Archives September 2021

Romania announces 18 percent increase in tourists in 2004

Sunday, February 27, 2005

Bucharest, Romania — 6.6 million tourists visited Romania in 2004, marking an 18% increase over 2003, announced the National Authority for Tourism (ANT). This was one of the highest rates of tourism growth in Europe. However, it remains slightly below the number of Romanians who spent their holidays in other countries throughout 2004 – a figure of 6.9 million.

Carmen Moraru, the promotion and marketing director at ANT said that many tourists came as part of holiday packages or tours, organised around the regions of Maramure?, Transylvania, Moldova, the Prahova Valley and the Danube Delta.

In 2005, the number of tourist arrivals is set to rise further, mainly due to a Romanian promotion campaign launched across Europe. The country’s tourist revival is mainly due to its diversity – it is home to Europe’s largest delta, the Black Sea Coast with its resorts, the Carpathian Mountains with their skiing and winter activities, Transylvania with its ecotourism, agritourism and beautiful landscapes, as well as the medieval history of cities like Sibiu and Sighi?oara.

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HIV-positive man receives 35 years for spitting on Dallas police officer

Sunday, May 18, 2008

An HIV-positive man was sentenced to 35 years in prison Wednesday, one day after being convicted of harassment of a public servant for spitting into the eye and open mouth of a Dallas, Texas police officer in May 2006. The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says that no one has ever contracted HIV from saliva, and a gay-rights and AIDS advocacy group called the sentence excessive.

A Dallas County jury concluded that Willie Campbell’s act of spitting on policeman Dan Waller in 2006 constituted the use of his saliva as a deadly weapon. The incident occurred while Campbell, 42, was resisting arrest while being taken into custody for public intoxication.

“He turns and spits. He hits me in the eye and mouth. Then he told me he has AIDS. I immediately began looking for something to flush my eyes with,” said Waller to The Dallas Morning News.

Officer Waller responded after a bystander reported seeing an unconscious male lying outside a building. Dallas County prosecutors stated that Campbell attempted to fight paramedics and kicked the police officer who arrested him for public intoxication.

It’s been 25 years since the virus was identified, but there are still lots of fears.

Prosecutors said that Campbell yelled that he was innocent during the trial, and claimed a police officer was lying. Campbell’s lawyer Russell Heinrichs said that because he had a history of convictions including similarly attacking two other police officers, biting inmates, and other offenses, he was indicted under a habitual offender statute. The statute increased his minimum sentence to 25 years in prison. Because the jury ruled that Campbell’s saliva was used as a deadly weapon, he will not be eligible for parole until completing at least half his sentence.

If you look at the facts of this case, it was clear that the defendant intended to cause serious bodily injury.

The organization Lambda Legal (Lambda Legal Defense and Education Fund), which advocates for individuals living with HIV, says that saliva should not be considered a deadly weapon. Bebe Anderson, the HIV projects director at Lambda Legal, spoke with The Dallas Morning News about the sentence. “It’s been 25 years since the virus was identified, but there are still lots of fears,” said Anderson.

The Dallas County prosecutor who handled the trial, Jenni Morse, said that the deadly weapon finding was justified. “No matter how minuscule, there is some risk. That means there is the possibility of causing serious bodily injury or death,” said Morse. Dallas County District Attorney Craig Watkins stated: “If you look at the facts of this case, it was clear that the defendant intended to cause serious bodily injury.”

Contact with saliva, tears, or sweat has never been shown to result in transmission of HIV.

A page at the CDC’s website, HIV and Its Transmission, states: “HIV has been found in saliva and tears in very low quantities from some AIDS patients.” The subsection “Saliva, Tears, and Sweat” concludes that: “Contact with saliva, tears, or sweat has never been shown to result in transmission of HIV.” On Friday the Dallas County Health Department released a statement explaining that HIV is most commonly spread through sexual contact, sharing needles, or transfusion from an infected blood product.

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Chili Finger Incident

 Correction — October 10, 2019 The day of the alleged incident, March 22, 2005, was a Tuesday, not a Thursday. 

Friday, May 6, 2005

On Thursday the 22nd of March, 2005, Anna Ayala, a woman from Las Vegas, claimed to have found a human finger in her bowl of chili at a Wendy’s restaurant located at 1405 Monterey Highway, just south of downtown San Jose, California, owned by Fresno-based Jern Management.. The finger, which probably belonged to a woman as it had a long and manicured fingernail, did not belong to any of the restaurant employees. The food supplies were seized by officials to be traced back to its manufacturers, while the restaurant was permitted to open again later with chili prepared from fresh ingredients.

