Archives November 2021

Interview: Drupal founder Dries Buytaert balances community and company interests

Sunday, February 24, 2008

In the year 2000, Dries Buytaert created Drupal, a freely licensed and open source tool to manage websites, as a bulletin board for his college dorm. Since Dries released the software and a community of thousands of volunteer developers have added and improved modules, Drupal has grown immensely popular. Drupal won the overall Open CMS Award in 2007, and some speakers in Drupal’s spacious developer’s room at FOSDEM 2008 were dreaming aloud of its world domination.

Buytaert (now 29) just finished his doctoral thesis and has founded the start-up Acquia. The new company wants to become Drupal’s best friend, with the help of an all-star team and US$7 million collected from venture capitalists. Wikinews reporter Michaël Laurent sat down with Dries in Brussels to discuss these recent exciting developments.

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Former US First Lady, Lady Bird Johnson dies at 94

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Former First Lady Lady Bird Johnson nee Claudia Alta Taylor, wife of United States President Lyndon B. Johnson, has died at her home in Austin, Texas. She was 94.

She died of natural causes about 4:18 p.m. CDT (UTC-5). Her family and friends surrounded her when she passed.

Bess Truman, who reached the age of 97, was the only other first lady to live past 90. Lady Bird Johnson became first lady after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. After her husband’s presidency, she became known as an advocate of various environmental projects and environmentalism in general.

As President Johnson and his wife, Lady Bird, criss-crossed States by road during the 1964 presidential campaign, she informed her husband of her feelings about the roadside junkyards they saw along the way. Inspired by her comments and enthusiasm from audiences, he observed “If it’s beautifying they want, it’s beautifying they’ll get.” Recognizing that “ours is an automobile society,” the President did not want to curtail roads. He wanted to make roads the “highways to the enjoyment of nature and beauty.” Lady Bird thought that her love of seeing Texas highways in spring had influenced her husband. She enjoyed the results of Texan wildflower conservation programs which began in the 1930s.

One of the most prominent results of the President’s beauty initiative was the Highway Beautification Act of 1965. It created restrictions on billboards and junkyards. As expected, it had been controversial. When the House considered its version of the bill on October 7, the debate lasted into the early morning hours of October 8. A pointed, but tongue-in-cheek amendment by Representative Robert Dole (R-Kan.) to strike out the term “Secretary of Commerce” wherever it appeared in the bill and insert the words “Lady Bird” lost by a voice vote. Saying, “Beauty belongs to all the people,” the President signed the bill and gave the pen to Lady Bird, along with a kiss on the cheek.

In 1982, she founded the National Wildflower Research Center to continue the mission of changing public attitudes toward native plants. In 1997 it was renamed the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center.

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Wikinews interviews Jo Jorgensen, U.S. Libertarian Party presidential nominee

Thursday, October 29, 2020

Professor Jo Jorgensen of South Carolina, the U.S. Libertarian Party’s 2020 presidential nominee, answered some questions about her campaign from Wikinews accredited reporter William S. Saturn.

Jorgensen is a psychology professor at Clemson University.   In 1992, with the Libertarian Party’s backing, she ran for public office, seeking South Carolina’s 4th congressional seat in the United States House of Representatives. She finished the race in third place with almost 2.16 percent of the total vote. Four years later, the Libertarian Party tapped Jorgensen to be its vice presidential nominee. She joined a ticket with the late Harry Browne. Browne-Jorgensen appeared on every state ballot and received a total of 485,798 votes, which was roughly 0.5 percent. This marked the best performance for the party since 1980 and would not be topped percentage-wise until 2012 when former New Mexico governor Gary Johnson attained 0.99 percent of the vote. Johnson bested that performance in 2016 as the party’s presidential nominee for a second time, earning 3.27 percent of the vote, the highest percentage for the party since its 1971 inception.

For the 2020 nomination, Jorgensen navigated through a primary campaign that featured the short-lived campaigns of former Rhode Island governor Lincoln Chafee and Congressman Justin Amash of Michigan, the first sitting Congressman to be a member of the Libertarian Party. At the virtual 2020 Libertarian National Convention, Jorgensen won the nomination on the fourth ballot, edging attorney Jacob Hornberger, performance artist Vermin Supreme and activist Adam Kokesh, among others. Podcaster Spike Cohen, originally the running mate of Supreme, was picked to be the party’s vice presidential nominee. Cohen spoke to Wikinews back in June. The Jorgensen-Cohen ticket has since secured ballot access in all 50 states and the District of Columbia.

