Archives July 2021

U.S. Coast Guard investigation finds ‘poor safety culture’ contributed to Deepwater Horizon disaster

Sunday, April 24, 2011

An investigation by the United States Coast Guard has concluded the largest oil spill in the history of the petroleum industry was partly the result of a “poor safety culture” aboard the Deepwater Horizon oil rig. The April 2010 explosion aboard the rig, which is located in the Gulf of Mexico, triggered a disaster that led to widespread environmental damage.

The report squarely blames Transocean, which managed the Deepwater Horizon, for being largely responsible for the explosion that claimed eleven lives. The rig had “serious safety management system failures and a poor safety culture,” the report says. Transocean fiercely rejected allegations that crews aboard the rig were badly trained and equipment was poorly maintained.

Deepwater Horizon and its owner, Transocean, had serious safety management system failures and a poor safety culture.

A slapdash safety environment on Deepwater Horizon would mean equipment was not mended or replaced if it meant losing valuable hours of drilling, the Coast Guard found. Electrical equipment believed to have caused a spark that ignited flammable gas was described as being in “bad condition” and “seriously corroded.” The report found that other deficiencies—improperly assembled gas detectors and emergency equipment; audible alarms switched off because of nuisance false warnings; complacency with fire drills; and poor preparation for dealing with a well blowout—all contributed to the disaster.

Transocean attacked the report’s conclusions and suggested the Coast Guard may have played a role in the disaster. A spokesperson for the company said Deepwater Horizon had been inspected by Coast Guard officials only months before the explosion, officials who said it complied with safety standards. “We strongly disagree with—and documentary evidence in the Coast Guard’s possession refutes—key findings in this report,” the company said.

This week, Deepwater Horizon owner BP launched legal action against Transocean. It also filed a lawsuit against Halliburton, the company that cemented the well, and Cameron, which manufactured the rig’s failed blowout preventer. BP is reportedly seeking to claim US$40 billion in damages, and alleges it has taken a massive financial hit and loss of reputation. In a statement, BP said it filed the lawsuits “to ensure that all parties … are appropriately held accountable for their roles in contributing to the Deepwater Horizon accident”.

In the lawsuit against Transocean, BP claims the company missed signs that a disaster was imminent and that it “materially breached its contractual duties in its actions and inactions leading to the loss of well control, the explosion and the loss of life and injuries onboard the Deepwater Horizon, as well as the resulting oil spill.” Halliburton, BP alleges, was riddled with “improper conduct, errors and omissions, including fraud and concealment” which led to the disaster, and continues to refuse to cooperate with investigators.

Transocean dismissed the lawsuit as “desperate” and “unconscionable,” and announced a countersuit against BP, which it claims was responsible for the disaster “through a series of cost-saving decisions that increased risk, in some cases severely.” Halliburton and Cameron, which is also countersuing, announced they would defend themselves against BP’s allegations.

U.S. President Barack Obama marked the anniversary of the explosion by conceding that although “progress” has been made to ensure the safety of deep water drilling rigs, “the job isn’t done.” Obama’s comments came less than a week after leading experts raised serious questions over the security of deep water drilling as the U.S. government approves more exploration without improving safety measures.

Charles Perrow, a professor at Yale University, said the oil industry “is ill prepared at the least” to deal with another oil spill, despite repeated assurances from the industry and the government, which insists lessons have been learned from the Deepwater Horizon disaster. “I have seen no evidence that they have marshaled containment efforts that are sufficient to deal with another major spill,” he said. “Even if everybody tries very hard, there is going to be an accident caused by cost-cutting and pressure on workers. These are moneymaking machines and they make money by pushing things to the limit.”

However, politicians have insisted they are doing all they can to help clean the coast of oil. “Cleanup efforts in some places are still ongoing, and the full scale of the damage done to our state has yet to be calculated, but the good news is that most all of our fishing waters are back open again,” said Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal at a press conference. “All of us here today want the entire nation to get the message that Louisiana is making another historic comeback.”