Wikinews reporter David Vasquez drove his car up to the drive-thru menu and found that chili was still on the menu, at a price of US$1.19 for a small serving. He also witnessed workers unloading supplies from a semi-trailer truck in the restaurant’s parking lot, and carting them into the back door of the establishment.

Initially, county health officials said Ayala was fine and the finger had been cooked, which would have killed any bacteriae in the finger. However, on March 27, officials admitted they were not so sure anymore. Tests were done on the finger to determine this. Dr. Martin Fenstersheib, Santa Clara County’s health officer, said that even if the finger was still raw when Ayala bit into it, the risk was low that she would have become infected with anything. However, he advised that Ayala should undergo a series of precautionary follow-up tests.

Sales at Wendy’s went down because of the incident. Wendy’s International, Inc. (WEN) closed at US$39.43 on Thursday the 22nd, and as the stock exchange was closed for the Good Friday holiday, traders did not weigh in the stock until the next Monday.

By Tuesday the 5th of April, officials had still not succeeded in tracking down the owner of the finger. The fingerprint on the detached digit has been run through an FBI database as well as the local criminal database in Santa Clara County, but no matches were found. According to Rich Reneau, who was leading the investigation at the time, the fingerprint was marginal, and the likelihood of finding a match was slim.

Wendy’s stock did not go down significantly and was trading at US$39.37 that morning.

The next day, on Wednesday the 6th, Las Vegas police searched the home of Anna Ayala. About a dozen officers conducted the search at Ayala’s home at Maryland Parkway and Serene Street at about 4 p.m. local time (23:00 UTC), according to witnesses at the scene. Ayala and other residents were handcuffed and brought out of the house. Ayala said that her teenage daughter, Genesis Reyes, had torn shoulder ligaments as a result of the search. The Las Vegas Review-Journal ran a photo of Reyes wearing a sling in their Friday edition. In San Jose, police spokeswoman Gina Tepoorten confirmed to reporters that investigators had served the warrant in cooperation with Las Vegas police on Wednesday, but she refused to reveal specific details about the warrant. By that time, Wendy’s was offering a US$50,000 reward for information leading to the source of the finger.

Research by the Associated Press uncovered Ayala’s history of lawsuits. Ayala successfully won her suit for medical expenses against the national El Pollo Loco chicken-chain, a previous employer, after her daughter Genesis contracted salmonella poisoning, allegedly from eating at the restaurant. However, Ayala lost another suit against General Motors in 2000 claiming that a wheel fell off her car. She also started a sexual harassment suit against her former boss in 1998. A total of 13 lawsuits in California and Nevada had been filed. Ayala replied the focus should be on Wendy’s, and not her record of law suits. Nick Muyo, a spokesman for the San Jose Police department, said not to expect new information in the case for at least a week.

On Wednesday the 13th there was a potential new lead in the investigation. A spotted leopard had torn off part of a finger from an owner of exotic animals, Sandy Allman, in Pahrump, Nevada. The portion of Allman’s torn off finger was approximately the same size – 1 1/2-inches long. Pahrump is approximately 45 miles away from Las Vegas. Carol Asvestas, who owns an exotic animal sanctuary, told the San Jose Mercury News she witnessed the leopard tear off the finger. She reported the incident to a hotline run by Wendy’s offering the US$50,000 reward. Cindy Carroccio told the San Jose Mercury News that the finger was not reattached, and that the clinic “gave it back to her (Allman) in a little bag of ice.” On the same day the lead was announced, Ayala decided to drop her lawsuit against Wendy’s, due to emotional stress.

However, when Allman’s prints were sent to San Jose police, they didn’t match. Two days later, on Friday the 15th, Wendy’s doubled the reward to US$100,000. The company revealed that employees had passed polygraph tests. Wendy’s continues to claim that there is no evidence that the finger ever entered their supply chain, pointing to a lack of any accidents among the workers at their suppliers. Wendy’s tip line had received reports from across the United States, from “folks who either have lost a finger, or know somebody who lost a finger,” San Jose police Sgt. Nick Muyo told the Associated Press.

