Archives May 2017

Christian youth camp directors charged with dragging 15-year-old girl behind van

Monday, August 13, 2007

Charles Eugene Flowers and Stephanie Bassitt, who run Love Demonstrated Ministries in San Antonio, Texas, United States, have been arrested and charged with aggravated assault for tying a girl to their van and dragging her behind it on her stomach.

The victim had stopped running with a group of campers, after falling behind. She says Bassitt yelled at her while Flowers tied her to the van.

The girl was treated for injuries on her stomach, legs and arms. She reported that this was the second assault. Flowers and Bassitt remain in jail on US$100,000 bond each.

Love Demonstrated Ministries is a 32-day Christian boot camp for girls whose parents feel they are “at risk teens”. Such camps have raised controversy before.

An organization called the International Survivors Action Committee maintains a list of U.S. organizations where numerous abusive incidents have been reported; however, their list should not be taken as exhaustive. Neither Love Demonstrated Ministries nor New Horizons Youth Ministries, which has an alumni site describing abuse appeared.

Christian youth camp directors charged with dragging 15-year-old girl behind van

Monday, August 13, 2007

Charles Eugene Flowers and Stephanie Bassitt, who run Love Demonstrated Ministries in San Antonio, Texas, United States, have been arrested and charged with aggravated assault for tying a girl to their van and dragging her behind it on her stomach.

The victim had stopped running with a group of campers, after falling behind. She says Bassitt yelled at her while Flowers tied her to the van.

The girl was treated for injuries on her stomach, legs and arms. She reported that this was the second assault. Flowers and Bassitt remain in jail on US$100,000 bond each.

Love Demonstrated Ministries is a 32-day Christian boot camp for girls whose parents feel they are “at risk teens”. Such camps have raised controversy before.

An organization called the International Survivors Action Committee maintains a list of U.S. organizations where numerous abusive incidents have been reported; however, their list should not be taken as exhaustive. Neither Love Demonstrated Ministries nor New Horizons Youth Ministries, which has an alumni site describing abuse appeared.

Variable Interest Rate Home Loan}

Submitted by: Frank Zelasko

What is a Variable Interest Rate Home Loan?

A variable interest rate home loan (sometimes also referred to as a “floating” or “adjustable” rate home loan) is a very popular product in the lending market and a very competitive product offered by most of the lenders/credit providers.

Who is Suited to a Variable Interest Rate Home Loan?

This type of home loan is a perfect fit for:

First-time home buyers who just want a home loan product that is simple and not confusing to manage

People who just want to stay settled and are not willing to move whether in their work, home, personal life or they are not willing to move to another lende

What Should I Consider When Choosing the Loan?

When choosing it, you should always research and consider the following terms & conditions, being offered by the many lenders/credit providers:

Treat any “honeymoon” interest rate offers with caution, and remember to always check whether the discount rate applied to the variable rate is a set amount below whatever the standard variable is

Remember that low rate home loans are not always the best choice

Try to pick a loan term that suits your finance

Decide on what matters most to you (e.g. does it meet your financial goals?)


What are the Features of a Variable Interest Rate Home Loan?

You must know all the below mentioned features of the loan package so you can maximise the benefits:

Take advantage of falling “interest rates” when the Reserve bank decides to drop their official rates

Make unlimited “extra repayments” each month so you can pay off your home loan faste

Take advantage of “redraw facilities” so you can withdraw any extra payments you have made on top of your normal repayment amounts if you need the cash

Take advantage of a 100% offset account

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages?

There are many advantages of choosing the loan package such as:

Flexibility: It has some flexible features like having options of making additional payments, low introductory interest rates or redrawing facility.

Lower repayment option: As the interest rate varies with that of the market index, if the rate falls, the amount of repayment also becomes lower.

Ability to pay off the loan faster: This loan type also has the option of enabling you to pay an extra repayment as advance towards the loan. Thus, every month, if you pay an extra amount in addition to your minimum payment amount, you can repay the loan faster.

Helps in Budgeting: As this loan gives you the option of weekly, fortnightly or monthly repayment, you can maintain your budget accordingly.