I don’t see any hope at all. We thought we’d see hope after a year, but there’s nothing.

Gulf Coast residents, activists and relatives of the crewmen who were killed in the explosion paused this week for the anniversary of the oil spill’s beginning. A helicopter took the victims’ families from New Orleans to over the site where the rig stood, where it circled. “It was just a little emotional, seeing where they were,” said one victim’s mother. Remembrance services and candlelight vigils were held in the Gulf Coast region, which continues to suffer from the fallout of the catastrophe. The families have expressed anger at BP, who they say is being unfair and slow in paying out compensation from a $20 billion fund.

The area is still heavily affected by the disaster and reconstruction of the seafood industry that once thrived is slow. While tourists are beginning to return to the region, many are angry at BP and the Obama administration over how they handled the disaster. All the fishing waters in the area have now opened again, but people who live in the area remain dissatisfied. “I don’t see any daylight at the end of this tunnel,” one fisherwoman said. “I don’t see any hope at all. We thought we’d see hope after a year, but there’s nothing.”

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Wikinews interviews Phil Collins, U.S. Prohibition Party presidential nominee

Thursday, October 22, 2020

U.S. Prohibition Party presidential nominee Phil Collins took some time to answer a few questions about his 2020 presidential campaign from Wikinews accredited reporter William S. Saturn.

Collins is currently chairman of the Prohibition Party. Previously, he served as a trustee of Libertyville Township (Illinois) and as chairman of the Prohibition Party of Illinois. After moving to Nevada, he ran for Mayor of Las Vegas in 2019, and finished in second place overall.  He was not the Prohibition Party’s first choice for the 2020 presidential nomination. In November 2018, the party nominated a ticket of Bill Bayes for President and C.L. Gammon for Vice President. Bayes withdrew in March 2019. Gammon assumed the presidential nomination and the party nominated Collins for Vice President the next month. Gammon withdrew due to health reasons around August 2019 and Collins took over as the presidential nominee. The party picked anti-alcohol activist Billy Joe Parker as Collins’s new running mate.  Parker spoke to Wikinews back in July.

After securing the Prohibition Party presidential nomination, Collins sought the nominations of the American Independent Party (AIP) and the Reform Party for ballot access in California and Florida, respectively. Despite winning the AIP California Presidential Primary in March, Collins lost the nomination to businessman Rocky De La Fuente in August. He also fell short of De La Fuente for the Reform Party presidential nomination in June. Nevertheless, the Prohibition Party has attained ballot access in Colorado, Arkansas, Mississippi, and Vermont.  The last presidential election in which the party appeared on at least four state ballots was in 1984 with nominee Earl Dodge.

The Prohibition Party is the third oldest existing political party in the US, having been established in 1869. It reached its height of popularity during the late nineteenth century. As its name suggests, the party supported the Eighteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which banned the sale of alcohol, and resulted in the period known as Prohibition (1919–33).  Since the repeal of Prohibition in 1933, the party has declined.  It stays afloat, in part due to the George L. Pennock Trust established in 1939, which pays the party’s operating expenses. It continues to nominate candidates for president as well.  Wikinews has previously interviewed two of those nominees: 2004 and 2008 presidential nominee Gene Amondson and 2016 presidential nominee James (Jim) Hedges.  Collins makes it three.

With Wikinews, Collins discusses his background, the COVID-19 pandemic and its effect on his campaign, presidential nominations, gridlock, climate change, foreign policy, and race relations.

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Looking At Microwave Cooking

Submitted by: Tom Tessin

Microwave cooking became all the range in modern society because it cooks food in a very short amount of time. Microwave cooking became very popular when food manufacturers started making foods that could be made very quickly with a great taste. The first innovative format was that of TV Dinners used by airlines to serve their passengers. Microwaves became very useful in hospitals as a form of sterilizing surgical instruments. The system uses very little electricity so it became known as a very economical way to prepare a meal. Consumers found that they could cook whole meals or prepare snack foods just as easily without having to work hard. You can cook a ham, chicken, or other types of meat for a family dinner just as easily as making popcorn or fudge.