On Thursday the 21st of April, Anna Ayala was arrested at or near her home in Las Vegas on Thursday evening, in connection with the case, shortly after Wendy’s finished its own internal investigation. According to court documents, she has been charged with one count of attempted grand larceny related to the chili case, and one count of grand larceny in an unrelated real estate deal, and is being held without bail in Clark County, Nevada, pending extradition. A press conference by the San Jose Police and Wendy’s was held on Friday, April 22, at 13:00 PDT. The charge related to the case states the finger could not have been prepared at Wendy’s, where the chili is heated to 170 degrees for 3 hours. There is also an inconsistency in Ayala’s account of finding the finger and claiming it caused her to vomit compared with police saying there was no vomit at the scene. The incident has caused Wendy’s 2.5 million dollars worth of damages, which Ayala could be criminally responsible for. Until recently, the San Jose police had not accused Ayala of planting the finger herself.

The unrelated charge stems from an incident, also in San Jose, when Ayala allegedly received an $11,000 down payment on a mobile home she did not own.

Ayala was incarcerated at the Clark County Detention Center, awaiting a fugitive review hearing on Tuesday, April 26, 2005, at 7:30 a.m. local time. She was processed and given inmate ID 01964047. Her case number was 05F07229X. Ayala waived extradition at the hearing, and her attorney said they were ready to come to San Jose to defend against the charges.

On Friday, May 6, 2005, Ayala was transported to San Jose, California. Ayala was booked into the main Santa Clara County jail, and is awaiting arraignment. Ayala will likely be arraigned on Monday or Tuesday at the Santa Clara County Superior Court, according to Santa Clara County Deputy District Attorney David Boyd.

On September 9, 2005, Ayala plead guilty to conspiring to file a false claim and attempted grand theft, and will be sentenced on November 2, 2005. She faces up to ten years in prison, and her husband faces up to 13 years behind bars.

Until the middle of May, the owner of the finger still had not been found.

But on May 13, 2005, police announced that they had identified the finger tip as belonging to an associate of Ayala’s husband [1]. The associate had lost his finger tip in an industrial accident at an asphalt company[2] in December, 2004. Police had received the information from an undisclosed caller to Wendy’s hot-line.

Photos related to this incident:

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Floor Scrubbers &Amp; Cleaning Supplies Helps To Make Your Home More Beautiful

Submitted by: Valfrid 1984

Nowadays, when the lifestyle has become busier and homes are getting larger, it has become a tough job to deal with the requirements of domestic cleaning that not only consumes enormous time and efforts, but also requires the costly efforts to be made. A house comprises, walls, door, windows, floors, bathrooms, kitchen, toilets, furniture etc many more things that needed to be cleaned properly and timely. For making the matters even more badly, all these areas demand traditional requirement of separate solution for cleaning or the detergent.

Floor scrubbers

However, there has been enabled numerous solutions to make the things easier so that you can get rid of the home cleaning issues through such outdated methods as well as the chemicals that are potentially hazardous. Instead, you can make use of the modern solutions through which your cleaning requirements may become much faster, greener and cleaner. Numerous advanced cleaning supplies and floor scrubbers are available in the market from different online cleaning products supplying companies that avail the domestic cleaners at very reasonable range for numerous reasons. These products are capable of providing you better results on the tough surfaces. They improve the efficiency feature in the larger homes of the modern times. They make the cleaning easy with the fewer requirements of the physical efforts.They even reduce the potentials of the harmful allergens with proving a greener option for the chemicals. Thus, in this way, you can surely make your home look beautiful where you feel safe and secure.


If you are looking for a better way for making the deep cleaning of the hard floors and carpets of your house, then you should try to find the best floor scrubbers and cleaning supplies that can be ideal for the fast and effective cleaning of the surfaces of your floor.

Cleaning supplies

At such companies, you can get an exclusive range of the floor cleaning products that will assure of the fast and effective cleaning of your home floor in an easy way. You can also use the steam options for reducing or eliminating the requirement for the agents of chemical cleaning.

The market comprises numerous quality based floor scrubber and cleaning products. With the use of these floor cleaning systems, the floor or carpet of your home will get cleaned effectively and it will be efficient for you as well with saving of cleaning chemicals and water both. The most effective of them is the twin cylindrical brush floor scrubber that is effective for the cleaning through low moisture for short pile carpets along with deeply cleaning the hard floor surfaces including the vinyl, timber, marble, concrete, grout, tiles and safety floors etc. The concept of two cylindrical brushes covers the active penetration into the surface of the floor for lifting out the soiling.

