Archives November 2016

The Benefits Of Living In Retirement Communities

The Benefits of Living in Retirement Communities


Drew Harrison

Present medical technology and living conditions have made it possible for people to live longer lives. It can be said that people who have reached retirement are healthier and live fuller, more active lives than the older generations. Improvement in the way our society treats the elderly is one big determining factor. In the past, retirement homes for the elderly have negative connotations; that s no longer the case. If you are pushing sixty and still looking forward to an active life, it is helpful to know the benefits of retirement community living.

Peer Companionship

Companionship with people your own age is the primary benefit of retirement communities. Being with people who share the same age demographic makes it more likely that you share the same interests and preoccupations. Retirement communities offer social events and activities that allow you to meet other people who can become your friends. Social events like dancing nights, movie nights, and activities where everyone joins in the game make it possible for you to enjoy and have fun with friends.



In contrast to retirement homes where there are no common areas for socializing, retirement communities have facilities designed to promote socialization. They have coffee bars, clubhouses, and movie theaters. Other recreational facilities include salon, spa, fitness rooms, pools, and sometimes even golf courses. The many facilities they offer mean more options for you to spend and enjoy your time.


If anything, retirement communities are known for the services they offer.

Retirement communities Dallas

has are known for their personalized services that include having an on-staff concierge and activities planner who can give you information and help you schedule your activities for the day. On top of that, they have doctors, nutrition and fitness experts, and staff who can take care of your health and wellness needs.

Easy Relocation

If you are someone who prefers quiet surroundings and plans to relocate, you don t have to worry.

Dallas retirement communities

, with the staff and people who supervise it, can give you the peace and quiet that you want. They offer relocation services that make it easier for you to sell your home for the value you want and make the relocation process (with all the packing, moving, and unpacking) relatively hassle-free.

Safety and Security

If you are looking for a

retirement community Dallas

offers, see if they have attendants who are available round the clock and trained for emergency response. It is also preferable if the attendants can be notified quickly and help is accessible wherever you are in the retirement community.

If you have questions, please visit us at for complete details and answers.

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Former Scottish Conservatives leader Annabel Goldie to stand down as MSP

Friday, June 26, 2015

Annabel Goldie, Scottish Conservative Party leader from 2005 to 2011, has announced she will stand down as an MSP at the next elections in 2016. Goldie, who has been an MSP for the West Scotland (previously West of Scotland) electoral region since the Scottish Parliament’s formation in 1999, said she intends to focus on her role in the House of Lords, where she has been a peer since 2013.

In a statement today, Goldie said leading the party was an “enormous honour” for her. She also said: “It has afforded me both satisfaction and pleasure to serve my constituents and to serve the parliament and I will look back with great happiness at my time as an MSP. I am grateful to friends and colleagues from all parties for their support. Sometimes we found common ground, sometimes we disagreed but never I hope with rancour nor disrespect. Politics is a rough trade but we have built a strong parliament in Scotland of which we can all be rightly proud.” She said because of Ruth Davidson, her successor as Scottish Conservative leader, the party is now “in fine fettle and stands a great chance of making real progress in the years ahead,” concluding by saying: “I look forward to continuing to work as part of that effort in the House of Lords in the years to come.”

Davidson responded to the news by calling Goldie an “unstoppable force”, adding: “She has been an inspiration to a whole generation of Scottish Conservatives, and she has been a tremendous mentor, support and friend to me. In Holyrood, she has fostered both affection and respect from all members – regardless of their political affiliation – and her retirement from the Scottish Parliament will leave an Annabel-sized hole which won’t ever quite be filled. She is unique.” Meanwhile, David Cameron, UK Conservative leader and UK Prime Minister, said: “Annabel is one of those rare breeds in Scottish politics, somebody known by her first name alone. When she was Scottish Conservative leader, I valued her sage advice. She has been a towering strength to our party in Scotland, a doughty debater in the TV studios and Scottish Parliament and has one of the sharpest wits around. I wish her a long and happy retirement after 17 years unstinting service at Holyrood – but look forward to seeing her on the red benches of the Lords for years to come.”

In Holyrood, she has fostered both affection and respect from all members – regardless of their political affiliation – and her retirement from the Scottish Parliament will leave an Annabel-sized hole which won’t ever quite be filled. She is unique.

Goldie, the Scottish Conservatives’ first ever female leader, was elected unopposed. She took up the role in the aftermath of David McLetchie’s resignation from the role in an expenses usage controversy and subsequent resignation of Brian Monteith from his Conservative whip role in the Scottish Parliament for briefing the media against him. Meanwhile, as Scottish Conservatives won 18 seats in the Scottish Parliament in 1999 and 2003, the party had been less successful in UK general elections in Scotland; Conservatives went up from zero out of a possible 72 UK MPs in Scotland in 1997 to one in 2001. This led to Goldie remarking in her inaugural speech in 2005 that: “The wheels are back on the wagon – and I’m the nag hitched up to tow it.” She also said: “The party is still way ahead of where it was in 1997. And my first task is to take it forward to 2007.” However, under Goldie’s leadership, the number of seats the Scottish Conservatives won in the Scottish Parliament slightly decreased from 18 in 2003 to 17 in 2007 and to 15 in 2011. At the same time, the number of Conservative MPs stood at one out of a possible 59 after the 2010 UK general election.

In the aforementioned 2005 speech, she also said the party could be trusted with devolution in Scotland, adding: “making devolution work better means real devolution: not the lumbering and cripplingly expensive array of government departments, government advisers, consultants, quangos, quasi-quangos and agencies with all their expensive appendages, but devolving down to people and their communities, their right to make their own decisions about their lives, how for example they procure healthcare and how they educate their children.” Goldie would go on to sit on the advisory board for the Smith Commission, which was set up to examine which further political powers should be devolved to Scotland following the 2014 Scottish independence referendum. More recently, Goldie supported a reduction in the voting age for Scottish Parliament elections from 18 to 16 in a vote earlier this month, commenting: “I think it is an opportunity for them to continue their high level of engagement in topical affairs that we saw with the independence referendum.”

Goldie, a member of the Salvation Army’s West of Scotland Advisory Board and a Church of Scotland elder, is not the only Scottish Conservative MSP intending to stand down in 2016. Mary Scanlon, Gavin Brown, Alex Fergusson and Nanette Milne all reportedly intend to leave the Scottish Parliament next year.

Wikinews Shorts: August 8, 2009

A compilation of brief news reports for Saturday, August 8, 2009.


  • 1 Leader of Pakistan Taliban may have been killed in drone attack
  • 2 Hillary Clinton arrives in South Africa
  • 3 Anniversary of Georgian War marked by mutual accusations
  • 4 Police in the United Kingdom ordered to review policing of demonstrations
  • 5 Son of missing Japanese actress Noriko Sakai found safe
  • 6 Seven coalition troops killed within 24 hour period in Afghanistan
  • 7 Hong Kong government to begin school drug testing trials in December
  • 8 Nine killed in Belgium care home fire
  • 9 India and China resume border talks
  • 10 President Kennedy’s sister Eunice Kennedy in critical condition at hospital