The recipes for microwave cooking started flowing from the food kitchens and the new cooking equipment became very popular as well. Microwaves started a whole new industry of products from foods to the type of materials needed to prepare the foods. The fast way of making such dishes as lasagna that tastes yummy has soon taken over the kitchen oven. You can buy your food prepared and frozen for instant preparation or you can make food from scratch. It is totally up to the cook how they wish to fix that evening meal. The microwave prepares food in an instant only heating up the food not the pan in which it is prepared with.


Today, microwave meals are more much advanced and tasting better than ever. You re going to find that many of these meals are going to cost you under $2 but it s a lot easier than going out and spending a fortune for a meal of your own that you have to start from scratch. Sure, a meal in the microwave may not be that healthy but you just have to make sure that you read the ingredients on the back of the box to ensure yourself that it don t have a load of calories or sodium. These are the ingredients that you will find a lot of when it comes microwave cooking.

When looking for meals in the store, there are many to choose from. You can find meals anywhere from frozen noodle entrees that come with a complete meal like garlic bread and fries. If that doesn t sound like something you want, you can also look for other things like pot pies, frozen little pizzas and more. Just make sure that when you pick up a box, you look on the back to see if you can cook it in the microwave. Most of the time, you can cook anything from the frozen food section besides the bigger stuff that obviously fits.

When you re looking at smaller microwaves, make sure that you don t get one too small because you may find out that what you usually cook may not fit inside the microwave itself. This is why it s important to look at all the sizes properly and not buy based on the price.

About the Author: See what I think are the

best small microwaves

on the market today all FINDcollegecards, where you can find even more of my work.


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News briefs:June 16, 2010

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Parts of internet break as ‘512k day’ reached by routers

Thursday, August 14, 2014

On Tuesday many internet routers, used to find the pathways to different parts of the web, reached their memory limit of 512,000 entries in the tables they use to store the routes, causing problems for many users.

A router is used to direct a user towards the area of the internet where they will find the content they are looking for, e.g. a web page. The recent problem was caused by the arbitrary memory limit built into the design of many aging routers. A limit was needed to prevent the cost of hardware from becoming prohibitively expensive in the days when physical data storage was still comparatively expensive. This small amount of memory in turn limits the number of directions which can be stored on a single router leading to different parts of the internet. When this limit was reached, it caused outages of services among Internet Service Providers. Many routers, including older ones provided by Cisco Systems Inc., are limited to storing a total of 512,000 routes or paths.

This limit was reached on Tuesday, reported to have been triggered by Verizon publishing another 15,000 paths. Those affected included eBay, LastPass, and clients of the web hosting company Liquid Web, who lost much of their services until Verizon withdrew some of these new paths. Problems nevertheless continued throughout the day, even after the withdrawal.

A longer term fix is possible, but it would require manually replacing old routers with newer, more capable ones. It is hard to tell what issues would temporarily cascade though the internet by taking down routers from part of the internet for maintenance. Many experts have warned that problems could continue until these difficult fixes have been implemented, although the recent switch to a newer form of IP Addresses, IPv6, will temporarily help the issue. Wired News reported that Andre Toonk, a network engineer, had stated that the number of network outages on the internet, typically around 1,500, yesterday peaked at 2,587, enough to become clearly noticeable.

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Professional Dog Walkers In Nyc Vs Asking A Friend

July, 2017 byadmin

The quickest way to end a friendship is to ask a friend to walk your dog, professional dog walkers in NYC are a much better choice. A lot of people make the mistake of depending on friends, family, neighbors and others to walk their do while they are away during the day. The disappointment can be palatable when you find that the friend that promised to walk your dog did not make it there in time to walk the dog. The same can be said about imposing on neighbors to do it as well.