Redraw Facility option: This loan type gives you the option of redrawing the additional amount you have made towards the repayment, in addition to the minimum repayment amount.

While the loan has a lot of upsides, it does have some disadvantages, such as:

Variable rate is subject to fluctuations: The interest rate is subject to fluctuations and can either rise or fall at any time during the period of the loan. Changes in the interest rate are at the discretion of a lender and they are meant to be broadly in line with market conditions

Repayment may become more: So if the interest rate rises, the amount of monthly repayment also becomes more and it may become more than the amount you can afford.

Redraw facilities can be subject to limitations, including minimum withdrawal amounts allowable and may also include redraw fees

You cannot arrange a rate lock

You cannot pay Interest in Advance in some circumstances

This loan type offers fewer features than the general loans

What are the Benefits in Making Extra Repayments?

The benefits available to you in making the extra repayments towards your variable interest rate home loan are best illustrated in the following example. The example assumes that you are willing to contribute an additional amount of $200 towards your weekly repayments:

Loan Amount: $530,000

Normal Loan Term: 30 years

Interest Rate: 5.00%

Repayment Frequency: weekly Normal

Weekly Repayment: $656

Extra Weekly Repayment: $200

Interest saved by making extra repayments: $217,815

Time in years saved, by making the extra repayments: 11 years 10 months

Now that you have thorough information of the variable interest rate home loan, you can discuss about it without your finance broker and find the perfect home mortgage loan.

About the Author: Singh Finance is the ideal finance brokerage firm of every Australian home buyer. Call on 0424 190 908 for quick approval on 0 savings home loans. You can even enquire online for different loan packages like cheap commercial loans and quick short term second mortgage.


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Greece formally asks for EU-IMF loans

Friday, April 23, 2010

Greece has formally asked for rescue loans by the European Union and International Monetary Fund (IMF) to be activated, aimed at helping the country recover from an economic crisis.

Under the plan, countries in the Eurozone will provide up to 30 billion euros in loans in the first year, while the IMF will contribute ten billion euros.

“The moment has come,” said Greek prime minister George Papandreou. He stated that it is “a national and pressing necessity for us to formally ask our partners for the activation of the support mechanism, which we jointly created in the European Union.” The prime minister added that “several days will pass before money can start being drawn.”

Under the bailout, Greece’s borrowing needs for the immediate future will be covered, so it can avoid default and keep servicing; the request needs to be approved by all fifteen countries using the euro, and will be reviewed by the European Central Bank.

Ontario Votes 2007: Interview with NDP candidate Rick Morelli, Vaughan

Thursday, October 4, 2007

Rick Morelli is running for the NDP in the Ontario provincial election, in the Vaughan riding. Wikinews’ Nick Moreau interviewed him regarding his values, his experience, and his campaign.

Stay tuned for further interviews; every candidate from every party is eligible, and will be contacted. Expect interviews from Liberals, Progressive Conservatives, New Democratic Party members, Ontario Greens, as well as members from the Family Coalition, Freedom, Communist, Libertarian, and Confederation of Regions parties, as well as independents.

Several groups seek to purchase Saturn auto brand

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Penske Automotive Group, Inc., an Ohio based investment group and Telesto Ventures have indicated separately that they are interested in purchasing the Saturn auto brand from General Motors (GM).

According to The Wall Street Journal, NissanRenault is interested in purchasing Saturn. Bloomberg, however, indicated that Nissan-Renault may be a partner of Penske’s potential bid. If Penske acquired the brand, they would distribute Saturn vehicles and outsource the assembly.

GM revealed that the Saturn brand along with Saab and Hummer were up for sale when unveiling their restructuring plans to Congress for governmental loans. While the Pontiac brand was originally to be a niche brand, GM had changed their plans recently and decided to eliminate the brand.

Telesto Ventures is an investment group that includes private equity firm Black Oak Partners LLC of Oklahoma City and several Saturn dealerships. Initially, Telesto will purchase Saturn branded cars from GM then act as a general retailer for foreign brands. Telesto is in talks with several foreign manufacturers.