As a libertarian, an ideology that advocates for lesser government, both in the social and economic realms, Jorgensen’s issue positions include a mix of traditionally liberal and conservative stances. She supports both LGBT rights and gun rights. She opposes the police state and the taxing authority equally. And, she supports an open immigration policy while arguing against the welfare state.

With Wikinews, Jorgensen discusses her background, COVID-19, her potential cabinet, gridlock, and an assortment of issues including climate change, foreign affairs, free speech, and race relations.

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Find Your Favorite Music Magazines Online

Find Your Favorite Music Magazines Online



There are more reasons than ever to search through the internet to find what you are looking for. The digital age has brought us a gigantic library of knowledge regarding what is out there in the world and how we can have it brought to us. Many items can be downloaded directly to our homes and computers. Others can be delivered within 24 hours through services that are often included within the price of a purchase. If you\’re like me, I\’d rather find what I want while sitting in front of my computer in my underwear, than to go out searching for it in heavy traffic that is taking me much longer than it should.

I will never go to an offline store ever again to find information to read. Being a musician and music teacher, all of my favorite magazines are now online music magazines that allow me to stay home to obtain them. All I need to do is to search through an online music store to find those that I require.

There are many choices to be made that make the experience of deciding which to read are an absolute joy. During my younger years, I preferred to read Circus and Creem. These magazines informed me about everything that was happening in the world of hard rock music. I could learn more about Led Zeppelin, The Who, The Rolling Stones, Black Sabbath, Blue Oyster Cult, Foghat, Max Webster, Aerosmith, Lynyrd Skyrd, Styx, Journey, Rush, Cheap Trick, and many more. Nowadays these bands are covered in a magazine entitled Classic Rock.


Now that I\’m a little older, I prefer to read music magazines that deal with composing, performance, and gear. Magazines such as Modern Drummer, Guitar World, Keyboard Player, and Jazz Revue provide me with insight that improves my skills as a multi-instrumentalist and songwriter. Just reading through the articles is a learning experience that I don\’t need to leave my home to receive! Those that aren\’t downloadable are delivered to my home the next day and cost the same or less as they would have if I had left my home to get them.

The best thing about magazines is that they can be shared with others who can learn from them as well. After reading the ones that I won?t read again, I donate them to my local library, although I do keep several to review what I have learned. I have also been able to use this knowledge to assist my neighbour\’s kid with his guitar playing. He wanted to learn a song that was recorded by a band that I was unfamiliar with. After noticing that the instructions for playing the song were written in one of my magazines, I was able to show him how to play it the same way that it is played in the recording. Yesterday he showed up at my home after practicing it for a week and now he can play it perfectly!

Gone are the days of buying my reading material in a shopping mall that I need to drive or walk to. Now I purchase my

online music magazines

at an

online music store

for my own benefit and the benefit of others!

Andre Renaud is a journalist, Billboard and VH1 award winning musician, composer, multi-instrumentalist, and music teacher to thousands, through school boards and privately. provides

jobs in the music industry

, read regularly

online music magazines

to get updated on music industry.

Article Source:

Indonesia shuts down 4 airlines and grounds 5 others over safety concerns

Thursday, June 28, 2007

Indonesia has shut down four airlines and grounded five others with the potential of similar licence revocations for failing to meet safety standards.

The largest company to lose its licence is Jatayu Gelang Sejahtera. The other companies are all small airlines operating only aircraft with a passenger capacity of fewer than thirty, and are Aviasi Upataraksa, Alfa Trans Dirgantara and Prodexim. The companies that were grounded pending either improvements or licence revokation are Germania Trisila Air, Atlas Delta Setia, Survey Udara Penas, Kura-kura Aviation and SMAC, all of which also operate only aircraft with under-30 passenger capacities. They have three months to improve, or their licences will be revoked.

Jatayu had already ceased operations in August, but had intended to restart with a 150-seat Boeing 737. The licence was revoked because the state requires at least two aircraft to be commercially operated and because of the fact that it “was lacking in pilots and human resources”. Also, the age of the jetliner meant that it would require a test called a ‘C-Check’ before it could begin commercial services, at a cost of $120,000.

The action comes as the result of a number of air crashes, namely the Adam Air Flight 574 disaster in which 102 people were killed, and the Adam Air Flight 172 accident, in which a plane snapped in half during a hard landing, but managed to hold together, thus preventing any serious injuries. As a result, all 54 of Indonesia’s airlines were given a safety rating, with a level-1 rating meaning no action was needed, a level-2 rating meaning the airline needed to make some improvements, and a level-3 rating requiring that the airline be shut down unless improvements were made within three months. Most airlines received a level-2 rating, while none received the top rating. Adam Air was among the airlines to receive the level-3 rating, but was upgraded to tier 2 at the same time as the groundings.