People Mean Well

It is not that your neighbor or your friend or your family does not want to “help you out” it is that they have a busy life too and throwing in a regularly scheduled dog walk can make things hectic. Unfortunately, the pup is the one that gets stuck with the shorter than usual walk. When you pay a professional you do not have to worry about hard feelings toward the well-meaning people in your life.

It Must be About the Dog

Ultimately, the service must be focused on what is best for the dog. A professional understands the important role that they play in the care of your pet and they:

  • Show up on time
  • Show up joyfully and ready to walk
  • Walk the pup for the agreed upon amount of time
  • Have the skills that make every dog comfortable

Paying a professional service is the best way to make sure that your fur baby is taken care of the right way. It is an easier solution that feeling like you may be putting someone out by requesting that they see to the care of your pet! Smiley Pets are the dog walkers in NYC that makes life easier!

Wikinews interviews World Wide Web co-inventor Robert Cailliau

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The name Robert Cailliau may not ring a bell to the general public, but his invention is the reason why you are reading this: Dr. Cailliau together with his colleague Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, making the internet accessible so it could grow from an academic tool to a mass communication medium. Last January Dr. Cailliau retired from CERN, the European particle physics lab where the WWW emerged.

Wikinews offered the engineer a virtual beer from his native country Belgium, and conducted an e-mail interview with him (which started about three weeks ago) about the history and the future of the web and his life and work.

Wikinews: At the start of this interview, we would like to offer you a fresh pint on a terrace, but since this is an e-mail interview, we will limit ourselves to a virtual beer, which you can enjoy here.

Robert Cailliau: Yes, I myself once (at the 2nd international WWW Conference, Chicago) said that there is no such thing as a virtual beer: people will still want to sit together. Anyway, here we go.

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Wikinews interviews World Wide Web co-inventor Robert Cailliau

Thursday, August 16, 2007

The name Robert Cailliau may not ring a bell to the general public, but his invention is the reason why you are reading this: Dr. Cailliau together with his colleague Sir Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web, making the internet accessible so it could grow from an academic tool to a mass communication medium. Last January Dr. Cailliau retired from CERN, the European particle physics lab where the WWW emerged.

Wikinews offered the engineer a virtual beer from his native country Belgium, and conducted an e-mail interview with him (which started about three weeks ago) about the history and the future of the web and his life and work.

Wikinews: At the start of this interview, we would like to offer you a fresh pint on a terrace, but since this is an e-mail interview, we will limit ourselves to a virtual beer, which you can enjoy here.

Robert Cailliau: Yes, I myself once (at the 2nd international WWW Conference, Chicago) said that there is no such thing as a virtual beer: people will still want to sit together. Anyway, here we go.

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When In Thailand, Shall I Drive Or Go By Public Transportation?

Submitted by: Sakprasit Meeharn

Driving a car in Thailand is relatively fun. Behind the wheel, Thai people are as friendly and easy as we are famed for. You wouldn t hear lots of honking and yelling on the streets. Road signs usually comply with the international standard or at least they are quite obvious and effective with bilingual signing. As good as it sounds, but foreigners should bear in mind that there are a few things you should be careful about when driving in Thailand.

First, always remember that some Thais don t take traffic rules seriously. They regard a yellow light as a sign to speed up to pass that intersection before the light turns red. If you see the yellow, check with the rearview mirror before you decide to stop. Other drivers who follow you closely may be accelerating and won t be able to stop unexpectedly. Second, you should know that it is not unusual to see motorbikes or cars drive in the opposite direction (drive on the roadside against the traffic direction). Some people would think that it saves time and gas to do so instead of making their way to the next u-turn. The third warning is to watch out for the drunk drivers especially during the festivals such as New Year and Songkran. Thai people love to celebrate and often neglect the safety rules. Finally, you should also be aware of the road conditions. Normally, most roads are in an excellent condition. Chances are slim but it could happen that you will occasionally experience an uneven road surface or drive on a road which has inadequate lights at night-time.


