Archives 2021

5-year old American girl dies after visiting the dentist

Friday, September 29, 2006

Diamond Brownridge, a 5-year old girl from Chicago, Illinois, has died after a visit to the dentist. Children’s Memorial Hospital officials say that the girl was rushed to the hospital when she never woke up after being sedated for a dental procedure. She had been in a coma, on life support, since being admitted to the hospital early in the weekend.

“She passed very peacefully and beautifully,” said the hospital in a statement that the family issued.

Ommettress Travis, the mother of the girl, was asked not to remain inside the room while dentists were operating on the girl to repair two cavities and to have at least two caps replaced. Travis says after thirty minutes she was asked to come back in and found Brownridge not breathing, in the dentist chair.

Hicham Riba, a specialist and professional in anesthesia, who was also licensed, was the dentist in charge of the procedure.

“My family and I are so sad. May God bless Diamond and her family. Every time you have a tragedy like this, you pray more. I don’t think I will ever go back to a normal life after an experience like this,” Riba said in a statement on Wednesday, September 28.

According to the family, the girl had been given at least a triple dose of medicine that sedated her. Those drugs include: nitrous oxide gas, a single dose of an “oral agent” and an IV.

A judge has ordered that all equipment and materials used during the operation be protected and examined. The girl’s medical records have also been ordered to be examined.

There is no word on whether or not any charges will be filed against Riba or any of the dentist’s staff.

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Poison drummer Rikki Rockett arrested for rape

Friday, March 28, 2008

Rikki Rockett, drummer for United States glam metal band Poison, was temporarily arrested today on an outstanding rape warrant after exiting a plane arriving at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), California from New Zealand.

The arrest stems from an alleged incident on September 23, 2007, while Rockett — real name Richard Ream — was staying at the Silver Star Hotel & Casino in Mississippi. A female guest alleges Rockett raped her in his hotel room. Several days after the attack is claimed to have occurred, she filed a report with the Neshoba County Sheriff’s department. They determined there were sufficient grounds to arrest him and issued a warrant.

Los Angeles Police Department arrested him on his arrival at LAX and booked him into Los Angeles County Jail but the 46-year-old was released because Mississippi authorities decided not to extradite him while official charges from the Neshoba County District Attorney are pending.

Rockett had been in New Zealand to play at Wellington‘s Rock2Wgtn festival with the rest of Poison, who opened day two and were joined by Whitesnake and Ozzy Osbourne. The previous day featured Lordi, Alice Cooper and KISS.

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Kenya government fires health worker strikers over failure to ‘report back to work’

Saturday, March 10, 2012

The Kenyan government has dismissed 25,000 striking health workers, mostly nurses, citing failure to heed government orders to recommence work and concern for the welfare of hospital patients. Speaking on behalf of the government, Alfred Mutua stated the workers were dismissed “illegally striking” and “[defying] the directive … to report back to work”, which he called “unethical”. The government asks that “[a]ll qualified health professionals, who are unemployed and/or retired have been advised to report to their nearest health facility for interviews and deployment”, Mutua stated.

The workers, who had been on strike for four days, were wishing to have improvements made to their wages, working conditions, and allowances. The strikes have caused a significant number of Kenyan hospitals to cease operations. According to Kenya Health Professionals Society spokesperson Alex Orina, the average monthly wage plus allowances for health workers in Kenya is KSh25,000 (£193, US$302 or €230) approximately. With an increasing number of reports of patients neglected in hospitals emerging, two trade unions met with the Kenyan government yesterday and negotitated a return to work, although a significant proportion of demonstrators defied the agreement, The Guardian reported.

Orina told Reuters the dismissals were “cat-and-mouse games, you cannot sack an entire workforce. It is a ploy to get us to rush back to work, but our strike continues until our demands are met”. Frederick Omiah, a member of the same society, believed the government’s actions would “make an already delicate and volatile situation worse”, expressing concern that demonstrations may continue in the capital Nairobi, amongst other locations. Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union chairperson Dr. Victor Ng’ani described government actions as “reckless”.