Some other scrubbers and cleaners are also used for the light cleaning of the carpets and hygienic cleaning of the hard floors. The effectiveness of these machines is also over +145 C temperature.

About the Author: Valfrid is researching on Floor scrubbers & Cleaning supplies. If you wish to get more details about same topic so please stay connected with me for my next updates. or visit


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Vestas Cowes rooftop occupiers: “Save the environment, scuttle a NIMBY”

Friday, August 7, 2009

Five activists have installed themselves on the rooftop of Vestas Wind System‘s Venture Quays factory in Cowes, Isle of Wight, England, in support of the Vestas employees.

The five — four of whom are members of the Climate Camp which has set up in the Isle of Wight — scaled the Cowes plant, which is located about five miles (8 kilometres) north of Vestas’s main Isle of Wight plant in Newport, on August 4 and have been camping on the rooftop ever since.

Martin Shaw, a self-described “environmental anarcho-syndicalist” on the roof of Vestas Venture Quays, spoke with Wikinews. He reports that while none of the five rooftop occupiers are Vestas employees, but instead consist of one RMT member and four Climate Camp members, factory employees “instigated this action” and had intended to occupy the roof themselves, but Shaw and the other four, as experienced climbers, had the technical ability and experience to accomplish the task.

While on the roof, the five are living in tents and washing in rainwater heated by the sun in black plastic bags. Food is sent up on ropes from members of the local community; unlike at Vestas Newport, the police and security are not restricting the bringing in of food and drink.

While Shaw notes that the stand of the anarcho-syndicalists on the best fate of Vestas does not exactly match that of the workers, who have called for nationalisation of the plant, “whatever their demands are are our demands”.

The central message of the rooftop protest, Shaw related, is opposition to NIMBYism. “I personally have got some sympathy with Vestas”, Shaw noted, accusing the Isle of Wight’s MP, Andrew Turner, of on the one hand saying he supported the Vestas workers but on the other hand campaigning against wind farms being built on the island. “Local opposition is stopping wind turbines being built in this country”, stated Shaw. The occupiers plan to unveil a banner tonight on the roof of the Vestas plant reading: “Save the environment, scuttle a NIMBY”.

The problem, he went on to say, is Europe-wide. The upcoming Copenhagen Climate Summit, Shaw accuses, will be a “business summit rather than an environmental summit”.

The Vestas Cowes occupiers plan to stay on the factory roof “until the workers want us to come down”. If the police come to remove them, as happened earlier today at Vestas’s Newport plant, the five occupiers say they will resist “determinedly and creatively” but offered no details. Shaw says that while they won’t use violence to resist the police, “we will defend ourselves”.

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“Gps Frequency Standard”

“GPS frequency standard”


Francisco De La Chesnaye

GPS frequency standard.

Precise Time and Frequency, Inc. provides its customers the best world class Time Standards products, services, applications, and solutions tailored to meeting the highest performance requirements at minimum cost.

Since being founded in 2002 by David Briggs and Daniel Whelan, the Company has developed a comprehensive portfolio of time and frequency instrumentation complemented by a wide range of ancilliary products such as distribution amplifiers and redundancy switches.Housed in a well equipped, modern, facility the company is staffed by a small but highly dedicated and experienced team of time and frequency professionals,with decades of experience in applications and instrumentation development.

Since the Company’s inception we have provided many instruments to a very broad range of applications worldwide, from providing simple network time servers, to GPS frequency standard, frequency standard, time standard, NTP server, RF distribution amplifier, redundant switches, synchronized local computers and instruments, to fully redundant and highly

sophisticated Satellite Communications and Broadcast systems.Military

applications include synchronization of mobile Satcom terminals and high


performance calibration and test equipment providing the ultimate in frequency stability and phase noise performance.

In short, Precise Time and Frequency’s instruments have become established as delivering high performance in mission critical applications at affordable prices.