Public transportation in our country is incredibly cheap. In Bangkok, there are various choices to go by from air-con and non air-con buses to public vans and many forms of taxis (cars, motorbikes, Tuk-tuk or three wheelers and converted mini trucks). More often than not, you will find that the buses in Bangkok are very crowded and we have no timetables. So it depends mostly on luck. Skytrain and subway are very useful to avoid Bangkok s heavy traffic. In short, you can conveniently travel in Bangkok using any of these services. Meanwhile, in other provinces, choices for public transportation are few and usually inefficient, even in the big tourist cities like Chiang Mai, Phuket, Pattaya, etc. Relying upon the public services in the provincial towns may be inconvenient and may take a long time to wait. Therefore, in tourist cities, some visitors prefer to use hotel services or hire a taxi or rent a car as it is more convenient. Some car rental companies in provinces such as Phuket offer their car rental services right at the airport and can give cheaper rental rates.

In conclusion, whether to drive or to take public transportation, it depends on the location. In Bangkok, self-driving is not recommended. It can make you feel frustrated. You can just take the public transportation or call a cab; that would be easier. Use the skytrain or subway during rush hours can save time and money. On the contrary, taking public transportation in other provinces like Phuket, Chiang Mai, etc., can be quite tiresome due to lack of services. It may be a good idea to rent a car and drive. On the grounds that the roads are not as busy as in Bangkok and there are a number of reputable international car rental companies in Thailand. You can also choose a private local car rental company for cheaper rental rates. Just make sure that the company is trustworthy and offers insurance coverage.

About the Author: Phuket Car Rental (Maikhao Car Rent) has been in the car rental business in Laguna Phuket for over 5 years with the international standard service. So, when looking for a rental car in Phuket, you can always trust us, visit


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French Workers stay at home for Whit Monday

Monday, May 16, 2005

In France, workers by the millions stayed at home during the Whit Monday holiday despite the government’s cancellation of the traditional Pentecost public holiday. Some acted in defiance of the government’s decision, while some took leave or were put on forced leave by their employers due to uncertainties of public transportation.

Following the 2003 heat wave, which caused the deaths of an estimated 13,000 elderly people in France, the administration of prime minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin has proposed the suppression of one day of public holiday in order to use the supplemental generated tax for a fund for the caring of the elderly.

Whit Monday was selected because, in normal years, France has several public holidays in May. Furthermore, attendance of religious celebrations is low, so holidays of a religious origin are nowadays generally mere family reunions.

However, the reception of this new working day was mixed. The administration says it promotes solidarity with the elderly. Trade unions and opposition groups argue that the measure is an ill-conceived stunt aimed at hiding the government’s bad handling of the problems of the elderly.

For instance, many remember that in 1956, the government created a tax (the vignette) on motor vehicles, allegedly for funding measures for the elderly. But in 1973, the products of this tax came, as any other tax, into the government’s general fund.

With this measure, the French government intends to raise 2 billion to be donated to a new public establishment, the “national fund for solidarity for autonomy.” The new fund would be chartered to deal with losses of self-sufficiency of elderly or handicapped people. 1.2 billion € are earmarked for elderly people, 0.8 for the handicapped.

Trade unions had called for strikes in urban public transportation and paralyzed traffic in 27 cities, including Clermont-Ferrand, Lille, Montpellier ou Strasbourg. However, SNCF (the national railway operator) did not strike and RATP (the Paris transportation authority) suffered only minor disturbances, though both are normally known for their frequent and disturbing strikes.

SNCF considered the day as a holiday for payroll purposes and instead increased the work day by 1’52”, a measure that majority leader Nicolas Sarkozy considered shocking and contrary to the objectives of the government.

The protests are also widely considered to be motivated by the unpopularity of the administration of president Jacques Chirac and prime minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin. Recent statistics show a five year-high for unemployment at 10.2%.

This discontent may result in a majority of “no” in the vote for the ratification of the Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe.

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