The Ohio group includes many former senior auto company managers plus private financial backers, chemists and engineers who live in Michigan, Ohio, Indiana and Florida. This group plans to initially purchase cars from GM then purchase existing but closed plants due to automaker restructuring. Additionally, one of the partners indicated a willingness to accept some “legacy” cost in relation to the United Auto Workers. The Ohio group is also pursuing possible loans or other support from national and state governments.

GM is reviewing several offers for Saturn. GM has contracted with S.J. Girsky & Co. to advise them on the sale.

Marketing blitz begins for final ‘Star Wars’ film

Sunday, April 3, 2005 With six weeks before the sixth and final Star Wars film saga, Revenge of the Sith, hits theaters worldwide on May 19, the movie studios behind the brand have launched a massive marketing and merchandising campaign. It includes toys aimed at children, collectibles for adults active in fandom and other related merchandise such as science fiction novels based in the Star Wars universe.

The 20th Century Fox and Lucasfilm studios make millions of dollars in licensing fees from toy manufacturers and promotional deals with fast-food restaurants, candy and cereal boxes. Even telephone companies are getting into the act. Cingular Wireless will be rolling out a Star Wars-themed promotion and handset downloads within the next few days, according to a company spokesman.

Sales from Star Wars tie-in merchandise have brought in a lot of money over the years. Star Wars toy sales themed with The Phantom Menace brought in $500 million. In 2002, Attack of the Clones toy sales were $225 million, according to reports.

In January 2003, toymaker Hasbro struck the biggest licensing deal for the brand when it agreed to pay Lucasfilm $200 million in cash and stock for the exclusive rights to make Star Wars-themed toys until 2018. That figure does not include Lucasfilm’s percentage of the profit from each toy’s sale.

Wal-mart and Target, the two largest toy retailers in the U.S. have entire aisles devoted to tie-in Star Wars action figures, full-sized mock ups of light sabers and other more whimsical items. Hasbro is even marketing a “Darth Tater” special edition of its classic Mr. Potato Head.

The merchandise also has a literary side. Author Matthew Stover has a monetization of Revenge of the Sith as part of a multi-book deal between Lucasfilm and publisher Random House’s science fiction specialty label, Del Rey. Stover’s book has consistently been in the Top 50-most ordered books, according to Other Sith-themed books released within the past few weeks include coffee table picture books and behind-the-scenes documentation detailing the making of the film.

How Do You Brand Yourself As An Affiliate Business?

How Do You Brand Yourself As An Affiliate Business?


Charles Boustany

The real problem that most affiliate marketers run into is they all promote the same website. This can present a problem if you are trying to differentiate yourself in the marketplace. In this article let’s talk about how you can go about branding an affiliate business of your own and be different doing it.

When you join an affiliate marketing program you are given a replicated website to promote. This means that the website to your promoting is exactly the same as everyone else’s except it is coded with your affiliate ID number. All affiliate websites look exactly the same and you would never know if you’re on a different affiliate marketer’s website or not.

You’re also given marketing materials such as banners, blog copy, e-mail messages, classified and solo ads, and so on. Again these are all exactly the same for every affiliate except when it comes to promoting your affiliate URL.


The way you go about branding your affiliate business is you do not directly promote your affiliate website. Instead you create a website that contains a unique banner, your picture, and your testimonial on how great the affiliate product is.

You can also create a landing page to capture contact information, and of course on that you want to make that page the same color, design, and header as your regular website. You also want to program into your autoresponder your follow messages that are uniquely written by you.

What you are doing at this point is branding your self first. This is an important point to understand as an affiliate marketer, because whenever you change programs your brand is you regardless of the products you sell.

This means that you can literally sell any product at any time without having to change your header, and any other things that you are using to brand your business with. If you want to brand yourself you want to include a quality digital picture on every page.

Depending on the product you sell today, affiliate marketing businesses are successfully built by developing relationships. The reason social networking works so well is because people still like to buy from people.

Branding makes this possible. Therefore you want to put as much effort into branding your self and your products as you would branding your affiliate merchants products for them.

Once you understand this basic premise you will never again directly promote an affiliate website, but rather you will always be promoting your website first.

Copyright (c) 2009 Charles Boustany

Charles Boustany is the webmaster of

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