Mutua said the health workers were “no longer employees of the government” and had been eliminated from the payroll. While Ng’ani told the BBC of difficulties with finding other workers as skilled and experienced, Mutua reportedly stated that this would not be an issue. “We have over 100,000 to 200,000 health professionals looking for work today,” Mutua commented. “There will be a lag of a day or two … but it is better than letting people die on the floor, at the gate, or suffer in pain”.

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Help Ive Got A Rash On My Penis When Redness And Irritation Is Not A Sign Of An Std

Help – Ive Got a Rash on my Penis When Redness and Irritation is not a sign of an STD


John Dugan

A penis rash is a frightening discovery, often leading guys to question where they have been, and with whom. While it is natural to be concerned about sexually transmitted diseases, especially for men who have had unprotected sex, there are many other causes for penis rash, ranging from allergic reactions to poor hygiene. Fortunately, most penis skin rashes can be treated or prevented through the use of skin care products containing certain penis-specific vitamins and minerals which are known to nourish and moisturize the delicate penile skin.


What are the common symptoms of penis rash? Penis rash typically presents as an area of reddened bumps which may itch or burn, ranging from mild discomfort to deep, unbearable itching. In certain cases, narrowing of the penis opening, foul-smelling discharge, or pain during urination may occur. What can cause a rash on the penis? Several common skin conditions can present as a rash or area of reddened bumps on the penile skin: Allergic reactions Allergies to latex condoms, certain fabrics, or the chemicals in certain lubricants may cause redness, itching, burning and swelling of the penis skin. Men who have known allergies should avoid contact with these irritants; a penis formula that contains soothing ingredients such as vitamins A and E, as well as shea butter, are recommended for healing and protecting sensitive skin. Balanitis This condition refers to the swelling of the foreskin in uncircumcised men. Balanitis usually presents as inflamed skin and redness, rash and/or soreness at the head of the penis. Although poor hygiene is the main cause of this uncomfortable disorder, allergic reactions, irritation from soaps and other cleansers, and failure to rinse properly after soaping can also lead to swelling and pain. Proper skin care, including cleansing, moisturizing and treatment with penis-specific nutrients, is especially necessary for men who are not circumcised in order to prevent this condition and to alleviate the discomfort if it does occur. Dermatitis Inflammation of the skin, including contact dermatitis, may be caused by environmental irritants such as poison ivy or poison oak. Dermatitis of the penis can cause extreme itching and soreness; although these conditions generally heal on their own, soothing penis care products are needed to alleviate the pain and discomfort as the rash heals. Psoriasis Psoriasis may affect the skin of the penis, as well as other parts of the body, causing itching, flaking and an unattractive appearance. A penis formula containing vitamin A (also known as retinol), which is often used in the treatment of psoriasis, may provide relief from the discomfort while helping the skin to heal. Can penis rash be treated at home? For a mild rash or irritation, penis care is fairly straightforward. Treating the penile skin with a moisturizing and nourishing formula can promote healing and protect the delicate dermal tissue from further damage and discomfort. Vitamins that target skin health, such as vitamins A, C, D and E, are noted for boosting the bodys natural healing ability and repairing damaged skin cells, resulting in soft, smooth and supple skin; in addition, natural moisturizers such as shea butter are needed to create a natural moisture barrier that prevents dehydration and protects the outer skin from drying, cracking and other surface injuries that may lead to more serious problems if left untreated. If a penis rash is accompanied by blistering, oozing, headache or fever, or if the symptoms dont begin to clear up after a few days, medical care should be sought as quickly as possible. Men with penis rash should avoid sexual contact until the cause has been identified and the rash has healed. Where to go for the most effective penile skin care Like the rest of the body, the penis skin depends on certain vitamins and other nutrients for maintaining optimum health. Caring for the penis skin through daily use of a specialized penis health formula (most health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil) can ensure that the proper nutrients are absorbed directly into the outer dermal layer of the penis, where they work to promote rapid healing, soothe irritated skin, and maintain a youthful, healthy appearance.