Meanwhile, state-owned Garuda Indonesia is now the only airline to have a type-1 rating, despite the fatal crash of Garuda Indonesia Flight 200 in March. According to the Indonesian Transport Ministry’s Director General for Aviation Budi Mulyawan Suyitno, Garuda now satisfied 84 percent of civil aviation standards.

The ratings have been based on such criteria as surveillance, ramp checks, personnel, department safety, number of accidents and number of serious incidents, according to the BBC. Meanwhile, Flight Global is reporting that, according to Directorate General of Air Communications (DGAC) director of air certification office, Yurlis Hasibuan “20 criteria including whether the airline has developed [better] safety and human resources” are checked.

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Ricky Hatton regains IBF light welterweight title

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Ricky “The Hitman” Hatton regained the IBF light welterweight title belt he relinquished less than 12 months ago when he defeated Juan Urango in Las Vegas, Nevada tonight.

“The Hitman” won by unanimous decision, as the fight went to 12 rounds. Despite early match odds suggesting Hatton would dominate the fight, this was not the case. Each round was close, but most pundits and judges alike agreed that Urango only won 1 of the 12 rounds, with Hatton taking the other 11.

Despite the unfamiliar confines of Las Vegas, Hatton looked touched by the ringing of football fan-like chants, familiar in British boxing, that rang around the arena, as more than half of it was filled by traveling support from across the atlantic.

Many in the UK will hope Hatton has ended the “curse” that has seen names such as Frank Bruno, Naseem Hamed, Barry McGuigan and others fall short while headlining fights on “The Strip”.

From here, it is widely believed “The Hitman” will move on to fight Jose Luis Castillo in June, again likely in Vegas.

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Stage collapse at Canadian “Big Valley Jamboree” kills one, and seriously injures four others

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Two probes have been initiated into the collapse of the Big Valley Jamboree stage which killed one person, placed four others in the critical care unit and caused injuries to 75 others in Camrose, Alberta located in Canada.

“We are trying to determine from what is left of the evidence what damage was done by the wind and what damage was down by rescue workers. We may not be able to make that determination. So that is going to hamper things. It will be tougher,” Chris Chodan, spokesman for Alberta Occupational Health and Safety.

Panhandle Productions has brought in independent investigators to determine why the stage collapsed and to collect evidence. Due to the large number of people trapped under the stage the evidence had to be moved for rescue operations.

The stage collapsed shortly before 6:00 p.m. local time on Saturday killing 35-year-old Donna Moore, who was attending the festival from Lloydminster. Premier Global Productions supplies the stage for the event, which are transported from venue to venue in sections via three semi trailers. “It’s their stage. In fact, I know this stage has been used by Paul McCartney, it’s been used by Metallica, and by Tim McGraw on tour.” said Larry Werner the producer from Panhandle Productions.

The stage is suspected to have been brought down by a phenomenon called plough wind, which produces winds similar to a tornado. This particular front hit speeds greater than 100 km/hr (62 mi/hr). A plough wind travels in narrow straight line paths rather than in circular formations, but causes damage similar to that inflicted by a tornado.

Alberta Municipal Affairs has initiated their investigation into the engineering specifications of the stage and emergency procedures. Alberta occupational health and safety is investigating building codes.

The Big Valley Jamboree is a large annual country music festival located in Camrose, Alberta, Canada which sees 25,000 people attending the four day event.

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Real Estate, Recreation And Parksin La’s Highland Park Neighborhood}

Real Estate, Recreation and Parksin LA’s Highland Park Neighborhood


Samantha Turkle

Anyone who has been paying attention to real estate trends in Northeast Los Angeles – realtors, homebuyers and home sellers – can agree on one thing: Highland Park real estate is in great demand. Homes in Highland Park have been going up in value for several years and there seems to be no end in sight.

Homebuyers priced out of Silver Lake and Eagle Rock – many of them families – are drawn to Highland Park because of the many and varied styles of homes that dot the hilly, artistic streets. Many are attracted to the family-friendly feel of Highland Park and the many cultural and recreational resources there.

In the last several years, Highland Park has transformed due to the successful, young people who have gentrified and modernized this Bohemian community. Along with new shops, cafes, apartment buildings and refurnished homes, Highland Park has developed and refurbished a series of parks that have strengthened the community.