President and CEO, David Briggs………

“Establishing Precise Time and Frequency, Inc. from concept to reality has been a truly enriching experience for me personally. “From working with a dedicated and loyal team, to seeing the key role our instruments perform in a myriad of applications worldwide is just amazing ! That the instruments perform to the expectations of our customers is self evident by the level of repeat business we enjoy. “Our challenge now is to build on our established base by listening to our customers and developing new leading edge products that will continue to deliver the necessary performance to an ever evolving technological marketplace.” David Briggs has a BSEE and comes from an Electronics Engineering background, specializing in instrumentation and control throughout his career, he has spent most of the last decade in the Time and Frequency arena. He is a member of the IEEE, and IEE, and has over 34 years industry experience, the last 20 years in Senior Management roles building successful businesses from a

core of quality products and services. Dan Whelan, founding partner, has a

Masters in Business Administration, and Bachelors in Accountancy with over 19 years in Corporate Finance including SEC reporting, Management Accounting and employee relations. His expertise includes Senior Management roles in Corporate Finance to insure the financial health necessary to build a solid business able to respond to the present and future requirements of the company’s customers.

For Frequency References, GPS Frequency Standards, Time Standards, Frequency Standards, and Redundant Switches, please browse our website to find the products that meet your application needs. If you do not find what you need please contact us with your requirements and we will be pleased to help in any way we can.

Sales: PTF maintains a comprehensive network of local sales representatives both in North America and the rest of the world.


For Service and technical support please refer to the product FAQ pages on our web site or contact our Corporate Office.

For equipment upgrade or repair,please obtain an RMA number from the Corporate Office.

For the latest information please contact our Corporate Office

Office Opening Hours:

Normal office hours are 8.00 am to 5.00 pm EST (USA) Monday to Friday.

For inquiries outside of these times please contact us by e-mail.

David Briggs has a BSEE and comes from an Electronics Engineering background, specializing in instrumentation and control throughout his career, he has spent most of the last decade in the Time and Frequency arena. He is a member of the IEEE, and IEE, and has over 34 years industry experience, the last 20 years in Senior Management roles building successful businesses from a core of quality products and services.For the latest PTF products and services visit Precise Time and Frequency, Inc. at:

or watch the video at

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Rachel Weisz wants Botox ban for actors

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

English actress Rachel Weisz thinks that Botox injections should be banned for all actors.

The 39-year-old actress, best known for her roles in the Mummy movie franchise and for her Academy Award-winning portrayal in The Constant Gardener, feels facial Botox injections leave actors less able to convey emotion and that it harms the acting industry as much as steroids harm athletes.

In an interview with UK’s Harper’s Bazaar, coming out next month, Weisz says, “It should be banned for actors, as steroids are for sportsmen,” she claims. “Acting is all about expression; why would you want to iron out a frown?”

Should Botox be banned for actors?
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Currently living in New York, she also mentions that English women are much less worried about their physical appearance than in the United States. “I love the way girls in London dress,” she claimed. “It’s so different to the American ‘blow-dry and immaculate grooming’ thing.”

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Who Benefits Most From A Self Storage Franchise


Every day, people move from one home to another. Some of them are simply moving to a larger house in the same town, but others are engaging in more complicated and lengthier moves. They may need to move into a temporary dwelling while they scour the market for the right forever home, or they may embark on a journey across the country to their new living space. When people are in this more elaborate situations, they often wonder what they are going to do with all of their belongings.


The answer is to use the services of a Self Storage Franchise. Zippy Shell Greater Columbus is particularly useful for people who living in temporary dwellings while they look for a new house or while they wait for renovations to be completed on their purchased property. Usually, when people opt for a temporary dwelling, they live in a smaller space. For example, they may stay with relatives or friends for several months, or they may live in an extended stay hotel. Others choose to rent an apartment that offers a month-to-month lease. When they choose the services of a Self Storage Franchise, they do not need to cram all of their belongings into a tiny space.

While self-storage is useful for people who are purchasing a new home, it also comes in handy for many recent college graduates. These individuals have spent their last few years living in the dorms or renting a house with all of their closest friends. Now that graduation has arrived, they are planning to start their full-time positions, and they wish to stay in the area. However, they don’t know exactly where they are going to live or with whom they will rent a dwelling place. Therefore, they are sleeping on a friend’s couch for awhile, or they are using up every minute of their lease in their off-campus property. Until they figure out the specifics of their future situation, they can also use the services of a self-storage entity. Ultimately, this type of service is practical and useful for any person who needs a place to keep his or her belongings.

Bangladesh security tightened following Pilkhana massacre and Bashundhara City fire

Friday, March 20, 2009

Following the Pilkhana massacre which occurred February 25 and 26 leaving 74 dead and the inferno at the Bashundhara City shopping mall complex March 13 leaving seven dead, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina said security measures are being tightened countrywide across Bangladesh.