For additional information on most common

penis health

issues, tips on improving penis sensitivity, and what to do to maintain a healthy penis, visit:

John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men’s health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

Article Source:

Help – Ive Got a Rash on my Penis When Redness and Irritation is not a sign of an STD

Mysterious power failure takes down Wikipedia, Wikinews

This article mentions the Wikimedia Foundation, one of its projects, or people related to it. Wikinews is a project of the Wikimedia Foundation.

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

On Monday, at 10.14 pm UTC, the Wikimedia server cluster experienced a total power failure, taking down Wikipedia, Wikinews, and all other Wikimedia websites.

The servers are housed in a colocation facility (colo) in Tampa, Florida, USA. They occupy two racks, with each rack receiving electricity from two independent supplies. However, both supplies have circuit-breakers in them, and both opened at the same time, leading to a total power failure. All computers immediately went down. It’s normal for fire safety regulations to prohibit uninterruptible power supplies in colos, with the colo providing its own UPS and generator instead. The circuit breakers were on the computer side of this emergency power system, so none of the computers continued to receive power to survive the breaker trip or shut down safely.

The actual reason why the circuit breakers tripped is currently unknown.

When power was restored, it was discovered that most of the MySQL databases that store the data which makes up Wikipedia et al had been corrupted. The main database and the four slaves had all damaged the data on their hard disk drives beyond the ability of the auto-correction to repair. Only one copy survived safely, on a machine that is used for report generation and maintenance tasks, which remained 31 hours backlogged while catching up after an unusually heavy update load during the previous week.

Volunteer Wikimedia engineers worked through the night rebuilding the databases from the sole good copy onto the other servers. The Wikipedia database is over 180Gb in size, making the copying process last 1.5 – 2 hours for every server it was performed upon.

Regular back-ups of the database of Wikipedia projects are maintained – the encyclopedia in its entirety was not at risk. The last database download was made on February 9; all edits since then could only have been laboriously rebuilt from logs and recovered from the damaged database requiring much more time and effort.

Limited read-only service was established late Tuesday afternoon, with editing becoming possible 24 hours after the power failure. Final repairs continue now, as well as upgrades to prevent similar issues in the future. Server-intensive features, such as categories and ‘watchlists’ that display recent changes to selected articles to registered users, remain disabled to ease the load on the recovering systems.

The process which led to the damage originated with the operating system, disk controllers, or hard drives failing to flush the data correctly.

If the power to a database server is cut mid-write, the database may be corrupted and unreadable, however the operating system, hardware, and software are designed to make this very unlikely. In a previous incident in 2004 power was also lost to a server but the database was undamaged.

To avoid such damage, each database server saves a copy of an edit to be applied to the database on a separate storage system before making the actual update to the database itself. This so-called ‘write-ahead logging’ should ensure that in the event of a system crash, the database can be rebuilt from a ‘last-good’ state by replaying the edits saved in the log.

Earlier this year popular blogging site LiveJournal suffered a similar power failure when another customer at their colocation facility pressed an Emergency Power Off button, intended for use only by firefighters. The company suffered database corruption similar to that seen at Wikimedia.

LiveJournal are now fitting UPS to their servers to ensure that they have time to shut down safely in the event of a power failure. Wikimedia was said to be investigating the possibility of fitting similar equipment at the time of this failure.

Several pundits have suggested that the use of another database, such as the proprietary database Oracle or the free PostgreSQL, would have avoided the database corruption seen at the server cluster. A post-mortem of the incident show the failure was in the operating system, or the hardware, or some combination of the two. LiveJournal, which also uses MySQL, reported similar database corruption after their power cut.

The Wikimedia foundation only allows the use of free software on its systems, and future versions of the Mediawiki software will support the PostgreSQL database.

Users are reminded that during times of system failure or excessive demand, they can still search Wikipedia using Google. The articles may be viewed using Google’s cache.

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Mother, daughter accused of stealing of husband’s $3.5 million lottery ticket

Saturday, October 4, 2008

On April 4, 2008 Bobbi-Jo Arnold, accompanied by her mother Mary Patricia Moore and other family members, claimed a $3.5 million lottery ticket win in Toronto. On October 2 the two women were arrested by Ontario Police. Both are facing charges including fraud over $5000, possession of property obtained by crime, false pretenses and uttering a forged document. They allegedly stole the ticket from Moore’s then-husband.