Sycamore Grove Park

4702 N Figueroa St.

Sycamore Grove Park was established in 1905 when the city of Los Angeles purchased the land and transformed it into a recreational area with tended grass, picnic tables and a bandshell for concerts. This 15-acre park is located along the bank of the Arroyo Seco River. This rich environment provides water and life to the grove of sycamore trees that thrive throughout the park. Today, the park now includes a playground for children and tennis courts. There is also an area of outdoor gym equipment where guests can work out for free below the grand trees.

York Park

4956 York Blvd.

York Park is a result of gentrification and was built on the lot of an old, abandoned gas station. This unorthodox park focuses less on the luxury of green grass and more on the adventures of being a child. This 1/3-acre lot has $3 million dollars invested in its small amphitheater, shock absorbent ground andreal musical equipment. The park was designed by residentsaged 11 and up from the neighborhood that allcontributed various ideas for the park including the above mentioned plus a community library, a mini-rock wall, a giant snake slide and water misters for hot summer days.

Tierra de la Culebra

240 S. Ave. 57

Tierra de la Culebra or Land of the Snake is a park created by the artist Tricia Ward in response to the civil uprisings of LA in 1992. It all began when Ward developed a community arts workshop for local youth. ARTSCorp LA teamed up with Ward to recruit volunteers and find a safe space where youth had the freedom to explore all styles and niches of artistic expression. During the first session the group built a 500-foot serpent sculpture from stone rubble that connects all sections of the park. Today, the park is continually used for workshops in music, art and Hispanic culture. This two-acre park also contains mural panels, an urban forest, gardens, a pond and sculptural landscapes.

York Boulevard Parklet

5040 York Blvd.

The York Boulevard Parklet is a micro-park that was built over old parking spots to give pedestrians a public gathering space to enjoy their community. This Parklet was developed by the city and community members in response to the gentrification of Highland Park. The unique parklet features comfortable seating and custom mural tile work by local artist, Cathi Milligan.

Highland Recreational Center Park

6150 Piedmont Ave.

The Highland Recreational Center Park has manyfeatures including: an indoor gymnasium, a pool, an outdoor lit up basketball court, a dining room, air hockey tables, a baseball and t-ball diamond, ping pong tables and a childrens play area. This center was built with the intent of providing residents with a safe, affordable facility where residents of all ages may enjoy activities to be healthy and build a sense of community.

Milagro Allegro Community Garden

115 Ave. 56

This successful community project contains 10,000 square feet of land where residents can hold workshops and grow flowers, fruits and vegetables. This opportunity allows residents to explore urban farming, art and education while pursuing a healthy diet and a new hobby.

Residents in Highland Park are fortunate to have so much open space available for the public, such as the parks mentioned above. Not all areas of Los Angeles are so fortunate.

Older areas being gentrified in North East Los Angeles, offering the wide range of styles of homes with an equally wide range of prices, should be sure to consult an experienced Highland Park realtor for insight and advice.

Highland Park real estate

is in great demand.

Homes in Highland Park

have been going up in value for several years and there seems to be no end in sight.

Article Source:}

EU bans all Indonesian airlines as well as several from Russia, Ukraine and Angola

Friday, June 29, 2007

The European Union banned all of Indonesia’s air carriers yesterday, none of which presently operate services to Europe, as well as several from Russia, Ukraine and Angola. They are the latest additions to the already extensive List of air carriers banned in the EU. The ban is scheduled to come into effect on July 6. Just hours after the ban a Boeing 737 operated by one of the blacklisted airlines, TAAG Angola Airlines, crashed into a house during landing, causing at least six fatalities in Northern Angola.

Indonesia currently has 51 airlines, having grounded several and revoked the licences of others on June 25. The EU said that substandard maintenance and operation and a slow reaction by Indonesia to solve the problem were the main causes of the ban. EU holidaymakers who have booked flights with banned airlines via travel agents will be refunded for the services.

EU transport commissioner Jacques Barrot said of the ban “Once more, the EU blacklist will prove to be an essential tool not only to prevent unsafe airlines from flying to Europe and to inform passengers travelling worldwide, but also to make sure that airlines and civil aviation authorities take appropriate actions to improve safety.”

Operations and safety editor at Flight International David Learmount commented that Indonesia, whose airline industry was deregulated the early 1990s, is one of a handful of cases where deregulation has lowered safety standards instead of improving them, saying of the move by the EU “Standards in aviation safety have been going up dramatically on a worldwide basis, but there are still places where they are [of the standards of] the 70s and 80s. In Indonesia the safety watchdog was told earlier this year to pull its socks up, but the EU is clearly convinced that it has not done so.”

One unnamed EU official was reported by The Guardian to have described Indonesia’s civil aviation authority as “not very reliable”, referring to a lack of reaction to warnings of an imminent ban and requests that Indonesia reassured officials that the problem was being dealt with.