Fire drills will be enacted at all key-point installations (KPI). Fire fighting systems will be examined by the fire brigade and the public works department (PWD) to ensure functionality. Security measures will be enhanced supplementing areas under private security such as at the Bashundhara City Complex.

The Fire Service and Civil Defence Department requires modernization and needs new equipment to fight fires past the sixth floor of buildings. The Fire Brigade says it needs turntable ladders, snorkels, foam-tenders, lighting units, emergency tenders, fireproof uniforms, and rescue ropes for fire fighting and rescue operations. Transportation to fires is also an issue due to narrow roads, low electrical wires and congestion.

The Bangladesh National Building Code requires fire fighting equipment installed in buildings over seven floors. This code is to be monitored by authorities to ensure compliance with the new guidelines and to make sure buildings are being maintained.

The Bashundhara City Complex opened Monday for shoppers two days after Friday’s blaze. A probe is underway to determine the cause of the fire and to assess structural damage.

Loss of life was minimized as the blaze broke out on a Friday, the beginning of the weekend in Bangladesh, so offices in the upper floors were empty. The lower eight floors are used for shopping and the upper floors are all Bashundhara Group offices.

The mall is valued at Tk 7.0 billion (US$100 million). It is not known if the complex is covered by fire insurance.

It is estimated that it will take over two years to rebuild the area damaged by flames which were burned down to a skeleton. Bashundhara City’s technical advisor, Latifur Rahman, estimated damages at Tk 2.0 billion (US$29m).

Only one television cameraman has been allowed in to film the burnt area. None of the 2,500 shops, cinemas or cafes were burnt by the inferno. The seventh and eighth floors still experience smoke damage, and there was water damage to merchandise.

A three member committee is currently investigating the cause of the fire which will consist of Iqbal Khan Chowdhury, joint secretary of the ministry, representatives of the police, IGP Noor Muhammad, and fire brigade, Director General Abu Nayeem Md Shahidullah. The committee is required to report within the week with their findings. The forensics department is also sifting through the burnt remains.

The Dhaka Chamber of Commerce and Industries has also formed a committee which has begun interviewing witnesses and recording their testimony alongside the government committee.

It has been discovered that 150 closed circuit cameras were not being used when the fire started. Another mystery is why the mall fire fighting system has been found unused.

Why the fire burnt so fiercely is a matter to think….These matters seem to be mysterious

“In the shopping mall there is an ultra-technology elevator which runs even without electricity but we have found that locked,” Iqbal Khan Chowdhury, joint secretary (Police) of the home ministry, said. “Why the fire burnt so fiercely is a matter to think. We have to see if there was any incendiary substance there. These matters seem to be mysterious.”

Mall management has been asked to submit substances and items which would have been in the upper floors when the fire started. The fire erupted on the 17th floor and spread quickly to the two floors above and engulfed the three floors below. The aerial ladders belonging to the Fire Service and Civil Defence reached as high as the 13th floor of the 21-storey building.

Videos have been sent to the United States (US) for examination to assist in determining the cause of the fire and to help in the damage assessment. Experts from the US are expected to arrive soon.

Firefighters were brought to the rooftop of the 20-storey tower by helicopter. The only fatality in this operation was Baki Billa, a firefighter of Bashundhara City firefighting department, who fell when climbing down a rope from a helicopter to the roof of the building. Three other firefighters made the transition safely. At this same time, the chief security officer was safely rescued by the Bangladesh Air Force helicopter, a Bell 212. Six security officers of the complex also lost their lives.

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Interview: Drupal founder Dries Buytaert balances community and company interests

Sunday, February 24, 2008

In the year 2000, Dries Buytaert created Drupal, a freely licensed and open source tool to manage websites, as a bulletin board for his college dorm. Since Dries released the software and a community of thousands of volunteer developers have added and improved modules, Drupal has grown immensely popular. Drupal won the overall Open CMS Award in 2007, and some speakers in Drupal’s spacious developer’s room at FOSDEM 2008 were dreaming aloud of its world domination.

Buytaert (now 29) just finished his doctoral thesis and has founded the start-up Acquia. The new company wants to become Drupal’s best friend, with the help of an all-star team and US$7 million collected from venture capitalists. Wikinews reporter Michaël Laurent sat down with Dries in Brussels to discuss these recent exciting developments.

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