The question is really he said/she said in a divorce case. If he is trying to claim the daughter’s ticket, is he as evil as his wife would be if she stole the ticket from her husband?
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The family dispute has led to Ms Moore (59) filing for divorce from her husband of ten years, Gerald Moore (81), in August. Mr Moore alleges Ms Arnold received the ticket from her mother, who took it from his bedside table. He further alleges his wife “manipulated” his medications to leave him incapable to grasp what was occurring. The Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation is also named in Mr Moore’s civil suit for alleged negligence in investigating Ms Arnold’s claim.

The bail judge’s order requires Ms Moore to live with her daughter Arnold in a home she purchased with the lottery winnings, and not with her husband. As well, both women are ordered not to leave Essex County, Ontario and to surrender their passports to the police.

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Most Frequently Asked Questions By Aspirants

Whether it is from the educational perspective or from the minds of the aspirants, every question that you have in mind needs to be answered to help you make the right choice. If you are in the same category and you want the answers to your questions, you must have a look at the following sections.

Here we have made a collection of questions that are frequently asked by the aspiring members. Check the following section to know the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

What should be my minimum qualification to join the industry?

If you are willing to join the top air hostess training institute in Kolkata, you must know that the minimum qualification you will need is educational qualification. You must have a schooling certificate that shows that you have successfully completed 12 years of schooling. However, this is not for all the profiles of this sector as some of the profiles like Ground staff training would need you to become a graduate.

Therefore, you will first need to figure out your choice and then work accordingly. To become an air hostess, all you need is to enroll in the top air hostess training institute in Kolkata and start giving a new chance to your career.

What should be the height and weight of the air hostess?

This is one of the most checked criteria of an air hostess. Not everyone can become an air hostess as height is a major factor.

You must be thinking about why there is a bar in terms of height? This is because an air hostess is supposed to help passengers keep their luggage above their head and hence if they cannot, it is the duty of the air hostesses to helo them. Therefore until they have the height, they won’t become a help. Therefore, height is a major factor of consideration when it is about the air hostess training.

The required height for females is 155cm and males are 170cms. Their weight must be in accordance with their height.

What else are the major factors that I need to be concerned about?

There are a lot of other things that need to be considered. Apart from height and weight, you should also make sure that you do not have any cuts or burnt marks on the visible parts of your body. Apart from this, you also need to ensure that you dont have tattoos on your body. Also, make sure that you have no eyesight issues or chronic back pain.

Being an air hostess demand a fit and healthy member so that they are able to take their responsibilities.

Will I get placements?

This is one of the most common questions asked by people when they are choosing the best institute for air hostess training in Kolkata. No one would want to pay for nothing and hence students would like to clarify the things before taking part in it.

Well, to answer this question, we will say and suggest you look for the academies that assure placements. This will make sure that you get training as per the need of the airlines. Since different airline has different requirements, these academies when has a link to an airline, they make their candidates as per the requirements.

Remember, not all academies have this privilege as airlines only tie-up with academies that are capable of producing productive and competitive people.

What are the benefits of becoming an air hostess?

There is no doubt that most women love to become air hostess because of the range of advantages it has. If you are thinking about what does the profession has to give you, then keep reading the following section.

  1. You get to travel to different places without paying for it
  2. Your accommodation will be arranged and paid off by the airlines
  3. You can meet different people every day which includes the chances of meeting your favorite celebrity
  4. You get a handsome salary
  5. You get to know the way to groom yourself
  6. You can enjoy the luxurious lifestyle
  7. You can get vacations and get discounts on the travel tickets

These are some of the most common advantages of becoming an air hostess. Also, the added advantage is when you are promoted to the international airlines. To become a part of this genre, make sure you initially enroll your name in the best institute for air hostess training in Kolkata.

What are the challenges of becoming an air hostess?

Being an air hostess is not at all an easy task as it is the public domain where you will be responsible to manage the passengers. If you expect every passenger to be the same and behave similarly to you, you have wrong expectations. There are a lot of challenges that will come on your path.