Indonesia has responded to the ban by saying that, according to information unseen by the EU, Indonesian safety standards are rising. Director-general of civil aviation at the Indonesian transport ministry Budhi Mulyawan Suyitno told Reuters new agency that, “Our data can show them that we have improved on every line. The US had already downgraded Indonesia’s safety rating earlier this year.

Also affected by the bans are Ukraine’s Volare Aviation, while Russia has imposed bans on four of its airlines after consulting the EU and restricted six others, Bulgaria has revoked the licences of six cargo airlines and Moldova has banned eight airlines.

Meanwhile, Pakistan International Airlines, subject of a controversial EU ban earlier this year, had restrictions on some of its aircraft lifted. The airline’s fleet of Boeing 777s and some of their Boeing 747s and Airbus 310s will now be allowed back into European airspace.

The announcements come after three accidents involving Indonesian airliners – the New Year’s Day crash of Adam Air Flight 574, which killed 102 people, the subsequent accident involving Adam Air Flight 172, which cracked in half on a hard landing but held together, preventing serious injury, and the March crash of state-run Garuda Indonesia Flight 200, which claimed 23 lives. All the accidents involved ageing Boeing 737 aircraft.

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Woman finds human finger in bowl of chili at Wendy’s restaurant

Story sources
  • Maria Alicia Gaura and Dave Murphy. “Wendy’s diner finds human finger in her chili” — San Francisco Chronicle, March 24, 2005
  • Chuck Carroll and Sandra Gonzales. “Exposure to `finger’ in chili would pose little risk, official says” — San Jose Mercury News, March 23, 2005
  • Dan Reed, Knight Ridder Newspapers. “Woman finds human finger in Wendy’s chili” — Kansas City Star, March 23, 2005
  • “Woman Eating Chili Bites Into Human Finger” — Associated Press, March 23, 2005
  • “Diner finds human finger in bowl of chili” — MSNBC, March 24, 2005

Thursday, March 24, 2005

San Jose, California — A woman eating a bowl of chili at a Wendy’s restaurant bit into a chewy bit that turned out to be a human finger. She immediately spat it out, warned other patrons to stop eating, and upon recognizing the object as a finger, vomited.

“I’m more of a Carl’s Jr. person,” the 39-year-old Las Vegas woman, Anna Ayala, told Knight Ridder. She said this incident was her first visit to a Wendy’s restaurant. Ayala described how she found the finger, “Suddenly something crunchy was in my mouth,” she continued, “and I spit it out.”

According to Devina Cordero, 20, after Ayala found the finger, she ran up to her and Cordero’s boyfriend and said, “Don’t eat it! Look, there’s a human finger in our chili.”

“We went up to the counter and they told us it was a vegetable,” Cordero continued. “The people from Wendy’s were poking it with a spoon.”

The restaurant is located at 1405 Monterey Highway, just south of downtown San Jose.

Wikinews reporter David Vasquez drove his car up to the drive-thru menu and found that chili was still on the menu, at a price of US$1.19 for a small serving. He also witnessed workers unloading supplies from a semi-trailer truck in the restaurant’s parking lot, and carting them into the back door of the establishment.

According to Ben Gale, director of environmental health for Santa Clara County, the finger did not come from any of the employees at the restaurant. “We asked everybody to show us they have 10 fingers and everything is OK there,” he said. The found portion of the finger likely belonged to a woman because of its long and manicured fingernail, also found in the food.

Officials seized the food supply at the restaurant and are tracing it back to the manufacturer, where they believe the finger may have gotten mixed in with the raw ingredients used to prepare the chili. The restaurant’s operators were later permitted to re-open after preparing new chili prepared from fresh ingredients.

As this story was filed, there was no mention of the incident on the Wendy’s corporate web site. Wendy’s issued a statement through a spokesman.

“Food safety is of utmost importance to us,” said Wendy’s spokesman Joe Desmond. He referred to the incident as an “unsubstantiated claim.”

“We are cooperating fully with the local police and health departments with their investigation. It’s important not to jump to conclusions. Here at Wendy’s we plan to do right by our customers,” Desmond said.

According to county health officials, the unfortunate woman who bit into the finger is doing fine, despite her initial reaction. Officials also noted that the finger would have been cooked at a high enough temperature to destroy any viruses.

The Santa Clara county medical examiner reported that the finger had a solid fingerprint, although investigators did not say if a search of fingerprint databases would be performed to find the owner of the finger.

This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.
This article features first-hand journalism by Wikinews members. See the collaboration page for more details.
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