Let us have a check at some of the most common challenges:

  1. Handling the unruly passengers who are not at all ready to listen to your words
  2. You have to be flexible to work in stretches and shifts
  3. You need to handle the emergency situations
  4. There will be no social life
  5. You need to work in several time zones

If you are willing to overcome the challenges, you can enroll in the best institute for air hostess training in Kolkata.

Bottom Line:

If you are willing to become an air hostess and have a lot of questions in your mind, hopefully, these are some of the most common answers to the questions that you were looking for. You can now enroll your name in the best institute for air hostess training in Kolkatato acquire the best results.

Don’t forget to check the facilities offered by the academies.

U.S. Housing prices down 9% since February

Sunday, June 26, 2005

The median house price in the United States plunged 6.5% in May to $217,000. In February of 2005, the median price of a home was $237,300.

The Economist newspaper said in its June 16th issue; “In other words, it looks like the biggest bubble in history.” by way of reference to what is happening with housing prices in the USA and much of Europe.

Japan provides an example of how a boom can turn to bust. Property prices have dropped for 14 years in a row (40% from their peak in 1991); and yet, the rise in prices in Japan during the decade before 1991 was less than the increase over the past ten years in most of today’s “housing boom” countries.

The total value of residential property rose by more than $30 trillion over the past five years in developed economies, an increase equivalent to 100% of the combined GDPs of those countries. This increase dwarfs all previous house-price booms and is greater than the global stockmarket bubble in the late 1990s. Much of the recent housing activity is being driven by speculative demand. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) reported that 23% of all American houses bought in 2004 were for investment, not for owners to live in. Another 13% were bought as second homes. NAR also found that 42% of all first-time buyers made no down-payment on their home purchase last year.

Many investors are buying solely because they think prices will keep rising, which is a warning sign of a financial bubble. In Miami, Florida, as many as half of the original buyers resell new apartments even before they are built, and properties can change hands two or three times before somebody finally moves in.

Britain’s Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) reported prices have been falling for ten consecutive months. Forty nine percent of their surveyors reported falling prices in May. This was the weakest report since 1992 during Britain’s previous house-price bust.

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Australia’s New South Wales Fire Brigades in crisis over bullying

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The New South Wales Fire Brigades (NSWFB) in Australia has come under scrutiny as a report highlights the latest in a string of sexual abuse and harassment cases. The report also describes the humilation of new recruits in “bizarre” initiation rituals.

The independent investigation led by KPMG, a Swiss audit, taxation and advisory firm, found that less that 9% of those who claimed to have suffered from such abuse were said to be satisfied by the action taken by the NSWFB.

The investigation states that “there are still instances of bullying and harassment … and they are not being adequately addressed…Some degree of physical bullying and intimidation is present across all areas of the organization, including the administration directorates.”

Physical abuse in the NSWFB has become a critical issue, with most cases manifesting in the initation of new recruits. These initiations require them to remove their clothing and be subject to physical torment and irritation while being watched by other members of the brigade. It is estimated that more then 600 firefighters have witnessed or have experienced physical bullying in the past two years and that this is not exclusive to recruits, but also includes a number of superintendents and captains.

Abuse hot spots have also been identified, with the brigade’s Special Operations Unit having the highest percentage of such claims.

Despite statements made by the New South Wales Emergency Services Minister, Steve Whan, to take firm action against all involved, a “Boy’s Club” mentality continues to pervade the organization, leading to both abuses and the stripping of female firefighters of adequate support, with 26% of female firefights admit to experiencing sexual harassment while 36% have been subject to verbal assaults, obscene gestures and jokes.

It was also revealed that in the light of KMPG’s investigation that the Independent Commission Against Corruption will launch its own investigation into physical and sexual abuses in the NSWFB.

The KPMG report puts forward 14 recommendations which are to be utilised by the Emergency Services Ministry in the hope of reforming the culture within the NSWFB.

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Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with Green candidate Russ Aegard, Thunder Bay-Atikokan

Monday, September 24, 2007

Russ Aegard is running for the Green Party of Ontario in the Ontario provincial election, in the Thunder Bay-Atikokan riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

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